MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 35 Shock

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"Let's go out, it might be better after you get to know the Queen well, but usually the Queen also acts like a stranger, and it's the same with me." Mu Qing continued.

"Well, I heard that you are not familiar with cats, why don't you have a dog?" Shan Bei glanced at the queen and deliberately asked Muqing, and sure enough, the queen's face turned dark.

"No, although the queen is usually aloof, she will take the initiative to comfort me when I'm in a bad mood." Mu Qing defended the queen.

It was me who took the initiative to comfort you! !

"Why are you in a bad mood?" Shan Bei answered the topic completely out of routine, and even directly asked Mu Qing about privacy.

"Ah? Uh, it's nothing, it's just that there is no inspiration." Mu Qing touched his nose when he said that.

Of course Shan Bei knew that Muqing was lying, but she had seen Muqing when he was in a bad mood, and it had nothing to do with inspiration. However, she didn't intend to poke it. Since Muqing doesn't want to say it, why should she force it. While thinking about Shan Bei, he turned his head and glanced at Mu Qing's room. Eyes also inadvertently swept to Mu Qing's desk, there was a laptop in the top drawer of the desk, and Mu Qing wrote in the laptop...

Shan Bei suddenly turned her head and glanced at Mu Qing, who was also looking at her with doubts in her eyes. How did she forget this? ! However, what Muqing likes to write is her freedom, as long as it doesn’t involve reality, it’s fine. Even if it involves reality, maybe it’s Muqing YYing her crush? Maybe, Shan Bei seemed to be enlightened, and she turned back to look in the direction of the desk.

After looking at the list, Mu Qing looked back a few times, and couldn't help asking: "Is there any problem? Or is there anything I need?"

"No, just to visit your room."

"Okay, just let me know if you need it. Have you had breakfast? It's early, and I made breakfast to keep it warm. Why don't you have some together?"

"I really didn't have time to eat, thank you!" Mu Qing was really thoughtful!

Regardless of breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Shan Bei feels that she will be lucky in the future, and she is secretly proud that she finally got what she wanted. This is the only thing that makes her happy now.

After eating the first breakfast that can be called a delicious meal in history, although it is simple, factors such as nutrition and satiety have been taken into account, it is perfect! This made Shan Bei already look forward to lunch. After eating, Shan Bei consciously cleaned up the dishes. Since he planned to wash the dishes and give back, he must not be slow.

Mu Qing took some bowls and walked behind Shan Bei. She felt like she was dreaming. If the two really lived together, it might be this way of life, but the atmosphere must be more intimate and sweet than now. right.

It wasn't until the two walked into the kitchen that Mu Qing saw Shan Bei take out the dishcloth from the cupboard and she admired her: "Shan Bei, your observation skills are really meticulous, I just introduced it, you know The dishcloth is in this cupboard."

Shan Bei's hands froze, this... the first time she revealed her secrets, fortunately Mu Qing found an excuse for her, otherwise she would have to rack her brains.

"Well, what you said in the introduction just now, I guess it's here, so I opened this, I didn't expect to be guessed right, I can buy lottery tickets, ha." Shan Bei said haha, she will either be Looking at every corner of her house in Muqing's face, it is normal for Muqing to feel that she is very familiar with her house, or she will pretend not to be familiar with her, or it will be strange if she doesn't wear clothes three or two times. Let her explain at that time, how can I say it. After so many times, Mu Qing may not believe it, she is not stupid!

When Shan Bei was washing the dishes, Mu Qing accompanied the dishes and said at the same time: "Actually, you don't need to do this, I can do it myself."

"It's okay, I can't help with cooking, but I can still wash the dishes."

Muqing once again dreamed that if they could be together in the future, how wonderful this life would be!

After Shan Bei washed his hands well, he turned around and saw Mu Qing holding the last bowl but staring at the wall, with a slightly bewildered expression on his face.


"Huh? Ah, I'm sorry, why don't you go and pack your things first." Mu regained his senses and said quickly, with a suspicious blush on his face.

Shan Bei nodded, and walked towards the guest room - it will be her own room from now on. When passing the living room, Shan Bei suddenly turned his head to look at the kitchen. Before Mu Qing came out, Shan Bei's face cooled down slightly. Just now Mu Qing's face seemed a little strange, she couldn't just be thinking about the person she has a crush on next to her, right? Thinking of the text written by Mu Qing, Shan Bei stroked his arm, feeling a little goosebumps. She shook her head, it was more important to pack her things. Muqing wasn't thinking about her, so why bother to meddle in other people's business.

Shan Bei didn't bring a lot of things, and she wasn't moving, so she found Mu Qing watching TV in the living room when she finished packing.

"Why aren't you busy?" Shan Bei asked Muqing.

"The company's affairs are okay now, just tell me if you have anything missing."

"Hehe, you've said it several times, I won't be polite, I hope I didn't disturb you."

"How come, welcome. Let's go to the company tomorrow, and the interaction with the players must continue. Originally, you can also be at home, but you need to take pictures of the details of your interaction, so..."

"Why don't you go today?"

"I want you to rest."

"We can go there today. I have been dragging it for a few days. And you have been working hard these two days, and I haven't done anything. I don't need to rest anymore."

"Okay, I'll call the company to arrange it. Let's go over after lunch." Mu Qing didn't ask Shan Bei what he wanted to eat, she knew Shan Bei's preferences like the back of his hand, so just cook according to her preference.

"Okay." Shan Bei nodded, she was looking forward to lunch.

After receiving Shan Bei's affirmative reply, Mu Qing called the company to arrange related matters. At this time, Mu Qing gave Dan Bei a capable feeling that he had seen before, but it seemed that it was the first time to face him directly. In the past, it was all reflected in the clothes, but now there is a sense of calmness that coordinates the overall situation between the lines. Shan Bei still can't link this kind of Mu Qing with the one who wrote the text, maybe he is dreaming? ! No, why would I have that kind of dream? impossible!

"I'll go to the bathroom, see if there is any TV you like to watch." After speaking, Mu Qing walked to the bathroom.

Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing's cell phone on the coffee table, and aimed at the bathroom, her hands were so itchy that she wanted to take a look, but she held back. When she was a cat, she felt less guilty, but as a human being, it would be too unkind to do such a thing, and she despises the invasion of privacy, although she has violated it countless times.

After Mu Qing came out, the two sat and watched TV together, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment.

"I'll go in and lie down for a while." Shan Bei still has to participate in the interaction in the afternoon. Although the time is not too long, she still needs to keep her spirits up.

"Okay." Mu Qing looked at Shan Bei's figure walking into the room, and looked at the wall clock, it was only 9:00. It's still early, why don't you write an article. The second driving article I mentioned last time was finally in debt. Now I just have time, and there is still an hour and a half before lunch, which is more than enough. Mu Qing turned off the TV, picked up the phone and walked into his room.

As soon as he turned on the computer, Mu Qing saw the Queen ran to sit on his desk again, and then stared at him with two cat eyes.

"Queen, my goddess is here, can you be more friendly?" Mu Qing spoke to the queen in a very low voice.

Shan Bei didn't reply, of course she knew that the queen would not give her a good face.

"I'm writing a novel now, do you think I should lock the door?" Mu Qing turned slightly to the queen and asked, and then said to himself to overthrow, "No, if the goddess finds me and finds that I lock the door, in case She is the same as guarding against thieves, she definitely doesn't want to live here anymore. Forget it, the goddess will hate me."

What a tangled Muqing, how can he have the feeling of being decisive and not dragging his feet just now? Shan Bei thinks that Mu Qing must be a smart person!

"The Goddess will not come in without knocking on the door. Even if there is something urgent to come in, I can change the computer interface, right?" Mu Qing muttered about the solution, and after finally confirming it, he opened the familiar page-- A code word software that Shan Bei doesn't know.

Shan Bei's cat eyes almost stared again: Muqing, is it really good for you to write this kind of stuff so early in the morning? Shan Bei saw that what Muqing opened was a blank page, and then he thought, maybe she was writing other articles, and he might have misunderstood her. Shan Bei adopted the method of waiting and watching, obediently waiting by the side.

It's a pity that Muqing couldn't hear Shan Bei's voice, as soon as she opened the blank page, she began to concentrate on entering the code word state.

Shan Bei is not stupid, looking at the few words that Mu Qing typed out, she knew whether it was the serious text she thought. She blushed, and took a sneak peek at Mu Qing, sure enough, the other's expression was normal. When I am with myself, I still blush at every turn, how can I write this without redness at all? Who is this! Shan Bei was a little at a loss, and felt a little hot when she was beside Mu Qing, as if all the provocative words that Mu Qing typed out came out of the screen and rushed towards her.

Shan Bei moved her **** uncomfortably, turned her body slightly to Muqing, glanced at the screen again inadvertently, but scanned two words that looked like names, one was "Sang Manrou" and the other was "Xianwei ", followed by a bunch of hot words, Shan Bei turned his head back. But I was puzzled in my heart, these two names felt very feminine, no matter which one was like the male protagonist's name. Since she was curious, she naturally turned to look at the screen to find out.

"Sang Manrou kissed Xianwei tenderly, and planted gorgeous flowers, and it was a coquettish poppy in her eyes." Shan Bei was shocked when she saw this sentence, Sang Manrou is the male lead ? ! How could Muqing give the hero such a girly name? But the word "she" is used at the end, did Mu Qing spell it wrong? Or, is this not the romance she thought it was at all? !

Read The Duke's Passion