MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 142 Whimsical

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This kiss is a bit fierce, and the momentary breathing is plundered. He was pulled by a gentleman in one hand, and a gift was given to Lian Jun. The body was put on the door panel with his legs and could not move.

"Wait a... oh." When I entered the mouth and wanted to talk, I was instantly encroached on the lips.

Lian Jun did not give him a chance to speak. He held his arm and changed his ring to his body. The other hand turned to him and held his back of the head, entangled with his lips more intimately.


When the gift that was in his hand fell to the ground, he raised his hand and hugged him. He was so excited when he was kissed.

After receiving a response, Lian Jun’s eyes were dark, and the ring moved in the back and back, picking up his clothes and slowly drilling in.

"Well... don't, I sat in the plane for more than ten hours, and my body was stinky." Shijin screamed in the gap between the kisses, and the body twisted and used the hand to hold the hand of Lian Jun into the clothes. Slightly leaning against his shoulder, said, "And I am hungry, the plane meal is so bad."

Lianjun’s action stopped for a moment, calmed down and breathed, and licked his face with his chin. He said, “You have been away for too long.” The voice was a little dumb, and the tone was vaguely charged with a complaint.

"I'm sorry, I think that my second brother is abroad, and I haven't taken care of myself. I stayed for a few more days." Shijin explained, slightly retreating and looking at his face, laughing and licking him and kissing him. Boast, "It’s a little fatter than leaving, baby is awesome."

Lian Jun refused the sugar-coated shells, raised his hand and held his back of the head to pull him back, biting his lips gently.

Shi Jin deliberately stretched his tongue and licked him.

Lian Jun hugged his hand and tightened immediately.

"Don't, don't allow chaos, I am hungry, still very tired, I want to take a bath and sleep quickly, I can't sleep on the plane, you see my dark circles." Time has been busy selling, I am afraid that the Lianjun will continue to make trouble.

It’s over twelve o’clock now, and it’s really troublesome to sleep. Although he actually thinks of a good, no, no matter what, it must be based on the body of the sinister.

How can Lenjun not see his careful thoughts, heart and heartache, and hold him to feel his body temperature before releasing his hand slightly, holding him to the side of the window and pressing him on the chair. Sit down and put an insulated food box in front of him.

"Prepare for me?" When he did not expect him to be ready to eat in advance, he reached out and hugged his waist and kissed him. "Baby, you are so good."

"And shouted again." Lian Jun reprimanded his hand, but his hand touched his head.

The insulated food box contains preserved egg porridge and two-disc snacks, not much.

"You shouldn't eat too much before going to bed, it's not easy to digest, it's good to pad your stomach. I will take you to eat delicious tomorrow." Lian Jun helped me to eat and set up, then got up and said, "I will give you Take a bath of water, you should eat it first." He bent over and kissed his cheek, then turned and left.

When he entered him, he walked into the bathroom and recalled the handsome appearance of his walking. He took back his eyes and sat up with a spoon. He took a porridge and stuffed it into his mouth. He blinked slyly and sighed: "It’s still intimate."

The little dead couldn’t stop talking and said, “Go in, you didn’t find out where the baby is wrong?”

"Where is it wrong?" When I was wondering, I was really hungry. When I asked, I buryed my head and ate porridge. After a while, I ate the porridge for a little while.

The little dead voice is raised: "Baby, he stood up!"

Time is getting more and more inexplicable: "He can stand up before he rebuilds. You are excited now. Is the reflex arc too long? Are you short-circuited?"

After the toxin was active, Lian Jun gradually no longer felt leg pain. Later, the factors that prevented him from walking normally were the weakness of the body and the lack of exercise for many years. Now in July, Lian Jun has been raising the body for more than two months. After careful calculation, the rehabilitation has been almost a month. It is really rare to stand up. And if the sentence is rather cheeky, he will come back after so long, and Lianjun will stand up and greet him with excitement. Isn't it normal?

"No, I mean, baby's legs can not only stand, but also flexible. You, you just didn't want to use your legs on the door to do whatever you want! That force, you can't feel the difference!" Little death had to say something straightforward.

Top on the door as you like -

"Cough and cough." When I entered the brain, I filled up some things that were not harmonious. I almost smashed the porridge into my nose and said, "What do you say when you die, little children, don't mess..."

"Baby's legs are good! I didn't scan the wheelchair in the suite. Baby is no longer in a wheelchair! Before the baby stood up and greeted you, there will definitely be a wheelchair not far from here, but now in this room. But there is no!" Little mad screaming, desperate for the slowness of time.

When I entered, I finally understood the meaning of a small death. The sound turned and made a strange noise that was meaningless. I threw the spoon and slammed it in the room.

There was no sofa, no corners, no curtains... His heartbeat was a little faster, and he rushed into the bedroom inside, looking for a circle inside. Still did not see the figure of the wheelchair, could not help but hold the breath, rushed to the front of the room can only hide the wheelchair, squatting and pulling open.

The clothes that were mixed together were exposed, and there was no shadow of the wheelchair.

"Ah!" I couldn't help but shouted.

The little death was shocked and asked: "When you enter, what happened to you?"

"It's really gone." He murmured, and a kind of soul was pulled into the unreality of the air. Suddenly he slammed the door and turned to the bathroom.

The bathroom door was open, and Lian Jun was kneeling in front of the bathtub and carefully adjusted the water temperature. He leaned forward, one hand on the edge of the bathtub, one hand in the water to feel the water temperature, and most of the weight of the body placed on the legs. Moreover, he is squatting on one foot, and his posture is like a single squat, which is more laborious than the normal squatting of his legs.

When I looked into Lian Jun’s current position, I couldn’t speak.

Even if the situation of the former Lengjun legs is the best, like this kind of action, Lianjun can't do it. His legs and feet will hurt. When he walks for a long time, he will shake. This kind of armpit presses the leg. The movements of the nerves and muscles can hurt his half life. Then his legs are no longer painful because of the toxins, but because the body is too weak, it is difficult to stand, and it is not good to maintain balance. So I have never tried to do this kind of action.

But now Lian Jun has naturally made this unusual action for ordinary people, and seems to have maintained this position for a long time.

This is the first time that I have realized so clearly that Lianjun is slowly recovering and moving closer to the normal person. It’s only half a month gone, and Lian Jun has completely opened the wheelchair. What have he missed...


The water in the bathtub was finally filled. Lian Jun turned off the faucet and stood up with the one hand on the edge of the bathtub. He moved some numb legs and turned around.

When the two men’s eyes were on, Lianjun’s footsteps stopped, and then immediately tilted his mouth and leaned over. Wensheng asked: “How come, have you finished your meal?”

The time of sight fell on his natural walking legs. After he stood in front of himself, he suddenly crouched down, reached out and grabbed his leg, squeezed it gently, and asked him, "Are you hurting?" ”

Lian Jun stunned, then warmed his eyebrows, bent over and pressed his head, and replied: "No pain, no acidity, no feeling weak. The effect of toxins is gone, and the influence of physical weakness is not The reconstruction is progressing very well. Just yesterday, Uncle Long confiscated my wheelchair."

When he grabbed his hand and tightened it, he confirmed: "Is it unnecessary to take a wheelchair?"

"Yes, no need to sit anymore." Lian Jun answered affirmatively.

With a bang, the soul that was pulled into the air was finally returned to the field. His body was loose and leaned on the legs of Lianjun.

Lian Jun touched his head.

"I'm sorry." Time is sad and joyful, and the mood is messy. "I can't help you with your recovery. Sorry... but I am so happy, we shouldn't be in a wheelchair anymore, no more."

Lian Jun held his shoulder and squatted and touched his face and asked, "Come on, tomorrow... Let's go to the movies? I will buy tickets."

When I entered, I looked up at him and looked at him with a gentle look. When I remembered the last time they went to the movies, Lianjun could only sit in a wheelchair, and even if he could not see the ticket counter, his heart was sour. Forced nodded and said: "Okay, let's go to the movies."


I had no dreams all night, when I woke up and went to sleep, I stared at the ceiling for a while, then thought of something, screamed and woke up, turned my head and looked to the side.

Lian Jun is sleeping safely beside him, and the rare one does not get up early.

"Let you stay up late." He frowned, turned over to Lianjun, greedily looked at his sleeping face, then sneaked over, hand to go to the collar of Lianjunjun, the legs in the quilt touched Lian Jun’s legs.


The hand was suddenly held, and Lian Jun opened his eyes and asked, "What do you want to do?"

When I was shocked, I took my body back and turned my eyes back: "I just accidentally passed over and didn't want to do anything."

"Yes." Lian Jun grabbed his hand and pulled him to the side. The leg in the quilt moved and rolled over him. The right leg was inserted between his legs and slammed up. "But what do I want to do?" ""


The man in the morning couldn't help but rushed back and said, "No, you have to eat breakfast on time, don't mess."

"Breakfast time has been missed." Lianjun pulled him back, pressed it with his body, and grabbed his hand with his other hand and put it on his neckline. He asked, "Don't want to see how much I am getting fat?"

The time of sight fell on his chest, tangled for a moment, and finally he was impulsively defeated by reason. His fingers hooked his collar and pulled it to the side. He said with a serious statement: "Since you ask, I will look at it with difficulty." Look."

Lian Jun’s mouth was slightly hooked, his hand went down, and he touched his clothes.


Back in the morning of B City, the time was spent in the room. Fei Yujing, who got up early, sat in the dining room with a cup of black coffee in front of him.

He took a look at him and euphemistically comforted: "The so-called small wins and new marriages..."

"Give me a study." Fei Yujing interrupted his words, the tone was calm and indifferent, "I need to handle the work."

He shut up, looked up and down at him, decided to put away his sympathy and humanity, and got up and said: "When it comes to work, we are responsible for the business integration here. Open a video conference?"

Fei Yujing did not say that he followed up and said: "Lead the way."


After getting out of bed, Shi Jin became a small follower of Lian Jun. He stuck his eyes on the legs of Lian Jun like a deep leg control, and he could not move. Lian Jun changed his clothes under his "disgrace", washed it, then changed his clothes, stared at him, and took him out the door.

The two walked side by side, and they were not used to it. They didn’t consciously slow down and walked in the position of the next step, look at his head, look at his legs, move his fingers, and have a kind of Nowhere to put it.

- If it is normal, he should now be pushing the wheelchair of Lianjun...

Lian Jun suddenly stopped and reached out, and naturally grasped the hand he had nowhere to put, pulled him to his side, and led him to move on.

"Look at the road, don't look at me." Lian Jun reminded.

When I was busy recovering the sight that I didn’t consciously stick to him, I was embarrassed to have a low cough, and I took a look at the hands that the two held, and there was no feeling of nowhere in my heart. I blinked and smiled.

The two went to the restaurant. There were only one and two in the room. When they were confused, they asked other people where they were going. One said that everyone else went to the meeting, in the big meeting room. Shi Jinwen said in his heart that he had reflected a little bit of his own degeneration for a second, and then with the Lianjun sitting at the table, he continued to look at Lianjun’s legs from time to time.

After solving the brunch, when I went to the Lianjun to talk with the people of the first class, I went to find a long uncle, and asked in detail about the physical condition of Lian Jun.

Long Shu prepared for his arrival, and he threw out a lot of inspection materials and said: "The toxins in Jun Shao have been cleared by about 90%, and the remaining 10% are residual poisons. Suppressed, it is not a threat to Jun's body, and does not affect daily life and nursed back to health. This part of the remnant of poison is not urgent, it can only be slowly removed by instruments and regular medications, so as not to hurt the body. According to the current situation, Once a month, those poisons can be completely cleared with seven or eight times. In addition, after each medication, Jun may have a loss of appetite for a few days. This is normal and does not need to be too nervous. The current progress is relatively fast, but because the body recovery of Jun Shao is better than expected, this speed is acceptable. The wheelchair is recommended by me to be thrown away. He needs to get used to the normal walking life in advance. When the day is active, he may feel tired, or his legs are soar, but this is normal. Massage at night or do a hot compress will relieve leg fatigue."

When I entered the word and listened carefully, I buried my head and turned over the pile of materials that he didn’t understand at all. He asked with hope: "So has Lianjun basically recovered?"

"Okay, once a month, the frequency of rehabilitation is reduced to three times a week, and daily life is no longer bound by treatment. It is basically cured. It took a total of three and a half months from the time of medication to the initial rehabilitation." Uncle Long is very satisfied, and a rare smile is revealed. "Thanks to you, the mother is good, and the later treatment time is good. Jun can recover, you have a great job."

The attention of the time is all on the word "rehabilitation". I can't help but rush to hug the dragon. It is a slap and say: "Don't thank you! Long Shu, you have worked hard, I love you! love you forever!"

Long Shu's noodles were pumped, and he was torn from his body. He said: "Bad boy, who wants your love, go out, I still have something to do, and give me less trouble." I couldn't help but laugh, and when I watched it, I went crazy and laughed and smirked a stinky boy.


After looking for a good thing, Lianjun took the time to enter and leave the destination, the cinema, according to the agreement last night.

On the way to the cinema, Shijin has been very excited, pulling Lianjun to ask him the details of rehabilitation, and from time to time to touch the legs of Lianjun. Lian Jun patiently answered his doubts, let him "indecent" his own legs, the corners of his mouth have been hooked, and the mood is very good.

Today is a new beginning for both of them. They tacitly did not mention anything related to reality or possible future winds and rain, and concentrate on enjoying the present.

After more than an hour, the car stopped at the movie theater they had visited last time. Lianjun first got off the bus, got in and out when he pressed the door, and then took him to the mall.

Yu San and Yu Jiu are far behind the two and are silently protected.

Today, Leng Jun replaced her robes and wore a casual T-shirt and trousers of the same color. He is still thin, and the clothes are a bit empty, but because he walks in a good manner and has a good temperament, it doesn't look ugly, but has a lazy and elegant beauty.

Many passers-by in the past are watching Lianjun, when they are a little nervous, unconsciously guarding around, paying attention to Lianjun’s progress bar at any time, frowning and saying: “It’s really not important to enter the mall directly from the gate? In case someone is eyeing What are you doing?"

"No." Lian Jun pinched his hand and appease the road. "All the people in the organization know that the leader of the extermination is a blind man who has been disabled for many years. He can only travel by wheelchair. Our current posture is the most for us. Good cover and protection, no one will stare at us, peace of mind."

When he was said by his nephew, his heart was sour, deliberately said: "I don't mean this. I mean you are so beautiful. You used to hide in the organization. No one else saw it. Now you are in the big place. In the crowd, it will definitely attract a lot of people’s attention."

Lian Jun heard the words and looked at the people around the road. He found that some people did look at themselves if they had nowhere to go. They also found that more people were looking in when they looked at them. The corners of the mouth were slightly flattened, and suddenly they kissed each other. Go ahead.

When he entered, he immediately turned to look at him, and he heard the scream of depression behind him.

"It's time to buy a ticket." Lian Jun straightened up, and if he had nothing to do, he set foot on the escalator.

When I was stunned, I was poked in my heart: "Scorpio, is it really cheap to stand in front of me? When did he become so... so non-exclusive!"

The little dead voice is intoxicated: "Baby is also a man. It is normal to want to declare the ownership of the lover."

Time has been swayed by the tone of its three-fold, and he has decisively abandoned the idea of ​​discussing love and doubt with it.

After arriving at the cinema, Lian Jun naturally stood in the dominant position, choosing movies, buying tickets, choosing seats, buying popcorn and drinks, and leading 3D glasses... He did these things seriously, and did not let the time worry.

When he entered, he took care of him. His eyes fell on his lap from time to time, and his smile never stopped.

Finally, the two sat in the auditorium safely. When the light was dark, the film was about to begin, and Lian Jun suddenly held his chin on his side and exchanged a shallow kiss with him.

When I licked my lips, I asked, "What happened?"

"Don't keep looking at my legs." Lian Jun whispered in his ear, and a warm breath sprayed behind his ear. "I can't help it."

When the time was stunned, I remembered the intimacy in the morning, and the thief was together. I didn’t bother to bite a bite on his finger and said, “I can’t help it, I don’t want to endure it. Long Shu said, as long as it is not indulgent, You can do whatever you want now."

Lian Jun’s eyes moved and pinched his hand.

The screen lights up, the movie begins, the two separate, and they begin to concentrate on watching movies. Sitting behind the two, Yu San and Jiu Ji looked at each other and ate the popcorn dry, pretending that they had just heard nothing.


Watch movies, have afternoon tea, go shopping, then have dinner, and finally... go home and take a shower.

When I entered the depressed pillow: "Isn't the last part of the date to go to the house? He has been yelling at me all day, I am mentally prepared!"

After confirming the relationship with Lianjun, he was ready to lie flat. After all, the physical condition of Lianjun is really not suitable for the following. Today, Lianjun took the initiative. He thought that the two of them would finally have something uncoordinated today. As a result, Lian Jun actually took him back to the sanatorium. He didn’t mean to do anything with him. He came back to shower. After that, I went straight out and went to find the second meeting to confirm the contents of the morning meeting!

"Is it too glamorous? Isn't Lianjun really interested in me?" He couldn't help but think about it. He sat up and picked up his pajamas to see his beautiful abdominal muscles, and raised his hand to touch his face. Or does Lian Jun think that I am too ugly?"

Xiao Yan quickly settled his heart: "Go in, baby likes you very much, you are not ugly."

Time has been blinded by the beauty, and he said, "Why didn't you touch me? Is it because I refused to hurt him yesterday? But the atmosphere between me and him is not very good this morning. He, I obviously touched my ass, and I couldn’t help but want to do something to me."

Little dead cocked his ears and asked: "Touch the butt? How do you touch?"

"How can I touch it, I will use my hand--" When I entered the answer, I realized that it was wrong. The eyebrows were vertical and shouted, "Small death!"

The small death raises the voice to defend himself: "I just ask, I care about you!"

"The place you care about is not right!" Shijin picked up the pillow again, and after a while, he asked, "From your standpoint, why do you think that Lianjun does not do with me?"

"This..." The little dead stuck, and after thinking about it, he replied dryly. "Maybe... baby, he doesn't want to touch you, but he won't?"

When I entered the bed, I couldn't be loved. "No, he will. When I went to the resort last year, I almost did it with him..."

The little death didn't know why, and it was reasonable to say that the younger ones won the newlyweds, and the Lianjun body was raised. After a perfect date, the two people who like each other should have something to do.

"In fact, Lian Jun wants me to take the initiative? Want to do the following?" Time began to whimsical.

There is no card machine for the small death, recalling the appearance of Lian Jun’s seriousness after all the aspects of the gas field, and euphemistically reminded: “For the sake of the body, enter, you calm down...”

The person who wants to eat meat is not sensible. When he entered, he felt that he had discovered the truth. He bowed his trousers and glanced at his little brother, and his expression became fascinated.

Small death: "..."

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