MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 2 The equipment is disassembled

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  Chapter 2 equipment disassembly completed

  Qin law regulations.

  The seventeenth man is "Fu Ji", that is, registered at all levels of counties and counties, and begins to serve in the army.

  However, this is only a legal regulation. In practice, men aged 15 or 16 are likely to be 'Fu Ji', some of them actively and some passively.

  And if someone does not want to serve in the military, and does not want to be "Fuji", there are two ways to avoid it.

  One is to donate money.

  After Shang Yang's reform, Qin State had a system of "rewarding farming and war". And this system is divided into two parts, namely "reward for farming and weaving" and "reward for military merit".

   Needless to say, "reward military merit" is the new "Military Merit System". The "reward for farming and war" is to encourage the common people to work hard in farming and weaving to produce food and cloth, and the common people who produce a lot in the local area and pay high taxes can be exempted from their own corvees.

  The second is the previously mentioned 'serving on behalf of others'.

  For example, some aristocratic and landlord families who are of the right age do not want to serve, so they let slaves in the family or spend money to find someone to join the army instead of the family heirs.

  Mr. Mo is the second type.

  Although his age is far from reaching the standard, firstly, this kind of matter has a lot of room for manipulation, and secondly, it involves another Qin system.

  Qin law stipulates: "A man who is six feet tall is an adult."

in other words.

  It means that the standard for Qin to judge a man's adulthood is not age, but height. The six feet of the Warring States period is about 1.39 meters in later generations, and Mo Jun is only twelve years old, but his height is already over 1.4 meters.

   Sufficient height.

   It is impossible to check the refugee status of the source.

  Add a little 'sophistication of the world'.

  Mr. Mo easily became the replacement of the "landlord's heir", and became a small logistics soldier escorting food and grass in the Qin army, which is now famous.

   "Mo Wazi, are you awake? I brought you food."

  A shout with a strong accent suddenly came from outside the tent. Even though he had accepted the memory of the original body, Mo Jun had to think for a few seconds before he barely understood the meaning of this sentence.

   Immediately after a 'hula', the curtain of the tent was lifted, and a middle-aged man with dark skin and a messy beard walked in. He looked thin but was very strong.

   "Why don't you answer, it won't hurt and you're alright?"

  The middle-aged man said, carrying a cracked pottery pot, he walked up to Mo Jun with strides, and immediately began to lift Mo Jun's collar, looking inside.

This strange scene, as well as the mixed smell of sweat and sour smell carried by the middle-aged man, instantly awakened Mo Jun, and quickly reached out to stop the middle-aged man from continuing to lift his clothes, saying: "I'm fine, old man , I'm much better now."

   After finishing speaking, Mo Jun rolled over and got up from the ground, but just as he stood still, a sharp pain suddenly came from his left rib, and he gasped for an instant pain.

  Seeing Mo Jun's appearance, the middle-aged man in front of him was not surprised but happy, and said with a smile: "It's not bad, I can still feel the pain, this is good, I can survive if I can feel the pain!"

   "Why are you so naive, you just sneaked into the crowd when you met thieves. Fortunately, you were lucky, but you were just kicked. If you were cut with a sword, you would die now."

"I brought some food for you, eat it quickly! After eating, we will continue on the road. I heard that General Meng Ao on the front line has captured an enemy city and is about to set off again. Now he is waiting for our **** food!"

  The middle-aged man whom Mo Jun called "Old Uncle" babbled in his ear, but Mo Jun barely understood half of the meaning.

no way.

  In this era, unless you have specially studied "Mandarin", otherwise, if you want to understand the accents between villages in various places, it is almost as difficult as learning a foreign language.

  Mr. Mo looked at the notched earthenware pot handed over by the 'old uncle', which contained half a bowl of black, yellow, and brown intertwined things that looked like grain.

   This is millet rice that is ground and cooked with the shell.

  Looking at the strangely colored millet rice in the half-clay pot, Mo Jun's soul resisted, but his body responded honestly.

   "Cuckoo ~~"

  Hearing the voice from Mo Jun's stomach, the 'old uncle' smiled honestly, then handed over the clay pot, and said, "Eat quickly! We will continue on our way after eating."

   This time Mo Jun didn't hesitate anymore, took the clay pot, and said: "Thank you."

   "Hi! Why are you being so polite to me!"

  Looking at the millet rice in the clay pot, Mr. Mo held his breath first, and then took a big bite into his mouth. After chewing a couple of mouthfuls, he found that the taste was not bad except for some throat irritation.

  Mr. Mo was stunned for a moment, but then he realized that it was most likely not because the millet rice was delicious, but because the original body was already used to the taste and texture of this kind of food.

  The half-clay pot of millet rice, including the shell and rice, looks about seven or eight taels, and Mo Jun finished eating it in a few mouthfuls.

  Seeing that Mo Jun has such a good appetite, the 'old uncle' was completely relieved, and murmured: "It's good to be able to eat, it's good to be able to eat!"

  After eating.

  Jun Mo followed the 'old uncle' towards the outside of the tent, ready to drink some water outside. The millet rice was very dry, and he choked on it just now because he ate too fast.

  However, just as the two of them reached the gate of the big curtain, they heard a sudden sharp cry from outside the tent.

   "Enemy attack!"

   What followed was chaos.


   "The thief seeks death."


  The entire camp seemed to be in crisis in an instant. To be honest, Mo Jun also panicked when he encountered such a sudden situation.

  After all, the original body of this body and the current two lives have only encountered such a crisis once.

  The price paid that time was that the original body was directly kicked to death by the enemy.

   It is also because of this that the current Mo Jun can travel through.

  As for my previous life, I don’t need to say more. Although I have lived for more than 20 years, the word ‘war’ has always been far away from me.

  Mr. Mo was a little flustered. Fortunately, at this time, there was another person by his side.

  I saw the "old uncle" slowly pull out the bronze sword worn on his waist, and waved his hand quietly towards himself, whispering: "Back back."

Mo Jun suppressed his fear and retreated obediently, but just before he had retreated more than three steps, a cold light suddenly penetrated from outside the door curtain, piercing through instantly before neither of them could react. 'Old Uncle' chest.

  'Old Uncle''s eyes popped out, looking at the long sword that pierced him, his expression froze instantly.

  The tip of the sword pierced the back of the 'old man', and drops of bright red blood gushed out quickly, and the tip of the bronze sword fell on the ground in an instant...

  The personalities of people are not the same.

  Some people become panicked and fearful when encountering a crisis. But some people turn from panic to madness when they encounter a crisis.

  The previous Mo Jun didn’t know which type he belonged to.

   But now, he knows.

  The stimulation of sharp blades and fresh blood made Mo Jun's mind go blank, but then he saw bloodshot from his pupils, and his eyes suddenly became crazy.

   "Grass, crawl for me!"

  Mr. Mo let out a yell, then pulled out the bronze sword worn at his waist, and rushed towards the door brazenly.

at the same time.

A figure suddenly rushed in from outside the door curtain. Hearing Mo Jun's roar, that person was startled, but his reaction was much calmer than Mo Jun's. Seeing Mo Jun rushing towards him, he calmly pulled out and pierced 'Old Uncle' Bronze Sword...

   As a result, it was not pulled out.

  Because at this time, the 'old man' was using his last ounce of strength to firmly hold the bronze sword in his body with both hands, and showed a **** grin at the enemy soldiers who charged in.

  Although it was only a momentary mistake, this moment became the last consciousness of this enemy.

   It wasn't considered sharp, the bronze sword with several gaps in the blade cut off half of the neck, and the blood in the main artery splashed across Mo Jun's face like a fountain.

  With the last trace of shock, the enemy soldier fell slowly, but before he fell to the ground, the enemy soldier suddenly disappeared from Mo Jun's eyes.

  As if it had never appeared before.

   This sudden scene made Mo Jun's brain stunned again. Before he could recover, Mo Jun saw an unusually familiar thing, which appeared directly in the depths of his mind.

  【Equipment disassembly complete】

  【You get: small red crystal block x68, life crystal (fragment) x3, adventurer's soul (ordinary) x1, weathered powder x62, inferior copper block x2, cloth piece x5...】


  (end of this chapter)

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