MTL - Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman-Chapter 639 Tiger's marriage

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Pei Xiu said with a smile: "What are you talking about, don't you bother? I'm idle at home. Zhou Cheng and my eldest son have left home, and I can't do anything recently."

"What did Huzi's parents say in the letter? Do you have any requirements for your daughter-in-law?"

Mrs. Qiu said annoyed: "No, it's all up to me and my husband!"

It's hard to do if she doesn't ask, she's just a stepmother by the way, and Qiu Baize isn't at home, so don't be thankful when you come!

"You either wait for Huzi to come home, give him the letter from his parents and ask him what he thinks?"

"I thought so too, but I have to look for it first, and this time he followed my husband to the border gate again. I don't know when he will be able to come back. Let him choose for himself, and save him from being blinded when he can."

Pei Xiu was surprised, "Master Qiu also brought Huzi with him this time?"

"Yeah, the patrol battalion outside the city has been pulled out and taken to Liaodong by them, and Jin Wuwei has also been sent out..."

Pei Xiu's heart skipped a beat, her head buzzed instantly, the teacup in her hand was not firmly held, and the tea splashed on her hand, but she didn't notice it.

He also grabbed Madam Qiu's hand and asked, "Have the patrol camp outside the city gone?"

Mrs. Qiu wondered why she had such a big reaction?

"What's the matter? Don't you know? Didn't Lord Zhou tell you?"

"He didn't say..."

However, just because he didn't say it, it just explained the problem.

She frowned instantly, worried.

Knowing that the patrol camp outside the city was going to pull out the camp to support the border, and sent the boss there, he didn't tell her in advance.

What is he doing?

Cut first and then play?

Mrs. Qiu was very confused. Isn't it better to bring soldiers and horses from the patrol battalion, and the safety is more assured. Why does she look more worried?

"What's the matter with you? What are you worried about?"

"After my eldest son passed the fifteenth day of the first month, Zhou Chengcheng sent him to the patrol camp outside the city, but he never told me that he would bring the army of the patrol camp to the border."

In the past few years, she has been with these children day and night and raised them to grow up. In her heart, they are her biological sons.

She has been hurting as a son all these years?

If the eldest son was taken to the border, how could she not be worried?

"Ah? Zhou Yong was sent to the military camp? This... This shouldn't be taken to the border, right?"

Mrs. Qiu regretted it a little. Lord Zhou actually kept it from Mrs. Zhou. He must not want her to worry, but she was exposed by her?

She quickly comforted: "Master Zhou should be measured, right? Maybe it is not arranged in the patrol camp, so how about changing the arrangement to another camp temporarily? Why don't you send someone to the camp outside the city and ask the soldiers left behind?"

Pei Xiu nodded, she also had this intention, rather than guessing at home, it is better to send someone to find out.

She directly asked Ginkgo to pass the word to Qingsong, and asked him to ride a fast horse to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to inquire.

Although she hasn't determined yet, she already has seven or eight points of certainty in her heart, and her brows are furrowed.

Mrs. Qiu comforted her, "Perhaps you are overthinking it, and the patrol camp will only take away good soldiers and good generals. Zhou Yong may not have been captured by Lord Zhou."

"I hope so."

Can only think so.

"What do you plan to do about Huzi? Let's talk about it."

The topic returned to Hu Zi. Since Mrs. Qiu came to discuss it, she did not intend to hide her thoughts.

What's more, the Zhou family and Huzi are still from the same hometown, so it would be better to tell Mrs. Zhou.

"Didn't he follow his husband to Pingbo last year, and he also got a lot of money. When he came back, he gave it all to me. I just posted a little more and bought him a second-class yard in the capital."

"He's also grown up, and it's more convenient to have his own house. If his parents go to Beijing, there will be some arrangements."

If it is a short stay, it is possible to live in Qiu Mansion for a few days, but it is impossible to live permanently.

After all, Qiu's mansion is Qiu's mansion. It makes no sense. Even the whole family has to accept a adopted son.

Her arrangement has been considered very thoughtful.

If his parents did not plan to live in the capital, Hu Zi should have a home of his own.

Pei Xiu also agreed, "You are very thoughtful. The tiger should have a home of his own when he grows up. If he gets married, he can also have a house to house his daughter-in-law."

"The house has been bought, but the choice of the wife is uncertain. Huzi is now a ninth-rank official. He is a little smaller, but he is still an official, and he is much stronger than ordinary people. I was thinking, Simply find him a daughter of a general's family, and that's a good match."

"It's very good, a low-level general's daughter is a low-level general, and it is considered a good family. I believe that many low-level generals of high rank will be willing. Back to the big tree is good to enjoy the shade, Huzi is behind you, and we are from the same country. The relationship between the two is not difficult, but the candidate has to be searched slowly."

Mrs. Qiu sighed softly, "Even if the candidate is not easy to decide, the character of the girl has to be inquired. The most important thing is, I am afraid that he will not like the girl of the general's family."

"To be honest, most of the girls in the general's family will be tougher, not so gentle, and not as gentle and elegant as ordinary ladies."

"I'm afraid that he won't like it, and then it will be my fault to become a puppet."

She said with a smile: "Actually, it's simple. The daughter of your military general's family asks for a few suitable daughters of civil servants of the same rank, and also asks for a few. Let him choose by himself. Of course, it is best to have a portrait. Now, you can ask the official media about this.”

"Well, I can only find it from both ends and let him choose it himself. They all say that it is difficult to be a stepmother, and this stepmother is also difficult to be a stepmother. Sometimes I can't take it lightly or seriously."

Who told her that this was the adopted son that her husband accepted before she entered the door, and she could only recognize Fortunately, Huzi is also a convenient one!

There was nothing to trouble her, and only this marriage matter.

"Hu Zi is a man, and Qiu Baize is taking care of him, and he is staying in the military camp for a long time now, you just need to be polite to him!"

"When you marry your daughter-in-law and move out, you will have to worry about his daughter-in-law. You can just enjoy their filial piety and be treated as relatives."

Mrs. Qiu stroked her stomach, "I hope so, but the premise is that he must marry his daughter-in-law first."

Pei Xiu looked at the movements in her hands and said with a smile, "This time, Master Qiu will definitely be able to catch up with the birth of the child."

Mrs. Qiu smiled lovingly, and her whole person exuded the brilliance of motherhood.

"Then if he can't catch up this time, I will punish him not to enter the house!"

"Is it four months? Is there any fetal movement?"

"It's only been four months, and I feel like I'm swimming, but I don't feel like I'm swimming. It's not very clear."

Read The Duke's Passion