MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 66 awkward

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Chen Guxue really knew how to make arrangements, she should have expected that Mu Qing would attend this charity gala with Shan Bei, and deliberately arranged to meet her on the tenth floor.

There was just a knock, and the door opened. Chen Guxue was smiling all over her face, wearing a silky black slim skirt, she turned her body sideways and made an invitation to enter.

Mu Qing doesn't squint, even if she squints, she won't feel it. Not all women can fall into her eyes, only single ones.

"What do you want?"

"Muqing, don't be like this. Although I have never confessed my love to you, you can immediately guess that it is me, which means that you still care about me, doesn't it?" Chen Guxue picked up the coffee table on the coffee table. Red wine glass, handed a glass to Muqing.

Mu Qing directly pushed away, she was not in the mood to drink here.

"Are you afraid that I'll give you medicine? Hahaha." Chen Guxue changed from her usual dignified look, and smiled wildly.

"I've made it clear to you in the text message, and I can understand why you did that. I won't pursue it if it doesn't affect Shan Bei, so let's stop!"

"Hahaha, Dan Bei Dan Bei, is Dan Bei the only one in your eyes?" Chen Guxue suddenly threw the red wine glass on the ground, and took Mu Qing's hand to touch her chest. When approaching her chest, she was emptied by a twist of Mu Qing's wrist.

"Muqing, what you're wearing today is really abstinence | I like you so much! Give it to me once, and I won't pester you again."

"You're drunk! Have a good rest!" Mu Qing said with a cold face, and turned to leave.

Chen Guxue grabbed her arm again and shouted, "Wait a minute."

Muqing looked at Chen Guxue, and saw that she turned around slowly to reveal a clean back, this skirt seemed to be a sex|interest|thing.

Mu Qing watched coldly, unmoved.

After turning around in a circle, Chen Guxue raised her hand to the back of her neck, pulled it lightly, and the strap around her neck fell apart, and she was instantly naked.

Mu Qing turned his head, not intending to appreciate the scene in front of him.

"Muqing, you dare not look at me." Chen Guxue pointed out what she believed to be the truth.

"Chen Guxue, you may be too confident." Mu Qing was not provoked to turn to look at Chen Guxue, but remained the same.

"Muqing, my figure is not bad, can you give it to me once? Or I can give it to you, okay?" Chen Guxue begged, reaching out to pull Muqing, but Muqing avoided him.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you."

"You don't dare to look at me. If you look at me, you will definitely be willing. Just look at me."

"I just want to watch Shanbei."

"Oh, after all, you are afraid that I will lose control after seeing me."

Muqing didn't know why Chen Guxue had this kind of cognition, she was really super confident.

"My figure is no worse than Shan Bei."

"The gap between you and Shan Bei is not a little bit. Her breast shape is more positive than yours, her waist-to-hip ratio is perfect, and she is a walking aphrodisiac for me. And you, at best, are when I go to the public bathroom to take a bath. It's just the body you see." Mu Qing turned his head to look at Chen Guxue, as if looking at a cold object, without emotion.

Chen Guxue's face suddenly turned green and white, how could she not feel sad when someone she liked said that.

Mu Qing didn't want to do this at first, rather than saying it was caused by her gentleness, it might be better said that it was caused by her indifference. Because of past experience, Muqing is actually indifferent to people and things. The reason why other people don't feel this way is because they have little contact with her, and the second is the illusion of gentleness she gives people. Mu Qing didn't want to put that thought on Chen Guxue, but Chen Guxue kept comparing herself with Shan Bei over and over again. In her mind, no one can compare to Dan Bei.

"Maybe in your eyes, I am not as good as Shanbei at all, but please see that I like you, can you give me a happy ending? Just one time is enough, and I will never bother you again It's gone." Chen Guxue was on the verge of weeping, under the soft lighting of the hotel, she looked very pitiful.

"I'm very grateful for your liking. I can't control your thoughts, but I don't think I have the obligation to meet your request. I can do it myself. Goodbye." Mu Qing turned and left with the hem of her skirt.

The moment the door was closed, Chen Guxue's ferocious face could be seen through the crack of the door, the frailty just now had long since disappeared.

Muqing, you forced me to do this! Chen Guxue hated it, before it was all aimed at Shan Bei, but now Mu Qing is also included. Chen Guxue looked up at the position above the door frame, the corners of her mouth curled up a bit, extremely sinister.

Sometimes there is an opportunity for a person's temperament to change, and what is usually gentle can become vicious and vicious.

After Mu Qing came out, he walked towards the elevator without any pause, his hairstyle was not messed up, it was still the same as when he came.

When we arrived at the hall where the charity banquet was held, there were crowds of people inside, but they were all focused in one direction at the moment. Mu Qing looked at the luminous point, and Shan Bei was smiling and facing the crowd, adding a bit of vitality to his originally cold face, and his whole person became more agile.

The security personnel at the door knew Mu Qing and naturally they didn't stop her. After entering quietly, the people around were all focused on Shan Bei, so no one noticed Mu Qing's entry. Mu Qing watched for a while, and both Shan Bei and Fu Jieti were able to handle it well, and judging from the situation, the event should be over soon, so she retreated out as quietly as when she came.

After greeting the security personnel, Muqing took the elevator and walked towards the underground parking lot. After she sat down firmly, she sent a message to Shan Bei, telling her to meet in the parking lot later and ask Fu Jieti to come with her.

Today's reporters were all found by Mu Qing, so naturally there was no question about the relationship between the two that Shan Bei was worried about. As for idlers, it's not so easy to mix in, Mu Qing is 100% at ease with his friends.

After more than an hour, Mu Qing saw Shan Bei's figure in the car. She hurried out of the car and faced Dan Bei.

Fu Jieti didn't realize it until she was sent home, Mu Qing asked her to go down with Shan Bei, must she be to protect Shan Bei with her, right? ! Although this was originally the job of a manager, but it felt like Mu Qing had tricked her, and that feeling was completely different. Fu Jieti couldn't help feeling chills at Mu Qing's thoughtfulness, scary woman!

After Fu Jieti got out of the car, Shan Bei asked while pulling the seat belt: "Did you come over later?"


"Then why don't you wait for me to go with you?"

"The timing is not right."

"Oh." After all, I still don't want to expose the relationship between the two. Shan Bei felt awkward, then she followed her like this, and even slept with her, what's the matter.

"I want to move back tomorrow. I talked to Fu Jieti today, and she said that the reporter no longer stays there." Shan Bei said.

"You stay with me for now."

"Can't I go home yet?"

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I have nothing, I just want to go home, to my own home."

Mu Qing didn't answer any more, and the two returned home in silence. As soon as Shan Bei entered the room, he walked towards the guest room, but was grabbed by Mu Qing in the living room.

On the way, Muqing didn't think carefully about Shan Bei's question, and when the two went upstairs, Muqing realized that what he said seemed too simple.

"Shan Bei, give me some more time, and all troubles will be resolved."

"Am I also the one who caused you trouble?" Shan Bei turned to look at Mu Qing and asked aggressively.

"you are not."

"Since the trouble has nothing to do with me, it doesn't make any difference whether I go back or not."

"Shan Bei, I..." Mu Qing didn't know where to start, she saw Shan Bei's expressionless face, and then turned into that indifferent look who didn't know the world's fireworks, and her heart tensed up.

"The filming of 'Xian Fei Xian' will start in two days, and it's useless for you to go back."

"I will go to the set with Fu Jieti."

Didn't you let me join you? Mu Qing asked in his heart, but couldn't speak.

"What else do you have to say?"

"You can't go back to live! I'm afraid that someone will harm you during this time."

"Heh, it's not my first day in the entertainment circle, who else is more despicable than Jiang Huaili?!"

"Actually, I..." After seeing the list, Mu Qing insisted on his own opinion, and when it became more and more difficult to communicate, he knew that there was a problem. She would be so hesitant in front of Shan Bei, she didn't have that kind of killing and arbitrariness at all.

A text message came from Shan Bei's cell phone, she took it out and opened it, and Mu Qing's words were pressed under her tongue.

Shan Bei looked down and saw the content of the text message, her eyebrows furrowed. She raised her head and looked at Mu Qing, that look seemed to swallow Mu Qing alive. She threw the phone to Muqing, and at the same time said coldly: "Enjoy it, explain it to me, it's up to you!"

After finishing speaking, Shan Bei walked into her room, she had to think quietly, so as not to deal with Mu Qing, this bastard!

Mu Qing reached out to catch Shan Bei's cell phone, she opened it, her eyes burst out with coldness, this Chen Guxue, there is a way to heaven, she just refuses to leave! He even made his idea to Shan Bei. What made Muqing gratified was that even if Shan Bei got angry with her, it would not be so unreasonable, otherwise she would definitely walk away at this time, instead of letting Muqing think about whether to explain or not.

Sending text messages to provoke is exactly the same as before, this time it is also a video, which is still Muqing. She was wearing the same clothes that Shan Bei specially picked out for her today, and the timing happened to be when Shan Bei participated in the event. In the video, Chen Guxue's head and face are not exposed, but her white skin is faintly visible. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the other party is naked|naked. Due to the tricky camera angle, it seems that Muqing and Chen Guxue have a gentle intention.

At first glance, Shan Bei's eyes were angry, after all, she loves Mu Qing, and seeing Mu Qing flirting with other women like this is the only way to get angry. But although she has a bad temper, she is not a fool. Someone sent a video to her last time, and this time again. The uninnovative approach made Shan Bei wary. She saw Mu Qing dressed so neatly in the video, she didn't look like kissing me with others. She then threw the phone to Mu Qing to look at it, but she wanted to know what Mu Qing meant by going to meet this woman who coveted her instead of participating in activities with her? !

Read The Duke's Passion