MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 110 Dried fruit

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The crew was waiting for the whole day, and the attitude was unexpected.

When I was sitting on the edge of the Long Bridge, I took the snacks I bought in my hand. I asked while eating: "This island is not too small, but it is also mainly for tourism. The beautiful beaches are definitely not only our one. Why do the crew have to borrow space from us?"

On the other side of the decorative bridge column, holding a telescope in his hand, he replied, "Hey, he said that it is because there are too many tourists coming and going in other places, it will hinder the shooting. And they The scene of the sea landing must be filmed in the 'isolated help' of the sea environment, but this island is a tourist area, there are too many boats to and from, and only this beach is basically no ship because of the orientation, it is more peace of mind. ""

It turned out to be the case.

When he nodded, he understood that he had stuffed an octopus ball into his mouth. He saw that he had been tossing the telescope. He wondered, "What are you doing with this?"

"Look at the excitement." He replied, went to his knees and handed the telescope to him. He said, "Jun Shao said that you are a little interested in that crew. For you, the members of the crew seem to live on board. The ship stopped at the sea outside the guardrail. From here, we might see the members of the crew coming out."

Pushing the telescope into speechlessly, he said: "This is not to watch the excitement, to be a voyeuristic, and I am not interested in the crew, but I am a bit curious about the process of filming."

"Isn't this the same?" He took back the telescope and was preparing to stand up and watch the excitement. He saw that suddenly he turned from the corridor on the side of the villa to the porch, and he came straight to the side, and the pace was a little anxious.

"What's wrong with this?" He put down the telescope and greeted him toward the sixth.

Ji Liu directly ignored him. When he arrived, he said a little bit strangely: "When you are young, the crew has sent other people to discuss the borrowing of the venue. Jun has put people in, let I am calling you."

"Call me?" When you are confused.

At noon, he replied dryly: "The person sent by the crew this time is Rong Zhouzhong."

When I was confused for two seconds, then I stunned my ears and asked, "Who? Who are you talking about?"


When I entered the villa in a hurry, I saw a familiar figure sitting on the sofa after entering the living room, raising my hand and holding my forehead - this world will be too small...

Today, Rong Zhouzhong wore a light gray casual shirt with a very lined body. The hair was dyed brown and made a natural roll. The nose was covered with gold-rimmed glasses. The whole person looked gentle and elegant, and the image was very different from the usual image. .

However, Shijin determined that he absolutely did not admit the wrong person. Now the person sitting on the sofa in his living room is indeed Rongzhou.


Rong Zhou is a little annoyed. This time he came to give a familiar old director a friendly guest movie, playing a teacher who hangs up halfway. Because it was a guest, he was not prepared to spend too much time on the show. As a result, the plan could not keep up with the change. It was the last scene. There was a staff member on his side who accidentally leaked his itinerary. A large number of fans and journalists came over, and the crew couldn’t make a quiet shot on the original venue and had to borrow the venue again.

The crew lost more than one day's worth of money, because it was his fault on the first side, so after knowing that the crew borrowed the venue too badly, he immediately took the initiative to ask for it.

He had already inquired before he came. He knew that the owner of this villa was doing business. He thought about the venue that the crew couldn’t borrow. The name of Wei Chong or Fei Yujing might be... but also the big brother. The name of the second brother is not a shame, anyway, he must borrow, not right, rent it today! The crew can no longer bear the loss for his personal reasons.

To be good to say, the attitude is softer, not borrowing, renting, spending a lot of money, the crew is not coming to take advantage of it... Stupid staff, actually out of this low-level leak, take his trip... no, no, no, Can't think about this, be calm, be calm...

He took a deep breath, pressed down by the staff and was chased by fans and paparazzi, and had to ask for irritability. He took a sip of tea on the coffee table and swelled his forehead. This is the villa. Will the host family be too rude! If you don't let people in, you can put people in but don't entertain, let him sit alone in the living room, what is this, what is it?

... Going back, he gave the erring staff away!

Hey, the sound of the slippers on the wooden floor faintly came.

In the face of Rongzhou, the ears were busy, convulsing all the emotions, wearing the mask that usually faced the media, and looking at the direction in the direction of the voice. Politely said: "I am bothering, I am... Xiaojin?"

The sound of less than one sentence broke instantly, and the familiar violent voice appeared.

Sure enough, it is in the middle of the continent.

When he sighed, he walked over and sat down opposite to Rongzhou. He said without words: "You are Xiaojin, who am I? Three brothers, is your crew to borrow the beach?"

Rong Zhou looked at him with a funny look. His eyes swept over the clothes on his body and the snacks in his hands. After digesting for a dozen or so seconds, he said with disbelief: "How are you here? Is it?" This villa and the beach are yours? Do you live here?"

"No, these are the industries that have been destroyed." Time to answer, put the snacks in his hand on the table, and asked again, "Is your crew to borrow the beach?"

Rong Zhou nodded and paid attention to him. He frowned and asked: "Have you stayed here since you left school? Are you with Lianjun? Others? You..."

"Wait!" Shijin was stunned by the question, and he raised his hand to interrupt his words. He got up and said, "You should calm down first, sit down by yourself, I will help you ask about the borrowing of the venue. It’s time to finish it.”

After seeing him leave, Rong Zhou was shocked and surprised. After a sudden disappointment, he suddenly reacted to one thing - the beach is an industry of extinction, that is, he is now borrowing space from Lianjun...

Borrow the venue to Lianjun.

I borrowed the venue from the insane who took the time.

His face slammed black, only to feel that there was a nameless fire burning directly from the soles of the feet to the Tianling cover, took out the phone and called the agent Longshi, and gnashed his teeth and said: "The staff who leaked my trip before! Immediately, right away! I don’t want to see his face again in my life!” After hanging up the phone, I picked up the tea on the table and sipped it all at once.

I really want to leave directly, but I can't, the crew can't afford it, and the venue doesn't borrow. And... his eyes fell on the snack bag on the coffee table, and he clenched the cup tightly. When he entered this place, he would have sold all the faces of his boss, and he must borrow it!


A few minutes later, Lian Jun accompanied the time to accompany the study room, followed by the one I have seen in Rong Zhou.

Rong Zhouzhong immediately sat up straight, his eyes full of fighting spirits, and he was ready to fight in his heart. He decided that no matter what attitude he puts out, and how high the conditions are, he should be down to the wind. Do not lose face to the old family. But before he puts out his brother's posture, Lianjun will open his mouth first.

"The venue can be loaned to you, but the crew must first do a security check before coming in, and they are not allowed to approach the Long Bridge and the villas here. They are only allowed to move on the beach." Lian Jun spoke, and spoke unexpectedly.

Rong Zhouzhong: " problem." It seems like a punch on the cotton, uncomfortable, wrong.

Lian Jun nodded, a pair of things have been negotiated, and gestured to push back to the study.

"Wait, give me a collection account, the cost of renting the venue, I will end the day." Rong Zhouzhong busy calling him to stop.

Lianjun’s action stopped and he looked back at him. He wanted to say that everything on the face of the time was free, but he saw his eyes with war, a pair of unpaid and unhappy attitudes, silently, and turned Looked at the time.

When I stepped back and said that I didn’t intervene, the venue was gone. This transaction was between the destroyer and the crew. It was not between him and Rong Zhouzhong. He could look at the face of the brother relationship. In the middle of the line, Rongzhou is in line, but it cannot be chosen to make Lianjun suffer. If you don’t accept the money, you will see the meaning of Lianjun himself. He will not interfere.

Lian Jun saw him like this, and his heart was warm. He looked at Rong Zhouzhong and said: "The cost of renting a venue is good for you. I still have something to do."

When he was busy holding down his wheelchair, he frowned and said, "How come to me again, I don't want to."

"Mys is yours." Lian Jun pinched his hand in a soothing manner, and kissed his hand back.

When Jinjin was stuffed with a sweet face, he went back to the study room with a sloppy confession. After returning to God, he was a little embarrassed and coughed. He sat back opposite Rongzhou and said, "That’s it, things are done, you are fast. Go ahead, I heard that the crew has been here for a few days."

In the case of Rong Zhouzhong, the interaction between the two people was seen in the eyes. The teeth in the heart were almost broken. In the heart, the eyes of the people were shameless, and they asked: "What is the cost of renting the venue?"

When I went back, "I don't know this -"

Rong Zhouzhong looked serious and serious to the rigid board: "The brothers must also settle accounts, how much, I will transfer it to you." If you don't turn him, you will lose to Lianjun! Anyway, Lianjun does not want him to owe this person, he wants to owe it is also owed to the time!

His mind was almost written on his face. When he glanced through it for a few seconds, he said, "Just... give it according to the market price."

Rong Zhouzhong immediately reached out to him: "Accounting account."


When I looked back, I looked at the study door that had been closed again. I remembered the busyness of Lianjun and Yiyi when I first entered the study room. I went out to disturb the minds of the two people, took out my mobile phone, and found the mobile phone number in Rongzhou. My personal account was sent by SMS.

When Rong Zhou got the account, he left, and his back was inexplicably with an imposing manner, which made people very confused.

I don’t know where to come from, and my face is unpredictable: “I think that your third brother will definitely give you money at twice the market price.”

When the time goes by without words, the mind of Rong Zhou is really good to guess. His face almost writes that "Yeah is not bad money, how to use the money to get back to the field", he wants to pretend not.


After the departure of Rong Zhouzhong, the security guards were opened to the security guards on the side of the beach, and a group of people were sent to the crew to conduct a simple security check.

After the inspection, the six-six ship sent the small cruise ship used by the crew to film and give the actors and staff accommodation, and introduced the waters facing the beach. After the crew entered the scene, they began to move various equipment to the beach and take a temporary work shed.

The beach was so busy that it was awkward. I was afraid that someone who was not sensible would go to the villa and cautiously sent security personnel to stay outside the long bridge and keep the villa firmly.

When the sky was dark, the beach gradually calmed down. When he counted the time, he made a phone call to Rong Zhouzhong and invited him to the villa to eat.

Rong Zhou pretended to accept the invitation calmly, and then handed over the passing assistant, and asked: "Go to the younger brother... What do you need to pay attention to when you go to other people's homes to eat?"

The assistant who knows his nature is shocked: "There will be people who ask you to go to the house to be a guest. Who is blinded by illusions?"

Rong Zhou’s face was black and his voice was murderous: “I’m in a bad mood recently, do you understand?”

The assistant tiger body was shocked and quickly replied: "Remember to bring gifts, not to eat white rice, to be polite, don't be tempered and exposed, you will be annoying! Absolutely!"

What is the nature of exposure will be annoying, looking for death!

Rong Zhou angrily threw him out of the room and slammed the door.

An hour later, Rong Zhou rang the door of the villa on time, with a bulging bag in his hand.

“What are these?” I asked when I picked up my shopping bag.

"Eat, my life assistant is afraid that I am not used to eating here, I bought a lot of food, I can't finish it alone." Rong Zhouzhong replied, by covering his face with the action of bowing his shoes.

When I swept a small snack in the bag with all kinds of strange words, I frowned and said, "How are all snacks? Your assistant is too inexperienced. If you are afraid of eating something, you should prepare some staple food for you. Yes, snacks can't be eaten."

In the case of Rong Zhou, the action was a stiff one. He replied: "Well... it’s a new assistant, and you need to teach again."

"Would you like to go to me for dinner in the past few days, anyway, very close." When the time was inviting, he turned and put the snack bag on the table. He didn’t see Rongzhou’s words being almost knocked down by the entrance door. Wolverine looks like.

After the natural welcoming, Shijin led the restaurant to Rongzhou, where Lianjun had already sat down. When he saw Rong Zhouzhong, he took the initiative to say hello to him.

In the second pass of Rongzhou, he switched to the combat mode, and he nodded and said hello, and then used his most elegant movement in his life to sit in the seat of the gesture.

Time advance: "..."

The dinner was very good, but the table atmosphere was very different. To be exact, it is very strange in Rongzhou. He is like being a person. The gestures are all elegant. The words are all funny. The violent temperament of the past is not seen. The whole person looks as if it is shining. It is like... I don’t want to lose. Lian Jun, I want to compare him.

Time to think that the stomach hurts.

This third brother is a virtue, he has long been clear through the memory of the original master and the previous contacts. On weekdays, people with bad temper and temperament and vengeance have suddenly become ruthless and restrained. This contrast is so big and strange, coupled with the unusually gentle and refined style of Rong Zhouzhong today... so uncomfortable, Is this person really not taken away? It feels like watching a horror movie.

A meal is called a tormented meal, and Shijin is responsible for sending it to Rongzhou.

Rong Zhouzhong lived on the crew's boat. When he entered, he led him from the balcony of the living room to the porch. He took him to the long bridge and said: "You will come directly from the long bridge next time." No need to go around the beach from the beach, I have already asked the six security guards to say hello, they will not stop you."

Rong Zhou sighed with a sigh of relief, and also politely thanked, especially stable and reliable.

I couldn't take it anymore, and I stopped to look at him and looked serious.

Rong Zhou’s reaction did not nearly hit him. He took a step back and stood firm. He asked, “What happened?”

"This sentence is also what I want to ask." Shijin's eye searchlight swept him up and down, and suddenly he reached out and took off his flat glasses, and looked at him.

In the instinct of Rong Zhou, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Provocation of you." When answering, he put on the glasses in his hand and said, "Come on, let's win, I will give it back to you. Rest assured, this time I will pay attention not to hit your face. ""

In the middle of the forehead of Rongzhou, there was a crack in the mask worn for one night, saying: "I don't want to fight with you."

"But I think." When the incoming words fell directly to a straight punch, the pupils in Rongzhou shrank and quickly evaded sideways.

When the time is not a hit, it is the second hit immediately.

Rong Zhouzhong didn't want to fight with the times. He now wants to be close to and make up for this younger brother. He doesn't want to do something that would make the other person hate as before. However, Shijin had been rushing to fight him, and he deliberately used his provocative eyes to call him, even saying that he was a vase, and he could not bear it.

"Don't mess with me." He pressed his temper to warn that the mask was about to burst.

When I entered the attack, I said again: "Vase."

"I said, don't provoke me!" He finally couldn't help but reach out and tried to hold the fist in his hand to stop his attack. The mask was completely broken and he said with anger, "I don't want to hit you!"

When he entered, he avoided his hand and slammed it into his abdomen. He said, "What are you playing this time? Do you want to fool me and continue to take advantage of me? After all, now Ruixing is Go back to my hand."

This is too sorrowful. Rong Zhou’s eyes are wide, and the pain that is trampled upon by the people is really raised together with the pain of the body. The lips are tight, and the eyes sink and sink, and the teeth say: “When you enter, put This sentence is taken back."

"Why do you want to collect?" When he twisted his hand, he pressed him face down on the ground and looked at him condescendingly. He said, "Yong Zhouzhong, just the kind courtesy mask is well worn, no wonder you can The Emperor, who has been practicing for more than ten years, you are not a good person. I have never had the chance to ask you, I have used this technique that you have used thoroughly, and you still use it well?"

The struggle in Rongzhou slammed down, the hair was scattered, and the bangs covered his eyebrows. Under the cold moonlight at night and the light on the bridge, he could only see the lower half of his lip line.

"Time to enter, is this your true heart?" He asked, his voice was rare and serious.

When he reached out and stretched his hair, he looked at the eyes that he couldn’t hide his emotions and asked, "Are you afraid?"

In the middle of Rongzhou, the wolf squatted and closed his eyes. He pressed the silk wound in his heart and said, "I am afraid of fear! I have the ability to kill me here!"

"My original mood is exactly the same as what you are now." Shijin loosened him and said, "Yong Zhouzhong, how many ugly words have you said to me, do you still remember? Don’t play any more intimate Good brother, too fake."

In the face of Rong Zhou, the body was stiff, and once again closed his eyes, his heart was blocked by some kind of sour and sullen mood, and he whispered: "You are this..."

"If you really want to fix the relationship, then don't take the mask to face me. That is the shadow that I don't want to recall." When I entered, I was forced to converge and sat cross-legged.

In the silence of Rongzhou, he twisted his head and didn't look at him. After a long time, he said, "I didn't play today... I was giving you a face, time to go, you don't know anything as a bastard!"

"Why are you yelling at me, what good things are you." When he frowned, he kicked him gently.

In the backhand, Rong Zhou grabbed his ankle and looked at him sideways. He said, "I am really not a good thing. If you have the temper, continue to fight. I deserve it. I don't want to face it. I will be tomorrow. Also filming."

He did not hesitate to kick him again. After he finished playing, he slammed his foot up. Like a fun ball, he swayed him back and forth. He said: "You are really bad in Rongzhou. It is."

When Rong Zhou was so "tortured" by people, his forehead was straightforward, but it was indeed his own loss, so he closed his eyes and let him out.

"The heart is smaller than the tip of the needle. If I am nine years old, you can actually avenge it."

This is the fact that before the truth of all the truths, Rong Zhouzhong really remembered the theory that "the brothers are servants" who once said to Shirui, and I remembered the sentence I passed back. He is speechless and continues to succumb.

"I am still childish, actually send me a cucumber pillow to retaliate against me, where are you from primary school students?"

Rong Zhou turned and replied: "You are enough, who is a primary school student."

"The creditor talks, the debtor inserts his mouth, quiet!" When he stepped on his ass, he was not merciless. "You are not only naive, but also sensitive, bad-tempered, self-respecting, too speaking, too It’s too bad!”

With a double "insult" in the body and mind, Rong Zhou is almost grievous, and he gnawed his teeth and said, "You don't lick your nose on the bunny..."

When he retracted his foot, he picked him up and looked straight into his eyes and asked, "What am I going to do? Are you going to kill me? The gun is for you, you come." In his hand.


Rong Zhou is so angry that he wants to swear.

This time has not been once once on the road, actually came again for the second time!

He directly threw the gun away, grabbed the collar when he went back, and glared at him with a sullen look. He wanted to say something. He touched the eyes with no emotions when he touched it. He trembled in his heart and swallowed all the words, irritatingly loosening. When he entered, he turned back and squatted back on the bridge. He said: "You have to fight fast, you want to hurry, don't show the half-dead, MA! The **** when you are, what are you raising? Trouble is out!"

When he entered the back of his head, he replied: "You are troublesome!"

"I am jealous of you..." Rong Zhou turned back and looked back. When he saw the face of the entrance, he swallowed his words back. He slammed the bridge a few times and then closed his eyes. On the bridge, a pair of people have already hanged up.

The world suddenly quieted down, and when I entered, I didn’t play in the middle of the continent, and I didn’t marry him again.

It is estimated that it is brewing.

Rong Zhou was thinking about his temper and tightening his body to wait for the next "torture."

One minute, two minutes... Ten minutes passed, "torture" did not come, but the side was getting quieter, as if he was alone.

Time will not leave him here.

Rongzhou frowned and couldn't help but open his eyes and turned his head to look at the place where he was sitting before entering.


A cell phone hangs close to him and the camera is on.

When I press the camera button, I will take back the phone that almost hits the face of Rongzhou. I appreciate the photo effect satisfactorily. The evil voice before the opposite, the smile in the spring of Rongzhou, the other hand from the trouser pocket I took out a packet of dried fruit snacks and said: "Oh."

Rong Zhou has a face-to-face look.


"The salted fish that the third brother just lie is perfect." When he went into the mouth and dismantled the snacks, he took out a piece of dried fruit and stuffed it into the mouth of Rongzhou. Satisfied, "This dinner is good, and the third brother has worked hard." Good night, the third brother, the third brother is a good dream, bye bye." After getting up, patted the **** and turned away.

In the mouth of Rongzhou, biting the dried fruit, looking at it in a stupid way, thinking about the various operations of this night, I realized that I seemed to be being played by the other party. A squid slammed up from the bridge and chased it in a big step: "Bunny scorpion! You dare to play with me, don't run! Give me a photo! Delete it!"

It finally returned to normal.

When he entered the United States, he ate a piece of dried fruit, turned his head and waved his hand in the chased Rongzhou, stepped into the bedroom, and locked the window in one fell swoop, then pulled the curtains in the face of Rongzhou.


Rong Zhou’s face was distorted, and he almost died on the spot. He violently walked on the gazebo for more than ten minutes before he was willing to leave.

In the room, Lian Jun put down the documents and looked at the time when he was eating fruit and peeked through the curtain gap to see the time in Rongzhou. He asked: "Is it fun?"

When I nodded, I seriously said: "It’s fun." Among these brothers, it is the most fun in Rongzhou.

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