MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 143 Are Hanzhong people so rich?

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  Chapter 143 Are Hanzhong people so rich?

   "Are you sure you want two feet?"

   "What? Are you out of stock?"

   "No, no, no... of course it's in stock, of course it's in stock."

  Hearing what the road builder said, the cloth seller who was still a little dazed quickly came to his senses, and then took out a long ruler and started cutting the cloth.

   Not long.

The two feet of cloth was cut, and the cloth seller carefully folded it, and said: "Chenghui, two feet of cloth, a total of forty coins, I will give you a discount, you only need to pay me thirty-eight coins." Big money will do."

   Originally, the cloth seller was a little worried that the dark-skinned old farmer in front of him would not be able to pay the money, but he didn't expect that just as he opened his mouth, he saw that the other party had already taken out thirty-eight large coins from a cloth bag and handed it over.

  The big money has some dust on it, but as a businessman, it is obviously impossible to hate money even if you hate anything.

   "Money and goods are cleared, please keep your cloth."

The cloth seller handed the cloth to the road builder with a smile on his face. Thirty-eight big coins can already buy a whole stone of grain. He has just arrived in Hanzhong, and he opened the door. It is natural to make such a deal. A thing to be happy about.

  Other businessmen were a little surprised when they saw this scene.

   Obviously they did not expect that the cloth seller would be so lucky to meet such a rich 'rich' in such a wilderness.

   After all, others don’t know. They, the businessmen who often do business in Qin and the seven countries, know that at least 90% of the civilians in the Central Plains are still struggling with food and clothing.

   These civilians may be able to wear that kind of coarse linen, but this kind of thick cloth with three layers of fine linen is already a luxury for them.

  In the past, they were doing business in the villages of various counties and counties. It is estimated that only two or three families in a village can afford this kind of thick fabric, and they can basically buy a seven or eight-foot piece.

   Like this kind of 'rich customer' who buys a full two feet thick fabric, let alone the countryside, it is not common in many counties.

  So to be able to meet such a guest in such a remote place in the countryside right now is like **** luck.

  Originally these businessmen thought so.

   But in the next second.

  The cloth seller had just received the big money and was about to put away the rest of the cloth when he heard a voice again:

   "Wait a minute, I think the fabric is pretty good, cut me two feet too!"

   "I want a foot too... By the way, old black duck, I don't have any money with me, so lend me a few coins first, and pay it back when I go back."

   "Cut me a foot and a half, and besides, what's the price of your animal skin?"


  After the first person finished speaking, as if some kind of chain reaction had started, the rest of the road workers started to shout.

   One time.

   This field, which was originally in the wilderness, has become as lively as a vegetable market.

  Then several convoys were in a hurry for a while. When everything subsided and all the road construction workers bought their favorite products, many businessmen suddenly found that nearly half of the products they brought during this trip had been sold.

   "Ah... are Hanzhong people so rich?"

  A group of businessmen looked at each other a few times, completely confused.

  In their impression, wasn't Hanzhong always poor?

   Some of these merchants came to Hanzhong a few years ago. At that time, their main purpose was to buy some mountain products, including mountain delicacies, animal furs and the like.

  After all, Hanzhong County is mixed with mountains, and there are still many mountain products like this.

  When they came that time, the Hanzhong civilians they clearly saw were still in a state of naked clothes and food.

  Why haven't we seen each other for a few years, Hanzhong has become like this.

  A group of businessmen had some doubts at first, maybe they just met a group of rich people, but they didn't expect that they would meet a group of dark and rough farmers after they didn't go far.


   They sold another third of their merchandise.

   This time.

   These people have been thoroughly determined that the people of Hanzhong... are really rich.


   After another transaction was concluded, a businessman finally came to his senses and remembered the real goal of their trip to Hanzhong, so he grabbed a farmer who was about to leave and asked.

   "My fellow, I would like to ask you something. I heard that you have a lot of 'exotic vegetables' here, that is, vegetables and fruits that are rarely seen in ordinary times. Is it true?"

  The farmer turned back and said, "Exotic vegetables? Are you talking about those weird vegetables that Mr. Shengping wants us to grow?"

  The businessman nodded again and again, and said: "Yes, yes, yes, yes. Fellow, do you have it now? I can buy it at a high price."

The farmer shook his head and said: "You can't buy it at a high price. The vegetables in our hands are ordered by Mr. Shengping. If you really want to buy them, you can go to [Xiong Chumo Chamber of Commerce] in Kunshan County. I heard that all these vegetables in Hanzhong are now handed over to them for sale."

  Getting the news he wanted from the farmer's account, a group of businessmen didn't stop, and quickly accelerated their pace towards Qunshan County.

  Because the goods brought along the road have been sold for seven to eighty-eight, and only some too cheap and flashy things are left, so the speed of this group of merchants has also increased a lot.


   Wait until noon the next day.

  A dozen caravans entered the territory of Kunshan County.

  After entering the city of Gunshan County, the first impression these businessmen felt was that it was lively.

  The population of Hanzhong itself is not large, so compared to the capitals of many counties outside the Qinling Mountains, the population of Qunshan County is not very large.

  But when these businessmen entered the county seat of Kunshan, they had the feeling of returning to Xianyang.

   Above the street.

  Pedestrians come and go in an endless stream.

  However, it is the small vendors on both sides of the street that attract the attention of these merchants, as well as the shopkeepers who carry their burdens and walk past the crowd from time to time.

To know.

   Due to the restrictions of the policy of "emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business" in Qin State, only foreign businessmen and businessmen with strong backgrounds can survive in Qin State today.

  As for ordinary small merchants and hawkers, there is basically no way to survive.

  And if ordinary people want to sell their own goods for some money, unless it is during a specific time period, they can only let those big businessmen from outside bid for them.

  There is no such thing as "free trade" at the moment.

  If these itinerant vendors in front of everyone are in Xianyang, not only will their stalls be confiscated and huge commercial taxes will be levied, but the sellers will also be classified as "merchant status".

  From now on, these will be the first batch of people who will be conscripted for military service in Qin State.


  Even in many capitals of the Qin State, although they have a large population, they are usually lifeless. Even during the day, no one can be seen on the streets.

  But the county in front of me is completely opposite to those of the metropolises.

   "What's going on, aren't these people afraid of the punishment of Qin's laws?"

  Many businessmen frowned, puzzled by the scene in front of them.

at this time.

  Suddenly someone saw something, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in surprise, "Where are you looking?"

   Everyone followed the prestige, and the next second, the faces of a group of businessmen changed at the same time.

I saw that at the place where everyone's eyes met, a roadside stall parked on the side of the road was cooking food. However, the cooking method used by the stall owner was neither steaming nor boiling, but a method they had never seen before. Known cooking techniques.

"This is······"

  Everyone looked at each other, thinking of the delicious food they saw at [Baichuan Restaurant].

  However, these merchants did not act rashly, because they just glanced at them and saw at least four or five people using this cooking technique on this street.

  It shows that this technology is no longer a secret in Hanzhong, so these businessmen naturally don't have to be so anxious to explore.

   Everyone didn't stay in the county for long.

   A group of people entered from the east city, walked out from the west city, and then walked straight towards [Xiong Chumo Chamber of Commerce].

   Not long.

  More than a dozen merchants came to the headquarters of the [Xiong Chumo Chamber of Commerce]. It was only after they arrived here that they suddenly discovered that there was already more than one caravan waiting here.

  The person who received these businessmen was Xiong Da.

  Xiong Da didn't seem to be surprised by the arrival of these merchants. He just ordered his servants to lead them to the hall of the chamber of commerce one by one, and then took out the samples of the goods that these merchants most wanted to buy during their trip.

  【Vegetables】, 【Seeds】, 【Iron Pan】.

  The process after that is much smoother.

More than a dozen businessmen who came from Xianyang stayed at the [Xiong Chumo Chamber of Commerce] headquarters for less than a quarter of an hour, and each of them walked out in a daze with a "list" that could pick up the goods tomorrow morning. Chamber of Commerce.

   Too skilled.

  The director of the [Xiongidemo Chamber of Commerce] just now is too proficient in dealing with them.

It was as if before they arrived, the other party had already anticipated all their needs for this trip, even though they, veterans who had already experienced many battles in the mall, faced the supervisor 'Xiong Da', they didn't speak back at all. Power.

  And the price offered by the other party is indeed very sincere, giving them the feeling that the purpose of the other party to sell them something is not to make money at all.

   is to sell things, nothing more.

   "It's getting late, since we can pick up the goods tomorrow, why don't we find a place to rest for the night?" Someone suggested.

   "Alright!" Another person echoed.

   "However, this area is still a bit remote. If we want to find the inn, we may have to return to the county seat."

  【Xiong Chumo Chamber of Commerce】The headquarters is not too far from the county seat of Gunshan, only about five or six miles away.

   It's just that this area is located in a remote area, and there are few villages around, let alone inns.

   According to common sense, if these businessmen who came here want to rest, they can basically only return to the county seat.

   I didn't expect it.

   Just as the last businessman finished speaking, another businessman suddenly pointed behind him and said with a strange expression: "No, maybe we have another choice."

  After listening, the businessman looked back and saw not far from the [Xiongidemo Chamber of Commerce] headquarters, beside a beautiful lake, a towering seven-story building stood on the shore.

   This building is extremely conspicuous. The businessman had already noticed it when he first came here, but he didn't take a closer look at it.

   May this time.

   When he took a closer look, he realized that on the signboard of this huge building, there were four big characters [Baichuan Restaurant] written impressively.


  (end of this chapter)