MTL - Dark Civilization-v14 Chapter 258 Avenue is coming!

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The team went out yesterday to kill the zombies, and just returned today, the update continues.


Jin Huan didn't question Ye Chen's words at all, and immediately flashed, appearing next to Jin Long in the distance, and quickly said, "Notify all ancestors, and kill the evil beasts in the cage."

Jin Long saw the ten huge cages that were dragged into the battlefield by the ancient gods, and his heart was heavy. Although they were far away, the fierce anger emanating from the ten cages covered the entire battlefield, as if it were ten kills. Beast, overlooking the big meal in front of you!

That's right, it's a big meal.

How big is the body of the ancient gods? The beasts in these ten cages are even taller than them, approaching hundreds of millions of kilometers, and stepping on them directly, who can stop them?

"People overlook the ants, and the ancient gods overlook the human race. It is indeed a legendary race. This should be the top ten evil beasts bred by the ancient gods." Jin Long focused his head and walked toward the front of the battlefield. In addition, the ancestral gods that had lurked on the edge of the city walls will be summoned up.

"Top ten evil beasts, it seems that we are the only ones."

"Unexpectedly, the ancient gods turned out to be so domineering. As soon as the war started, they used ten big beasts."

72 ancestral gods flickered, gathered in the uppermost part of the city wall, suspended below the dreary sky, like seventy-two shrines, covered with strong energy ripples, so that everyone on the city could see, It was shock in my heart, and my eyes uttered incomparable light.


The soaring roar suddenly sounded from the battlefield, and I saw the black iron chains on the ten huge cages, slowly pulling like a dragon, slowly opening the cage door.


A huge dark-haired claw stepped out of the cage, and the ground on the entire battlefield seemed to shake.

All the people gathered on the head of the city, even the weak demigod warriors, could clearly see the appearance of the ten giant beasts. It is as clear as looking at the moon from the earth.

The ten monsters are nine strange pythons, three phoenixes, and bizarre monsters. A lion with sharp hair and so on.

The body of each head is larger than the ancient gods!

The ten beasts stepped out of the cage, the bloodthirsty red-eyed pupils flickered with demon and cruel light, and made a long howl on the sky, then slammed on the battlefield.


As soon as the claws swept away, the dense battlefield was immediately torn out a large gap, just like a person walking into a pile of ants.

"Let's go!"

The seventy-two ancestors whispered. The figure, like electricity, turned into 72 streamers, swept across the sky, and rushed towards the ten giant beasts.

"The power of the world, bless me, the power of sentient beings, transform my sword!"

The seventy-two ancestors will sing along with the sky, and huge sound waves will spread like nuclear bombs throughout the battlefield. All creatures in the nearby light year can clearly hear this loud voice.

The void that buzzed the entire ancient world seemed to tremble at once, and the power of countless worlds rushed into the current, converging towards the 72 figures. As the strongest disciples cultivated by the ancient war lords themselves, the ancient war lords spent a lot of thoughts on them. Everyone has reached the world's supreme realm. Seventy-two people combined can spur the power of the world, almost It is ten percent of the ancient world as a whole!

Although it is only ten percent, the power is enough to shock the world.

An auspicious colorful cloud appeared in the sky, and the majestic strength evaporated from the ground, adding armor to everyone.

Everyone on the city wall saw only 72 streams of light flashing across the sky, like stars. Immediately afterwards, all the beasts on the battlefield suddenly burst apart without any warning and exploded into large pieces of meat.

The warriors who had been fighting with the monsters were splashed with these pieces of flesh, such as bathing in blood. There was slimy blood on the hair.


The huge body of an ancient Protoss fell suddenly.

From the chest of this ancient Protoss, a mountain-sized hole appeared, and the blood of the urn spewed out from it and sputtered on the ground.


Everyone's eyes widened!

The giants that were huge before, such as the ancient gods of ancient war gods, were only shot by one of these 72 streamers at the moment, and they were directly killed!


Everyone felt hot and hot, their hearts burning hot.

At that moment, the ten giant beasts who broke out of the cage roared violently, and flew towards the 72 streamers at an astonishing speed.


A streamer was shot down by the paw of a giant lion-like monster, and hit the ground like a comet, splashing a large pit with a radius of ten kilometers.

Everyone was suffocated.

Unexpectedly, the strength of this beast turned out to be so terrible. With a slap, it would be able to blow away the streamer who killed the ancient gods instantly. What kind of strength is this?

Most of the people on the city are pseudo-gods or gods. Occasionally I heard from the elders that there is a divine power in the world, and they thought it was the pinnacle of humanity, but did not expect that at this moment, whether it was the previous Thousands of mysterious warriors, or these seventy-two streamers, showed their power beyond their scope.

The emperor is scum before them!

In the shock of everyone, the photographed streamer rushed out of the pit, intertwined with the other streamers and swept away toward a beast, and circled around his body, showing a wave of the world. Might attack this beast.

"Sky meteorite!"

"Clouds burn the world!"

The seventy-two ancestors will each exhibit their own powerful attacks. The heavens and the earth change, and the dazzling clouds and mists burn like flames, and they become red as blood. Burst down from the sky and hit the bodies of these beasts, scorching marks appeared on the scales or hair.

In addition, a number of meteorites like a planet suddenly fell from the sky, causing the beasts to tremble slightly, and the large meteorites that hit the fragmented stars fell to the ground, like a city wall piled on the ground. , Can resist the army of monsters behind!

Every seven people are responsible for a monster, either attacking the skull, or attacking the legs, or the back. The speed is so amazing that even these ten monsters are busy for a while.

Ye Chen stared at the battlefield, frowning slightly, and said to the golden fantasy around him, "Go and help, solve a monster."

Jin Huan nodded, but nodded, "I see." Then the figure floated up, and walked towards the one of the three phoenixes in the void.

Her golden long hair draped over her shoulders like waves, her blue eyes, rosy and plump lips, and her long, white legs appeared like goddesses in everyone's eyes, with nobility and pride, and she was born in one step. A lotus terrace spans ten million meters away.

The original chaotic and brutal battlefield, after her appearance, seemed to have become a paradise, everyone can see, near the body of Jin Huan, a flurry of almost illusionary flowers, exotic herbs, and phantom butterflies ,dragonfly.

She didn't seem to go to fight, but walked in the garden.

This elegant and noble figure was firmly engraved in the hearts of all people. Until this moment, they did not know that among the original human beings, there are still such powerful people, such glorious and peerless figures!

Everyone's heart is full of hope!

"Living and boring, let's return to the origin." Jin Huan came to the three fire phoenixes with a bright look, and stretched out his jade-like fingers a little. The three fire phoenixes who had been able to handle freely under the siege of seven streamers suddenly felt the body was A huge force fettered it.


Its three crested heads are screaming and struggling together. The red eyes and pupils are flashing with violent horror and horror. This powerful force has only been felt by the person who locked himself in the cage!

"Go." Jin Huan's soft voice seemed to coax the child to sleep, and a dark purple light flashed in her eyes, suddenly turning into a ray, running through the hearts of the three phoenixes.

The three phoenixes wailed, and the huge body fell heavily. If the weight of the body fell directly on the ground, even if it was the geological hardness of the ancient continent, an earthquake would erupt.

The seven streams of light surrounding its body, indiscriminately, exert the power of the world, forming countless wind blades, cutting the body of three phoenixes inversely, before it falls, it turns into a pile of minced meat.

"You go and support the rest." Jin Huan glanced at the seven streamers and walked backwards, and in the hot eyes of all the people on the city tower, he landed beside Ye Chen.

With the advent of Jin Huan, everyone also saw Ye Chen, and saw the man's black hair dancing in the wind, carrying his hands, his black clothes raised slightly, and his body was full of indifference, as if it were a supreme heaven and earth. God's sword with arrogance and coldness.

"Is this man stronger than that blonde goddess?"

"Looking at the blond goddess standing next to him, it seems to be afraid of him!"

"Who is he?"

Everyone was shocked. Originally, they thought that Jin Huan was strong enough, the supremacy of the human world, and because they were women, some people thought she was a goddess who opened the world. I did not expect that there would be someone stronger than her. !!


Although this day is the end of all human beings, everyone on the tower feels extremely bloody, even if all the experiences in life add up, they are not exciting today!

In the excitement of everyone, the situation on the battlefield reversed instantly. When the seven streamers flew to another evil beast, the world ’s supreme strength of 14 directly killed the evil beast and turned to the 14 The ancestor will, and go to support the rest, and soon kill all ten evil beasts!

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