MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-v32 Chapter 163 go away

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Chu Hanjing said with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Han Lingsha waved his hand casually with a face: "It's okay. Brother Wukong knows a lot of cold weapons. We are looking for others." Then, she looked at the two sisters with regret: "It's just that you are clearly separated. The immortal is only one step away, but it is a pity that he can't become an immortal."

Chu Bihen said with a look of relief: "As long as you can leave here, it doesn't matter whether you become an immortal or not."

Sun Wukong: "In fact, it is not impossible to become immortal. I have a practice method here. If you practice, you can stabilize your souls, and you can practice independently without being affected by each other. Because of the fact that you are one and two souls, it will be more effective with less effort. The power is also multiplied."

When the two sisters heard the words, their eyes lit up, and their faces were pleasantly surprised: "Is there really such a technique?" The problem of the two sisters, even their master can't help, this Master Wukong can solve it?

Monkey King flicked his finger, and the two streamers respectively submerged between the eyebrows of the two sisters. The two girls closed their eyes and carefully accepted the information in their minds. After that, they looked similar to each other and knelt in front of Monkey King: "Thank you Master for the gift of reinvention, we The sisters are willing to follow the master all their lives, never leave, and hope that the master will be fulfilled."


Han Lingsha and the others were surprised by the behavior of the two sisters.

But Monkey King is very calm. Although the two sisters Chu Hanjing have lived from ancient times to the present, they have only lived in this small moon and secluded realm. They have never been in contact with people. Therefore, they are not deeply involved in the world, and what they see and hear is still Very simple.

Monkey King helped their sisters resolve each other’s misunderstandings; he took them away from this place with hope; he also taught them their exercises and solved the problems that have plagued them all their lives. Such a great kindness can only be followed by a lifetime. Repay his favor.

"You only have to have this heart. Get up." Monkey King was in a good mood, and he waved his hand, but saw that the Thoreau tree was gone before him.

Xuanji immediately looked surprised: "Ah~The tree? Why is the Thoreau tree missing? Brother Wukong, has it been taken away by you?"

Monkey King: "Would you like to go in and have a look?"

"Okay, okay!"

Obviously, Han Lingsha and the others are very curious about what the Monkey King's ring world is like.

With a thought in Monkey King’s heart, the group of people have disappeared. When they appeared, they were already in a world of ice and snow like a fairyland. All kinds of winter flowers were in full bloom. Among them, the Thoreau tree was inside, surrounded by flowers, growing like eternity. Therefore, there is no trace of transplantation at all.

Liu Mengli and several women were amazed by the scenery here.

Han Lingsha looked at the sky that couldn't be seen at the edge, with a look of astonishment: "Are we really in the ring?"

Sun Wukong smiled and looked at Sister Chu Hanjing, and said, "How do you feel about this? If you are not satisfied, I will change it for you?"

"No, it's already very good, we like it very much."

"If you like it, let's look around first."

After Sun Wukong took a few girls to play here for a while, he took them away. After all, it was too cold there, and staying for a long time is not good for your health.

After coming out of the world ring, Xuanji held the hand of Monkey King wearing the ring with a look of exclamation: "It's incredible, such a small ring has so much space."

Monkey King couldn't help but stretched out his hand and squeezed her face, and said, "What's so strange about this. As long as the realm is reached, a grain of sand can form a world."

"So amazing?!" Xuan Ji's cute eyes widened in shock.

Liu Mengli said with emotion: "I also saw it in a classic book. Didn't I expect this legend to be true?"

Monkey King: "Well, this kind of thing is quite far away for you. It's not too early now. Let's set off quickly and find an inn to stay in. Tomorrow we will continue to search for the Three Cold Weapon; Lingsha, using Earth Spirit Orbs, We will be able to appear at the entrance of the cave."


The ring worn by Han Lingsha flashed light, and the Earth Spirit Orb was already in his hand. As the power of the Earth Spirit surged, it immediately wrapped a group of people in it and disappeared in a flash.

Looking at the sky above her head and the surrounding flowers and trees, Chu Bihen was excited with tears in her eyes, and she screamed with excitement: "Ah~~It's coming out!!! Finally it's coming out~~~Sister~~!!! We're out now. !!!"

"Yeah~ it's coming out..." Chu Hanjing also expressed emotion, but compared to her excited sister, she was much more mature and stable, but her slightly trembling hands showed that her heart was not at peace.

This is also understandable. After all, their sisters have been trapped in Yandi Shennong Cave for thousands of years, and they can see the sky again. People who have not experienced it will not be able to experience that kind of mood.

Looking at the expressions of the two sisters, Han Lingsha and the others were full of emotion and were happy for them.

Chu Bihen came to Sun Wukong with a look of excitement and gratitude, and hugged him: "Thank you so much, Master, thank you for taking our sister out of the cage that has trapped our sister for thousands of years!"

When Xuanji heard the words, her eyes widened in shock: "Ten thousand, ten thousand years?!! Have you all lived for that long?!!!"

Qin Ji and the others also showed surprise, this Wannian was indeed a little surprised.

The life span of human beings is only a hundred years, and even a Taoist monk is only a few hundred years, ten thousand years, what is the concept?

Monkey King touched Xuanji's head and said, "They live in Yandi Shennong Cave. Then, who do you think is called the master by them?"

Before Xuanji spoke, Han Lingsha was already a step ahead: "The three ancient emperors, Emperor Yan Shennong?!"

Chu Hanjing nodded and said softly: "Yes, our sister was born with a trace of spiritual power bestowed by the master, so she was born as a semi-immortal body."

Han Lingsha sighed with emotion: "It's really worthy of being one of the three ancient emperors, and she has such an ability!"

Liu Mengli said: "It seems that it is impossible for the ancient books to say that Emperor Fuxi is the creator of the gods."

Xuanji immediately looked at Monkey King curiously: "Brother Wukong, haven't you already become an immortal? Then have you seen Emperor Fuxi?"

Upon hearing this, Han Lingsha's daughters immediately turned their eyes to Monkey King.

Monkey King: "Naturally I have seen it."

Qin Ji's daughters immediately shook their spirits and became interested.

Xuanji: "What did the emperor look like that day?"

"What do you look like?" Monkey King thought about it carefully, and said: "It's okay, but it's too boring."


Qin Ji's daughters were shocked when they heard this, Wukong's big brother even dare to say bad things about the Emperor? Listening to this tone, it seems that he despises that heavenly emperor?

Xuanji wanted to ask again, but Han Lingsha hurriedly covered her mouth. This topic can't go on. Seeing Wukong's attitude, what if he says something that shouldn't be said and causes trouble for him? ..

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