MTL - Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man-Chapter 10 : All absorbed!

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Chapter 10: All absorption!

This can not blame the military doctor's not calm, even a rare double S body baby can only absorb the seventh. The military department came over this time, in order to express the importance attached to the descendants of Major General Ling Xiao, so he took ten medicines. The people of the military department think that the heirs of Major General Ling Xiao are good again. Six pharmacies are always enough, but Ling Lan is a wonderful thing. To the eighth, there is no slow absorption.

The eighth potion was pushed in again by the syringe and it was still very smooth. The body can continue to absorb the drug, the injection of the syringe can be felt, the advancement is not hindered, indicating that the body can continue to absorb, if there is a hindrance, it means that the body absorbs the drug will reach a full state, if it can not advance, it means the body is saturated Can no longer absorb.

Looking at Ling Lan smoothly absorbed the eighth agent, the original calm expression of the military doctor finally changed. He turned his back to Lan Luofeng and Ling Qin, and his eyes turned to indicate that the assistants around him contacted the superiors.

The medics believed that they were hiding, but they were still seen by Ling Lan. Of course, this is also the military doctor did not think about guarding Ling Lan, Imagine what a baby can understand for six months? Of course, he does not know that there are such wonderful things as Ling Lan in the world. When born, there is an adult thinking.

Seeing the action of the military doctor, Ling Lan knew that things were a little bad. I am afraid that the extent of my own absorption of the drug has gone too far. Linglan hastened to ask the younger one: "Small four, it seems that something is wrong. It seems that we are over-medicated. Do you want to stop it?"

The little four who just got the benefit will be willing to stop here. It comforts: "Nothing, aren't they bringing ten? Can you bring so much? It should be counted that you can absorb it..." Xiaosi thought it for granted.

Ling Lan suspected: "Is it? In case they are just prepared, maybe only the extremely enchanting baby can absorb so much. We first came to see that it is always wrong to keep a low profile." Ling Lan thought it was right, but she did not know. Even if you stop now, it will not help.

Xiaosi’s heart is not willing to give up, this pharmacy is a good thing, so that its host has relieved the hidden danger. It thinks about it, decides to look at the present and considers others, so it says: “I will be in the tenth pharmacy. When you do it, it will cause you to absorb the illusion of saturation, so even if you absorb some of the special, it will not cause other people's doubts. At most, you will pay more attention to your future growth. We will converge a little bit later and gradually fade this out. The impact of one time will do."

Without waiting for Linglan to oppose, Xiaosi continued: "You must know that you have absorbed these ten medicines. Not only will your cultivation effect be several times better, but you will be able to completely solve your hidden dangers. You don't have to worry about your mental strength." Your body is gone."

"Well? You are not saying that I am cultivating and cultivating my body. After two years, I have to completely solve the implied? Are you still holding me?" Ling Lan finally noticed the meaning of the fourth.

Xiaosi squatted and found that he said that he missed his mouth. He can only honestly explain: "I mean that your mental strength is no longer increasing. You can solve this hidden danger in two years. But you must understand that mental strength is not Cultivation, it still grows with age."

Ling Lan was angry: "You didn't even tell me about it. Don't you know that this is dangerous?"

Xiaosi looked up at the sky and looked innocent: "I didn't tell you? Probably too many things..."

Ling Lan really wants to catch this little boy to take a meal, but unfortunately has agreed with it no longer domestic violence, can only hate to let go, she now doubts, is this little guy expected to be today, so only started Just agree with her, can't be domestic violence?

She tried to breathe a few breaths and calmed down her feelings. Then she asked: "So, honestly, how much has my mental strength increased in the past six months?" I don't want to be a confused ghost at all.

"Actually, it just grew a little bit..." The little four is better than his own little fat finger, which means that there is really not much improvement.

"So a little bit, isn't there any danger?" Ling Lan couldn't believe that there wasn't much good-natured kid, sneer.

Xiaosi suddenly became discouraged. He was embarrassed to say: "If you don't have this potion, you will be seriously ill after two years. However, as long as you work hard to cultivate your body, I estimate that after three years of cultivation, Can be restored as usual. But now with this pharmacy, all the hidden dangers have been solved, so there is no problem at all." After all, the smug color on his face seems to have forgotten the result of no horrible drug.

When Ling Lan saw it, he could only helplessly let go of this little guy, and be more realistic with it, he would only be angry with himself. However, she sternly warned a small four, the future no matter what, we must make it clear to her, and then said, must not have possession of half of the half.

Xiaosi answered very simply, but whether it can be done or not, Ling Lan is not sure.

In fact, Ling Lan feels that there is something wrong with Xiaosi. Although she claims to be her growth partner, she will not be able to open it. That is to say, Xiaosi refused to open, and she could not open the door of the room representing the content of the course.

If other people, I am afraid I will worry about this, and I may doubt whether this learning machine is malicious. Linglan is very open-minded. If I can’t learn it, I will not ask for it. I am bored. It is good to have a bite to talk to myself. .

After all, Ling Lan didn't have the kind of idea to be a person. She just wanted to live alive, live freely, and live without pain and disease.

Soon, the assistant who went out to report the situation came back. He nodded slightly to the military doctor and signaled the military doctor to continue the injection.

The military doctor got the above order and let go of his hands and feet. In fact, what worried him was not only the absorption level of Ling Lan’s enchanting, but also the fear of not being able to explain it to the above-mentioned pharmacy. Finally, in the tenth pharmacy, the military doctor finally felt it. The resistance to the injection is getting bigger and bigger, and when the syringe leaves only the last few drops of the drug, he feels that he can no longer push it in.

The military doctor pulled out the needle and quietly wiped a sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, he fed the baby in the tenth time and completed their mission. The baby who absorbed ten medicines at a time was not in history. No, it's just rare.

The people of the military did not delay much, and soon they said goodbye to leave, leaving Lan Luofeng with enthusiasm to retain their unknown, and Ling Qin who had a feeling of faintness.

Ling Lanmu sent the military to leave, finally let go of his heart, and then felt that his bladder was heavy, there is a feeling of being unable to understand, she was depressed. You know, for this pharmacy absorption, my mother did not give her any milk, why is there a feeling of urgency? ”

It seems that I feel Linglan’s depression. Xiaosi is very embarrassed to say: “I’m afraid that people in the military department will find that they don’t dare to excrete through the sweat glands, so send those impurities there...”

The implication is that there are so many impurities in there that there is no problem if there is no urine.

Ling Lan had no time to call her mother to help her, she felt that she was sadly reminded to wet the bed...

"Small four, you are dead!" Ling Lan sorrow!

NND, it is hard to find a point of self-esteem, this time has become a cute baby. I did not expect that a beautiful and splendid day just appeared, and was ruined by this self-proclaimed little four.

Ling Lan was sad again, especially when she heard her mother beat her PP and laughed that she would still wet the bed. She felt that her life was gray.

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