MTL - Dark Civilization-v14 Chapter 181 Mysterious guide

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"Where?" Zhu Gefan confused.

"Go back to spiritual civilization first, and then go to earth." Ye Chenru said.

"Earth?" Zhu Gefan's eyes suddenly lighted, and he turned to look at Yue Ling aside, and said joyfully: "Your Majesty, the place recorded on the divine fire order is the earth. Rarely, my elder brother will return to the earth. What if we go together, and in this case, there is another helper! "

Yueling looked at him and said such an important secret face to face without fear, she couldn't help but startled, then glanced at Ye Chen, only to find that he frowned and didn't bother, so he felt a little relieved. She groaned for a moment, thinking of the terrible strength that Ye Chen had exposed before, and nodded: "Nice, so good, I just don't know ...".

Zhuge Fan quickly turned around and looked at Ye Chen with excitement. "Brother Ye, when we return to the earth together, will you accompany us to a place, which is more dangerous, but there are treasures!"

Ye Chen touched his nose, and Yu Guang stared at the bitter smile on Yue Ling's face. He patted Zhu Gefan's shoulder and smiled, "No problem."

Yue Ling glanced helplessly at Zhu Gefan. For the first time, he found that he was so unreliable. However, thinking of his past and knowing that he was a very cautious person, we can see the deep friendship between the two, she nodded gently, "Since So, just rest here for a while, I will move all the people in the imperial capital into my ** universe.

After she left, Ye Chen and Zhu Gefan sat down in the palace. Many maids obeyed the steward's words and wanted to come and make tea, but Zhu Gefan waved his hand and said, "Let's go down." Then he told Ye Chen With a smile, the fingers moved, the tea and fruit pulp in the palace automatically flew over, one by one, jugs and fruit trays, drifted from the control cabinet automatically, such as a pair of invisible palms.

"Brother Ye, it was rumored that you were dead, why did you come alive later?" Zhu Gefan said curiously.

Ye Chen smiled slightly. "Many things seem to be coincidental, but they are all inevitable. In many cases, they seem to be dead, but they are actually an opportunity for rebirth. I can live by pure luck."

Ge Ge nodded thoughtfully. Although Ye Chen didn't say it clearly, he could also imagine that there must be many twists and turns in this, absolutely not a few words.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at Zhuge Fan with some sigh, "It's only been a hundred years, and you have grown from a demigod in the past to a powerful half-step epoch, and the difference between them is disturbing. The nature is different. You must have experienced many adventures over the years? "

"This is because I awakened once, although not completely awakened, but the awakening of a little strength has made my constitution a leap-forward improvement." Zhu Gefan grinned, "If you are also awake, Brother Ye, I'm afraid it's more than that now. "

Ye Chen was not humble, but nodded, and suddenly asked, "Bai Long, they are all in the rest. Are you connected?"

"No." Zhu Gefan shook his head. "Since we came to the Shenyan Empire, we have never contacted again. However, we settled at the beginning, and after two hundred years, we gathered in the original Bailian Divine Land, Then go to the Bai family and take revenge for you! "

Ye Chen smiled with a smile, "You are brave enough" actually agreed to meet two hundred years later to avenge me. Do you know that after two hundred years, you will be able to grow from a small demi-god to what you are today? "

In the course of cultivation, two hundred years are like a snap of a finger, time is like a shuttle, and there is no feeling. During this two hundred years, it was able to change from a demigod to a pseudo-god, and the investigation progressed very quickly.

"Because someone gave instructions." Zhuge Fan laughed hehehe said, "Once we separated, we were going to go back to practice, no matter whether it was 10,000 years or 1 million years, we all wanted to become the most powerful **** emperor! Later, But on the way back, I met a magical man. This is an old man wearing a bucket bucket and walking in the rain. It happened to rain that day. "

"Oh?" Ye Chen was startled.

Zhu Gefan continued: "This heavy rain is nothing to us." Just blowing your breath can spread the clouds and fog after the rain, but the day is very tiring, everyone rests in a countryside and lives in my master's Inside the artifact [Dragon King Palace]. At that time, everyone was chatting on the windows of the attic, and saw the old man coming from the forest in the distance. The rain wet his body, his shoes were trampled in the mud, and his feet were covered with mud. "

"When Brother Bailong saw it, he used a little strength to help him a bit. But strange things happened." Zhu Gefan's expression was a little rude, as if returning to the scene at the time, "Brother Bailong's When the strength reached the old man, he lost nothing. The old man looked up at us, then suddenly his body flashed, and it appeared on the attic table where we were standing. "

"I was surprised at the time, and asked him: 'Who are you?' He didn't answer, just looked at Brother Bailong, then followed him to look at Brother Yue Heng, and then saw me. He looked around and nodded suddenly with satisfaction, saying, "That's great."

"Brother Bailong is the most delicate and delicate. Although the surface is grinning and giggling, but observing the details, this old man is a mysterious strong man, not a person we can deal with, so he hurriedly laughed and said," Old man "I just I want to smooth the mud for you, let you walk better, and hope it won't anger you. The old man smiled and said, 'This mud is caused by heaven and earth.' Why do you want to avoid it? Otherwise it rains and thunder, why is the ground To be wet, to be mud, isn't it just for you and me to trample on? "

"I thought what he said was weird, and it seemed a bit reasonable, so he didn't say anything. Later, Brother Bai Long talked with the old man and found that there was no malice, and we were relieved. When the old man left, he told us Let us gather two hundred years later in Bailian Shenzhou. Brother Bailong asked at the time: 'how do you know we are going to separate' and how we know we are going to gather. Then the old man said, 'If you want to get revenge', It will take two hundred years to gather in Bailian Shenzhou. In addition, don't worry about the shortness of two hundred years, because in these two hundred years, many things will happen. Just leave when you finish. "

After Zhuge Fan said in one breath, he took a long time to sigh. "Later, with the improvement of my strength, every time I think of this old man, I feel that I can't see him at all. It seems that he knows everything and can see the world. "

Ye Chen was silent.

"Don't ...", his gaze looked outside the palace, the distant blue sky, "This old man was the messenger of the nine ancient gods sitting down? Or the supremacy of some big world?"

The soft light shone in through the lintel, and the snow-white petals fell from the snow tree and fluttered throughout the Imperial City.

It seems that it is almost two hundred years away.

One day later, the Emperor Yueling moved the strong men and the famous families in the imperial capital, as well as several generations of veterans in the empire, as well as many large groups and companies into their own cosmic universe.

Throughout the bustling emperor's capital, the glitzy city has disappeared, the majestic city walls have become ruins, and the wide streets are empty and quiet.

Ye Chen and Ge Gefan, together with Yueling, rushed towards Luotian Shenzhou.

Through Yueling's intelligence system, Ye Chen has inquired about the headquarters of spiritual civilization, which is in the state of Luoqin. This Luotian Divine Land was originally one of the three thousand floating divine islands outside the ancient continent, but was later exerted a powerful force by the powerful of spiritual civilization, and it was relocated to the territory of the ancient **** empire in the ancient continent and became a Castle in the Sky.

A group of three people ride on the moon spirit's Tianyan Sword, such as the aurora shattered in the void, and it flickers. The speed of flight is hardly comparable to that of light. After a few hours, they came from the Shenyan Empire to the neighbourhood above the north. God Empire.

Most of the territory that I passed along was full of sores, mountains, rivers, seas, forests, cities, dynasties ... everything was damaged by huge forces, trampled out of huge pits, such as locust Jiahui l too average.

The city's walls were turned into ruins. Only the blood spattered on the ruined walls and messy corpses with broken hands and feet were visible.

No corpse is complete.

A few people looked a little heavy, and the entire ancient world was being invaded by a powerful force at this moment. Countless dead corpses were resurrected from the ground. I'm afraid it won't take long. The top ten temples and the ten empires above will be destroyed. These corpses are overthrown!

This is simply an eschatological disaster!

However, no one can stop it alone.

Soon, Ye Chen and others spied into the territory of the God of God. Once in this country, Ye Chen had a different feeling in her heart. The last time she was forced to flee this place by the spirit of the celestial treasure of the kingdom of the sacred **** empire. Now returning again, no one here can Stop yourself.

The territory of the God of the Gods was not damaged too much. Thousands of vassal states around the country formed a trend of mutual aid. The central emperors still blossomed and there was no trace of damage for a long time.

The dead corpses from the Song Dynasty around the imperial capital, before they stood still, were wiped out by a large number of troops.

Ye Chen and Zhu Gefan, led by Yueling, rushed towards the imperial city in the middle of the imperial capital. The Luotian Shenzhou, where the spiritual civilization lies, hangs above the capital.

Looking far ...

The city of the imperial capital is like a rotten treasure standing on a barren land. The artificial atmosphere is like a transparent air cover covering the entire imperial capital, blooming beautiful and translucent light, which is incompatible with the dark ground around it.

Above this majestic pound capital, a dark giant suspended above it, like an island, standing still.

"That's it." Yue Ling raised her finger.

Ye Chen's eyes flickered and he said, "Go."

A few people flashed and rushed directly towards the floating Luotian Shenzhou, and in a short time they entered the artificial atmosphere of Luotian Shenzhou. (To be continued)