MTL - Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises-Chapter 490 bloody battle

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  Chapter 490 Bloody Battle

   Didn’t someone from the Sangying Sect leave a secret letter asking me to come here? How could it be Chen Fei?

  Jiang Liulin looked at Chen Fei and knew that it was too late to leave at this time. Just as he was about to step forward, he found that his body could no longer move, and even the vitality of his whole body was completely imprisoned.

  The cultivation in the later stage of Aperture Realm is like a decoration, and he suddenly becomes an ordinary person.

  Chen Fei took a look at Jiang Liulin, and the next moment, the two disappeared into the restaurant together, leaving only a few taels of silver on the table where Chen Fei was sitting just now.

  Outside Xuanlin City, the figures of Chen Fei and Jiang Liulin landed on a hilltop. Here, only the outline of Xuanlin City can be vaguely seen.

   "Elder Chen!" Jiang Liulin found that he could move, and quickly saluted Chen Fei.

   "I don't know if Elder Chen will bring you here, why?"

  Jiang Liulin saw that Chen Fei did not speak, and continued to bow. Facing such a strong person in the Aperture Realm, Jiang Liulin didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

   "Know me?" Chen Fei said flatly.

   "Elder Chen is showing his might in Haiyue Cave Mansion, and no one in the Haifeng area knows it." Jiang Liulin deliberately showed a flattering smile.

   "Just now in the restaurant, are you looking for someone from the Sangying Sect?" Chen Fei looked at Jiang Liulin with a smile on his face.

  Chen Fei originally thought that in the restaurant, he could see the appearance of some Aperture Realm, but he didn't expect a person who practiced Aperture Realm to come out. Obviously, such an assassination mission was given, and the other party didn't want to reveal his real body.


  Jiang Liulin couldn't help being stunned, then quickly shook his head, and said sincerely: "Elder Chen misunderstood, I went to that restaurant at the invitation of a friend, and it has nothing to do with the Sangying Sect."

   "Do you know the Sangying School?" Chen Fei said.

   "The name of Sangying Sect, I naturally know." Jiang Liulin tried hard to control his emotions, and nodded slowly.

   "Then do you think there is such a coincidence in the world?"

  Chen Fei looked at Jiang Liulin, shook his head slightly, and said: "Forget it, I won't talk to you too much, I'd better see it myself."

  Jiang Liulin heard Chen Fei's words, but before he could figure out what Chen Fei meant, he suddenly felt his mind blurred, as if he had experienced many things.

   But unfortunately, Jiang Liulin couldn't remember what he had experienced.

   This feeling made Jiang Liulin a little uneasy, and Jiang Liulin concentrated, trying to make himself more sober. However, there was a huge force pressing him hard.

   In the face of this force, Jiang Liulin had no resistance at all.


  Jiang Liulin's eyes suddenly opened, as if sinking to the bottom of the water and suddenly getting oxygen, Jiang Liulin began to breathe rapidly.

  Then, Jiang Liulin looked around as if remembering something, and when he saw the mountain gate ahead, Jiang Liulin's face suddenly turned pale.

  This is Shenshuimen, and the strongest is Miao Wanhong, one of the strongest sects in Haifeng domain.

  Jiang Liulin turned his head to look at Chen Fei who was at the side, his eyes were full of horror, as if the most important secret in his heart had been forcibly pushed away by someone.

  Jiang Liulin is the head of the Jiang family on the surface, and has a slight reputation in Xuanlin City. He is also the strongest in the entire Jiang family. But in fact, Jiang Liulin is a disciple of Shenshuimen, a force specially cultivated by Shenshuimen.

   For some things that Shenshuimen is inconvenient to do, the Jiang family will do it for them.

   Just like this time contacting Sangyingzong to assassinate Chen Fei, Jiang Liulin was in charge.

  Sangyingzong has always kept secrets from their employers, but Mo Shiyi and the others were cautious, and they were still unwilling to come forward in person, so they passed such a layered method.

   As a result, now, Chen Fei has unexpectedly dug to this extent.

  Jiang Liulin's mouth trembled, and he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. Since the person has appeared here, it means that Chen Fei already knows everything, so it doesn't make any sense for him to talk about other things at this moment.

  Chen Fei didn't look at Jiang Liulin, the Qianyuan sword in his hand moved slightly, and a sword intent shot up into the sky, stirring up the clouds in the sky.

  Such an astonishing sword intent was outside the mountain gate, and everyone in Shenshuimen was shocked. Miao Wanhong on the main peak opened his eyes and looked at the sword intent.

  With just one glance, Miao Wanhong's expression couldn't help but change slightly. Miao Wanhong was too familiar with this sword intent. After all, not long ago, Miao Wanhong was cut by this sword intent.

   What's more important is that Miao Wanhong felt a little guilty inexplicably in the face of this sword intent because there was a ghost in his heart at the moment.

  Miao Wanhong was hesitating whether to vibrate a spiritual weapon in his arms, when he suddenly sensed a gaze fixed on him, Miao Wanhong raised his head subconsciously, just in time to see Chen Fei in the distance.

   Now the two sides are several miles apart, but for Heqiao Jing, it does not affect the vision of both parties.

  Miao Wanhong turned his head slightly, and saw a person appearing beside Chen Fei, his face changed drastically. At this moment, Miao Wanhong immediately shook the spiritual weapon in his bosom, and Mo Shiyi and the others sensed it hundreds of miles away.

  The four of Mo Shiyi were puzzled, but as an alliance, they soared into the sky and rushed towards Shenshuimen.

   "Elder Miao, why don't you come out and say something?"

  Chen Fei's voice came from afar, and the power contained in it made the entire Shenshuimen formation tremble slightly, and also made the people of Shenshuimen notice the two people in midair.

  Someone with a slightly stronger cultivation base can see Chen Fei's face clearly, and his heart can't help sinking. As for the people next to Chen Fei, few people knew them.

  But everyone who knew Jiang Liulin couldn't help but panic.

  They didn't know exactly what happened, but Chen Fei was stronger than Miao Wanhong, and everyone in Haiyue Cave Mansion knew about it before.

   And at this moment, Chen Fei appeared here in such a way that he almost blocked the door, obviously the visitor was not kind.

   "Elder Chen, come to my Shenshuimen, I don't know why?"

  The entire Shenshuimen was watching, Miao Wanhong couldn't hold back his head, if this was the case, then Shenshuimen would hardly be able to raise his head to meet people in the Haifeng area from now on.

  Miao Wanhong's figure flickered, and when he came one mile away from Chen Fei, Miao Wanhong didn't dare to get closer.

   After all, Miao Wanhong has personally experienced Chen Fei's combat power. Now that Chen Fei brought Jiang Liulin here again, he probably already knew about it.

  Under such circumstances, Miao Wanhong was really worried that Chen Fei would stab him with a sword and kill him here.

  Of course, with Shenshuimen's formation for many years, Miao Wanhong's combat power will be greatly improved, but to what extent it can be improved in the end, and whether he can beat Chen Fei, Miao Wanhong has no idea.

   Just like before the capture the flag battle, no one thought that Chen Fei would be a threat, but it happened that such a person who had just broken through the Heqiao state not long ago almost dominated the entire capture the flag battle.

   Therefore, Miao Wanhong no longer dares to arbitrarily judge Chen Fei's strength. Perhaps in Haiyue Cave Mansion, Chen Fei's display is not the full strength.

  Of course, within the Thousand Feathers League, as members of the same alliance, it is not allowed to fight against other sect forces at will. If Chen Fei really did this, no matter what the result of this battle is, he will be held accountable by the Thousand Feather League afterwards.

  Facing Chen Fei in the early stages of the Aperture Realm, the Thousand Feather League will inevitably take heavy measures to prevent this situation.

  But Miao Wanhong didn't want to exchange his life for the result that Chen Fei would be held accountable in the future. His life is his own, and if his life is gone, it doesn't matter to Miao Wanhong what happens to other people.

   "Do you know this person?" Chen Fei moved his right hand slightly, and Jiang Liulin was sent forward.

   "I don't know." Miao Wanhong looked at Jiang Liulin seriously, shook his head and said.

   "What Elder Miao did to give up his family members like this, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of many people." Hearing Miao Wanhong's words, Chen Fei couldn't help laughing softly.

   "I don't know what Elder Chen meant by what he said. If this person said something that slandered my God Shuimen, I hope Elder Chen can discern it, so don't be fooled." Miao Wanhong said in a deep voice.

  Jiang Liulin's eyes dimmed when he heard Miao Wanhong's words.

  Although Jiang Liulin knew that if something happened to him, he would become an abandoned child. However, Miao Wanhong said this in person, which still made Jiang Liulin a little unacceptable.

  Almost all his life has been dedicated to Kamisuimon, but now he has ended up like this, how sad and desolate.

   "It doesn't matter if Elder Miao doesn't know this person."

  Chen Fei nodded, and an envelope flew out of Chen Fei's sleeve and flew straight to Miao Wanhong.

  Miao Wanhong looked at the envelope in front of him, feeling a little bad in his heart.

   "I was in Haiyue Cave Mansion before, due to the rush of time, I didn't have time to communicate with Elder Miao about martial arts. Therefore, I came here specially today to hand over the letter of challenge to Elder Miao. I hope Elder Miao will not refuse!"

  As soon as Chen Fei finished speaking, the envelope trembled slightly, and countless rays of light came out from the letter paper, and then it turned into a thunderbolt, which exploded in mid-air.

  In the sky, a trace appeared, as if someone was holding a sharp sword across the sky.

   "Elder Chen, what is the meaning of this!"

  Miao Wanhong's heart trembled slightly, and he tried to keep calm, and asked loudly.

   "As I said just now, if you want to learn Elder Miao's clever tricks, I hope Elder Miao will not hesitate to teach you!"

  The smile on Chen Fei's face also gradually disappeared, and a fierce aura permeated all directions.

  In the Qianyu League, under normal circumstances, it is forbidden for various forces to attack each other, at least on the surface, it is stipulated in this way. Especially for such things as stepping on the mountain and destroying the family, no one has dared to do so for many years.

   What to do, all of them are done quietly.

  But for the sect that has the seat of Heqiao state, if you want to destroy it, you can't do it quietly, unless you assassinate it in a place where there is no one in the open sea.

  Chen Fei didn't want to assassinate, that would be too cheap for them!

  Since he dared to ask the people of the Sangying Sect to kill him, wouldn't it be a loss for Chen Fei if he didn't redouble his efforts to get something back?

   The first one, Chen Fei chose Miao Wanhong.

   The Thousand Feather League is unwilling to attack among forces, but there is always a solution to the conflict, and then there is a solution.

   Bloody battle!

   Stop fighting with blood, stop war with blood!

  (end of this chapter)