MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 9 female cat

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Shan Bei found herself lying on the sofa, Mu Qing was also watching TV very rarely, but she was still quite far away.

Thinking of the vague fox's back just now, Shan Bei concluded that the fox had a guilty conscience and was avoiding her. "Hmph, if you can hide from the first day of the junior high school, you can't hide from the fifteenth day!" Shan Bei snorted, although she didn't know how to trick the fox out.

"Queen..." Mu Qing was about to speak, but unexpectedly the queen walked towards her suddenly, making her choke on her words, and Mu Qing didn't react until the queen got into her arms and found a seemingly comfortable place to nest.

Muqing hesitated for a moment, gently stroking the Queen's back, scratching its ears, and muttered at the same time: "Queen, why are you hot and cold recently? When I approach you in the morning, you run away Yes, you ignored me even when I told you, but now you are so clingy. What's wrong with you?"

"Hey, what that fox did was really exaggerated. But it seems that it deliberately stays away from the big long legs or me every time. Is there any problem?" Shan Bei listened to Mu Qing's resentment and anger, and fell into his own Thoughts.

"I made an appointment with my colleague today, and she will bring her cat to play. You should develop a good relationship with her. If you see the right way, she will agree to let you stay together." Mu Qing is a decisive person Yes, once confirmed, it will be implemented immediately. Now that she knew that the queen was capricious due to the estrus problem, she made an appointment with her colleagues when she went to the company this morning, and invited her to come and play, and see if the two cats could see each other.

Shan Bei hasn't gotten out of his thoughts yet, and didn't listen to Mu Qing's words at all. While she was thinking about the fox, she was enjoying Muqing's massage, it was so comfortable!

When the clock reached 13:30, the doorbell rang on time. Shan Bei was already drowsy, but when he heard the bell, his ears suddenly stood on end, and he raised his body partly, showing a cautious look.

Mu Qing hugged the queen in his arms and walked towards the door, opened it, a cat face outside the door almost startled Dan Bei, she meowed in surprise and slipped into Mu Qing's arms.

"Hahaha, your queen looks so shy, but she doesn't look like a male at all."

"I'll show you the proof." After finishing speaking, Mu Qing planned to turn the Queen over to expose her belly.

Shan Bei was not happy when she heard that, and struggled hard, even if she is not a male cat, she would not be happy to be watched by other people so openly. She raised the meat pad and hit Muqing's arm vigorously, making a loud "snap" sound.

"Your cat is angry. It's really a queen, so cute. In other words, you are really no one to name a male cat 'Queen'." Colleague Chen Guxue couldn't help but want to reach out to touch the queen, and the quilt covered her face. Another paw scratched it.

Mu Qing quickly stopped Shan Bei's paw, and at the same time warned Chen Guxue: "Don't touch it, it will scratch you, and then you have to get a rabies vaccination."

When Chen Guxue saw the queen stretching out her claws, she shrank back reflexively. This queen is indeed a "queen".

"Xue'er, come and meet the queen, let's say hello." The cat that Chen Guxue is holding is very well-behaved. It doesn't seem to be a rare breed, but it looks good, and it is also white all over|cat hair, only the ears There is a circle of black around the part, just like embellishment.

When Xueer saw the queen, she let out a soft "meow", as if greeting the queen, and she sounded like a lady.

"Your Xue'er is so gentle and delicate, I'm worried that the Queen will bully it."

"It's okay, no matter how gentle it is, it's still a cat, and cats have tempers."

"Then let them cultivate their relationship. Come on, let's watch TV and eat some fruit."

"Okay. You are still so fanatical about Shan Bei. Every time I come to your house, I have the illusion of entering a moron's house." Chen Guxue looked around the living room, glanced at Mu Qing, and said, she came here today for the second time. It was only once, and the first time was because Mu Qing took her as a newcomer, and Mu Qing just happened to go home for something, so she followed her facelessly.

"Isn't this game based on her? I just want to draw better." Mu Qing smiled, and poured a glass of freshly squeezed juice for Chen Guxue.

"Wow, your juice is really good. It's sweet and refreshing, and it's not greasy. Anyone who marries you will be blessed for eight lifetimes. I originally wanted to come for lunch at noon today, but I was delayed by a bunch of messy things in the company." Chen Gu Xue changed the subject.

When Chen Guxue praised "Whoever marries you is really a blessing for eight lifetimes", Mu Qing unconsciously looked at Shan Bei's poster, his eyes flashed so quickly that no one noticed. But when Chen Guxue said that she was coming for lunch, she said, "Let's stay for dinner tonight."

"I thought about it too, but I have to leave around four o'clock. I still have something to do, so sad." Chen Guxue looked bitter and laughed, making Mu Qing laugh.

Mu Qing said: "I cooked some dishes for lunch, I planned to have you come over to eat together, but I didn't eat when you didn't come, why don't I pack it for you?"

"Okay, okay, thank you so much, I love you so much, Xiao Qingqing." Chen Guxue made a gesture to hug Muqing, but was blocked by a cat.

Ever since Xue Er asked her a friendly and shy hello, Shan Bei has been in a state of being struck by lightning, and this woman actually found her a female cat to pair with without saying a word? !

After Dan Bei slapped Muqing hard, she ran into the living room, and of course, the lady Xueer followed behind, meowing happily, as if she had a good first impression.

Shan Bei wished he could kick it over, screaming like a ghost! She turned around and said viciously: "Don't follow me, or I will be impolite! I will beat the female cat as well!"

Xue'er still approached Dan Bei step by step, every call was elongated, and she felt terrified in Dan Bei's ears. She walked around the living room in circles, and that Xue'er followed behind unhurriedly.

Fuck, it's usually the male cat that chases the female cat, and the female cat decides whether to accept it, right? Shan Bei thinks so. But now, she was retreating again and again, thinking about it, she was really cowardly, and she was forced to retreat steadily by a female cat. If it wasn't for the consideration of the relationship between Mu Qing and her colleagues, she would have hit her up directly, and she could still make that female cat so arrogant.

Thinking of this, Shan Bei aimed at Mu Qing, he was chased by the female cat and ran all over the living room, but his long legs didn't respond, it was so outrageous!

So, she saw Muqing chatting happily with the girl named Chen Guxue. Then, from the body language of that Chen Guxue, it can be seen that Chen Guxue wants to hug Muqing. Shan Bei's brain twitched, and he ran over directly, and ran into Mu Qing's arms.

After receiving the queen's embrace, Mu Qing hugged it too. Muqing doesn't like to have too much physical close contact with others, but sometimes it is unavoidable in getting along with others, and she can't be too lofty, but now the queen relieved her embarrassment, she couldn't help but let it go Mao licked the queen.

"Queen, do you like Xue'er?" Mu Qing kissed the queen's forehead and asked, stroking its front paws.

"What's wrong!" Shan Bei meowed, scolding Mu Qing for being out of his mind.

"Look at how beautiful Cher is, don't you like it? Go play with her on the window sill?"

When Shan Bei heard this, he lay down directly on Mu Qing's body, his wish had been expressed very clearly.

Mu Qing felt that he seemed to understand what the queen meant, and looked at Chen Guxue in embarrassment, and Chen Guxue also looked at him fixedly, which made her a little confused.

"Uh, I saw the way you interacted with the queen just now. You are so gentle. You are usually very serious in the company, which makes me feel that you are difficult to approach."

Hypocrisy, it's hard to get close to Mu Qing just now, "Xiao Qingqing"? Moreover, as soon as he arrived at our house, he laughed like a nympho, it was so ugly!

Thinking about it, Shan Bei felt uncomfortable, and slapped Mu Qing's seldom-wearing trousers again.

"Hehe, your queen is really arrogant. It seems that she has no interest in Xue'er. Our Xue'er has never chased a male cat before, who knew that it was the first time, hey, okay Poor." Chen Guxue pitifully touched Xue'er's head, and Xue'er also nestled meekly in her arms listlessly, as if she was a little injured.

Mu Qing also never expected that the Queen would reject Xue'er so directly, without any intention of pity. She doesn't understand what the cat world is like, but she still feels a little sorry.

"I'm sorry, if I invite you and Xue'er to dinner another day, I will make an apology to Xue'er."

"Haha, it's okay, I'm just talking, don't take it seriously."

"Hypocrisy!" Shan Bei couldn't help shouting out.

"Meow." Xue'er yelled too, glared at the back of the blanket, and seemed to wilt again.

In fact, Shan Bei couldn't understand what Xueer was talking about, and she didn't want to know anyway, and it was impossible for her to really have anything with Xueer, so goose bumps came out all over her body just thinking about it. But this Chen Guxue is very thought-provoking.

Chen Guxue was basically talking about one thing and doing another, coveting Muqing's craftsmanship, but she said she didn't have time, so if she packed it up and left, could she take the opportunity to return the lunch box? There is also the matter of cats, which has a fart relationship with Muqing, and it is really scheming to be able to talk about it. If it wasn't for both of them being women, Shan Bei would have suspected that Chen Guxue had thoughts about Mu Qing. Shan Bei couldn't help worrying about Mu Qing, this woman wouldn't be so easy to fool, right? !

"That's right, you're quite busy too. Otherwise, I'm going to the company during this period of time. I'll bring you a meal. Thank you for taking the time to come over today." Mu Qing found another compromise, but Chen Gu Xue was a little dazed, she was just being polite, if she really wanted to find time to come over for dinner, she still had time. But now that the words have been spoken, she can no longer swallow them back.