MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 145 Want to cover

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When I used my own body, I tasted the "taste" of the word myself.

The things he bought, all the boxes were useless, because he didn't have a chance to use them, Lianjun did not like it, and the size was not suitable, but the bottled, Lianjun all used it all over him... ...that is obviously he bought for Lianjun, and the results are all used on him!

Forget it, it’s no use paying attention to these details. If you think about it in a good place, he finally got what he wants and what happened to Lianjun. This is a big progress for both of them, and some bad places...

"Go in, are you okay?" Xiaodeng worried about the inquiry, and his voice was strangely floating.

When he entered the bed, he was covered with thin quilts, and the exposed shoulders were densely scattered with traces of various sputum, which looked very faint. He didn't move, his eyes closed, and he seemed to be still asleep, but his brain was very clear-headed. In the face of a small death inquiry, he immediately asked in a quiet voice: "Have you seen it?"

Xiaodan immediately stupid, replied: "No, no, I was closed when I was in the car with you, and I didn’t know everything that happened to you and the baby. You didn’t listen yesterday. Go to any call, right, I, if I see something, I can’t help but talk."

Yesterday, because of the launch of the offensive, the small death has been quiet all the time, so the time has completely forgotten that there is still a thief in his brain, until he is physically and stiffly prepared by the careful preparation of the company. When the nerves were tight and he almost didn't do anything, he remembered the existence of a small death, because he realized that his body suddenly became softer and the sensitivity was higher, just like being brushed up. Kind of strange buff...

"Do you really know nothing?"

The little dead was almost scared out by his tone, and he was safe. He replied: "Yes, yes, I don't know anything."

"Who was the buff that I brushed yesterday? Do you think that I am a dead person, I can't feel anything, and you are a liar!" The time burst suddenly broke out. "You must have seen it!"

The little death directly called out the voice, and the voice was louded and said: "No! I didn't! I didn't see it! Buff just brushed up, baby hasn't entered yet, you closed my little black house, I really have nothing. see!"

When I entered the brain, I had to explode in heat. I said, "You still want to see him coming in? You just saw it! I saw it all in my appearance! You forgot me, don't remember!"

"I don't want it! I just want to make you feel a little more comfortable, I didn't want to see it, and I didn't read it... I didn't see the most important places... I went into what you are doing so fiercely... "Small death begins to cry.

"You still want to see Guan--" When he entered, he was crying and couldn't make a temper. When he said that he stopped halfway, he remembered that after he was on the buff last night, his body really became much better, and he forgot to die. Guan Xiaohei was originally his fault, and there was a bit of a sigh in his heart. He softly shouted. "I am not right, I should not marry you... Don't cry, sorry, I am embarrassed."

The little death stopped very well and cried, and twitched and asked: "That, then you told me, how many times did you do with the baby yesterday?"

The warmth of the face disappeared instantly, and the voice screamed: "Small death."

Little death continued to cry, crying louder.

When the headache is splitting, the pillow is pressed against his head, and the body is completely relaxed and squatted on the bed, like a salted fish that has lost its soul.

After ten minutes of stalemate, the last small death first compromised, stopped crying, and said carefully: "That, that is going in, are you happy? Baby, baby is not happy? I am worried about you, if the couple does not matter Harmony, it’s easy to go wrong, it’s still a long time...”

When the time was shy, the high emotions that had been pushed down could not be suppressed, and the brows wrinkled and asked: "Small death, what happened to you, how is this tone."

Little death does not cry, but does not speak.

When I learned something, I didn't talk anymore. I turned to look at the floor-to-ceiling curtains that were pulled up halfway. After a long time, I took the courage to look at the progress bar of my own and the honest.

Since the initial settlement with Fei Yujing, he has never seen the value of the progress bar. Little death probably has the same mind as him, so he doesn't always remind him of the progress of the progress bar as he used to. But it is said that it is ups and downs. In fact, during this period of time, he and Lianjun’s progress bar have only fallen, and they have not risen.

For the first time, he felt fear and resistance to the landing of the progress bar.

When I saw it last time, his progress bar was 40, and Lianjun’s was 350, and this time...

20 and 200, these two numbers appear in front of you, clear and dazzling. Although Shi Jin was mentally prepared, when he saw these two numbers, it was inevitable that he felt flustered.

Lian Jun’s recovery is too fast, and his speed of understanding happiness is too fast.

All the dangers of Lianjun are derived from his physical condition and identity. In terms of physical condition, Long Shu said that Lianjun will use the drug for up to seven or eight times, that is, at most seven or eight months, the body will be able to recover completely. In terms of identity, the road is now on the road. Although the time has not been very close to the recent affairs, it is also known that the eradication has completed the business and internal integration, and has prepared for the hard work of the four organizations.

The battle of jade and stone burning is estimated to not take too long, and it will end at most. At that time, if you lose the old loyalty, you should be completely safe as long as you get the official customs.

On his side, there is only a progress bar of 20 points, and I don’t think it will last for one year. In the five brothers, he only had no solution to the heart knot of Shiwei Chong, but when Wei Chong did so much for him, and even almost drove himself crazy, he actually did not hate each other. He has a hunch that this last progress bar will probably disappear quickly when he sees it again.

It’s been a long time in my life, leaving him with little time to die, but it’s really not much.

"Leng Jun said, I will marry me when I graduate, we will not attend our wedding?" He whispered, with a little hope and prayer.

Little death did not answer.

When I stepped into the palm of my hand, I buried my face in the pillow, and I took a breath and closed my eyes.

Hey, the sound of the door opening, and then the smell of the food floated in.

When the movement moved, the head was pulled out of the pillow and turned to look at the door.

The Lian Jun, who was only wearing a nightgown, came over with a tray, and there were one or two traces of the neck and the collarbone exposed to the outside. There was a clear tooth print on the side of the neck to the shoulder. When I saw the old face, I turned my head back, and I remembered some unharmonious pictures in my mind uncontrollably.

Lianjun has always been serious about his work. Shijin knows his nature very well, but he did not expect that Lianjun was so serious when he was doing that kind of thing, and he was super gentle and super-bearable.

When I was doing it yesterday, Lian Jun deliberately lengthened the foreplay and preparations because he was afraid of his first injury and his psychological shadow. This makes it difficult for time to get in. He is thick and fleshy, and his energy is strong. His body is excited. When he is preparing for work, he wants to appease him. He keeps kissing and touching his sensitive points, leading to his The body is always in a state of excitement. He is unilaterally "played" enough, and the Lianjun finally feels that preparations are enough. When he officially begins, he is as soft as a dead fish.

When I was doing it, it was even more tempering. Lian Jun took care of him and worried about his feelings. The gentle time was gentle, and the fierce time was fierce. This led him to be a bit over-cooled. When he lost his mind, he endured. If you don't live, you will bite a couple of good people.

It is not that he has the preference to abuse his lover in that respect, but that Lian Jun is taking care of him too much. He is a little angry. He wants to keep the Lianjun so inseparable and enjoy a little more. As a result, the Lianjun really began to enjoy, and he wanted to die again.

Lianjun only did it twice last night, but from the point of view of venting, he was tossed four or five times.

It’s terrible, and it will be kidney-deficient. He still feels that his legs are soft and his waist is not very comfortable.

Lian Jun saw him turn over his head immediately after seeing himself. He thought he was angry, he put down his food, sat down at the bed and leaned over to take him, kissed him on the shoulder and asked: "What happened? Is there something uncomfortable?" The hand had touched his shoulder and tried to get into the quilt.

After the two of them finished yesterday, although Lian Jun had disregarded the opposition of the time, carefully helped him clean up and applied the ointment, but for the first time, Lianjun always worried that the care would not be properly and carefully taken care of. When you get hurt or get sick.

When he entered the scene, he couldn't help but trembled sensitively. Yesterday's memory was too deep, the body is good, the soul is good, all remember the kind of crazy pleasure, he reflexively rolled up the quilt and rolled to the side, only showing the upper half of the face, looking at Lian Jun warned: "You don't touch me for a while, and my pajamas, I want to wear clothes."

Lian Jun did not expect him to hide. He took a hand and took back his hand. He looked at his vigilant eyes, and his heart was soft. He changed his mind to him and his arms were on his head. He asked, "Is it angry?"

"No." When he used the quilt to tighten the lower half of his face, he was afraid to smell the scent of Lianjun, and the body did not live up to the reaction.

"You said a dream last night." Lian Jun suddenly changed the subject.

Shi Jin was immediately taken away and asked: "What did I say?"

"You said, ‘baby, come again.’” Lian Jun replied, his tone was very upright.

When I went in, I blew my brain and blasted it. When I opened the quilt, I went to lick his mouth. The vertical eyebrow said: "You are nonsense, I never say a word, you must lie to me."

Lian Jun’s eyes quickly grabbed his hand and pressed them against the sides of his body. Then the body pressed and kissed him, his tongue opened his lips and took his breath.

"Oh... you are swindling... um..."

The two slowly got together, and Lian Jun took the time out from the quilt and let him sit on the bed, then wrapped his arm around his body, touched his back, and went down a little. .


When I caught up with Lianjun’s hand, I stepped back and adjusted my breathing and asked, “Where do you touch?”

"Here... your red and swollen place was wiped out yesterday, but you still have to be careful, I want to check it out." Lian Jun let him grab, his fingers gently pressed down the middle of his hips, and kissed again. He took a look at his mouth and cheeks and said, "Don't be afraid, at least for a week, I won't move you again."

Time Jin felt that the meaning of this statement was not very good. The policeman asked: "After that week?"

Lian Jun looked at his little animal-like defenses, and his mouth was slightly hooked. He sneaked into his ear and whispered: "I just called Lu Xun and she promised to lend us the resort."

When I entered the tiger's body, I once again understood what was called the self-satisfaction. I shook my head and said, "Don't worry, the sanatorium is very good, and there is nothing fun on the mountain."

"The mountain spring pool is still very good." Lian Jun took his head and gently kissed his eyebrows. He showed a satisfied smile on his face and said, "I am very happy when I enter."

When I entered, I never saw him laughing so happy. The eyebrows were wrinkled, compromised, and the expression was lowered. He raised his hand and touched his face. He said, "You feel happy, then I am very happy." It is."

The smile on Lian Jun’s face deepened, leaning over him and kissing his ears.

Shi Jin also hugged him back, put his head on his shoulder, saw the tooth print on his skin, deliberately stretched his tongue and licked it, and noticed that Lian Jun’s body had an instant tension and could not help laughing. I got up and closed my eyes with satisfaction.


The villa has not been renovated yet, and it is very inconvenient to live. Lianjun did not get hurt when he was repeatedly determined. After walking nothing, he went back to the sanatorium.

On the way back, Lian Jun was always very careful, and he stretched his arm to protect his waist, and he was seriously injured. Shi Jin thinks that he is too nervous. He feels that he is going back in this state. Everyone knows what good things they did last night, so they put them in his ear and lowered their voices and said, "It’s really okay, my skin is thick and thick. You were very careful last night, except for a bit of backache, there was nothing wrong with it."

Lian Jun was stunned by his breathing, his body was stiff, he was holding his leg, and he pulled back a little bit of his body. He said with patience: "When you enter... you don't want to call me for the time being."

Time is inexplicable: "Who is slamming..." He said that Yu Guang swept the legs that Lianjun suddenly overlapped, realizing what, silent, suddenly a little bit of laughter, and a little bit of a sense of accomplishment.

- It seems that even if it is a clean lord, after the opening of the shackles, there will be a sensitive time that cannot withstand the rush.

"Leng Jun, I love you." He deliberately said a deep feeling.

Lian Jun really breathed a little more, looked at it sideways and reached out to pull him back.

When I was busy, I posted to the door and sat on the door. I frowned and said: "Oh, I have a backache."

Lian Jun took a deep breath with patience, and said after a little calmness: "When you enter, there is more than a mountain spring pool."

When I was almost caught by my own saliva, I looked at him very seriously, and my mouth was bitter. I honestly squatted back to him, leaning on him, touching the phone and opening a mahjong, bowing down and playing seriously. It’s up.

Lian Jun took him with satisfaction and adjusted his posture to make him more comfortable.


Shi Jin and Lian Jun met in the hall of the Nursing Home Complex with Fei Yujing Road, and they were shot by Fei Yujing.

When he entered the effort to stabilize the situation, he slammed the vertical collar shirt that he had purposely replaced and greeted Fei Yujing.

Fei Yujing moved his eyes back to him and said, "When you wear high-necked clothes in the summer, don't you know that you want to cover it?"

When you enter for a second, you can hold it.

Fei Yujing looked at the Lianjun who stood beside him. His eyes stopped for a while on the legs where Lianjun stood, then moved back to his face and asked, "Talk?"

"Yes." Lianjun replied, holding the hand of the time and pinching it, shouted, "You will go back to the room to rest, I will pass."

When I entered the eyes and watched the two leave, there was no room for comment. I looked down at my clothes silently and raised my hand uncomfortably. Is it really strange to wear a high collar?

I didn't know where to come from, and then took his shoulder and asked thoughtfully: "When you enter, do you want to eat red eggs?"

When the face is black, the backhand is a fierce look at his face.


In the evening, the time received several text messages from the other four brothers. The text messages sent by Wei Chonghe to Ao Ting were relatively subtle. They only said that he should take care of himself. If Lian Jun bullied him, he told them. The text message in Rongzhou is super straightforward, asking him if he is doing it above or below. Li Jiuyi was the most reliable, and sent a bunch of men and men what to pay attention to, and also recommended several useful medical ointments.

When I turned over these text messages, my face would be red for a while, and my indignation would unload Fei Yujing in my heart!


A few days later, Liu Yong and Luo Donghao went to the appointment on time and came to the night club. Shijin waited there early, and together with Lianjun, they went to the gunhouse, let the second class wait for a while, pretending to be an instructor, and taking Liu Yong and Luo Donghao for a good day.

On the same day, N City, which is very close to Rongcheng, was suddenly "sick", and it was delayed for a few days here. On the way back from the hospital, it was attacked by unknown people. The attackers were captured on the spot and they were safe and sound when they were on time.

When I woke up on the second day, when I was packed into the car of the resort, I was already in the nature of Zhang Zhuoyuan. The non-legal violence organized against the anti-social anti-social The official attack, the impact is too bad, must be thoroughly inspected.

When I listened to Zhang Zhuoyuan’s call to Lianjun, I was shocked when I heard this conclusion. When Lianjun hung up the phone, he quickly asked: “How is the nature so serious, what does Zhang Zhuoyuan want to do?”

"It's not what he wants to do, what do I want to do." Lian Jun put down his mobile phone and explained, "In the hands of organizations such as Wumen, in addition to the legitimate organizations that acquainted them, there are many more In order to avoid uncontrollable situations in the future because of the unfamiliarity of the power of this part, I asked Zhang Zhuoyuan to find more opportunities to rectify the non-legitimate violent organizations in the country and how much to clean up. The organization that Meng Qing sent when he came to the holiday was a medium-sized organization that had developed relatively well. After checking along this line, it should be able to find out a row of small organizations and help to find out the dark lines of the Wumen. ”

When I heard it, I asked, "Is there a place where I can help? I see that they are very busy recently."

"You can do everything as usual." Lian Jun raised his hand and touched his face and said, "The next game and battle are all in the dark, business, resources, sites, strongholds... everyone has to go, And your responsibility is to live as usual and stay with me."

When you frown.

Lian Jun saw his thoughts and touched his face in a soothing manner. He said, "You are the deputy leader. The rear is where you should stay. You are with me. It does not mean that you can't do anything. Do, help me, okay?"

When the wrinkled brow was released, he pulled down his hand and held it tightly.


After the waterway incident, the short-term and stable situation in the country began with this N city close to Rongcheng and slowly turbulent.

When Meng Qing learned that the person he had sent to the assassination was all caught by the official, he finally realized that it was wrong, but before he could react, Zhang Zhuoyuan gave him a big blow - he sent it. The organization was directly dug out, and the official forces moved the night to smash the organization's dens, and began to sneak out, and vigorously cleaned up all the small organizations associated with it.

The forces in the entire area were pulled out. Meng Qing did not understand that only a few assassinations were arrested. How could the situation become like this? The people he sent out are the best, and even if they are caught, they will not shake off their belongings unless...

Meng Qing thought that this expression suddenly sank - unless the official did not rely on interrogation, you can know where these people came from.

Finally, a phone call from Lushan made him completely aware of what kind of trap he was in.

"Are you still thinking about entering that time?" Lushan's tone on the phone was very urgent, and even it was said to be mad. "Meng Qing, when will you be conceited and you will be able to report the problem? How smart are you really forgotten? I tell you, the time of the city C is fake! My people got the news yesterday, Fei Yujing went directly to the city after returning to China! Do you understand, true? In fact, he always stayed in the B city. He went to see Fei Yujing, and then directly took Fei Yujing to the B city to protect it. The time of the C city is a blind eye! You are... Yuan Peng is right. Is it Yuan Peng’s you?”

Such a slap in the face of a question and blame cover, let Meng Qing in the horror of his own, but also gave birth to a deep dissatisfaction with Lushan attitude. But he was still sensible. He didn't go straight back to Lu Shan. He just hanged the phone after talking about the sentence and then slammed the phone.

How could it be a trap? He has seen photographs taken by subordinates. The student in City C is indeed a mistake, how can it be fake. He can't figure it out, and he is even less reconciled. It has become his heart disease when he was rushed into the pit. He couldn’t stand losing to such a person.

Hey, the phone vibrates.

He returned to God, calmed down for a few seconds, got up and went to pick up his phone.

The screen of the mobile phone has cracked, and the broken display shows that Lushan sent a text message. He pressed the text message for a long time, and then saw a line that seemed to cut his eyes. Our opponent is Lianjun, not time, Meng Qing, you are awake.

Lian Jun, time to enter.

Meng Qing clenched his cell phone and chewed the two names. His eyes were full of killings.

It’s these two people, they are all damned.

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