MTL - Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises-Chapter 471 make a fool of yourself

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  Chapter 471 Show Ugly

   "Capture the flag, there will be more variables." Qin Haishan said in a low voice on the main peak of Broken Soul Sect.

  As soon as the competition method came out, Qin Haishan summoned Chen Fei and others.

  The alliance of five factions is vaguely headed by Qin Haishan. After all, the Broken Soul Sect has been in this sea area for the longest time, and Qin Haishan's own strength has also reached the second level of Heqiao.

   Both the overall strength of the sect and Qin Haishan himself surpassed the other four sects.

  According to the original distribution rules, if this third-tier inferior secret realm can be obtained, the area occupied by the Broken Soul Gate in the secret realm will also be slightly larger.

  In this secret realm allocation, the Yuanchen Sword Sect has the smallest area compared to the other four factions. In the past, it was actually smaller than this.

  Because at the beginning, it was Tong Zhongqiu and Yu Shoucheng who wanted to draw Chen Fei into this alliance, and they also allocated part of their own area in the third-order secret realm to the Yuanchen Sword Sect as a condition.

  The Huanhunmen and Xuanhuomen later considered Chen Fei's potential, and after the final discussion, they expanded the area that the Yuanchen Sword Sect could allocate.

   But at this area, it is already the limit of Duan Hun Sect and Xuan Huo Sect, if they give it any more, it will damage the interests of their own sect.

  Chen Fei has great potential, but potential is potential, and the strength he has now is strength, which are two different things. This third-tier inferior secret realm, if captured, can be used for a hundred years.

  The benefits involved in this are extremely huge, and it is a bit exaggerated to fight for every inch of land, but it is true that every point of the area in the secret realm can generate real benefits.

   "We will fight steadily when the time comes, and we still have a chance of winning." Yu Shoucheng said with a smile.

   They did not reject the opponent's proposal to capture the flag. After all, no matter what kind of competition method is used, in the end it depends on strength to speak.

   It’s just that compared to the straight-forward battle in the arena, some strategies may be involved.

   "The capture of the flag battle should be held in Haiyue Cave Mansion." Zhao Tianxuan said loudly.

   "Only Haiyue Dongfu can support our kind of competition. The trial of Haiyue Dongfu just ended a while ago, so it should be free now." Qin Haishan nodded.

  Chen Fei's expression moved slightly, and Haiyue Dongfu was involved again. Master Haiyue was really casual about his spiritual treasure.

   But think about it, if there is no spiritual treasure like Haiyue Dongfu, the so-called capture of the flag will be difficult to implement, and it may end up being a straight-forward ring battle.

   As long as the arena battle has a large enough venue, plus formation protection, even if you choose a place where there are no people, even the formation protection is saved, which is very convenient.

   But to capture the flag, you need to delineate an area, the two sides are equal in size, and the terrain is better if it is slightly complicated.

   With all these kinds, there are naturally qualified ones in the wild, but it is difficult not to leak the secrets. And once the secret is leaked, the meaning of the strategy in capture the flag will be lost, so what's the difference from a ring battle.

   Only a spiritual treasure like Haiyue Dongfu, which can change the terrain at will, can meet such requirements.

   "Speaking of the last trial at Haiyue Cave Mansion, I heard that many interesting things happened, and now a group of people don't know who the leader of the trial is!" Zhao Tianxuan said suddenly.

   "Zhuo Tianying of Fengwu Pavilion and Teng Daoxuan of Tianyamen have both broken through to the Aperture Realm. Whether or not they compete for the top spot has little impact on them." Qin Haishan shook his head and said.

  The first place in the trial of Haiyue Cave Mansion is a greater blessing to reputation. As for the things rewarded by Haiyue Cave Mansion, it is nothing to these arrogance of great power.

  Of course, last time Haiyue Cave Mansion upset many trainees because they didn't know who they were defeated from the beginning to the end.

   It's completely a state of being in a state of confusion, being beaten several times with a sap, and it turns out that it is not known who hit it.

  The progress of the whole trial is controlled by the first person, and they can only be tired of chasing behind. This feeling is too uncomfortable.

  Nowadays, the so-called news of chasing the top name may not be without the intention of avenging shame, especially for such arrogant people as Zhuo Tianying and Teng Daoxuan.

  Chen Fei didn't speak, and was not surprised that Zhuo Tianying and Teng Daoxuan broke through to the Aperture Realm, after all, they were the top two on the Qianlongchufeng list.

  The only thing is that in the Haiyue Cave Mansion, Chen Fei has never met these two people face to face, otherwise he could have seen some of the demeanor of these arrogances.

   "Did you go to the last trial?" Zhao Tianxuan suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Fei and said.

  Qin Haishan and the others looked at Chen Fei curiously when they heard Zhao Tianxuan's question. Chen Fei's Acupoints at this age is no worse than Zhuo Tianying's.

  They didn't think that Chen Fei was the number one in the last trial. After all, it was rumored that the person who was the number one in the trial almost crushed all the testers in the whole process, and didn't even give him the slightest chance to come back.

  Chen Fei's talent is beyond doubt, but it's not so exaggerated.

   "I didn't get the Haiyue Order, so I didn't go." Chen Fei smiled and shook his head, the benefits have already been eaten, so there is no need to show off in front of several people.

   "That's a pity. For the Aperture Training Realm, the trial in Haiyue Cave Mansion is still very good." Zhao Tianxuan nodded without doubting him.

   Tong Zhongqiu glanced at Chen Fei, Tong Zhongqiu thought that Chen Fei should have participated in the Haiyue Cave Mansion, after all, the time when Chen Fei broke through the Aperture Realm coincided with the end of the Haiyue Cave Mansion trial.

  However, Chen Fei denied this kind of thing, and Tong Zhongqiu naturally wouldn't pursue the so-called truth, and the practice of the Aperture Realm was of little significance.

   Several people chatted for a while, and ended the conversation.

  This meeting is to simply communicate opinions and how to do it. It will also be a capture-the-flag battle a month later, and it will be arranged according to the situation on the spot.

  Otherwise, there is too much to say, and the meaning is not too great.

  As soon as Chen Fei flew away, he felt Zhao Tianxuan's breath following him. Chen Fei glanced back and stopped in mid-air.

  Zhao Tianxuan saw Chen Fei stop, with a smile on his face, and came to Chen Fei in an instant.

   "Nothing else, I just want to ask how you are doing with the Zhanxuan Sword?" Zhao Tianxuan had a concerned look on his face.

   "It's okay." Chen Fei looked at Zhao Tianxuan, did he buy cheat books, and after-sales service?

   "If you don't understand something, you can ask me. I have practiced this sword for so many years, and I still have some experience."

  Zhao Tianxuan said, and made sword fingers with his right hand, and tapped on the center of his eyebrows. The next moment, a sharp sword light passed quietly in the void.

   It seems that in order to let Chen Fei see clearly, Zhao Tianxuan also deliberately slowed down the speed of casting the Xuanxuan Sword, and the process of smelting into a sword in thirty-six formations is clearly visible.

  This method of casting does not help other practitioners to comprehend it in the slightest, but it can make people understand the accomplishments of the performer.

  From Chen Fei's point of view, Zhao Tianxuan was extremely proficient in performing the thirty-six formations, but there were some small flaws in the process of smelting the sword.

   These small flaws do not affect the use of the thirty-six formations, but if you want to melt the seventy-two formations into a sword, you will definitely not be able to do it.

  With just one glance, Chen Fei could see through Zhao Tianxuan's current progress in practicing the Xuan Xuan Sword, and only someone like Chen Fei who has cultivated the Xuan Xuan Sword to the Dzogchen realm can do this.

  Zhao Tianxuan would never have thought that Chen Fei had already cultivated the Xuan Zhan Sword to the peak, so he showed the Xuan Zhan Sword without the slightest hesitation.

   "How? If you have doubts about cultivation, just ask!" Zhao Tianxuan laughed loudly.

   Thirty-six formations to smelt into a sword is nothing, but the cultivation of Xuanxuan Sword is too difficult, and it is doomed that there will be no gains in a short time.

  Zhao Tianxuan came to find Chen Fei on purpose. Naturally, it was not because of his conscience. The after-sales service was purely because of the exchange of exercises last time, and after making up the price difference of fifty middle-grade spirit stones, Zhao Tianxuan felt uncomfortable.

  But for such a thing that is willing to fight and suffer, it is too unreasonable to go back on it. But Zhao Tianxuan was stuck in his heart, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing Chen Fei today, Zhao Tianxuan wanted to collect some teaching fees in the name of giving advice.

  Zhao Tianxuan is very clear about how difficult it is to cultivate the Xuanxuan Sword. Among the people he has sold, there are few people who have surpassed him so far.

   However, the power of the Xuanxuan Sword is quite extraordinary, making it hard to give up.

   "Old lady Zhao, you are being polite, I am still practicing Zhanxuan Sword." Chen Fei said with a smile.

   "You and I are in an alliance, why should you be so polite. The way of cultivation is to communicate more in order to make progress." Zhao Tianxuan waved his hand and said boldly.

   "Old Zhao is right." Chen Fei nodded and said.

   "Why don't you use the Zhanxuan Sword, and I'll take a look first. If there are any problems, I'll point them out directly. At that time, as long as you don't think I'm blunt, you can!" Zhao Tianxuan encouraged enthusiastically.

   "I won't make a fool of myself." Chen Fei smiled and waved his hand.

   "This is mutual verification of martial arts skills, how can there be no show of shame." Zhao Tianxuan laughed loudly.

   "Old Zhao, you are too polite."

   "Help each other, it should be."

  The more Chen Fei was unwilling to use it, the more enthusiastic Zhao Tianxuan was. Zhao Tianxuan already subconsciously felt that Chen Fei's cultivation of Xuanxuan Sword must have fallen into a bottleneck.

  Several months have passed, perhaps it is just a simple introduction to the Xuanxuan Sword, which somewhat deviates from the talent Chen Fei showed before.

  If this is the case, then Zhao Tianxuan's attention to Chen Fei may change slightly in the future. After all, the most commendable thing about Chen Fei today is his talent.

   "Then I can use it a little bit?"

   I don't know if Zhao Tianxuan's voice is too loud, but Chen Fei has already sensed several eyes looking towards this side, obviously it is the three of Yu Shoucheng who are not far away.

   "Please!" Zhao Tianxuan smiled even wider.

  Chen Fei smiled slightly, and the sword finger of his right hand casually wiped the center of his eyebrows. The next moment, a sword light streaked across the void.

  Zhao Tianxuan who was standing on the side only felt a slight chill in his body, and his mind trembled in the sea of ​​consciousness. Sensing the sword light displayed by Chen Fei, Zhao Tianxuan's smile froze already.

   Seventy-two formations, far surpassing the Zhanxuan Sword that Zhao Tianxuan displayed just now.

   Less than a year, seventy-two formations!

  (end of this chapter)