MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 166

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Even with the large troops heading north, the temperature is still getting higher. As the temperature rises, the atmosphere of competition among organizations is getting stronger.

It all comes down to Xiao Lang.

After losing the appetite and being reminded by Li Cheng euphemistically, he also realized how naive and small he was of this behavior, so he reorganized his spirit and presented Shen Xun with a manly challenge. Who can kill more zombies in this mission.

Shen Dagou will be afraid that he does not exist.

So the smoke rose between the two, and the zombies within ten miles of the rail line completely fell over.

The competition soon extended from the two captains to the sharp blades and tigers and wolf groups they represented. In accordance with the principle of friendship in the first match and the second, the two teams started a positive and healthy competition.

Because engineering troops need to set up a complete line of defense on both sides of the rail, the workload is large and the movement speed is relatively slow. As an advance force, it must also slow down to cooperate. Anyway, idle is also idle. Several main leaders in charge have simply expanded the scope of cleaning up, extended the friendly match between the original sharp blade and the tiger and wolf team to the entire advance team, and held a large group open tournament. , Named "the first Railway Hero Cup corpse elite contest", also called idle nothing painful game.

All mission participants are divided into eighteen groups according to their organization or team. By the time they reach the end of the mission, Luan Cheng, that group has the largest number of zombies and the greatest value, and the group is the winner. The winning group will not only get the title of "railway hero", and will be publicly praised. One-tenth of all the nuclei obtained by the remaining seventeen groups will be awarded to the winner as the competition reward.

One-tenth crystal nuclei, that is not a small number, the competition is getting more and more fierce under the driving of interests, and the big guys in each organization who have never done real work have also shown their full strength. The development and use are extremely ingenious, and the battle with advanced zombies is even more wonderful, attracting a large number of fans.

Of these, the "rose powder" is the fastest, of course, Shen Shian and Shen Xun.

Everyone has a strong mentality, and everyone has a beautiful heart. Who can not like the good-looking and strong masters, especially when they are fighting together with swords and swords? According to Yang Cancan, "That is a beautiful landscape, no more zombies are enough to cut." As long as the two slender and erect figures wearing dark green combat uniforms appeared, it would bring not only visual enjoyment and emotional excitement, but also an indescribable sense of security.

So at noon on this day, when a female psionicist was holding a box in his arms and came to Lixianying to find Shen Xun, it seemed completely understandable.

The girl was in her early twenties, her cheeks were flushing, and she looked at Shen Xun and said, "Captain Shen, me, can I say a few words to you alone?"

Shen Xungang found a chance to sneak in to Shen Shi'an in the woods behind him. He still stuck his tongue out and was in a good mood, so he was rarely willing to talk to strangers.

The girl's face was redder, her lips clenched and her courage said, "Yes, can I go to the side and tell you alone? I promise, I won't delay you for too long."

Shen Xun didn't want to go, he had to accompany An An to eat. However, Shen Shi'an taught him to be polite to women. After thinking about it, he said, "I'll be right back" to Shen Shi'an. Then he stood up and walked with the girl to another shade not far away.

"Look," as soon as the two left, Yang Cancan, who was always following the movements of An Xun, rushed over. "What the woman wants to do is not to confess to the vice captain."

Liu Fangzhou glanced at Shen Shi'an's face, "It seems like it." It was a little too obvious, and maybe he couldn't find anything else.

How dare you dismantle my c Yang Cancan's eyes widened. "Does anyone in this world not know that our captain and deputy captain are a pair?"

In fact, it's normal. Shen Shi'an only officially disclosed the relationship in front of the core players, and she had another three chapters with Shen Xun. There was no explicit intimacy in public. It is also reasonable to treat them as teammates. It makes people blind and really like a person with a burning heart, who doesn't have a point and maybe there is hope.

It ’s just that Xiong Manshan did n’t understand “Why did anyone confess to Xunge but no one confessed to the captain?”

"Well," Liu Fangzhou lowered his voice. "If you are a woman, you are willing to find a boyfriend who looks better than yourself."

No matter what other people think, Shen Shi'an's face is calm and normal, and he can't see any mood swings.

Yang Cancan boldly darted to his side, "Captain, aren't you worried?"

Shen Shi'an looked at her, her eyes were like Mo Yu, flashing a cold and moist light "worry"

In fact, there is nothing to worry about. Because Shen Xun returned in less than half a minute, the female prodigy turned and ran back, crying while running.

Shen Shi'an has a headache, "What did you tell her?" I don't know if I still think that big dogs have bullied others.

Chen Nan and others consciously changed a shade to make room for them. Yang Cancan was so daring that he walked halfway down to pretend to tie his shoelaces, but his ears stood tall.

Shen Xun sat down next to him. "She asked me if I liked someone, I said yes, she asked if she could like her, I said no, she asked why, and I said she looked better than someone I liked."

Succeed. Yang Cancan raised his thumb in your heart, where are you like to bend, you reply more straight than straight men.

Shen Xun observed Shen Shi'an's face, solemnly declared that "I'm telling the truth, she doesn't care about me"

Shen Shi'an squeezed his forehead. "But it cannot be said. Under no circumstances should appearances be used as a reason to reject a person, especially a girl."

Shen Xun thoughtfully and stood up to go "then I'll go to her again."

"Wait a minute," Shen Shi'an held him. "What are you going to say to her?"

"Tell her that she's not only better-looking than the ones I like, not as good as the ones I like, and not as clever as the ones I like."


Yang Cancan lamented who said that the most poisonous woman's heart, cutting off peach blossoms or the vice captain was fierce enough.

Shen Shian asked him to sit down and guide him with patience. "If the other person looks better and smarter than me, and is smarter and better, would you like her?"

"of course not"


Shen Xun thought for a moment, "I see."

He found the female power again. "Sorry, I don't dislike you because of your appearance."

Female prodigal eyes flushed "That's why"

"Because you are not Shen Shi'an."

Before the lunch break was over, An Xun's c-fan army added another member. Yang Cancan personally pulled in and shared a lot of sugar materials.

Harsh, how can I find my boyfriend happy.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the advance troops entered a small town called Yangliu Town.

The town is actually not a small one. It is more than double the area of ​​the fifth- and sixth-tier cities that it passed by, and has a large population. It has a permanent population of 120,000, of which nearly three-quarters have become zombies.

Among the more than 90,000 zombies, there is a third-level wood-based zombie. It is estimated that it has evolved to the late third-level. It is very difficult to entangle. In just 20 minutes, it turned a small half of the town into a prehistoric primitive forest. The air roots meandered between the buildings, constantly digging into the depths of the earth and breaking out of the soil, just like the dying giant python, the humans trapped in it were almost like little mice chased by giant pythons.

In the end, Shen Xun carried out a knife attack, Shen Shi'an attacked with a sword, and together he cut off the opponent's cranium.

"Shen Xun," Shen Shi'an stood on the thickest vine with the highest altitude, as if the python had a high arched belly, still holding the green crystal nucleus with the lingering warfare in his body. Laughing at him "You come up."

Shen Xun jumped up, and before he could speak, Shen Shi'an raised his hand and caught his neck, giving him a long and deep kiss.

There were screams underneath, deafening.

For a long time, Shen Xun, whose heart was so sweet that he could draw, gasped and asked him, "Don't you say the three chapters of the law?"

Shen Shi'an wiped his mouth with his thumb. "I promise you can't kiss me in public, but I haven't said I can't kiss you."

At this time it is five o'clock in the afternoon. Although it is still a while before sunset, considering the mutated mosquitoes appearing after dark, it is too dangerous to find other buildings that can be sheltered. Besides, it is not too urgent to hurry. The troops decided to stay in the town overnight.

Sharp Blade chose a row of connected civilian houses as a starting point. Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun walked into one of them and found that the tap water was still available. They killed more than three hours of zombies. The body was either sweat or blood, and it was sticky. It was unbearable, so I was going to take a shower first. Xiong Manshan and others did not have this demand, and after cleaning the house briefly, they decided to go out for a stroll. Although the estimates of eating were not found, but it was so large here that we might find something useful.

The southeastern side was covered with wood zombies with tree roots and vines. The building fell more than half and could hardly fall, so a pedestrian went straight north along the main road after going out. At this point, the sun still dazzled the eyes, the road Near the center of the place where it has been exposed for a long time, it can almost smoke, even if it feels hot when wearing shoes.

The part that picked up the building's shadow slowly walked for seven or eight hundred meters, and a touch of green standing at the northern entrance of the town suddenly came into view.

"Look," Liu Fangzhou exclaimed, "a big tree."

It is a willow tree. I do n’t know how many years, the cross section is almost as wide as the road, the green wicker hangs down and flourishes like a waterfall, and a semi-closed space with a radius of about five meters is isolated around the trunk. All are fresh and soft turquoise.

Already other survivors had discovered this huge willow tree before them, and gathered around it in twos and threes, marveling at it. Several adult men gestured around the tree with their arms open. "Fuck, at least seven or eight people are needed to surround this tree."

"Such a thick tree is estimated to be fine."

"No wonder this place is called Yangliuzhen, and I don't know how many years ago such a tree was planted."

"Just look at the annual rings," someone joked. "Let's cut it."

The wind blew through, and thousands of willow branches rustled in the wind.

Xiong Manshan plunged into the opening cloth-like wicker and turned his head out to say "Hurry up, come in here so cool"

The sun is hot outside, but the green is dense inside. The lush willow branches and willow leaves block most of the heat waves. In such weather, the slightest coolness is kept, and the breeze is very cool and comfortable.

Xu Ge and others quickly sat down under the willow tree, and the willow leaves fluttered in the cool breeze, taking away the summer heat. "It's much more comfortable than blowing air conditioners."

Chen Nan nodded. "Unfortunately, there are mutant mosquitoes at night. Otherwise, a mosquito net will be used to sleep underneath. I will never even dream about it at dawn."

Xiong Manshan probe "Brother Chen Nan, gave birth to a watermelon cricket, eating watermelon with a small wind is called Shu Tan."

Chen Nanbao happened to be carrying watermelon seeds. Two seeds were taken out of the soil, and four dozen pounds of big watermelons were bred in a blink of an eye.

This kind of seed was cultivated by Shen Shi'an in the space for a second time. The resulting watermelon peel is thin and crispy, big and sweet, and the juice splashed with a bite.

Xiong Manshan was holding the melon and eating happily, and suddenly felt that he was hit on the left shoulder.

On the left is Liu Fangzhou. "What are you doing on the boat, don't make trouble eating melon."

Liu Fangzhou inexplicably "I didn't do anything."

"You didn't do anything and who hit it," the voice did not fall, and he was beaten again on his right shoulder.

Xiong Manshan turned his head to the right "Hey, Yuaner, I didn't expect you to learn badly"

Tao Yuan is more inexplicable "what"

"You still pretend to be with me, I know oops." Xiong Manshan covered his head that was beaten again. As soon as he looked up, he saw that a branch of willow was swinging left and right flexibly like a snake, and it suddenly extended to the next level. Covering his ears, he robbed Xiong Manshan of half of the watermelon.

What about me? This willow tree is really good.

When Xiong Manshan fell into a state of rigidity, the situation suddenly became abrupt.

Thousands of willow branches that originally sent cool waves with the gentle breeze, suddenly seemed to have their own consciousness, twisted into hundreds of thick green tentacles, and surpassed the twenty survivors who were cooling down under the tree. Attacked at the same time

Xiong Manshan responded very quickly and faster. He sent all five teammates, including Lu Xiuyuan, out of the willow tree shade range in an instant, but the others had no such good luck. They were all made up of willow branches. The tentacles were tangled firmly and lifted in the midst of a crazy swing.

Liu Fangzhou stunned, "hitting, hitting willow"

Shen Shi'an had just taken a shower, and relying on her outstanding ears, she heard screams from afar.

At the same time, an urgent call for help from Liu Fangzhou and others was sent to the communicator on the stool together with the dirty clothes.

Shen Shi'an asked for directions, and Shen Xun dressed and rushed out as fast as possible. When the intact figure of Liu Fangzhou and others appeared in his field of vision, the tone of tightness on his chest was loosened, and he was immediately taken away. The huge, turbulent emerald green shadow drew all its attention

What is this

Xiong Manshan and others saw that they finally found the backbone, and quickly waved their hands to say "Captain looking for brother"

Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun ran to "what happened"

Xiong Manshan is still in a frightened state "We can't figure it out, well, the willow tree is crazy when it says crazy"

Tao Yuan reminded "Don't stand too close, as soon as you get close, you will be attacked by a tree branch, it is particularly fast."

A total of nineteen people **** by willow branches were still sack-like and were thrown around in the air. Some people were still screaming, some people only had faint groaning, and others There is no sound.

Liu Fangzhou said, "At present, they are still alive, but according to such a throwing method of willow essence, they will have to die sooner or later."

"Isn't the plant immune to viruses?" Lu Xiuyuan was puzzled. "I haven't seen mutant plants since the last days. What is this willow tree?"

Xu Ge suddenly became vigilant "Will there be someone secretly controlling whether there are hidden wood abilities or wood zombies nearby"

"No," Liu Fangzhou was very determined. "I felt all over, up and down, no one or zombies could hide. But since this willow essence suddenly went crazy, a small light appeared from the place of the willow." group."

"Aren't you unable to sense the plants?" Liu Fangzhou could only sense creatures with obvious mobility, such as human animals and zombies.

"Yeah, that's why I think this willow tree is fine"

Shen Shian asked "What kind of light group"

"It's green. It's about the same as the wood abilities or wood zombies, but it's very small. Fluttering and flickering like ghost fire. At first I thought I was scared and had an illusion."

At the moment when everyone was exchanging information, members of other organizations also rushed to it. They were also surprised by the abnormal situation and wondered how to react. A fire-powered person tried to set fire to the tree. The flaming fire dragon just spewed out, leaving a black mark on the thick trunk of the willow tree immediately. The willow trembled as if in pain, and stopped even shaking.

The "Fire Attack Effective" ability was overjoyed, and was preparing to make persistent efforts. A thick thigh branch swept out at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye, entangled the attacker, and lifted it into the mid-air crazy swing. The swing speed was faster than before. More intense.

Shen Shi'an clearly heard the sound of the broken bones of the victim, and his heart sank "backward"

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of thick branches suddenly grew on the trunk of the huge willow. The whole tree was like an enraged ancient Siren beast, waving its thick and long tentacles to double the size before. The rest of the attack range frantically attacked the onlookers.

The dust on the ground was pulled out of a shallow trench. Liu Fangzhou and others were either hugged by Xiong Manshan or reacted in time and backed away a short distance. Shen Shi'an two backflips steadily landed on the ground, while Shen Xun directly took one. Holding one of the branches, dragged it fiercely, the pliable branch was stretched straight immediately, as if it would be pulled off the trunk at any time.

The tentacles swayed for a moment, then more branches attacked Shen at the same time with a sharp breaking sound.

Shen Xun backhanded 039 and cut out half of the Tang sword, and the other half was resolved by Shen Shi'an who rushed in at the same time, and the cut off branches fell to the ground.

The two looked at each other, didn't even need to speak, and stood up and rushed towards Willow.

Like a strong and elegant cheetah and a strong and mighty lone wolf, it is flexible to shuttle between the branches that are increasingly crazy. The blade of light is like the electric sword and the shadow of frost. A person throws the willow tree out of range from a high altitude.

The tacit understanding of the core players has long been natural in countless side-by-side battles. The two of Shen Shi'an just rushed into the willow tree's tentacle network. Chen Nan immediately spawned a flat platform with a devil vine on the periphery. Every time they threw one People, Xiong Manshan took a person and gave it to Tao Yuan for treatment.

Xu Ge and Lu Xiuyuan originally intended to rush into the war circle to help, but later discovered that the two captains who did not need to help the magic soldiers in their hands seemed to be born of willow sprites, and their swift and swift figures had no "tree" to stop them. How long, an old willow tree that was five meters thick, ten meters high, and leafy was cut into a bare willow trunk, and no leaf remained.

Xiong Manshan and others walked across the ground with broken branches and leaves. "Oh, I'm going, no wonder everyone says that bald and old people are dazzling. This hair really shows a lot of hair." Such a cut of wicker felt the whole tree. Dwarf.

Tao Yuan carefully examined the trunk twice. "I think this tree seems to have its own consciousness."

Shen Shian nodded. "I feel the same way."

This event sounds extremely incredible. Zombies evolved self-awareness. It is easy to understand. After all, they were originally humans, but how does a plant evolve self-awareness? It has no even the most basic neural structure. At will, the willow tree is refined, at best, it's just a talk. It's a fact to tell others how many people will believe it. Who is really stupid?

Xu Ge laughed. "If Brother Tang knows he must be happy, he must be crazy."

Shen Xun asked Liu Fangzhou: "You said earlier that this tree can sense green light clusters"


"Can it be sensed"


Shen Xun raised his hand and touched the trunk. He didn't know if it was because of fear or itching. He shook the trunk while he felt it, as if the leaves were falling in the wind and there was a pitiful posture. Touching the position of the trunk near the root, Shen Xun stopped. "There is a wood-based crystal nucleus inside."

"What" exclaimed at the same time.

Shen Shian asked "Are you sure?"

Shen Xun nodded "OK, I can sense it, and the level should not be low, at least it is a tertiary crystal nucleus."

Crystal nucleus can only be generated in zombies and humans, which is beyond doubt, both of which have been completely transformed by the virus.

How did an advanced wood-based crystal nucleus run into an old willow tree that looks at least hundreds of years old?

"Wait a moment," Chen Nan suddenly responded, "If the crystal nucleus is in the willow tree and there are no obvious scars on the trunk, it does not mean that the willow tree wrapped it in the growing process."

The growth of the tree is the top and lateral split growth, that is, the height of the root will not change. You engraved a stamp on the annual small tree. After ten or twenty years, the stamp will still be at the original height. The position of the crystal nucleus determined by Shen Xun is less than one foot high, which means that when the crystal nucleus and this willow tree meet, the willow is only a small sapling.

The point is, this old willow tree looks at least a few hundred years old.

"There is only one explanation," Shen Shi'an said. "This willow tree is not as old as it looks. The reason why it will grow so big is because of the crystal nuclei."

"Brother Tang and Ruo Ruo said that the crystal nucleus is likely to make some form of DNA aggregates," Liu Fangzhou's eyes brightened. "This willow tree absorbed the energy of the crystal nucleus and accidentally merged some human DNA, so Only to have his own consciousness. ”As for what kind of process and chemical reaction is in this, he does not know. He's just a high school student anyway.

Tao Yuan nodded. "The ark made sense."

If this willow tree grows so large because it absorbs the energy from the crystal nucleus, then it should reasonably be possible to shrink the volume by recovering the energy from the crystal nucleus. All wood-based abilities follow this principle when manipulating plants. .

Shen Shi'an's eyes flickered and he stared at the willow. "Can you shrink?"

Willow was unresponsive.

Shen Shi'an pulled out his long sword "May I help you"

The trunk of the willow trembled sharply, with a slight sense of grievance, and then narrowed around at a speed that was visible to the naked eye under the eyes of everyone, and finally Shen Shi'an pulled it out of the ground like a radish and turned to Chen Nan to return. You. "Willow tree essence is best suited to Chen Nan. If properly controlled, Chen Nan's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

After thinking about it, I added a sentence, "This thing doesn't seem to have low intelligence, and it has a wild character. I'm afraid we need to adjust the 039 teaching. We must make sure that it is completely tame before it can be used in combat."

Chen Nanxi couldn't help himself. The most important thing in determining the combat effectiveness of the wood-based abilities is the combat plant. The ability of the devil vine has been verified in countless battles, but the limitation is that the defense is insufficient and the attack is insufficient. With this fight and madness The same willow monster can just make up for his shortcomings in attack, it is just like tailor-made for him.

At the moment, he did not quit, and immediately took over the radish-like willow essence. In order to prevent it from temporarily reversing the water, the devil vine was deliberately entangled and wrapped in a weapon bag around his waist.

Liu Fangzhou had a sudden whistle, and greeted Xiong Manshan and others to collect the stubbles on the ground. "Don't you say that you will inadvertently insert willow and willow into the shade, indicating that the willow tree is good for feeding. In case these branches also carry human DNA, they will also grow up Can it swing wildly? At that time, let Nan brother create a circle around the courtyard wall of our sharp base, and whoever dares to approach will be stunned. It is better to protect than anything. "

Shen Shi'an had to admit that there was a little truth in what he said. In the end, all the branches were properly stored in his space.

After so much toss, the sky was gradually getting dark, and everyone began to go back.

The weapon bag around Chen Nan's waist moved. The willow tree essence seemed to want to grow branches to escape, but was discovered by Chen Nan in time, and immediately controlled the devil vine to tighten again, binding the three layers of the willow tree essence with three layers and five flowers. Rigorous.

Willow essence lived like a little chick with fate around his throat, completely motionless.

The author has something to say about Tamarix you are a devil

Devil vine I am.

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