MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 81 don't know

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Xia Feifei didn't know why she packed her luggage and returned to her home. When she woke up from her jealousy and resentment, she was already at her home. She threw away the luggage in her hands, and sat directly on the ground, rubbing her face vigorously with both hands, and then buried her entire face in her palms, resting on her bent knees.

At that time, she interrupted Mi Li's passionate kiss with that woman, but Mi Li didn't have any special reaction, and Xia Feifei blurted out "I'm packing my luggage" in a nonchalant manner.

Mi Li didn't follow in, but waited outside. When Xia Feifei came out, Mi Li just watched with her arms folded.

"Li, I really like you, can you break off all the ambiguous relationships for me? As long as you say yes, I will not leave. I want to be your lover, not a lover, not a girlfriend, are you willing? "Xia Feifei is really desperate, she hopes that Mi Li can say what she wants.

Mi Li was not overjoyed, but said coldly, "What if I say no?"

"Then let's break up." Xia Feifei bit her lower lip tightly, staring at Mi Li expectantly.

"Heh, are we girlfriends? I thought we were just taking what we needed." Mi Li said coldly, without any intention of holding back.

"You..." Xia Feifei's eyes widened and her lips trembled. The two have been together for a year no matter what, why doesn't Mi Li have a little bit of nostalgia?

"As you wish, let's break up." The corner of Mi Li's mouth hooked slightly, feeling relieved.

Xia Feifei gritted her teeth, tears seemed to overflow, she clutched the luggage in her hand, straightened her back, turned and left. The moment the elevator closed, she saw Mi Li's head resting on the woman's shoulder, and her intimacy finally made her cry.

Along the way, Xia Feifei was in a daze, she felt like a puppet. The first time I met Mi Li was at their school, the amazing feeling at the first sight, and Mi Li's inadvertent guidance later made her heart move. When she finally approached Mi Li with her own ability, Mi Li seemed to have no impression of her. That's okay, Xia Feifei knows that Mi Li is her target, so that's fine. It seemed logical for the two to be together. Mi Li was very kind to her at the beginning, but at that time she was so sweet that she was almost tired of others.

When did it change? Xia Feifei was ignorant, but one day she suddenly discovered that Mi Li had a woman outside. Of course, she would not let those people succeed. With her cleverness, she cut down all the thorns along the way. She thought that victory was in sight, but she didn't expect that there was a cliff ahead.

Xia Feifei stayed quietly in the living room for a long time, and when she became numb for a long time, the phone rang. She stayed for a while, and then realized that it was her call. Her fingers were a little stiff, but she still picked up the phone and found that it was Mu Qing's call.


"Has the situation changed?" Mu Qing heard that Xia Feifei's voice was wrong, so he asked.

"Hehe, we broke up, broke up completely." Xia Feifei's voice broke down completely, her tears couldn't stop, holding the phone in one hand, her face was already buried in the other arm.

Mu Qing and Shan Bei on the other end of the phone looked at each other and said with their mobile phones: "Xia Feifei, don't cry, tell me your address, I'll go there."

"...Room 1203, Building 6." Xia Feifei waited for a while before telling Mu Qing the address.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right there."

Mu Qing tidied up, took the key and went out. Shan Bei didn't follow, both of them unconsciously showed a very affectionate look, and they were afraid that they would stimulate Xia Feifei too much.

"Waiting for your good news." Shan Bei made a cheering gesture.

"rest assured."

As expected, Xia Feifei's house was very close to Mu Qing's house, it was just a nearby building. When Mu Qing arrived at Xia Feifei's house, he knocked on the door but found that the door was ajar.

Mu Qing's heart trembled, Xia Feifei was seriously injured this time, otherwise she wouldn't have even closed the door. As for whether Xia Feifei opened the door for her in advance, it must be negative, because before entering the door, Xia Feifei was seen sitting on the floor with her head buried in her arms. The room was silent and looked particularly depressed.

"Xia Feifei?" Mu Qing lowered his voice and called.

Xia Feifei moved, looked up at the door, her eyes were already swollen. After looking at the environment, Mu Qing went straight to the bathroom, and quickly came out with a cold towel.

"Let's apply it."

Xia Feifei didn't answer, but just looked ahead motionlessly.

"Put yourself in your shoes, if it were Shan Bei, I would be like you. You love Mi Li, and I understand your feelings. If you want to have a good result with Mi Li, trust me, sort out your emotions first. .”

Mu Qing sat next to Xia Feifei, holding the towel still. Her voice was calm and seemed to have a soothing magic power.

Xia Feifei took the towel and buried her face in the towel, her red and swollen eyes were a little stinging, but also a little comfortable.

"How did you make up your mind?"


"She made up your mind for you?" Mu Qing said to the point.

Xia Feifei took off the towel fiercely, and looked at Mu Qing.

"You are so sad, if she didn't help you, how could you make up your mind." Mu Qing explained.

Xia Feifei held the towel in her hand, nodded, and talked about what she saw and Mi Li's reaction.

"In this case, you live your life well."

"Without her, my life would not be good." Xia Feifei shook her head.

"But at this moment, you must live better than her, and let her feel that you can live well without her."


"There is no but in this matter. Since it was my idea, I can't just watch you go on like this. Just live your own life and let your girlfriend accompany you occasionally. You don't need to deliberately appear in In front of Mi Li."

"Is this really okay?" Xia Feifei was worried.

"Sure!" The bystander Qing, as a bystander, Mu Qing naturally saw it in her eyes.

What else could Xia Feifei do, the only way was to make herself ignore Mi Li, but it was really difficult.

When Mu Qing came out, she wasn't really sure about it, but she had only two ways of looking at Mi Li: either she was a scumbag or... was that really a scumbag? Mu Qing still remembers the news she got before that Mi Li's cheating was unsuccessful every time. If it was Xia Feifei who was really doing something wrong, then he wouldn't be able to succeed every time, after all, there would be fish that slipped through the net. However, according to the information given by the beauty, every time Mi Li's derailments ended in failure, what does that mean?

After listening to Mu Qing's words, Xia Feifei lived in seclusion during this time, because she was also afraid of seeing Mi Li, and occasionally went out to watch movies with her girlfriend who was watching a movie next to her last time, pretending to be warm.

After more than half a month like this, there was no movement from Mi Li, and Xia Feifei was already a little impatient. Fortunately, every time she thought about it, she would run to Mu Qing's house, and when she came out, she would be firm. Confidence. Mu Qing said that she noticed Mi Li's abnormal movement.

It was a coincidence that when Mu Qing went to Mu's, he planned to buy some desserts to bring back to Shan Bei, but saw Mi Li with her second uncle. She didn't think the two were drinking coffee and chatting about their relationship, because Mi Li's expression was very impatient. Why is Mi Li with her second uncle? Combined with Mi Li's inexplicable pursuit of Dan Bei before, but not being so positive, Mu Qing seems to have some ideas.

Mu Qing's eyes darkened, she turned her head and glanced at Mu Shi, it seemed that she couldn't let Mu Shi leave her alone, these people were forcing her to go back, ha ha!

Muqing took out her mobile phone and quickly dialed a few numbers. After connecting, she said, "Grandpa, I'll go back to see you this week!"

The old man Mu over there was so excited that he almost dropped his phone. After so long, Mu Qing was finally willing to call him grandpa.

The day before returning to the ancestral house, Shan Bei was reciting his lines. Tomorrow she has to go to work, this time she doesn't need to go out on location, she doesn't need to run around, now is just a good time to consolidate.

"Dan Bei, I'll go back to Mu's house tomorrow." Sitting next to Shan Bei, Mu Qing looked at her moving her mouth and thought she was so cute.

"Okay." Shan Bei nodded.

"Do you want to come with me?"

Shan Bei looked up at Mu Qing, and said, "Aren't you afraid I'll be sad if you ask me that?"

Seeing Mu Qing's flustered eyes, Shan Bei laughed, and she quickly said, "Don't worry, I know you want to wait until you accept them before introducing me, right?" Shan Bei put her arms around Mu Qing and patted her on the back Soothing.

"Shanbei, should I forgive them?"

"Do you want to forgive? Mom, since she wants you to go back, she means that she hopes that you can live in peace with them as a member of the shepherd family."

"What did you just say?" Mu Qing suddenly distanced herself from Shan Bei, staring at her closely.

"Live in peace."



Mu Qing shook his head, looking at Shan Bei longingly, hoping she would say the two words she wanted to hear.

"Fool, isn't your mother my mother? My name is wrong."

"Yes, yes, Shan Bei, I love you so much!"


"And you?"

"same as you."

"Tell me."

"No, it depends on the mood."

"Is the artistic conception not good enough now?"

"It's not good, it's so sad." Shan Bei just didn't say anything.

"I love you, Shan Bei." The heart of love is about to ache, but I still love you so much and don't want to let you go!

"What are you going back to do tomorrow?" Shan Bei asked.

"I am busy."

"What's up?"

"Well, I saw my second uncle drinking coffee with Mi Li two days ago."

"Could it be about business?"

"No, the expression doesn't look the same, and Mu's and Mi Li's companies have nothing to do with each other. Some time ago, she suddenly posted it, and I felt a little strange."

"You suspect that you are still jealous?!"

"Here, suspicion is suspicion, jealousy is jealousy, two different things." Mu Qing argued.

"So you think your second uncle is playing tricks?"

"Well, they can also engage in such little tricks. They are all courageous people, otherwise we are really in trouble."

"Then what are you going to do when you go back this time?"


The relationship between the two is actually known to the public, so the Mu family must know it. But the news obtained from the media can be judged by gossip, Mu Qing now wants to tell everyone clearly that Shan Bei is hers, and if anyone uses their brains, don't blame her!

The first step is to deal with the old man of the shepherd family who is looking forward to her return.

Read The Duke's Passion