MTL - Crossing the Happy Daughter-Chapter 1624 finale three

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   Chapter 1624 Finale Three

   This news made all the female relatives of Wuguo Gongfu and Huguo General's residence fiercely envied, envied and hated Yunyi.

   There are Qiangwei and two daughters in the mansion as their companions to host the central feed, and Yunyi is very relieved.

   Before leaving, I visited my grandfather at the Duke Wu's mansion, and left him a lot of health-preserving pills: "Grandfather, Yier and her husband want to go on a long trip, and want to go out and see the scenery of other parts of the continent."

Although the old man has the health pills provided by Yunyi in the past few years, he is getting old, but he is in good shape compared to his peers. After listening to Yunyi's words, he said, "You can rest assured that Prince Rui will accompany your grandfather. , come back sooner."

  Yunyi heard this, tears in her eyes: "Grandfather, you are waiting for Yier to bring you something rare."

   The old prince, Lin Guodong, smiled and looked at his granddaughter: "Okay, grandfather will wait for my Yier to come back with something strange to open his eyes to grandfather."

   After that, he took time to go to Huaiyang Hou's Mansion. When he saw his grandfather Zhan Hongzhang, he was teasing his cousin Zhan Yunchang's young daughter in the garden.

   Seeing Yunyi coming, he smiled and said, "Why are you here today?"

  Yun Yi walked over, sat opposite her grandfather, glanced at her cousin next to her, and said softly, "Yi'er came over to see her grandfather, and in a few days, she will travel far away with Prince Rui.

   I might not be able to come back for a while, so I brought some things to my grandfather. "

  The old Houye Zhan Hongzhang asked, "I'm going to go away?"

Yun Yi smiled and said: "Yeah, when I want to walk around, my grandfather knows Yi'er's temperament, and Yi'er has always wanted to go out for a walk, to see the humanities and geography of other parts of the continent, and to see Daqian outside. world."

  Old Marquis Zhan Hongzhang wanted to open his mouth several times to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. After all, Prince Rui was willing to spoil her, let her toss, and accompany her to toss. If he said anything, he would only make his granddaughter unhappy.

   So he sighed and said, "When you go out, take care of yourself."

  Yunyi nodded, put the things down, and left Huaiyang Houfu.

  The last stop was at the General Huguo Mansion. Mrs. Lu and the three sisters-in-law repeatedly told her to come back early and protect herself before letting her leave the mansion.

  Yunyi also bought some things on the street and stored them in the space, because their first stop was Beimo, in case they could be used.

   In mid-July, Yun Yi and Long Jingrui did not bring anyone with them. The two of them left the capital alone in civilian clothes, beating horses, and starting their free and easy life.

  The two first went all the way to the north, to the northern desert, where Yunyi had never been there, and Long Jingrui had only been there once, and he had not gone deep.

  The two entered Beimo and changed into local people's clothes, and occasionally took some photos. The area is vast and sparsely populated. I heard that there are many kinds of fish in the rivers and lakes in the northern part of Beimo, most of which are not found in Longteng.

The two of them just wanted to go there and have a look, and by the way they collected some to keep in the space. Along the way, they also bought a lot of cattle, sheep, and horses and put them in the space ranch, and also collected a lot of good sheepskin storage space. inside.

  The husband and wife also lived in a herdsman's house for a few days, and learned to play the matouqin from the herdsmen. Yunyi was not used to drinking the milk tea here at first, but Yunyi likes to eat cheese and roast lamb.

   I like to lie on the grass and watch the blue sky and white clouds, I like to chase with Long Jingrui on horseback, I like to follow the herdsmen to sing and dance on this vast prairie, and let themselves go.

   Leaving the herdsmen's house, the husband and wife went all the way north to Hasuhai, where the grass on the bottom of the lake is very lush, not only can you see all kinds of fish, shrimps, but also all kinds of birds circling among the reeds.

   is like a landscape painting, very beautiful.

   Yunyi and Long Jingrui stayed here for a few days, and brought in a lot of fish and shrimp into the space, as well as a few pairs of wild ducks, wild geese and two pairs of swans and cranes in the reeds into the space.

   It started to rain and the temperature dropped. There were no herdsmen in a radius of dozens of miles. It was definitely impossible to ride a horse, so I put away the tent.

   Release the Hummer from the space. Anyway, there is no shortage of fuel in the space, and this is a no-man’s land. Let Long Jingrui drive freely. Long Jingrui is also smart, and he learns quite quickly.

   Little cuties, [Dressed as an 80-skilled girl] has been released, if you like it, remember to bookmark it~ Thank you for your support! ~~~



   (end of this chapter)