MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 3115 It's over, you're dead! (Happy 2020!)

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200% Power!

A strong sense of oppression exploded from Song Shuhang who was in the position of drawing a knife!

In the scabbard, the Unreal Blade began to emerge.

With this drawing action, the starry sky at the foot of the crowd, which was transformed by the "rules of heaven," began to fade!

The starry sky, which was originally picture-like, was washed away and turned pale, becoming a pure white space.

Even the insignia of the giants and the fat ball of Tiandao on the opposite side, as well as the imprints of ancient heavens on the sides, were also affected, and their bodies began to whiten.

In this nearly white space, only Song Shuhang maintained his own color.

And the sense of oppression on him seemed to become a substance, a black breath, oppressing the audience!

For a short time, the entire `` rule of heaven '' was filled with the substantive oppression of Ba Song, and it turned from pure white space to lacquer black!

From the starry sky to pure white, and from the pure white to the black of Ba Song-in the process, the entire starry sky world is dominated by Ba Song!

This is the power of "Study for a Long Life" condensed by Song Shuhang and the seniors and seniors behind him.

Unprecedented growth method is unprecedentedly powerful!

The imaginary knife in Ba Song's hand finally came out of the sheath—it was only a matter of a moment, but under the influence of Song Shuhang ’s substantive oppression, this moment was as long as a century!

The moment when the blade was drawn out, it was just an imaginary blade, condensed into essence, and turned into ‘Dao Qi? Reincarnation Blade’—this is the effect of the causal knife's" Flower Rule ".

On the fifth day, Tao Fairy and Reincarnation Blade Fairy were also one of the targets of Song Shuhang's causal extraction.

Through their scabbard, their power turned this illusive projection knife into a real Taoist blade in a short time.

Not only reincarnation blade fairy and fifth-day Tao fairy, dog egg father, three-eyed predecessor, white senior two, immortal Taoist and so on, all seniors, living beings, and demons in Nine You, all the causes and effects are brought together into Ba Song in the hands of this knife.

All the power + Song Shuhang's immortal power, let the blade drag the dark blue track.


"Causal Knife? Xiuchao Changsheng Edition" waved toward the fat ball on the opposite sky.

The mark of Tiandao Fat Ball was threatened by oppression, and incalculable firepower erupted in an instant.

Brilliant and dazzling firepower, sweeping the sky, special effects +100.

Compared with it, Song Shuhang's "Causal Knife" has a small and pitiful sword.

But it was this small blade, and when it cut to the endless firepower, it was like cutting melon and cutting vegetables, and easily cut off all the firepower.

Dao Mang locked the imprint of heavenly fat ball.

The power of cause and effect, the power of virtue, and the power of reincarnation are locked in layers ... so that the mark of heavenly fat ball cannot be avoided.

No matter how to evade and discuss how to defend, this knife, at the moment of cutting, has already been doomed.

Can only resist!

哧 ~

Nearly 10,000 layers of defense on the Tiandao Fat Ball were cut off by this sword!

Immediately afterwards, its huge body like a star was cut in half by the blade.

And with this flat knife mark as the source, Tiandao Fat Ball's huge body began to collapse.

Even the powerful 'self-healing ability' attached to the Tiandao Fat Ball itself has been suppressed.

The speed of self-healing cannot keep up with the speed of body collapse.

After a moment, the mark of Tiandao Fat Ball was destroyed into slag.

The imprints of the heavens have immortal traces and almost the power of the attack of the heavens ... but they are not immortal.

After all, if the imprint is immortal, then Song Shuhang and Bai Bai wouldn't have to challenge, just surrender.

"It's over?" He asked, "The power of cause and effect" to condense the entity's reincarnation blade fairy.

As the carrier of this sword, the reincarnation blade fairy experienced the power of this sword at a ‘first vision’ angle.

But the reincarnation blade fairy's voice just fell.

On the opposite side, the mark of the heavenly fat ball that was collapsed into **** began to be reborn, and once again condensed into a shrinking fat ball!

In addition to a smaller body size, the Tiandao Fat Ball mark has regained its jumping ability.

This powerful ability to regenerate, obviously has no 'immortal constitution', but is almost immortal, it is a nightmare for all practitioners!

"Isn't this dead yet?" The Reincarnation Fairy was a little surprised. This heavenly ball is somewhat capable!

However, after a crash, the volume of Tiandao Fat Ball has shrunk significantly.

So there must be an upper limit to its 'rebirth'.

"Then cut it again!" The reincarnation fairy was ready, trying to cooperate with Song Shuhang again to perform the 'causality knife'.

But Song Shuhang, who was holding the knife handle, slowly retracted the knife and returned to the sheath.

"It's over," Song Shuhang whispered, "It's dead."

The reincarnation fairy wondered: "???"

Wow ~ Suddenly, there was a ‘Blade Mang’ beside Tiandao Fat Ball.

This daomang seems to have crossed the cause and effect, crossed the space, cut from the past to the future!

The knife fell.

The ‘Tiandao Fat Ball Mark’, which was finally reborn, was cut off again and collapsed from the knife mark.

"This ... is the knife you just cut out?" The reincarnation fairy asked.

While she was talking, the mark of Tiandao Fat Ball recovered again, turning into a smaller one.

But as soon as its body shape was restored, the daodaomang appeared again and was chopped on it.

No matter how many times it recovers ... the ending is the same!

After Song Shuhang waved out the "Causal Knife? Revised Chat Version", the moment the sword was released, the knife had completely slashed the "mark of heavenly fat ball".

From the time of the sword to the future "Fat Ball Mark" has died under that sword!

From the moment Song Shuhang closed his scabbard, the mark of the heavenly fat ball was over.

In front of this scene, the ‘Tiandao Fat Ball Imprint’ is constantly resurrected and beheaded… In fact, it is already a ‘projection of what ’s happened’.

The real "Fat Road Fat Ball Mark" has died in the "past" before a few breaths.

The reincarnation fairy quickly understood the cause and effect of the picture in front of her and understood it.

"Your eternal life ... is too terrible. This huge amount of computing power can't be done by anyone who has no evidence. You are clearly distanced from the sermon now, and there is still the final link." Reincarnation Blade Fairy Road.

"I have a heavenly computing plug-in." Song Shuhang responded handsomely.

Reincarnation Blade Fairy: "!!!"

You're so anxious!

"Next, the imprint of the dark sky." Song Shuhang turned, looking at the dark sky big man who has become thousands of stars.

At the same time, he looked at Song two who was sent to seduce the "Fifth Heavenly Immortal Mark".

Song two, half done!

On the fifth day, the immortal mark was not seduced into his own camp.

However, on the fifth day, the imprint of Taoist fairy has become more 'flexible' by resonating with Song two.

This flexibility is just enough for her to lock her ‘hate value’ on the fourth day.

She stared at the mark of the fourth day, becoming sharp.



In reluctance, 2019 finally abandoned me ... and put me into the arms of 2020. In the new year, I hope that all friends and fairies will get the warmth they want in the arms of 2020.

Happy New Year ~ Happy ~ Good luck ~