MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 198 Nanyang Conspiracy

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  Chapter 198 The Nanyang Conspiracy

  Nanyang is a military fortress on the border of South Korea. As the Qin army continues to send more troops to the border between the two countries, the entry inspection here has become more stringent.

   After changing his appearance, it took Xiong Da a lot of effort to finally let the caravan sneak into Nanyang.

   "Time is running out, go to the Nanyang County Sheriff first."

  After entering Nanyang, Xiong Da took out a 'sundial pocket watch' from his pocket, put it flat in his hand, looked at the shadow of the pointer slanted by the sun, and found that it was less than an hour before dark.

   Before night falls.

  Xiong Da brought Xiong Er to the Nanyang County Governor's Mansion. After the transmission, the two were quickly summoned.

   After entering the Sheriff's Mansion.

  Nan County Magistrate Zuo Teng was sitting in the lobby waiting. When Xiong Da and Xiong Er arrived, he could still vaguely see the hesitation and sadness frowning between Zuo Teng's brows.

   Zuo Teng's frowning didn't calm down until he saw Xiong Da and Xiong Er coming.

When the servants came up, each served a cup of tea for Xiong Da and Xiong Er, and then stepped back, Zuo Teng took a sip of the tea, and said gently: "I don't know your surnames? What's the point of visiting me this time?" What are you doing?"

   "What's the matter? The governor of Zuo Teng doesn't know us so soon?"

   Although Xiong Da and Xiong Er are now in disguise, their voices have not changed. Hearing Xiong Da's words, Zuo Teng was obviously surprised for a moment, and then his face changed slightly.

  He looked at the guards in the distance, and changed his words: "This is not a place for discussion, please come to the backyard with me, gentlemen."


   Zuo Teng got up first and walked towards the backyard through the side door of the lobby, followed by Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

   Arriving at the backyard, Zuo Teng first drove out the servants in the courtyard, then led Xiong Da and Xiong Er into the study room, closed the doors and windows, and then cupped his hands at them again.

   "Why did the two gentlemen come to Nanyang at this time? Could it be for..."

   "Don't misunderstand the governor of the left county. My family has no intention of participating in the matter on the border between Qin and Han. I will come to Nanyang for this trip, but I am only ordered to do some things."

"I see."

  Zuo Teng breathed a sigh of relief.

   Seeing this, Xiong Da was surprised and said: "I feel that the governor of Zuo Teng seems to be under a lot of pressure recently? If you don't mind, why not tell me and let me listen to it later?"

  Zuo Teng's expression froze at first, then he suddenly remembered the background of the two people in front of him, and felt that there was no need to hide the secret he was hiding in front of these two people, so he smiled wryly.

"Presumably the two gentlemen also know some of your current 'identities', so I will not hide it from you two. In fact, not long ago, someone from Qin State sent a secret letter, and they will attack South Korea soon. "

   "Well! We have indeed heard about this matter. However, as early as many years ago, the Zuo County Sheriff conspired to reach a cooperation with Qin State. Are you planning to go back on your word now?"

  Xiong's big eyes flickered slightly.

  As for Zuo Teng's 'internal response' status, Xiong Tianran has also learned from Mo Jun. If it weren't for knowing this secret, the Chamber of Commerce led by Xiong Da would not have cooperated with Zuo Teng many times in these years.

Zuo Teng shook his head and said, "It's a done deal. Since I have made a decision, I will naturally not regret it at this critical juncture. Moreover, I was willing to cooperate with Qin at the beginning, not because I valued the benefits promised by Qin, but because of the high-ranking dignitaries in South Korea. It is extremely rotten, and in order to give the people at the bottom a way out, I made this decision."

   "And now it seems that the original decision is also very correct."

   "Over the past few years, the royals and nobles of the upper class in South Korea have become more and more embezzled. Even in the heavy snowfall last year, if the two gentlemen hadn't provided a batch of food in time, it might not be impossible for the people of Nanyang today to be killed or injured."

   "Speaking of this matter, I still need to express my gratitude to the two gentlemen."

  When he said this, it could be seen that Zuo Teng's gaze was a little hesitant at first, but it gradually turned into determination in the end. And got up and bowed to Xiong Daxiong Er.

  Xiong Dalian hurriedly got up to return the salute: "You are welcome to the governor of Zuoteng, we are just following orders. But since the governor of Zuoteng has made a decision in his mind, why are he hesitating now?"

   Mentioning this matter, the resolute Zuo Teng just now showed a look of helplessness on his face. He sat back on the cushion and said bitterly:

"What I am worried about is not the war, but the aftermath of the war. Last year, a heavy snowfall made the people at the bottom of the entire South Korea seriously injured. Although Nanyang has a batch of food provided by the two gentlemen in time, it barely survived the crisis. .But now that the autumn harvest is not yet here, if there is another major war at this time, I don’t know how many people will be displaced and homeless.”

   "Heh~~ It turns out that the governor of Zuo Teng was worried about this matter? If this is the case, the governor of Zuo Teng need not be so concerned."

   Facing Zuo Teng's sorrow, Xiong Da suddenly smiled softly, and said: "To be honest, the reason why my lord asked me to come to Nanyang this time is to solve this matter."

  Hearing this, Zuo Teng's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "That lord is even prepared for this?"

  Xiong laughed loudly and said: "My lord once made a statement to protect all the people of Great Qin. If Nanyang becomes the territory of our Qin State, the people here will naturally become the people of Great Qin."

   "So don't worry Zuo Teng County Governor. This time, I led the chamber of commerce and secretly placed a sum of food outside Nanyang City in batches. Once the battle of Nanyang is over, this food will immediately be turned into 'disaster relief food'."

   "As for the aftermath, all those who became refugees due to the war can move with me to live in Hanzhong County."

  After hearing what Xiong Da said, Zuo Teng's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the worry between his brows disappeared: "If this is the case, I will have no worries."

   "However, this matter will still require the cooperation of Zuo Teng County Guard. After all, we are not from South Korea, and we are far less familiar with this place than Zuo Teng County Guard. In addition, the sooner the war ends, the less disaster will be suffered in Nanyang."

   "I naturally know about this matter."

  As for Xiong Da's vague reminder in the last sentence, Zuo Teng naturally understood what the other party meant. But as long as Nanyang can restore peace as soon as possible, Zuo Teng is willing to bear the infamy of "traitor".

   "However, speaking of it, there is still a doubt in my heart that I have not solved? I have never met that adult, why does he value me so much?"

   This is the only thing that Zuo Teng hasn't figured out yet. He and Xiong Da Xiong Er had known each other a few years ago. It was obviously the first time they cooperated at that time, but the other party showed an appearance of knowing him quite well.

   What's even more unexpected is that the person behind the two seems to have heard of his name, and even helped him through difficulties many times.

   It's not that Zuo Teng looks down on him, but because of his status, he may still have some face in front of ordinary landlords and nobles, but in front of that person, calling him a fart is probably flattering him.

   After all, even a fart can still make a sound, and he, an unknown Nanyang governor, can still have a name in Korea, but in the Seven Kingdoms, he is really nothing.

   Facing Zuo Teng's response, Xiong Da didn't answer, but just smiled slightly and said, "The Governor Zuo Teng will know about this in the future. If the Governor Zuo Teng has nothing else to do, then I will leave first."

   "Wait, two gentlemen, I really want to ask you a little favor..."


  (end of this chapter)

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