MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 50 model

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"Okay, didn't you tell me before? When will it start?"

"Will it affect your playing games?" Muqing asked tentatively.

"Of course not. The game can be played or not. I am very familiar with the characters in it."

" there anyone you get along with...good?"

"There is one. His family also has cats. If the Queen is in heat, maybe she can find his cats."

"You like him very much?" Muqing's jealousy welled up, and she knew without thinking about it that she was talking about her male name, and she was digging a hole to bury herself, it was really boring.

"How is it possible! How can you take it seriously in the game!" Shan Bei snorted.

Can't take it seriously, so why are you still flirting with him? Mu Qing really wanted to question Shan Bei, but if Dan Bei asked how she knew, how should she answer? Thinking of this, Mu Qing deflated like a deflated ball.

"With that time, I might as well be a model for you!" Shan Bei said again.

Upon hearing this, Mu Qing's heart burst into joy, Shan Bei seemed to put her first, which was a good sign. Forget about the mess in the game! Who made me owe it? I insisted on registering an account to hook up with Dan Bei, which made me feel like I can't get up or down now. Go online directly tomorrow and find an excuse to say goodbye to Shan Bei, so as not to be jealous with myself.

"Then in the afternoon, shall we finish our lunch?"

"No problem," Shan Bei squinted after she finished speaking, and she muttered, "Pillowing on your lap, basking in the sun, enjoying life, I'm almost falling asleep."

"Sleep if you want!"

"Then I won't be polite, human body pillow." Shan Bei turned around directly, facing Mu Qing's abdomen, with one arm still around Mu Qing's waist.

Mu Qing's body tensed up suddenly, as stiff as a rock.

"You don't want me to sleep like this?"

"No, no." Mu Qing stammered.

"But your body is hard, I remember your body is very soft." To Muqing's ears, these words were more than a little ambiguous.

"I'm a little ticklish, just don't tickle me." Mu Qing tried to relax, she felt her body temperature was about to soar.

"I'm not going to tickle you, I want to sleep." Shan Bei's head rubbed against Muqing's leg socket twice, as if looking for a suitable position. Then she closed her eyes and went into what she called sleep.

After a while, Mu Qing finally accepted the fact that Shan Bei's head was between her waist and abdomen. Shan Bei's breathing was very shallow, but there was still hot air spraying on Mu Qing's legs and stomach. She regretted why she didn't wear a thicker dress. Now that it was like this, the hot air penetrated into her skin through the thin clothes, and that area seemed to be on fire.

Mu Qing tried to focus her attention on the single hair, she tried hard to find the fork, the sunlight was just right, and the fork could be clearly found by the sunlight. In fact, it's just an excuse for her to cut the split ends. Shan Bei's hair is really well taken care of, and there are very few split ends. The reason why she suggested this was naturally to get in touch with Shan Bei.

It was only when Mu Qing finally cut off all the split ends of his hair that he could focus on Shan Bei's face again. She gently brushed a few strands of hair behind Shan Bei's ears, Shan Bei's long eyelashes and pouty lips made Mu Qing's saliva constantly secrete, and it would flow down if she didn't swallow it in time.

Mu Qing still couldn't help licking her lips, her hands trembling slightly, she slowly stroked Shan Bei's face, rubbing it lightly. The skin under his hands is extremely delicate, really like smooth silk. At this time, Shan Bei seemed to feel this kind of touch, and with a grunt, she rubbed her head against Mu Qing's leg socket again, and moved closer to her abdomen, basically sticking to her stomach.

The hot air was baking Mu Qing's abdomen again, and the image that popped up in her mind was that Shan Bei opened his blurred eyes, stuck out his tongue, and swiped hard at her abdomen. Mu Qing continued to caress Shan Bei's face, while her own head was raised high, her eyes were closed, and the heat on her face was getting higher and higher.

Shan Bei secretly opened a slit, seeing Mu Qing's performance, a sly light flashed by. She turned her head slightly unintentionally, stretched out both hands to hold Mu Qing's hand, and at the same time stretched out the tip of her tongue to intimately touch the hand that Mu Qing caressed over.

"Ah!" Mu Qing let out a low cry in gratitude for the wetness.

"What's the matter?" Shan Bei asked in a daze of just waking up, and blushed a little after seeing the hand he was holding, and said, "I smell something fragrant, so I want to lick it, why is it your hand? "

"No, nothing." Mu Qing dodged her eyes, then looked at Shan Bei's ruddy face, and looked at herself in confusion, her heart tightened, and she really wanted to just pounce on it.

"Then why is your face so red?" Shan Bei asked with concern.

"Red? Red? It should be from the sun." Mu Qing patted his face and continued, "Since you're awake, I'll cook lunch!"

"Okay, I'll wake up for a while, and I'll help you."

"Okay." After Mu Qing finished speaking, he lifted Shan Bei's body and walked out quickly, as if he was afraid that Shan Bei would be hungry if it was too late.

Shan Bei hugged his knees with his hands, put his head on his knees, looked at Mu Qing's fleeing figure, and laughed silently.

How long can you survive? !

What Shan Bei doesn't know is that how hard she flirts now is how deeply she will "suffer" in the future!

Mu Qing ran to the kitchen, supported the countertop, took a few deep breaths to calm down. She looked at her palm, which was placed on her stomach, and laughed silently. This is Shan Bei's intimate gesture towards her. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, at least she doesn't feel disgusted. After that, when she approaches Shan Bei's scale, she can magnify it again.

Although Mu Qing had no personal experience, but after driving for so long, except for the momentary panic caused by being awakened by Dan Bei during the sudden YY, he has basically returned to normal by now. She imagined the intimate contact with Shan Bei in the future, and she couldn't stop the commotion in her heart. When Shan Bei gets used to her physical contact, to her meticulous care of her, to the feeling of her being around her, when she gets used to her, that's when she swallows Shan Bei, this little seafood. up.

Shan Bei nestled in the room for a while before entering the kitchen to help, but there was a chef at the level of a master, and Shan Bei's help was purely for show. While cooking, Dan Bei was still driven out of the kitchen. The meal was finished quickly, and Shan Bei couldn't help but sniff.

Seeing Shan Bei's movements, Mu Qing laughed and urged, "Come in and get the bowl." The two cooperated very well. During the meal, the two didn't talk much, perhaps because they each had different thoughts.

After eating, Mu Qing quickly cleaned up the kitchen. When he walked out of the kitchen, he came out with a plate of fruit in his hand. The two ate while watching TV.

Shan Bei asked: "How are you going to draw later? Do you need me to pose?"

Mu glanced at Dan Bei, then turned to look at the TV and replied: "No need, as long as you lie on the sofa and look sideways at me, if you want to sleep, you can go to sleep directly."

"Do I need to wear any special clothes?" Shan Bei asked.

"No, I don't have any special clothes." Mu Qing was stuttered by the evil thoughts that flashed in his heart.

"Really? I'm wearing home clothes. I thought I should wear some **** clothes."

"Then how about...wearing a suspender skirt." Mu Qing suggested, since Shan Bei proposed, she was naturally willing to obey. However, she still watched Shan Bei's expression carefully to prevent her from any displeasure.

"Okay, I just brought a suspender nightdress."

Mu Qing was very excited, she raised her left hand and smoothed the hair around her ear, then raised her right hand to smooth the hair on the right, which felt uncomfortable.

Shan Bei couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you? You're always brushing your hair, don't you eat any fruit?"

"Eat it right away." Mu Qing forked another small piece of apple and put it into his mouth.

After eating a few pieces, Shan Bei stood up and said to Mu Qing: "I've finished eating, I'm going to change my clothes."

Mu Qing saw Shan Bei's figure disappearing through the door, immediately stood up, jumped twice to get rid of the tension in his heart. Then, she ran into her bedroom and took out a portfolio, paper and pen.

When Mu Qing came out, he saw that Shan Bei was already sitting on the sofa. She slid her long straight hair over her right shoulder, exposing the entire left ear and neck. Shan Bei was wearing a black silk suspender nightdress, which made her complexion even more radiant and fair. The exposed left arc is like an elegant swan. Shan Bei heard the sound of the door opening and looked up at Mu Qing.

"Muqing, do I need to wear a bra?"

To be honest, Mu Qing didn't dare to continue to look down, but now that it was mentioned, she couldn't help but look at the part under the collarbone. Full and round, it trembled slightly with the movement of Dan Bei's hair. Mu Qing tightly held the painting utensils in his hands, and unconsciously swallowed countless saliva. The part that she deliberately avoided was still fully seen by her eyes.

"Muqing, do you want to wear it? I always feel that you can't wear a corset with this kind of suspenders, otherwise it feels weird." Shan Bei is still asking for opinions.

"No, you don't need to wear it." Mu Qing felt that he was sweating a little due to the heat.

"Okay, then I won't wear it, do I want to lie on my stomach?"

"Yes." Muqing eased the hotness in his heart by placing the painting utensils. She went to the side of the sofa and took a small stool to put it on the side of the coffee table. At this moment, Shan Bei just stood up and lay down on the sofa. With the loose straps and the lying posture, Mu Qing could clearly see the vacuum state.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Mu Qing reminded.

"No, I've already been there just now. I have at least been a graphic model, and I still have professionalism." Shan Bei raised her neck, and the beautiful arc reappeared.

"Then I'll go, you wait a moment." After speaking, Mu Qing hurried to the bathroom.

Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing's back, with an evil smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. She suddenly felt that the two of them didn't talk about each other, and it was interesting for her to tease Mu Qing like this, and this kind of pleasure made her never tire of it. She looked around, and as if thinking of something, she raised her body halfway, pushed down the left shoulder strap, and then lay down on the sofa again, so that the shoulder strap was loose. The full part is half hidden.