MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 32 finger move

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Mu Qing shook his head again, he was already thinking of grabbing someone's job, if he saw a slightly intimate scene in Shan Bei's acting, such as the most basic scene of pulling little hands, he would probably reject it, how many more did Shan Bei have? Can a play be played? After lying on the bed, she turned to the right and looked at the queen on the pillow, touched its body and said, "Good night, queen. Good night, my goddess."

Shan Bei was startled and almost jumped up from the pillow. But looking at Muqing's eyes seemed to see the distance through the cat's body, she knew that Muqing was just using the queen to say good night to herself. It was a surprise, really. However, it is really a crooked hit!

The Queen let out a "meow", as if responding to Mu Qing.

Not long after, tiredness also hit Dan Bei who was covering the pillow, she didn't stay with Mu Qing any longer, because she had to get up early tomorrow, she didn't want to delay the time because of it, punctuality was her requirement for herself.

On the second day, everyone arrived more than ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time. After everything was ready, the interactive session could be arranged. In fact, players are generally night owls and like to come out for activities at night, but this time the time is arranged in the morning, so it is uncertain whether there will be a problem with the number of players. This is what Fu Jieti said to Shan Bei in the car. But Shan Bei is not worried, since Mu Qing arranged it like this, there must be her considerations.

Mu Qing had indeed taken their worries into consideration, and she was very confident in the game, but just in case she naturally held back, and if there was no one else, the staff would play, and they were very happy. It's a pity that they are both happy and disappointed in the end. The joy is that the enthusiasm of the game players is unusually high. There are N people online early in the morning. Of course, the disappointment is that they can't participate, because they are more concerned about the game. Player reactions, stats, and more. All unfavorable factors must be adjusted in real time, but you can't shout loudly, and finally collapse as soon as it goes online, that would be a laughing stock.

The ability to play games with a single shell is naturally impossible to be bluffed by those players. Although some players felt that Danbei played very smoothly after watching the live broadcast, character design, and MV, they also doubted whether it was edited later. The operation of the game can only be known through actual competition, and players who are lucky enough to participate in the interaction are pleasantly surprised to find that Shan Bei is not a simple role in the game. People who don't know about that powerful operation may think it's a ladyboy. In just one hour, the players who had fought with Dan Bei were all subdued by her, and they all persuaded her to play together, and they wanted to fly with her.

This effect is naturally what Muqing is happy to see. Immediately made a decision, that is, for the next month, one hour will be arranged for one hour a day to enter the game interaction, and the time is to be determined. Naturally, this decision was only known after Shan Bei finished the interaction. During her game interaction, Mu Qing had already discussed this suggestion with Fu Jieti, and Fu Jieti nodded in agreement. As Shan Bei's manager, she naturally has this right. In the end, Shan Bei also nodded in agreement. She also really fell in love with this game, and the enthusiasm of the players also infected her.

"Muqing, since you are making this game, you are not interested in playing it?" Shan Bei said to Muqing who was standing aside while watching other staff members interacting with the players.

"My skills are not good." Mu Qing replied after looking at Shan Bei.

"I can take you." Shan Bei blurted out, maybe when she asked Mu Qing if she was interested in playing, she had already decided to take Mu Qing with her.

"Uh, even if you take me, I won't be able to stick to the wall." Mu Qing mocked himself, and continued to refuse.

In fact, Muqing's skills are also very powerful, and she also really wants to travel the rivers and lakes with Shan Bei, and become a couple of gods and gods together, but the setting in the game is male and female protagonists, not female protagonists. She also doesn't want to be with Shan Bei as the heroine, hey, if I knew she would have set a hidden line, Mu Qing was very annoyed, she didn't think of this, it seems that there is still an omission.

However, it would be nice to have a bond with Dan Bei in the game. Thinking of this, Mu Qing decided to apply for a number, and she would secretly hook up with Dan Bei.

When everything was over, it was almost eleven o'clock, Mu Qing looked at the time and hesitated, then said to Shan Bei and the two: "Let's have lunch together."

"We..." Fu Jieti had only said a few words before Dan Bei grabbed her arm, and then she heard Dan Bei say, "We're fine."

Last time, Fu Jieti resolutely rejected her, and this time she can't miss the opportunity again. Shan Bei intends to "take a good look" at Mu Qing closely, but she clearly remembers those extremely explicit words typed out of Mu Qing's hands last night.

Muqing's eyes lit up when she heard this, because it was Dan Beila and Fu Jieti who agreed, which made her feel that Shan Bei wanted to have dinner with her, which made her very excited. But thinking about whether she would lose her composure later, she was a little worried.

"Let me call Director Li, let's go together." After finishing speaking, Mu Qingchao walked towards Li Yi, who was still busy. It might be better if more people were involved.

Shan Bei looked at her back, and still felt that such a gentle and well-behaved person could write such a provocative sentence, which really shocked her.

In the end, the group of four came to the Chinese restaurant called "Relax the Mind" where Shan Bei first met Mu Qing. After the four of them were seated, the menu was naturally for Li Yi, but Li Yi pushed it to Shan Bei and Fu Jieti, and Shan Bei pushed it to Mu Qing. In the end, Mu Qing ordered the dishes, and she quickly ordered a few dishes without any excuses.

After the waiter left, the table was quiet. Mu Qing's gaze, which was originally looking at the back of the waiter, turned to Li Yi, then to Fu Jieti, and finally to Shan Bei.

"Muqing, you are amazing, you know everything about Shan Bei's likes like the back of your hand." Fu Jieti said sincerely, she didn't know until Shan Bei took the initiative to tell her after she became Dan Bei's agent for more than half a year.

"I've seen Shan Bei's interview, and this time we're going to cooperate, so naturally I've checked your likes and taboos again." It doesn't need to be so troublesome, these are all engraved in Mu Qing's brain.

"Muqing is very attentive. You know my preferences very well. It's great that young people are so stable!" Li Yi also interjected. He didn't participate in any interviews, but only had dinner with the entertainment company a few times. He also ordered food, and Mu Qing was present, it seemed that she remembered it all. He likes such a hardworking young man very much!

Soon, the food was served, and the four of them chatted while eating, but Shan Bei didn't find anything wrong with Mu Qing, and seemed to be less nervous about himself than before. Just as he was thinking, Shanbei's chopsticks accidentally caught Muqing's chopsticks. At first she didn't pay attention, but when she accidentally caught Mu Qing's chopsticks again, she found that Mu Qing's face seemed a little red, and she felt a palpitation in her heart.

Shan Bei changed her mind, and when she saw which dish Mu Qing's chopsticks were going to pick up, she "accidentally" picked up her chopsticks again. Sure enough, Mu Qing picked up a little bit of food and put it into her mouth, then slowly pulled it out as if she was holding the chopsticks in her mouth, as if she wanted to **** all the juice from the chopsticks, and her face also slightly flushed with this action. red.

Shan Bei looked at her dinner plate, recalled Mu Qing's actions just now, and inexplicably thought of the words she wrote, suddenly felt dry and blushed instantly. what the hell? ! In such a large crowd, doing such wretched|wretched movements is simply... She raised her eyes and glanced at Mu Qing unwillingly, and her eyes met hers.

Mu Qing was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly he was caught peeking at Shan Bei, so he put down his chopsticks pretending to be calm, wiped the corners of his mouth with a wet towel, and said at the same time: "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom." Then he pushed the chair away and went to the bathroom .

Not long after Mu Qing left, Shan Bei also made an excuse to go to the bathroom.

Fu Jieti looked at the two women who fled to the bathroom, and her thoughts changed, there is something wrong!

When she got to the bathroom, Mu Qing stood in front of the sink and took a deep breath, and when she was about to run water to pat her face, the door of the bathroom was opened. She looked up in the mirror, and it was Shan Bei who came. Shan Bei didn't enter the toilet, but also walked to Mu Qing's side, and washed his hands with water.

Neither of them spoke, but Mu Qing looked at Shan Bei's hand, thinking of the electric current and the cool feeling when the fingertips touched him, he was a little dazed for a moment.

"Can you tell me, what are you thinking now?" Shan Bei couldn't help asking seeing Mu Qing staring at his hand without saying a word.

"No, I didn't think about anything." Mu Qing stuttered when asked this question.

"Are you sure? Looking at my hand for so long, it's impossible to think about it?" Shan Bei continued to ask.

"Oh, I just think your hands look better." Mu Qing said sincerely. It would be even better if you could touch it, this is what Mu Qing thought in his heart.

Shan Bei had already dried her hands with a paper towel at this time, and when she heard Mu Qing praise her hand, she stretched out her hand directly, held Mu Qing's hand, flattened it and straightened it, and then straightened her own hand, making a parallel motion with both hands. compare.

"I think your hands look better. Your fingers are slender and your nails are round and full. Are these calluses from holding a pen?" Shan Bei praised Mu Qing's hand, saying that when Mu Qing's fingers were slender, the fingertips slid from the back of the hand to the fingertips , When it comes to full fingertips, the fingertips just stop at the fingertips. When she talked about calluses, her fingertips slid to the slight bulge on the left side of her middle finger. At this point, the movement of the hand was over, she looked up at Mu Qing, and found that Mu Qing's blushes that had disappeared had all reappeared, and they were even redder than before.

When writing those words yesterday, Mu Qing was expressionless, but now, he just moved her fingers a few times, and her face turned red like this? ! A strange feeling emerged in Shan Bei's heart. She felt that just now, she seemed to have done something extraordinary.

Read The Duke's Passion