MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 182 Dongjun Yanfei

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  Chapter 182 Dongjun Concubine Yan

   "Come here and have a look, take a look, the latest Confucian masterpieces "Mencius" and "The Analects"..."

   "Ten chapters of Momen, "Jian Ai" and "Shang Tong" are on sale at a special price. A book only costs 20 big bucks. If you can't buy it for 20 big bucks, you will suffer losses and be fooled."


   Dongjun Concubine Yan, who received the task from Donghuang Taiyi, changed into a long aqua blue dress and came to Hanzhong [Shengping Town].

   Just got here.

  Concubine Yan discovered that [Shengping Town] had many people from all walks of life, and some bookstores that I occasionally met on the roadside began to sell paper versions of Confucian and Mohist masterpieces.

  Concubine Yan randomly chose a bookstore and walked in, picked a paper book of Confucianism "The Analects" from the bookshelf and looked at it for a while, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

   "Are you actually taken a step ahead?"

   Concubine Yan murmured.

  Based on her character, she would not have taken on such a task originally. The reason why Concubine Yan took the initiative to take on the task this time was mainly because of the Moon God.

   Concubine Yan is really curious, what kind of man is it that can make that woman give up herself and save her.

in other words.

   Concubine Yan's primary goal in coming to Hanzhong is not the task, but Mo Jun.

   But I don’t care if I don’t care, but if I can’t complete the task this time, it will also damage her reputation as the ‘East Lord’ of the Yin Yang family.

  Thinking of this, Concubine Yan stopped staying any longer, walked out of the bookstore, and walked in the direction of [Mo Mansion].


   "Please inform me, Lord Dong of the Yin Yang family is visiting Lord Shengping."

  When she came to the door of [Mo Mansion], Concubine Yan did not announce the name of 'Moon God'.

  Although she made a strong promise in front of Donghuang Taiyi before, for Concubine Yan, if she wanted her to bluff into the market under the name of that woman, it would be better to let her die.

   "Please wait a moment, the villain will notify the adults right away."

  The concierge of the Mo Mansion came out and took a look at Concubine Yan. Although his behavior was full of etiquette, his expression was quite calm and indifferent.

   As one of the guardians of the Yin Yang family.

  Concubine Yan Dongjun can be regarded as a figure who can be ranked in the world.

   It's not that the concierge of the Mo Mansion has never heard of the name 'Dongjun', otherwise he would not have asked Concubine Yan to wait here, but would have chased her away.

  After all, with Mo Jun’s current status, the door of [Mo Mansion] is naturally not something that just anyone can walk in.

  And the reason why the concierge of the Mo Mansion's expression is so calm when seeing Concubine Yan arrives is entirely because too many people have come to visit Mo Jun recently.

   There are hundreds of schools of thought, each school has its own sect.

  He has head and face, but he has no face.

  Basically in the whole world, anyone who can come has already come.

   Those who cannot come are also on the way.

  Even just now, the current head of the Gongshu family came to visit with a gift in person, and has not left until now.

  So a mere yin and yang protector can't arouse the interest of the concierge of the Mo family at all.


  In the lobby of the Mo Mansion at this time.

  The air froze.

  Gong Shuchou and Mo Jun are friends, so for Gong Shuchou's arrival, Mo Jun naturally upholds a welcoming attitude, but Mo Jun, who is too "careless", accidentally forgot a very important thing.

   That is the relationship between the Gongshu family and the Mohists.

   Mohist organs, wood and stone walk.

  Bronze opened his mouth and wanted to ask Gongshu.

  The grievances between the Mo family and the Gongshu family can all be traced back to the generations of their respective ancestors.

   Now that the contemporary head of the Gongshu family and the Mohist tycoon suddenly met in the Mo House, the two sides did not fight on the spot, which can be regarded as a great deal of face to Mo Jun.

  In the lobby of Mo Mansion.

  Mr. Mo took the main seat, and Xunzi took the first place on the right.

  Afterwards, Six Fingers Heixia and Gong Shuchou sat facing each other. Although the two of them didn't speak, Mo Jun could smell the gunpowder smoke permeating each other, even if they were several feet apart.

  Heixia Six Fingers quietly took out a wooden mechanism that resembled a 'Rubik's Cube' from under his black robe. The palm-sized wooden mechanism quickly changed its shape under the Heixia Six Fingers' flexible fingers.

  It turns into a chariot for a while, and turns into a villain for a while...

   See here.

  Gong Shuchou on the opposite side was not to be outdone, and took out a small bronze beast. After the small bronze beast was placed on the table, it was obviously unmanned, but it could also make various actions automatically.

  Mr. Mo's eyes lit up.

  Through the present.

  There are not many things in this world that Mo Jun can't understand. The "mechanism" of the Mo family and the Gongshu family is something that Mo Jun still hasn't studied thoroughly so far.

Xunzi, who was drinking tea, looked calm, but he opened one eye and glanced this way. Obviously, even for a person like Xunzi, seeing two master-level figures compete in "mechanism skills", It is also an extremely rare thing.

  At the time when the 'Wen Dou' between Six Fingers Heixia and Gong Shuhou was faintly escalating.

  I only heard a voice suddenly coming from outside the door.

   "My lord, there is a guest outside the door, claiming to be the 'Dong Jun' of the Yin Yang family, who came to visit my lord."

The concierge's voice interrupted the stalemate in the lobby. Six Fingers Heixia and Gong Shuchou looked at each other. Although the hostility in each other's eyes had not disappeared, considering that they were in the [Mo Mansion], both sides tacitly withdrew it. 'Props'.

   Not being able to see a good show, although Mo Jun was quite disappointed, but Mo Jun was soon attracted by the concierge's words.

   "Dongjun? How did this 'love brain' come about?"

  Mr. Mo muttered secretly in his heart.

   Originally, Mo Jun thought that Donghuang Taiyi would send the 'Yue Nu' back. Although the relationship between Mo Jun and Yue Nu was not bad before, it was still a little bit worse than the level of 'confidant'.

  But since the 'Jin Youjun' case, Mo Jun found out that this silly girl was willing to join the Qin State for her own sake, after becoming the 'Great Qin Country Protector' that she had been unwilling to do before.

  The relationship between the two obviously deteriorated a little bit.

   Although looking at it now.

  The actions of "Yue Nu" at the beginning seemed a bit unnecessary, but the meaning behind some things is far more important than the things themselves.

   "Please come in!" Mo Jun said.


  The porter outside the door responded, and then retreated respectfully.

  There are not many descriptions of the woman Dongjun Yanfei in the original book, so Mo Jun probably just remembers that this woman is very attractive, capable, and resourceful, but unfortunately she seems to lack some brains.

  As the protector of the Yin-Yang family, he was played around by Yan Dan.

   Not only was she fooled into giving birth to a daughter.

  Even after Yan Dan's death, the woman didn't notice anything unusual.


  (end of this chapter)

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