MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 57 daughter in law

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"I've been preparing for this day for a long time." Looking at the road ahead, Mu Qing replied with a smile on his face.

Shan Bei's heart moved, she knew that Muqing's feelings for her should not be short, but now hearing what Muqing said, she felt sour. But she still had to ask clearly what should be asked, so she continued to ask: "How did you prepare?"

"Read novels, watch movies to learn."

Reading novels? It's writing a novel! watching movies? Is it that kind of movie?

"Have you practiced it?" This is what Shan Bei wants to ask, her eyes are still looking outside, but her ears are pricked up.

Mu Qing glanced at Shan Bei, and found that she was rubbing the seat belt up and down with one hand, and tightly clutching the bag in her hand with the other. The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the rearview mirror, but didn't speak immediately. After waiting for a car to pass by, he said, "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Mu Qing glanced sideways at Shan Bei again, her sliding hand was already firmly holding the seat belt, and the side of her head could be seen, but now the back of her head is completely facing her.

This temper, Mu Qing is helpless, but finds it extremely sweet! Of course she couldn't bear to bully Shan Bei for too long, but Shan Bei didn't say that she liked her, which made her very depressed. If I had known that I should learn Danbei yesterday, even if I shouted a few times during the process, it would be good.

As soon as the car stopped in the underground garage, Shan Bei loosened his seat belt, opened the door and planned to get out of the car. But after breaking it several times, she still couldn't open it, she looked back at Mu Qing angrily: "What are you doing? Open the door!"

"I thought you were going to show me the back of your head like this all the time, although it's pretty nice."

"Hmph!" Shan Bei bit her lower lip with a cold face, and leaned on the back of the chair with her arms crossed.

"Why are you unhappy? I don't seem to have provoked you?" Mu Qing said innocently.

"You..." Dan Bei wanted to interfere with Mu Qing's past, unless she could pass through the past, everything would have become a fait accompli. But she was still very unwilling, she could keep her virginity in a big dye vat like the entertainment circle, why Muqing liked her so much but couldn't wait for her? !

Shan Bei knew that she was being unreasonable, but she just didn't mind, and she couldn't rub a grain of sand in the eyes of someone she loved.

Mu Qing saw that Dan Bei abused her lips, and her heart softened. She stretched out her right hand to smooth the long hair on the side of Shan Bei's face, but Dan Bei tried to avoid it.

"Shan Bei, there is something we should talk about. Don't be sullen, okay?"

"There's nothing to say, get out of the car!"

"Shanbei, since you can accept me, why can't you tell me the truth? You are in the entertainment industry, where good and bad people are mixed up, and you know how well those reporters can write scribbles. If someone arranges me indiscriminately in the future, but you don't Ask me, I hold everything in my heart, and I am very worried about our future. But I really don’t want to let you go, shall we work hard together?” Mu Qing’s hand did not give up, and inserted | into the single Mu Qing didn't want to let go of Bei's hair, which was so delicate and soft to the touch.

Shan Bei froze and softened after a while. Feeling Mu Qing's gentle caress, she clasped her hands, and after a while, she whispered: "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"


"Boy friend?"


When Shan Bei heard something wrong, since she didn't have any, who did she practice with?

"Then you just said that you have practiced it?" Shan Bei looked up at Mu Qing, and a bubble called joy slowly popped up.

"Didn't we practice it many times yesterday? You don't even know how to rub my hands." Muqing complained aggrievedly, but the information conveyed made Shan Bei bite her lower lip again. She didn't want to let herself The expression of joy on the face is too obvious, because Mu Qing said so irresponsibly before that the answer she had practiced was obviously teasing her.

"You really are an asshole!" Shan Bei cast a sidelong glance at Mu Qing, then angrily looked down at his hands, with a hint of anger in his tenderness.

After waiting for a while, Shan Bei didn't get any further answer from Mu Qing, she couldn't help but looked up again, and found that Mu Qing was looking at herself with a smile.

"You are too much!" Shan Bei blushed and moved her body.

Muqing put her fingers on the back of Shan Bei's head, moved her body towards him, and at the same time she tilted her head and pressed against Shan Bei.

Shan Bei let go of his clasped hands, closed his eyes in response to Mu Qing's movements, and naturally wrapped his hands around Mu Qing's waist. Lips and tongues intersected, and the two were savoring each other carefully.

Due to the posture, the two did not kiss for a long time. But when the two were separated, they were panting slightly, their faces were rosy, and their lips seemed to be coated with honey, Shan Bei stuck out his tongue and licked|licked it. Mu Qing's thumb directly pressed the corner of Shan Bei's mouth, grinding it finely. Dan Bei sticks out her tongue again and licks Mu Qing's thumb, causing Mu Qing to kiss her again.

It was more than half an hour when the two got off the car. Shan Bei never thought that one day she would be so inseparable with a woman.

After getting off the car, the two of them both walked towards the elevator, and Mu Qing walked up to Shan Bei's side, inserting the fingers of his right hand into the fingers of Shan Bei's left hand, forming an interlocking state. Shan Bei looked up at Mu Qing, and pursed her lips with a smile.

After they enter the elevator, a figure in a peaked cap steps out from behind a pillar with a camera in his hand. He quickly dialed the phone, and after talking to the person on the other end of the phone, he pulled the brim of his hat and turned to leave.

At the door of the workshop, Mu Qingchao looked around and let go. Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing, but was directly pressed against the wall by Mu Qing, and kissed again.

"What are you doing?" Although Shan Bei was very happy, this was a public place after all, and people would come anytime. Even if she doesn't mind exposing her relationship, she doesn't want others to take advantage of it for nothing. Only she can see Mu Qing's appearance!

"You go in! I want to go upstairs." Mu Qing pinched Shan Bei's face, and was about to walk away but was directly held back by Shan Bei.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qing asked.

"What are you doing upstairs?" Shan Bei asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm still an employee of this company. No matter how loose the company is, I have to report occasionally, otherwise the people in the company might think that I was kidnapped by Martians."

"Hate!" Shan Bei dropped the word "hate" before turning around and going into the workshop.

"Ah!" Shan Bei was suddenly slapped by Mu Qing and screamed. At this time, the door had been opened by her, and the people inside, including Li Yi, all looked at Dan Bei, causing Dan Bei to blush instantly.

"Sorry, it's okay." Shan Bei greeted Li Yi and the others, poked his head out and looked out the door, only to find that Mu Qing was still there.

Muqing touched Shanbei's buttocks tremblingly, and stood proudly a few meters away. Finally, he blinked his right eye, waved his hand, and walked away.

Mu Qing who is doing small movements seems to be funny and seductive, which makes Shan Bei hate, wait and see! Thinking so, but couldn't help laughing, she wrinkled her nose and retracted her head to close the door.

Mu Qing didn't come to report, but went straight to the president's office on the top floor to find Shen Hao.

As soon as he entered the door, Shen Hao looked up and saw Mu Qing and stood up, looked carefully for a while, and then said with a wicked smile: "This is a success!"

This is not a question, but an affirmation.

Mu Qing didn't want to hide her complacency in front of Shen Hao, but she also ignored Shen Hao's teasing.

"I'm here for the TV show."

"I knew it, how could you come to see me so kindly? Especially now that you have succeeded."

"I didn't come to tease you." The meaning was to tell Shen Hao to shut up, not to say such useless things.

"You are really ruthless to me! What's the matter, I have been with you for five years!" Shen Hao ignored Mu Qing, he continued to complain, and then he asked, "When will you show us Danbei!"

"Don't you all know her?" Mu Qing frowned. She and Shan Bei had just been together, so they couldn't let these people **** her away.

"She doesn't know us," Shen Hao said, suddenly realized, and pointed at Muqing, "Are you afraid that she will change her mind? Then your relationship is too unstable. No, you should quickly introduce her to me , other people can not introduce it first, at least introduce it to me first. I have no interest in her at all, don't worry."

"Oh, you are the one that makes me worry the most." Mu Qing is not worried that Shan Bei will fall in love with Shen Hao, but what she is worried about is that the two have just confirmed their relationship, and the more people know about it, the more disadvantageous it will be. After all, Shan Bei is in the entertainment industry. people. And the reason why Shen Hao was so eager to let Mu Qing introduce Shan Bei to him was nothing more than to let the relationship between the two be released and create an established fact. If Shan Bei regrets something in the future, at least there will be rules in the entertainment industry to punish her.

"Hey, it hurts my heart when you say that." Shen Hao and Mu Qing sat on the sofa, Shen Hao took out some documents and handed them to Mu Qing, but he was still nagging, like a company boss nothing.

"When the time is right, I will naturally introduce Shan Bei to you. Let's talk about this first." Mu Qing pointed at the information on the table.

"You think she can let you go after being kicked down, but with your current state, who can you hide?!" Shen Hao snorted.

"She's going to die, and I won't stop her. I told Moulian, and this time he can't intervene even if he wants to."

"You're really angry, so why are you still here?" Shen Hao glared at Mu Qing.

"The person who investigated was arranged by you, who would I look for if I don't ask you?" Mu Qing took a look at Shen Hao, feeling as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have! Be careful, I'll post the news tomorrow that you're together, and you've even raised Shanbei!" Shen Hao said seriously, like a paparazzi.

"Dan Bei almost had an accident right under your nose, have you forgotten? Your sister-in-law almost had an accident and you have a good conscience?"

"Sister-in-law? Hahaha, have you exposed your attributes in front of Shan Bei?" Shen Hao really doesn't want to deal with those messy things, he is very directly interested in Mu Qing and Shan Bei now!

"You treat me as a younger sister, she is my wife, why is she not a sister-in-law!" Mu Qing plausibly said, Mu Qing's daughter-in-law, really good words!

Read The Duke's Passion