MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 12 Song predecessors, your mobile phone is dead.

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The black-haired girl looks like she is in her early twenties, and it is not so good until she is just 18 years old. Is it so old? Cause yourself to look like an adult uncle?

And... the number? He immediately remembered the group of business cards in the group. What Huangshan Zhenjun, Beihe Sanren, **** Dongzhu, **** House, and so on, suddenly felt liver pain intensified.

"Cough, call me Song Shuhang. In addition... the number is not mentioned first." Song Shuhang replied, he does not want to be considered a second disease.

"Ah? Sorry for the seniors. I forgot for a moment." Yukoko was embarrassed. As a self-cultivator, it is common sense that the name is not in the face of the human face. She is just too happy to be forgotten.

"Cough, don't call my predecessor." Song Shuhang coughed twice, and he felt that the cold cough that he had gradually recovered had recurrence and more serious signs.

"Ah." Yukoko lightly responded, but his heart was sinking - this predecessor, does not seem to be a good contact? Also, after all, not everyone in the group is as enthusiastic as the Beihe predecessors.

In addition, the predecessor is clearly in the Luoxin block, but in the group, but there is no sound, maybe it is a very cold kind of person, did not intend to help? Thinking of this, she could not help but feel a little depressed.

Just as Yukoko was thinking about it, Song Shuhang added: "You can call Song Shuhang directly."

"Ah?" Yukoko yelled: "This is not very good."

"Please be sure to call me Song Shuhang directly. I really want to hear that my full name cannot be called. Book Air, Xiaohang, Xiao Song are just you." Song Shuhang firmly said.

If Yukoko continues to scream at a predecessor, he will feel very ashamed. This is the real world!

"Song Shu ... seniors." Yu soft son called half, feeling awkward, or added the predecessor two words.

However, she suddenly relaxed in her heart, and her face was full of happy smiles - it seems that this predecessor is a good person, not a kind of cold predecessor. In this case, maybe the seniors will help her!

Song Shuhang reached out and slammed his face and was completely defeated: "Well, how to call it casually."

"Song predecessors, are you coming to help me?" Yukoko said happily.

"Let's talk while walking." Song Shuhang raised the big bag in his hand, and two people added a big suitcase to block the road of others, or find a quiet place to talk about it.

Yukoko immediately followed the book flight silently.

"I read the chat records in the group. The place to go is the Luoxin Street District of J City." Song Shu Channel.

"Well, the Luoxin block of the city of J. Waiting, the predecessors, is it..." Yukoko is naturally very clever. From the tone and attitude of Song Shuhang, the facts are guessed. She is crying and sad: "Is not Luoxin here?" Block?"

"It is indeed the Luoxin block, but here is the Luoxin block of Jiangnan District, not the city of J." Song Shuhang sighed.

"..." Yukoko's little face suddenly rose red, this time is really shy. For a long time, she whispered: "The Song predecessor, Luoxin Street District of J City, do you know how to go?"

"I haven't been to that place, but can you navigate?" Song Shuhang said warmly.

Yukoko knocked on her head, and she pulled out her mobile phone again. But she just made two strokes, and the phone suddenly sounded a pleasant music, and then the screen was dark.

Yukoko looked up at Song Shuhang, which was the big eyes of the double water: "Song predecessors, my mobile phone has no electricity."

"..." Song Shuhang felt that his liver was a little bit faint and painful. Is this black-haired beauty somewhat natural?

However, he still handed his mobile phone: "Use me."

"Thank you for your predecessors." Yukoko was delighted to take over the mobile phone of Book Air, and then made a few strokes.

Suddenly, a powerful piece of music sounded on the phone, and the screen of the phone went dark.

Yukoko raised his head again and looked at Song Shuhang. The watery eyes were already foggy: "Song predecessors, your mobile phone has no electricity."

By relying on, Song Shuhang remembered that when he went out, his mobile phone had only 6 percent of his electricity. I have been on standby for nearly three hours. I just went to the conference network just now, and I just lost power.

After picking up his mobile phone, Shurun ​​asked: "Yurouzi, go to Ghost Light Temple to hurry?"

"Time is not very fast, but the sooner the better, the later is changed." Yukoko's voice is still soft - if it is late, her family will come back from the raging three waves of the predecessors, and then I will catch her back.

Yes, this is why she used to spend three waves in the group.

When the old man came home, she could not sneak out.

"Then, or else, don't you go to the dormitory with me? Use the computer to check the route. By the way, the mobile phone is also charged, but my dormitory is more than 20 minutes away, is it not?" Song Shuhang proposed.

Song Shuhang is a man of the same kind. He has a kind face and a good old man in his bones.

So I can't do anything that throws Yukoko aside. In fact, in addition to the foundation, how many men will ruthlessly drop such a beauty.

“Dorm? Is it a place where the predecessors lived in seclusion?” Yukoko’s eyes widened again and again: “The journey of twenty minutes is completely ok!”

"So let me go?" Song Shuhang tried to ask.

Yukoko nodded hard and pulled up a huge suitcase to follow the book.

Really a good girl, Song Shuhang is a bit embarrassed, he always feels that the girl can be abducted with two lollipops.



There is a saying that is said, men and women are matched, and work is not tired.

It is reasonable to say that when men and women do things together, they will be more energetic. However, when Song Shuhang walked with Yu Yuzi for more than five minutes, he felt that his breathing was a little short and he was tired.

He smiled and looked at the feathers on the side of the feathers, the words of the handsome guy in the square before the three brothers appeared in the book aviation mind: the beautiful woman legs are long, go fast, step by step me several steps. I ran all the way, but I couldn't catch up.

Leg length is really good, there are advantages! Take him two steps in one step!

Yukoko has tried to slow down as much as possible, but Book Air has to trotting all the way. Can this be tired?

"Predecessors, you seem to be breathing?" Yukoko’s doubts on the book, should not? It took more than five minutes to walk, how could a pant of a senior who was trained to be profound.

"Call, go slowly, don't hurry." Song Shuhang adjusted his breathing.

"Oh." Yukoko nodded as if she understood it. She felt that the status of this ‘predecessor’ seemed to be wrong, as if his physical condition was very poor.

But she is a good girl who is sensible, paying attention to the ** of others. Since the predecessors did not say, she would never ask for more, so as not to be disgusting.

So she took the initiative to cooperate with Song Shuhang, and the span of the long leg was narrowed, keeping pace with Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang finally felt a lot easier.

The two have left the Luoxin neighborhood and are gradually drifting away.

Coincidentally, behind them, the three buddies who gave the various legs in the square also left the Luoxin neighborhood with a large bag.

"Hey? One hundred percent, I saw a hundred percent!" Fat man Axu excitedly pointed at the back of Yukoko.

The handsome sunshine man immediately got up and said: "Where? I must catch up with her this time!"

"You have no play." The short-haired man lazily said: "She already has a man around her."

Sunshine man saw Song Shuhang next to Yurouzi, and suddenly lost: "The famous flower has the Lord, hateful!"

"While the famous flower has the Lord, the **** is even more ruthless. As long as the **** is well-swinged, it is not afraid that the corner can not be dug. Bold up!" Ah Xuhe laughed.

"I don't have the interest of ntr other people's corners." The lower limit of the sun man's accident at this point is full.

But suddenly, the Sunshine man stared at Song Shuhang's back: "Hey, I said if you have any feelings, is that man a little familiar?"

"Well, familiar is normal. Because when we commented on the 100-point sister on the Luoxin Square, he sat next to us." The short-haired man continued to be lazy.

"..." Fat man is a virtual.

"..." Sunshine man.

He is sitting next to us, he is sitting next to us... This sentence is infinitely echoed in the ears of the sun man.

The Sunshine man decisively stunned: "Is this the legendary **** of Raiders?"