MTL - Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman-Chapter 665 so sweet

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"I'm here, I'm here, and I want to eat too."

Mai took Zhou Shan and rushed over excitedly, directly imitating his brothers, picking one that looked cleaner and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Ah, it's delicious. It's soft and sweet. Brother Zhou Shan, you can eat it too."

"it is good."

Zhou Shan patted Mai's head, then looked at Zhou Yong with a smile, "Big brother seems to be a lot taller again, and he looks more and more like Uncle Zhou, and he begins to have the momentum that Uncle Zhou only has."

"Really? I think so too, haha, this is called murderousness! Dad can take it back and let it go, but I'm not good enough, I have to train again."

Zhou Yong was content, and was very happy that Zhou Shan praised him like this, "Come on, you can taste the grapes. Among us, you are the only one who eats the most. Do you think it is better than the tribute?"

"it is good."

Zhou Shan has been nurtured by the palace over the past few years, and has become more and more like a noble son. He picked a grape and wiped it with a handkerchief before slowly peeling it and putting it in his mouth.

His eyes lit up, there were a lot of good things in the palace, and he didn't eat less, not to mention that there were grapes every year.

"It's really more delicious than the tribute from Fanbang! Cheng Bo is so amazing that he actually planted it, and the planting was successful!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's amazing, it's really grown, and it's even sweeter than a tribute!" Everyone agreed.

Zhou Shan saw Mai pick up another one, so he wanted to put it in his mouth and hurriedly stopped her.

"You can't put it in your mouth without washing it, let me peel it for you!"

Mai's eyes curled with a smile, "Okay, thank you Brother Zhou Shan!"

The third brother winked, and with his throat tucked, he said like a pigeon, "Brother Zhou Shan, please peel it off for me too!"

Zhou Shan directly threw the grape skins towards him, "Speak well! Peel it yourself with your own hands."

"You help the wheat peel, don't peel it for me!"

"How old are you, how old is she? Shame?"

"I'm shameless, peel it off for me!"

"Go, go, think beautifully~"

After Pei Xiu got out of the car, she was surprised when she saw the grape racks not far away.

The bunch of green grapes looked so gratifying.


Zhou Yong saw Pei Xiu get out of the car and go this way, and ran over happily, then knelt down in front of her on one knee.


"Get up, why do you kneel? When did you learn this rule?" Pei Xiu lifted him up with a smile, touched his arms, and then touched his face.

"It's thinner, but it's stronger and taller. Did you get hurt on the battlefield? Tell me the truth!"

Zhou Yong glanced at his father in surprise. Didn't his father say that his mother didn't know? Can't make my mother worry?

"Look at what your father does? Do you think he can hide it from me? It didn't take long for you to leave, and I knew it. I'm so worried about me, tell my mother, are you injured anywhere?"

As he said that, he went straight to lift the clothes on his back, and lifted his clothes directly.

Zhou Yong also followed his mother, revealing a 30-centimeter-long hideous knife on his back.

"Why is it so scary? How much blood does this bleed and how long does it hurt?"

The others frowned when they saw the scar on his back.

The third brother also frowned and ran over: "Brother, are you really injured? Is it serious?"

They all thought that Zhou Yong was not injured and that he was alive and well, but they didn't expect his back. With such a long knife wound.

Zhou Yong put down his clothes before flicking his forehead and said, "Now you know you care about your big brother?"

The third one scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I saw the eldest brother alive and well and thought you were fine, but I really didn't expect you to be injured. Didn't father watch over you?"

"The sword has no eyes on the battlefield. Besides, my stab wound is nothing at all. It's just a little longer. It looks scary, so I just rest for two days. Don't you see that I'm okay now?"

After finishing speaking, he said to Pei Xiu, "Mother, I'm fine, I've been fighting guerrillas with my father, this stab wound was just an accident, it's my fault that I rushed too hard. If I didn't see behind me, I'd already be fine, don't worry."

Pei Xiu frowned and sighed, "How can you not worry, but you are destined to go this way, mother can only hope that you and your father can be safe and triumphant every time."

"Don't worry, mother, my safety will come first at any time."

She patted her eldest son on the shoulder, "I found out that you are intact, so let's go and play! You only have one vacation today, so you can come out and relax."

Zhou Yong grinned and dragged her to the field, "Yes, mother, come and taste it. We have really successfully planted grapes, and they are really delicious."

"Will it be sweet?"

"Yes, it's sweet, it's better than the tribute from Fanbang, Zhou Shan said the same."

Pei Xiu was really surprised.

Really better than tribute?

She couldn't wait to speed up her steps, looking at the basket of green grapes in front of her, her eyes filled with joy.

"Mother, eat it quickly, it's delicious."

"Dad come soon."

"Okay, I'll try it." Pei Xiu smiled and picked up a peeled one. The peel is easy to peel, and the flesh is hard and delicious.

She squinted her eyes, it was really sweet and delicious.

Zhou Cheng tried one and nodded, "Not bad."

"Mother also thinks it's delicious, right?" Mai also opened his eyes wide to see her mother's reaction.

"Well, it's very sweet and delicious." Pei Xiu said affirmatively with a smile.

"Mother, can we go pick it?"

"You can, but you have to pick the ripe ones. You are too short to be able to reach them. Just follow your brothers and watch."

Mai Mai looked at his stature, and when he looked at his brothers, he became unhappy and pouted, "When will I be able to grow as tall as my brothers?"

"It's impossible in this lifetime!"

Wheat stared at the third child: "The third brother can't spit out ivory from the dog's mouth. When I grow up, I will definitely be taller than you."

"It's impossible. You're growing up, and I'm growing up too. If you grow up taller than me, your parents should worry that you won't be able to marry."

"Hmph... No matter, I must be taller than you when I grow up!"

The third child rolled his eyes, "It's impossible in this life!"

Zhou Yong looked at the few who were still eating, "Have you eaten enough, let's go to work!"

The third child stopped arguing with Mai, and stood up excitedly, "Picking grapes, picking grapes~"

"Wow~I picked picked grapes~"

The children rushed directly to the grape trellis.

Pei Xiu turned his head and instructed Cheng Bo to bring two more baskets.

"How much does Madam plan to pick? It looks like these grapes can be hung on the branches for a few days after they are ripe."

"Fresh is better. Pick two baskets today, and let Zhou Shan take them back in the evening. One basket is for the Huainan Palace, and the other is for the East Palace. We'll pick up a few more baskets to take back tomorrow before we leave."

I picked it today, and it's not very good to put it tomorrow. If I want to give it away, I will send the freshest one.


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