MTL - Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises-Chapter 475 radical

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  Chen Fei's avatar flew forward cautiously, and the escape speed was very slow compared to the main body.

  Chen Fei's avatar comes from the Duntian Xing in the Yuanchen Sword Manual. This technique opens seventy-five orifice points, which are relatively common in the practice of orifices.

  After smelting into the Yuanchen Sword Code, the seven skills complement each other, and the escape speed of Duntian Xing has increased a lot, even the escape speed of the clone has also increased a little.

  But this situation has changed significantly as Chen Fei broke through to the Heqiao state.

  Dun Tianxing's avatar claims to have 30% of the body's strength, but in fact, when Chen Fei broke through to the peak of the Aperture Realm, the avatar's strength did not increase proportionally.

  Now that Chen Fei has reached the Aperture Realm, the growth rate of the avatar is extremely low. Except for an extra flying ability, the strength is almost the same as what Chen Fei possessed after breaking through to the peak of the Aperture Realm.

   This can't be blamed for the weakness of Duntian Xingxing, but this skill itself is only at the level of the Acupoints. If you want it to have such a performance in the Apertures, it is unrealistic.

  Because of this, Chen Fei didn't take the initiative to take the initiative when Yu Shoucheng said to investigate. With such escaping speed and strength, once someone finds out, he will definitely be unable to escape.

   It's just that no one thought that after Yu Shoucheng left, he would never return.

  Chen Fei's avatar traveled tens of miles, and he could sense the aura of the opponent's battle flag from a distance, but except for the aura of the other five people, Chen Fei couldn't perceive it.

  The eyes of Chen Fei's avatar gave off a faint gleam. Under the stargazing technique, he could vaguely feel the aura of several people, but it was not obvious.

   The strength of the avatar is too weak, even if it is hoped for astrology, the range that can be detected is extremely limited, unless the distance is continued to be shortened. But with the strength of the avatar, even if the aura on his body is cut off by the spirit-killing technique, it is still easy to be discovered.

  After breaking the limit of the mind in the Aperture Realm, compared with the Aperture Realm, both the accuracy and the breadth have increased significantly.

  Chen Fei used to rely on his avatar, and he could run around under the eyes of the Aperture Realm, but under the perception of the Aperture Realm, it was too obvious.

   After all, you are always active, and other Apertures can clearly perceive the abnormality, no matter whether you have breath or not. Even a rock moving around is a big problem.

   "But although they couldn't see what they were doing, they didn't immediately take advantage of the advantage and charge over. Obviously, there is no small limit to eliminating Yu Shoucheng."

  Chen Fei's avatar pondered for a moment, and informed Qin Haishan and the others of the situation here through his deity.

  Chen Fei's avatar did not rush forward, there was always a faint feeling in his mind that if he continued to move forward, there would be danger.

  The strength of the avatar is not good, but because the mind comes from the same source, it is still extremely keen in the perception of danger.

  As for the mind of Chen Fei himself, after this year's beheading of the second-level mind in the world of psychic deception, it has actually grown to a certain extent, coupled with the blessing of Zhenlongxiang Zhenshen to the mind.

  Not to mention other things, but in terms of perception, Chen Fei's mind is far stronger than anyone in the cave.

   "It should be capable of remote detection. No wonder something happened when Yu Shoucheng came."

  Chen Fei's avatar frowned slightly, neither advancing nor retreating, things suddenly became troublesome.

  Continue to move forward, the avatar is probably the result of being blown up, and then maybe you can see if there is anything unusual about the person who shot it, but the avatar is also completely scrapped.

   In a short period of time, the avatars could not re-condense.

   If you retreat, the situation you just detected has some value, but the value is extremely limited.

  Chen Fei's avatar rubbed his chin, and glanced around. Many places were shining with light, all of which were resources that could help Zhanqi grow.

  Chen Fei raised his head and glanced at the distance again. The several auras over there were roughly gathered together, and they probably didn't try their best to obtain resources. That is to say, the opponent's first goal was not to make Zhanqi grow.

   However, he has a treasure that can allow Yu to defend the city, and he can't even escape in time. He just needs to find an opportunity later and eliminate Chen Fei alone, and the final situation is basically settled.

  The growth of Zhanqi can naturally be placed in the second place. After all, if you want to grow Zhanqi, you need a lot of resources, and it can't be completed in a short time.

   If it really wants to become a fighting flag, the opponent's advantage of eliminating Chen Fei's side first will be weakened in one fell swoop. On Chen Fei's side, there are obviously more people than the opponent, so it is impossible to choose the long-term method of Zhanqi.

  I will definitely choose a quick battle, rely on my own treasures, find an opportunity to eliminate another person, and completely stabilize the situation.

  Chen Fei's avatar carefully came to a pit, looking at the chalcedony that was mostly covered by rock formations, his expression moved slightly.

  Compared to the resources I saw on my side just now, the vitality of the resources here is quite amazing.

  Is this to strengthen confrontation and obtain resources in the opponent's territory, so as to better help the growth of your own battle flag?

   It should be this reason, only in this way, the competition between the two sides will be more intense. Otherwise, all of them will get resources in their own territory, and fight for the battle flag at the end, then it will become a question of who is more industrious.

   "So, the best choice for this capture-the-flag battle is to secretly transport the opponent's resources back?" Chen Fei thought to himself.

   Mo Shiyi and the others were probably also afraid that Chen Fei would come and kill one of them, so the five of them did not separate at the moment.

  So the situation in the wild, it is estimated that the other party does not understand, or understand, but all the thoughts are on how to use their own treasures.

  The purpose is quite straightforward, which is to wait for the treasure limit to be opened, and then charge over.

   Chen Fei himself notified Qin Haishan and the three of them one by one of what the avatar saw, and the expressions of Qin Haishan and the three changed slightly.

  What I see now is that the treasures in the hands of the five Mo Shiyi are either still in the restricted period, or there are other sequelae that have not been resolved.

  If Qin Haishan's side rushes directly to kill them in one go, while Mo Shiyi's sequelae are still there, they may have a chance of winning if they come to a thorough meeting.

  Of course, there are sequelae or treasure restrictions, which are all speculations on Qin Haishan's side. Without seeing the scene where Yu Shoucheng was eliminated at that time, it is impossible to judge accurately.

  Yu Shoucheng, who saw everything, has already been eliminated and cannot give accurate information.

  Therefore, there is a risk in rushing to the past like this. If Mo Shiyi and the others are waiting for this, and they come to catch a turtle in an urn, then this capture the flag battle will end immediately.

   But if you don't rush to kill, then all the treasures can only be pressed on the battle flag, and grow the battle flag as soon as possible, so that you can have decisive power.

  Compared to Mo Shiyi and the others, Qin Haishan's biggest advantage is that the aura of the battle flag has been erased, and it will take a lot of effort for Mo Shiyi and the others to find them.

   And they can observe Mo Shiyi and the others from a long distance, after all, the breath of the battle flag is too strong. According to this point, changing one's position at any time can delay a lot of time.

  In just a moment, Qin Haishan figured out the matter and made a decision in his heart.

   Fortunately, there is Chen Fei in this battle. If the aura of the battle flag is not wiped out, there is only one choice left for Qin Haishan.

   Chen Fei took Qin Haishan and the three to the border. Chen Fei asked Qin Haishan and the three to stand back a little and began to collect resource points at the border.

  Chen Fei's eyes shone with light, and stargazing, the investigative mind technique, was operating to the limit. Cooperating with the mind's perception of danger, he always observed the surroundings and the distance.

  Compared to the avatar, the effect of Chen Fei's stargazing technique is undoubtedly much stronger, so the position of the opposite battle flag and the induction of other surrounding places are much clearer.

  In the following time, Chen Fei's deity almost used one sword and one resource, and then sent the avatar to Qin Haishan. Qin Haishan took the time to let Zhanqi absorb it.

  At the same time, the three of Qin Haishan were not idle, and worked hard to mine resources at the border.

  Compared with the nearby cave, the vitality contained in the resources here is indeed stronger, and the growth rate of Zhanqi is obviously faster.

  This kind of sneaky mining of resources almost at the edge of the other party's exploration feels quite exciting.

  Chen Fei felt a little regretful, he didn't let Yu Shoucheng stay at first, and came here by himself.

   But then again, if Yu Shoucheng hadn't been eliminated, Chen Fei wouldn't have known that the other party had such a treasure in his hand.

  This person may be Chen Fei, or any one of Qin Haishan.

   Looking at it this way, Yu Shoucheng's elimination seems to have become more valuable all of a sudden. At least it made Chen Fei a lot more vigilant, and at the same time, his way of doing things has become a lot more extreme.

   Otherwise, if Yu Shoucheng hadn't been eliminated, it would be impossible for Chen Fei to collect resources like this at the border.

  Even if you were too stubborn at the beginning and didn't send people out to investigate, you probably didn't know the border and the opponent's territory, where the resources are so rich.

  At the same time, the opponent will first discover the problem of the border resource point, and then raise the battle flag first, then Chen Fei will still lose, and the loss will be even worse.

  Fate and fate met, and it directly became what it is today.

  Chen Fei's side was enjoying the mining, and everyone outside Haiyue Cave Mansion also stared at the scene on the water curtain with wide eyes.

  No one expected that Qin Haishan would be so aggressive after eliminating one person, and went directly to the border between the two parties to mine resources.

  The five of Mo Shiyi didn't know what they were doing, they all gathered together, and only Mo Shiyi wandered around from time to time to see if there was anything else going on.

   But the area Moshiyi left is not enough, and there is still a long distance from the border. At this distance, you can see the breath of the battle flag, but you can't feel the breath of people.

  With the passage of time, the aura of the five Mo Shiyi members who had been reduced due to infusion strength gradually recovered, and there was no problem in continuing to infuse.

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