MTL - Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises-Chapter 505 hunt down

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   Zhao Tianxuan and Yu Shoucheng in this alliance did not come together.

   Zhao Tianxuan and Yu Shoucheng are naturally envious of Lingbao's aura, or in other words, there are very few places where they are not attracted to this kind of treasure.

  But Zhao Tianxuan and the two thought over and over again, and finally gave up this opportunity.

  The reason is also very simple, it is dangerous.

  The broken spirit treasure appeared in this land boundary, and there will be more aura scattered in the future. In fact, it has already spread throughout the Qianyu League. At this moment, the number of Aperture Realms in this land boundary is a bit scary.

   And one month later, when the aura is scattered, the gathered aura will reach a peak.

  If it was only the early stage of the Heqiao Realm, then Zhao Tianxuan and Yu Shoucheng naturally had nothing to say, and they would definitely follow. After all, this kind of opportunity is once in a thousand years.

But the actual situation is that in the early stage of the Heqiao state, there may be a group of people with the lowest cultivation level. Facing the middle stage, or even the late stage of the Aoqiao state, people who are at the peak of the Aoqiao state, they will not fight back at all. Power.

   It is very likely that Lingyun will be killed by those strong men before he gets it.

   Zhao Tianxuan may be a bit of a gambler on weekdays, but he also likes to be greedy for small gains, but in the face of such uncertain things, Zhao Tianxuan finally chooses to be wise and protect himself.

  Yu Shoucheng's personality is somewhat similar to Zhao Tianxuan's, even more cautious.

  The so-called the older the rivers and lakes, the less courageous they are.

  At the beginning, Yu Shoucheng retreated to Xianyun City because of some things. After discovering the passage, he was willing to return to the Endless Sea with the Xianyun Sword Sect as an ally.

  At the beginning, no matter what kind of promise Tong Zhongqiu made, he wanted Yu Shoucheng to kill Jian Jinsheng with him, but Yu Shoucheng refused.

  Compared to safe neutrality, Yu Shoucheng did not make a choice in the end, even though he knew that he could gain greater benefits by leaning on one side.

  From these, it can be seen that Yu Shoucheng's temperament is Shoucheng. Do not seek meritorious service, but seek no faults.

  Although aura is good, you have to have your life to get it.

  Yu Shoucheng is still decades away from his life limit, so Yu Shoucheng is not in a hurry.

   Instead, Qin Haishan was willing to come, which surprised Chen Fei.

  Qin Haishan is unsmiling on weekdays, that is, the development of Haifeng Domain has been too smooth recently, which makes Qin Haishan's face involuntarily smile, especially when facing Chen Fei.

  When Qin Haishan heard that Chen Fei and Tong Zhongqiu were coming to compete for Lingyun, Qin Haishan decided to go together without even hesitation.

  In the realm of martial arts, Qin Haishan's purpose is very pure. He just hopes to get a piece of aura to help him break through the bottleneck and step into the middle stage of Heqiao state.

   In this regard, Qin Haishan is very similar to Chen Fei. It's just that the ultimate goals of the two are somewhat different. Qin Haishan only wants to be in the middle of the Acupoints Realm, while Chen Fei is looking at the mysterious Mountain and Sea Realm.

  Tong Zhongqiu, on the other hand, is to see if Lingyun can help someone break through to the Aperture Realm.

  Some time ago, someone from the Xianyun Sword Sect tried to break through to the Heqiao Realm, but unfortunately, the success fell short. Now in the sect, there is only Gong Guanzhi, the head of the Xianyun Sword Sect, who is at the peak of the Aperture Realm.

  If Gong Guanzhi fails again, there will be no one from Xianyun Sword Sect to try to break through in the short term.

   There is a life-prolonging secret medicine in the Thousand Feathers League, but it is not easy to get it if you want it, and you still need a little chance. Whether Tong Zhongqiu can wait for this opportunity is hard to say.

  If Lingyun can help people break through, that's the best, if not, then Tong Zhongqiu can also take it by himself to increase life span.

  At the same time, Tong Zhongqiu also wanted to take the opportunity to come back and see what happened to the current Xianyun City and the mountain gate of the Xianyun Sword Sect back then.

  Compared to Chen Fei, a passer-by, Tong Zhongqiu has lived around Xianyun City for more than two hundred years, which is almost three times longer than those ordinary long-lived people.

   It is conceivable how deep Tong Zhongqiu's affection for this land will be.

  Although the Endless Sea is very good, and the Haifeng area is booming now, Tong Zhongqiu still can't let go of Xianyun City and the original mountain gate of Xianyun Sword Sect.

  This has nothing to do with reason, it is purely an emotion.

  Compared to Chen Fei and Qin Haishan, the reason for Tong Zhongqiu's return is more complicated, but from another perspective, it is also more profound.

  Chen Fei looked in the direction of Xianyun City in the distance, turned his head and glanced at Tong Zhongqiu, Tong Zhongqiu also turned his head to look at Chen Fei, and shook his head.

   Tong Zhongqiu didn't intend to go to Xianyun City right now. If he went this way, he would easily meet Jian Jinsheng. Today's Shenyan Sect must occupy the original mountain gate of Xianyun Sword Sect, and Xianyun City is very close to that side.

  Of course, if he really met Jian Jinsheng, nothing would actually happen now.

  Jian Jinsheng has not broken through to the middle stage of Heqiao state. This is the accurate information obtained by the spies sent by Tong Zhongqiu.

  In Xianyun City, in fact, there have always been hidden dead soldiers left by Xianyun Sword Sect. This dead man doesn't have to do anything on weekdays, he just needs to observe the current mountain gate of the Shenyan Sect and see the changes in the vitality of the world.

  Breakthrough from the early stage of the Aperture Realm to the middle stage of the Aperture Realm will cause the vitality of the world to vibrate. For this reason, the dead man also has a treasure in his hand, which can accurately sense this change in vitality.

  In the past few years, this dead man has not observed any changes in the vitality of the world.

  Of course, when Jian Jinsheng might break through, he deliberately wasn't in the sect. But this probability is somewhat low. After all, the time of breakthrough may also be the weakest time.

   Instead of breaking through the protection of the mountain gate formation, but deliberately looking for other places, it seems somewhat unwise.

  Furthermore, following the birth of the Lingbao in the imperial city, Jian Jinsheng actually went there on purpose. That's it, the dead soldiers didn't hear the news of Jian Jinsheng's breakthrough from other channels.

  If Jian Jinsheng really breaks through, it will probably cause a sensation in this dynasty.

  After all, in this land, no one has cultivated to the middle stage of the Aperture Realm for too long. Don't look at the current imperial city, all kinds of powerhouses above the middle stage of Aperture Realm can be seen everywhere.

  But in the hearts of the people in this land, these are all outsiders. If there are people in this land who break through to the middle stage of Heqiao state, it will definitely be a different state of mind.

  The original mountain gates of Xianyun City and Xianyun Sword Sect will not run away, and you can watch them at any time. When you come back this time, the most important thing is the aura, and other things can be postponed.

  Chen Fei smiled slightly, identified the direction, and flew towards the direction of the imperial city, Qin Haishan and the two followed behind.

  Among the three, Chen Fei is now faintly the leader, without him, it is simply that Chen Fei is currently the strongest. Just like when the alliance was first formed, Qin Haishan was the leader, and it was also because Qin Haishan was the strongest at that time.

  In this world, the strong are respected. It has been like this from ancient times to the present, and there will be no change in the future.

   Speeding like lightning, the three of them flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed.

  Although there is still a month away from Yuan Lingchao, it is still necessary to rush there first to understand the situation.

   The wind was rolling and the clouds were calming down. In less than an hour, Chen Fei suddenly stopped in mid-air, looking down.

  The dark brown soil exudes a gloomy and cold atmosphere, which Chen Fei can clearly feel even if they are separated by several miles.

  This is Shangwu City. After the real Xilian transformed into a ghost, he devoured a city of people to complete his cultivation. Afterwards, he bewitched another Heqiao Realm, willing to transform Rengui and partner with him.

  Afterwards, relying on a damaged top-grade magic weapon, he repelled the cooperation of several Heqiao Realm and gained a firm foothold.

  Before Chen Fei went to the Endless Sea, the matter of Shangwu City was still unresolved, so he could only let Shangwu City continue to grow.

  Chen Fei deliberately chose this route this time, passing through Shangwu City, just to see how the cunning real Xilian is doing now.

  If there is no Lingbao in the imperial city, then it is estimated that there will be nothing wrong with Master Xi Lian. It is still difficult to deal with Master Xi Lian in this land's Acuity Realm.

  But something like this happened in the imperial city, which led to a sharp increase in the number of experts in the Heqiao state in this area. Master Xi Lian's cultivation, if he doesn't pay attention to it, may be overthrown.

  Life is such an accident, Master Xi Lian thought that he could finally cultivate steadily, and slowly plotted against countless creatures and fresh flesh and blood in this land.

   As a result, such a thing popped up, breaking everything abruptly.

  At this moment, in Chen Fei's eyes, the place where the original Martial City was located, except for a piece of bare black and brown land, the original Martial City has long since disappeared.

  Chen Fei turned his head and looked at Tong Zhongqiu. If he was well-informed, the Xianyun Sword Sect, which had taken root in this land for so many years, was still very powerful.

  Many channels are not meant to be cut off, but all channels are really cut off. There are still many secret information networks that sink down and are activated at critical times.

   "The news I got is that Master Xi Lian is being chased and killed by the strong men of the Nether Gate, and his life and death are uncertain." Tong Zhongqiu said in a low voice.

   "The Nether Gate?" Chen Fei's expression moved slightly, and he nodded slightly.

  The name of the Nether Sect may sound like a crooked sect, but it is actually a decent and famous sect. Apart from being a bit indifferent, the people from the Nether Gate didn't do anything like refining blood to eat.

  Even regarding the weirdness, the Nether Gate is extremely enthusiastic about catching them.

  In the Thousand Feathers League, almost all the slightly well-known powerful and strange people were hunted down by the strong men of the Nether Gate.

  Chen Fei took the members of the Yuanchen Sword Sect to the Haifeng area when he ran into a strange one. That weird speed was extremely exaggerated, and with Chen Fei's current agility, he might not even be able to catch up.

   This was purely forced out by the Nether Gate. In the Thousand Feathers League, the slightly slower speed has all fallen into the hands of the Nether Gate.

   "But this real Xilian is not dead yet!"

  Chen Fei squeezed his right hand, a wisp of breath floated up from below, and was held in Chen Fei's hand. Chen Fei's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the breath in his hand and said.

  Judging Eye!

  Chen Fei got a secret method from Duanmu Xiao at the beginning, it was extremely difficult to practice, and he could deduce it by himself based on some information and make up for it.

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