MTL - Dark Civilization-v14 Chapter 231 Sword Emperor!

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~ Date: ~ October 17 ~

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Chapter Fourteenth Chapter 231

When everyone was talking, Ye Chen, who had inherited the inheritance, had slowly ended the promotion process. His body slowly drifted down, his long black hair fell gently, his eyes opened, and he looked at the person in front of him. Supreme World.

Ye Chen's brow frowned slightly, her eyes flickered, her face seemed extremely calm, but her heart was a little nervous. Anyone who saw so many world supreme for the first time would be ten thousand times more nervous than him. The sense of oppression on his body makes people feel as small as dust standing in front of a giant mountain.

Ye Chen was like a little dust surrounded by a group of mountains at this moment, almost squeezed and drowned, almost choking. Hearing the words of the crowd, he thought, and looked at the Bronze Supreme with a wave of fluctuation in his eyes.

In the silver-white coffin closest to Ye Chen, there was a sound of chuckles, "Little brother, as soon as I look at you, you find that you are talented and good-bodied. Now you understand this detachment from heaven and earth. I am willing to accept you as an apprentice, to give me everything I have learned in life, to give you everything, to make you the first person in all ages, to surpass me and other world supremacy, to step into a higher realm, and rank among the tenth heavenly **** in the world! "

Ye Chen looked as usual, nodded and said, "Thank you Silver Coffin Supreme Love."

Since the awakening of the memories of previous lives, he remembers many things. All the supreme memories of the world present have also emerged from the depths of the memories, but only about his own life, there is always a little vague, like a flash of light, trying to catch It feels like they can't catch it.

"What's that?" A humming voice came, and Ye Chen's eyes flew, and she saw a woman covered with colorful clouds, like a phoenix soaring for nine days, beautiful and elegant, with white jade-like delicate skin revealed A little bit of crystal light is fascinating, she looks forward to it, like a lush blue wave. .. catching Ye Chen with a soul-stirring look. "As long as you follow me, I will not only train you to make you the tenth god, but also let you enjoy the best life in the world that a man can enjoy."

Her voice is full of charm. "If you have no limit to your life, it is just a lonely life. If you are exquisite, you will end up in glory. Only the best in front of you is the best. ≥ But it is just a moment, it is worth us Let it follow, just like a moth fluttering fire, just for the moment. "

Not only did she say the right thing, but it also made her hear.

Ye Chen's heart was really agitated. The best life a man can enjoy, he just looks at the slender body of this charming woman and knows what it is. In the face of this charming woman. Absolutely unparalleled in the world. Even the world's most exquisite master can't carve such a perfect cheek, so that the stars in the sky are overshadowed, and all the beauty in front of her is just a foil.

Such a woman, such a stunning beauty, no one in the world can resist.

The words of a stunning beauty are generally irresistible.

But Ye Chen is not ordinary.

He just looked at her quietly. Neither looked away nor stared at her low collar, and her eyes were like looking at a piece of wood. "Thank you for the love of the colorful and supreme love of time, but just the best life a man can enjoy. ,I already have it."

"Oh?" The colorful supreme brows raised slightly. Interested, "You said, you've got it? Do you know what is the best life? For a man, power is in the world, a country is rich and strong, beautiful women are like clouds, and strength is the world's only leader. This is life. All of them are perfect, and they are the perfect life! Although you have now reached the level of anti-sky, and belong to the ranks of the strong, but still far from being alone. "

She was telling the truth.

It's just the truth spoken by a stunning beauty.

Ye Chen smiled slightly. "What you said is not a perfect life, it should be a sinful hell."

"Oh?" Colorful Supreme has shown interest in him again.

"The strength to stand alone in the world is the loneliness of the world and the imperial power of the world, but it comes from the secret concubines of countless people around it. It is very hard. It is difficult to buy a sincere pair, a country with wealth and a mountain of wealth Your unselfish wind-like love. As for the beautiful woman, I already have my beloved. The one I really love is enough, so I am now the happiest time in my life. "Ye Chen said with a smile.

Colorful Supreme frowned slightly, gazing at Ye Chen, and then sighed softly, "Anyway, as long as you want to get, I can help you get it."

Ye Chenrao was interested, "Really?"

Everyone saw that Ye Chen was a little moved, and immediately his face changed slightly. Yan Luo Supreme, the ghost world, said aloud, "Little brother, we can help you complete whatever you wish, and will help you become the world supreme."

"me too."

"As long as you ask, I can do everything for you."

For a time, all the world's supreme pledges and looked at Ye Chen earnestly.

Ye Chen was sighing in his heart, no matter how beautiful the olive branch they dropped at this moment, once he followed one of them, when he left the rest of the world's supreme range, he was immediately killed, and The Dark Way is refined.

That being said, there is no way for him not to choose one.

When he was thinking, a sudden burst of energy rolled in and out of the heavens and the earth, and then, a whistling sound came from all directions, covering the whole world.

All world supreme faces are slightly changed, and some people even stare at Ye Chen suddenly, his eyes show the murderous power, his body flickers towards him, he displays the fierce power of the world, and heads towards Ye Chen. .

The smile before was all changed in an instant.

Ye Chen's eyes flickered with cold light, and he was surging with a towering anti-sky power, as if to compete with heaven and earth. The power of the darkness in the body gathered in front of him, condensed into a sharp blade of light that was concentrated to the extreme, almost The transparent blade is as bright as a galaxy, fiercely slashing at the power of the world.


The transparent blade body condensed by the power of the world and the dark way collided, and a violent explosion erupted throughout the sky. Ye Chen's body took three steps backwards, her face was a little pale, but her eyes shot out. With a strong light.

Since ancient times, all kinds of geniuses have sprung up like strange peaks and crisscrossed the world. Some people were born at the age of several years and realized the laws of the gods. They stepped into the realm of the gods from an ordinary person. Quickly, like a shooting star across the sky.

But none of these people can resist the supreme blow of the world when they are against heaven!

The gap between the world supreme and the anti-sky realm is just like the nature, and nothing can make up the gap between them. Even if Ye Chen has tens of thousands of weapons against the peak of the heaven at this moment, the same as (--house fastest update From time to time, it is difficult to hurt the world's supreme half-hair.

At this moment's head-on, he unexpectedly resisted the power of the world.

When Ye Chen's war was in full swing, suddenly seven or eight forces of the world flowed around them. These world supreme people who had previously drawn him to him suddenly suddenly thought about him, taking no mercy.

Ye Chen's heart sank immediately.

In the face of the power of the world, even if it is a world supreme, it will be seriously injured or even die directly.

At this moment of heaven and earth, suddenly a strong world force twisted around his body, such as a solid ball barrier, tightly covering Ye Chen's body.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The power of the sky hits it, but it is just a ripple of ripples on the power of this vast world, and then disappears.

Ye Chen only felt a flower in front of her, and her body seemed to suddenly fly into the clouds. When she returned, the sky in front of her was no longer buried in the bones, but in front of a huge and magnificent palace. The turquoise giant tree towering from the sky is so large that it is unimaginable.

"Here is ..." Ye Chen looked at the magnificent and majestic palace in front of him, and a giant green tree built in the palace, only to feel that the picture was strange, as if he had seen it somewhere. In his memory, it seems that something was triggered, and some blurred pictures gradually became clear ...


Burial Ground.

"Damn!" Shura Supreme, the ghost world, was embarrassed, his body was hit on his chest by a strong force of the world, and the whole person flew backwards, opening a dark vortex cave behind him, leading to the ghost world.

"Dammit the ancient world, dare to grab us, asshole!" On the other side, a bronze-colored majestic man beside the bronze supreme anger, rushing to the crown, like a furious **** of war, and quickly turned back to the chaos world.

At this moment, a strong force of the ancient world swept out of the sky, and all the world supreme were attacked, and they were directly damaged if they could not dodge, but they did not dare to stay and quickly returned to their own world.

Only in their own world, the power of their world can be endless and constantly replenished, which is equivalent to an invincible state.

And from that strong force of the ancient world, they have understood that the ancient world had already dispatched the power of the world while they were talking, and even if they fought hard, they would only lose, not to mention the leaves that made them jealous. Chen has been teleported away by the power of the ancient world.

Many worlds gathered together, but in the end they were ashamed and left, embarrassed.

These Ye Chen didn't know, but they could imagine that in front of him, a woman with long blond hair suddenly appeared, exuding holy light, like a noble goddess, with amber like under the thin curved golden eyebrows. Hitomi, looking at Ye Chen with a smile, "I finally saw you again, Emperor Dao."