MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 47 exposed

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Shan Bei controlled the rhythm of the Queen of Soul Piercing to avoid the recurrence of the fox taking advantage of the last time.

The work will continue as usual, and Muqing's "Chasing Meows" will be serialized on the official day. At the beginning, Shan Bei didn't see anything extraordinary about Mu Qing's writing, but as the novel developed, Shan Bei gradually realized that the two heroines in the novel were Mu Qing and her. Although the career and relationship development of the two girls in the article are different from theirs, the characters are very similar to them. Dan Bei's shadow can also be seen in Mu Qing's previous articles, but it may be because there is no direct contact, and there are some shortcomings after all. But the heroine in this book is a copy of Shan Bei.

In the article, a girl named "Bao Bei" has the same personality as a cat, very arrogant, which seems to confirm what Mu Qing said before that Dan Bei is very similar to the Queen. The other girl is called "Xiang Qing", she is gentle and general. Judging from the names alone, they are related to the two of them, one is the other and the other is clear.

The two heroines in the article are good friends, and they always maintained a state of being more than friends but not full of lovers at the beginning. Xiang Qing dotes on Bao Bei very much, and Bao Bei is also very clingy to Xiang Qing. But after all, we are friends, and we still have our personal space. When Xiang Qing accidentally bumps into Bao Bei dating a man, he realizes his feelings for Bao Bei. But she didn't dare to say it, for fear that Baobei would reject her and make her unable to be friends, so she could only try to make insinuations, and at the same time, she would do some slightly intimate behaviors to make Baobei get used to it. Because she is a good best friend, Baobei didn't think too much about it, and accepted all the orders. At the same time, Xiang Qing knew that the man was doing nothing, and Baobei didn't like him, which made Xiang Qing feel mixed.

At the beginning of the article, Xiangqing found that his feelings were alienated from Baobei, and Baobei questioned Xiang Qing when Xiangqing's softness and apology were similar to Muqing's keeping distance and alienation from Shanbei at the beginning. In the article, the two eat each other’s food, in fact, it’s very common to eat food, but Mu Qing described Xiang Qing’s YY Baobei’s chopsticks touching her, which reminded Shan Bei of the time she and Mu Qing shared food, and couldn’t help but Some faces heat up.

Baobei had something to do, and had dinner with that man again, Xiang Qing deliberately appeared and intervened strongly, and the article described Xiang Qing's jealousy at that time very well. Of course, there is also a scene in the article where Xiang Qing's hair wraps around Bao Bei's clothes, but it is mentioned in the article that Xiang Qing did it on purpose, just to repel the man Bao Bei doesn't like! But that man didn't take it seriously at all. After all, the two beauties in front of him are entangled, which is quite beautiful, and for a man, it is quite sexy.

When Shan Bei saw that Xiang Qing was jealous in the text, she seemed to feel a sour taste even through her mobile phone. She wanted to curl her lips to show her disdain, but she didn't want to grin, she couldn't help pinching the corners of her mouth. This scene completely restored the scene of Mu Qing appearing at her and Fu Jieti's dinner. Thinking of Mu Qing's heart at that time, she felt happy bubbles rising.

Seeing that the man didn't flinch at all, Xiang Qing felt very aggrieved. After returning home, she put her arms around Bao Bei and wiped a lot of oil secretly. Then she remembered to make cakes and suggested that Bao Bei help. What a familiar picture, Shan Bei couldn't help biting his lip when he saw this.

The serialized novel ended here, and everything looked normal. Now Shan Bei has developed the habit of waiting for the novel every night, so he didn't bother Mu Qing.

In fact, based on these descriptions alone, Shan Bei naturally cannot take this as the basis for Muqing's interest in her. After all, there was an oolong that could make mistakes before, and she can't be absolutely sure. But she didn't expect Mu Qing to be exposed so soon!

Today is the novel update to Chapter 44, Shan Bei lay on the bed early and waited to read. After refreshing several times, it finally came out. Shan Bei couldn’t wait to open the latest chapter. The two made cakes, rubbed each other’s flour, made trouble with Bao Bei, etc. Shan Bei watched carefully, even if she knew what was coming next, she didn’t want to miss it any description. Shan Bei looked down slowly, and the next thing was the scene where she licked the chocolate sauce.

"Baobei poked out the tip of her tender tongue, lightly touched the chocolate sauce on Xiang Qing's index finger in front of her, sipped it, then parted her red lips slightly, and slowly sucked in half of her finger. Baobei's eyelashes were half closed, slippery The slippery tongue is entangled around Xiang Qing's index finger like a small snake. Xiang Qing's eyes gradually dimmed following Bao Bei's movements, she really wants to take back her hand and use her mouth to do it for her, is that okay?"

The scene of making the cake has always been a warm interaction in Shan Bei's heart, and her tasting the chocolate sauce is also a natural action, but in Mu Qing's description, besides the warmth, there is also a bit of ambiguity, besides being ambiguous, there is also With a little color|sense. Shan Bei couldn't help throwing the phone out, making a soft "touch" sound, and the phone fell to the ground. She was really blushing when she saw it, what does this describe a wife?

Shan Bei struggled back and forth under the quilt a few times before getting up again, and got out of bed to pick up the phone, luckily it didn't break. After lying on the bed again, Shan Bei dawdled with the phone upside down for a while, and couldn't help opening the interface just now to continue watching.

Gone? ! ! It's gone! Shan Bei turned to the next page and found that it was gone. It was the author who had something to say. It's stuck there, this unscrupulous author! Shan Bei sat up and threw the phone aside. She didn't know what kind of mood she was in, at first she thought she would make a mistake, but now she found that Mu Qing was really masturbating herself. Such a description of sex|qi made her feel more unbearable than watching Muqing's driving intuitively on Weibo. Shan Bei remembered that they ate cakes together and tickled each other on the sofa. She didn't know how Mu Qing would describe it, but she found herself apprehensive and looking forward to it.

All of the above can only be said that although the description of eating chocolate sauce is quite different, it is a novel after all. There is nothing to say about Shan Bei. It can only be said that Muqing added ingredients, and it cannot be completely concluded that Muqing is interested in her, because of this Let Dan Bei feel like scratching her heart with claws, some unwillingness, some helplessness, and some sweet feelings emerge, she is really afraid that she will lose face again!

After Dan Bei scolded "unscrupulous author", he picked up his phone again, entered the previous interface, refreshed it, and some readers commented on the article.

So, no kiss o(≧v≦)o

It's very unlikely that she can kiss like this! But it's best to be kissed by Baobei to the point of brain twitching! Eh, ah, what a chicken jelly!

The psychological description of counseling is so delicate, isn't it the personal experience of Da Da? Ask for an answer

The comments are not limited to these three, but Muqing’s author’s reply to these three made the itch in Shan Bei’s heart intensify again, like countless caterpillars, crawling slowly there, itching so much that she wanted to scratch it but couldn’t. feels awful!

The author replied: You must kiss her, it makes her weak, yeah yeah

The author replied: Ahem, Xiang Qing is not cowardly, she is just pretending! She's going to overwhelm Babe over and over again!

The author's reply may be to cater to the readers, Shan Bei thought so, and when she thought the readers were so cute, she refreshed and saw another author's reply about whether she had experienced it herself: She is next to me, I really want to sneak in and throw myself down she.

Shan Bei sat upright all of a sudden, and the author's reply was basically within seconds, that is to say, Mu Qing wanted to come here now... She felt a little flustered, and after refreshing it, she added several new replies, all of which were from readers. The content basically judges that the author is cowardly, the author boldly goes up, throws down hard or something.

Shan Bei has read Mu Qing's several driving articles, and she also understands the theory of attacking and shou. Now that she thinks about it, it seems that all the articles with similar personalities to her are the ones who are suppressed, so she used her reader account in a brainstorming manner. "Seafood Dinner" replied: Why are you pressing her and not her pressing you?

The author replies again in seconds: If she presses me, I will lie flat and let her press

The readers below are boiling again, all "blaming" the author.

Da Da, you Gongjun is not responsible at all, you don’t want to make Shou Shou happy

The author has received it properly, and the appraisal has been completed

Don't divide the attack and suffer, hurry up and get rid of the guy next door is the real business, who will know when the time comes

The following readers agreed one after another, and they all encouraged the author to speak up in one go.

Then, Shan Bei heard a light knock on the door, and she was so frightened that she froze all over, not daring to move or make any noise, for fear that Mu Qing would think she was awake. After knocking a few times, the door became quiet, and just as Shan Bei heaved a sigh of relief, the door lock was turned. She suddenly thought of what if Mu Qingzhen came in? So he coughed quickly, and sure enough, the friction of the door lock stopped. Shan Bei breathed a sigh of relief again, and heard Mu Qing ask outside the door: "Dan Bei, are you alright?"

It's your fault if something happens! Shan Bei thought bitterly in her heart, but still replied, "It's okay, I'm going to sleep."


Shan Bei looked at the time on her phone, it was only 9:30, Mu Qing seemed to update very early today, she thought it was late, no wonder Mu Qing hesitated to say yes just now. Shan Bei violently pulled the quilt to cover her face, disgusting Mu Qing!

The goddess is going to sleep so early, crying and chirping--Author's reply

Stupid is really stupid

What are you going to do when you go in? -- Shan Bei couldn't help but sneak in again and asked.

Upstairs is Xiaoqing? It must be pancakes when you go in, hahaha

Low-key, low-key, don't let my goddess know that I plan to use all the poses in my article... not enough! ! --Author reply

Big idiot, you are the most high-profile! !

Shan Bei saw that her toes curled up, she really got into the quilt now, and scolded Mu Qing fiercely in her heart: Shameless! !

Read The Duke's Passion