MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 9 Mrs. Joe

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After Gong Zhuoliang left their new house, the people they met along the way were either married or unmarried. In short, they were all women of the same color. When they got to Madam Qiao's house, they fell into a pile of fat powder. , there are only eight maids who serve as an old lady, plus a bunch of wives and wives from various families who come to join in the fun, Gong Zhuoliang has a headache, and he will live in the crowd of women in the future.

"The granddaughter-in-law has seen Grandma An, grandma, please use tea..."

After the two entered the house, a maid had already put a cushion in front of the old lady, Gong Zhuoliang knelt down slowly, and Qiao Yingze picked up the tea from the maid's tray and handed it to him. to the old lady.

"Okay, be good."

The old lady was happy now, and the more she looked at this little daughter-in-law, the more pleasing to the eye, she took a sip of tea without saying a word, and then personally took the prepared box from the maid and handed it to Gong Zhuoliang.

In it, in addition to the mandarin duck purse that the old lady changed later, there was also a whole set of gold ornaments, including everything from the beginning to the end. It was called a precious thing, but these things added up, but it was not as good as the one in the purse.

"Thank you grandma."

Gong Zhuoliang took it respectfully, and he felt that it was not light to start. He thought about how much the red envelope was worth, but it was not obvious on the face, so he handed it over to Ruo Lan behind him.

"Get up quickly, come and see your grandmother, Yingze, you come too."

The old lady beckoned the two young men to come, and then took their hand and looked at Gong Zhuoliang's face carefully, and then placed Qiao Yingze's hand on his with satisfaction.

The daughter-in-law she chose by herself is naturally very good-looking. Now, she is generous in her demeanor and looks neither humble nor arrogant. She can also please Ying Ze. It can be seen that she is an educated, intelligent and sensible person. Tired of him, he is in need of such a virtuous inner helper, very good, very good.

"Since you have become husband and wife, you should live a good life and take care of each other more, girl Yan, Ze'er is weak and has a weak temper, and may not please you, but he is a good boy, so you should pay more. Take it easy."

The old lady clapped the hands of the two of them, with a look of relief and emotion. Ying Ze is the eldest son and grandson of the Qiao family, but because of her body and some things, she is not valued by her son and daughter-in-law. Although she is raised in front of her , I think he is a pain in the heart, but because his body is difficult to have a future, so although the people in the house and outside look at her, they do not dare to lose their respect for Ze Mingli, but they have different opinions in their hearts. Comparable.

The old lady's biggest worry is that when she is gone, this grandson will be sad if he loses his support. Now she has married him a rich daughter-in-law, and finally has more security. If the burden in this house is lifted, then there is really no need to worry...

"Don't worry, grandmother, Xianggong is very kind to his grandson-in-law."

Gong Zhuoliang could feel the deep affection from the old man's words, and he felt a little guilt in his heart, so he lowered his eyes to hide his apology, he would never live a lifetime in the name of a woman no matter what. , Besides, when he grows up in the future, he can't hide it even if he wants to. He is destined to live up to the expectations of the old man.

"Don't worry, grandma, grandson will not let Zhuo Zhuo down."

Seemingly aware of Gong Zhuoliang's unnaturalness, Qiao Yingze squeezed his hand slightly, then smiled and continued.

"Okay, okay, then the grandmother is waiting to hold the great-grandson."

The old lady was happy when she saw the intimacy of the two, and when she remembered that they had accomplished something, she felt even more sympathetic, patted their hands, and made fun of people in a good mood.


As soon as Gong Zhuoliang heard this, he remembered the oolong in the morning, and he was busy covering his head with a handkerchief to make a shy look. In fact, it was to hide the corners of his mouth that he couldn't help but raise, but Qiao Yingze, who was beside him, couldn't hide it. The blush that had just gone away quickly climbed back up again. Knowing that the old lady only said this after reading what Han Shu sent, she couldn't help but turn her head and glared at the stupid girl. I don't see you being so dexterous, but today you are running faster than anything else.

"Haha, I'm sorry, my grandmother has never seen you blushing. I know you're shy when you marry a daughter-in-law."

The old lady pointed at her grandson with a hearty smile. Out of the corner of the eye, she glanced at the two girls in Gong Zhuoliang in the hall, and found that one of them was looking at the people in the room. He couldn't help but slowly restrained his smile, looked at Gong Zhuoliang again, and changed the subject.

"Those two, are the girls who came with you? But they have been by your side since childhood?"

The old lady said that she looked at Ruo Lan and Ruo Zi lightly, and the two girls couldn't help lowering their heads, and they felt panic in their hearts.

"Ruo Lan has been with my grandson's daughter-in-law since childhood, and Ruo Zi is my mother's favorite."

Following the old lady's question, Gong Zhuoliang's heart moved, and he said that Ruo Lan, who is sensible and responsible, was by his side, and pushed Ruo Zi to the Gong family's mother Yaksha, faintly implying that he didn't like her, so what happened to Ruo Zi in the future. Mistakes, he can also get rid of some relations.

"Well, you also have merit in serving the young lady, please reward it."

Others might not be able to hear what was wrong in Gong Zhuoliang's words, but Mrs. Qiao was an old man, so she glanced at Ruo Zi without a trace, then ignored her girl and looked at Gong Zhuoliang again.

"You just arrived in this mansion, and the people around you are not familiar with the rules here. That girl Han Shu is loyal, but she is not very considerate. Today, I gave you Wen Shu by my side. If you have something to do, just send her to do it. ."

The old lady called out the girl with the most ordinary appearance but the most gentle and reserved expression among her maids, and asked her to kowtow to Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang.

Wen Shu is one of the big girls by the old lady's side. She knows the rules the most. Although she is not directly involved in the management, she is very familiar with the affairs of the mansion. Since the old lady wants to train Gong Zhuoliang, she will naturally send him a good helper.

"Thank you grandma."

Holding Gong Zhuoliang's hand tightly again, Qiao Yingze thanked Mrs. Qiao together with him. He grew up in front of Mrs. Qiao since he was a child, so he should understand the temperament of everyone around her. Wenshu is one of these girls. The most kind, never acts like a fox and a tiger, and is very popular in the mansion. Now the old lady gave her to Gong Zhuoliang, which shows that she really likes this granddaughter-in-law.

Gong Zhuoliang won the favored girl next to the old lady as soon as she entered the door. Others also thought about it in addition to the congratulations. The grandson's room is so favored, and the old lady looks like the grandson's daughter-in-law butler, but I don't know where the lady is. what counts...

"Okay, you still have to serve tea to your father-in-law and mother-in-law. I won't leave you here for now, and today's rules will be waived. Let's take a good rest."

All that should be said, the old lady nodded with satisfaction, and let the young couple leave first, and then she went back to the back room to rest with the help of the maid, and screened everyone away, leaving only the nearest maid Zhiqi beside her.

The maids of the Qiao family renew every three years. When they are old, they point to someone or let them go out to marry on their own. However, Zhiqi is the last one in the generation of chess characters. Now she is seventeen and a few years older than Qiao Yingze. For months, she was the best looking, the most capable and caring. The old lady was timid when she came to see her son-in-law to marry Qiao Yingze, and wanted to give Zhiqi to him so that she could live at home, but the child died unexpectedly. , Only then did she choose a daughter-in-law again, and because of her daughter-in-law's character, she changed Wenshu's past, so Zhiqi's position was embarrassing.

"I know you're angry, but if Yingze has any interest in you, I'll leave you to him, but you can see what happened today, Yingze likes girl Yan, and girl Yan looks at it too. You are a powerful person, and may not be able to accommodate you... You have been by my side for so many years, and I will not treat you badly. I will find a good family for you to be the main house. "

Although she is a little sorry for the maid who has been serving her for many years, Mrs. Qiao's most important thing is to kiss her grandson. The grandson is doing well now. This maid who she loved so much, now she is not at ease, afraid that she will do something wrong. Decent things, so it is serious to marry as soon as possible.

"The old lady is scaring the slaves, how can the slaves dare to have a little resentment against the old lady? That is going to be struck by the sky and five thunders, and she will not be disrespectful to the new lady. The slaves just want to serve the old lady all the time. By your side, the slaves will not marry, old lady, please don't drive the slaves away, the slaves beg you."

Knowing Mrs. Qiao's resolute temperament, Zhiqi broke out in a cold sweat, crying and kneeling in front of Mrs. Qiao, pulling on her skirt and begging.

She has been with the old lady since she entered the mansion at the age of nine. Now she has been with the old lady for eight years, and she is favored by the old lady. She is in charge of everything in the house. Master's serious aunts, and even the eldest Qiao's eldest daughter from the concubine are much more luxurious, and now she is unwilling to marry her to live the life of a commoner.

"...Okay, what does it look like to cry, get up, you are a smart person, you can do it yourself in the future."

Looking coldly at Zhiqi and begging for a while, Madam Qiao sighed and let her get up. It was a girl she was used to, and it wasn't cheap to let it go by her side. Bar.

"Mrs. Xie, this servant knows."

Zhi Qi quickly wiped away her tears and stood up obediently, serving the old lady lying on the couch to sleep on her side.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX went out of the old lady's yard, Gong Zhuoliang secretly let out a sigh of relief, the aura of the old man was too strong, Xiaosheng was afraid.

"Don't worry, grandma will treat you well in the future."

Qiao Yingze held Gong Zhuoliang's little hand with one hand, and trimmed the end of his hair with the other hand.


Being numb to most of Qiao Yingze's body, Gong Zhuoliang scratched his chin a little embarrassedly, and hurriedly motioned Qiao Yingze to restrain himself with his eyes, which made the maids behind him snicker.

Now, the first maid behind Gong Zhuoliang has been replaced by Wen Shu, Ruo Lan is behind her, Ruo Zi is the last, and Qiao Yingze's side is Han Shu, Yu Hua, and Qing Hua.

"Okay, it's time to see my parents-in-law."

Gong Zhuoliang staggered his face and urged Qiao Yingze, but saw the smile on his face gradually dissipate, and there was a trace of complexity in his eyes. Before Gong Zhuoliang thought about it, he took his hand and walked forward.

"The tea will be served later, if my mother has anything to embarrass you, don't take it to heart."

Arriving in front of Mrs. Qiao's yard, Qiao Yingze instructed Gong Zhuoliang in a low voice, then glanced at Wen Shu, and saw that she nodded to indicate that she understood what to do, and then entered the yard together with Gong Zhuoliang under the leadership of the maid.

As soon as Gong Zhuoliang entered Mrs. Qiao's yard, she couldn't feel the festivities like the old lady's. The congratulations from the maids were all polite, and no one in the room seemed to be smiling. The maids stood all around. , a man and a woman sitting at the top of the room also looked alike.

"Daughter-in-law has seen father-in-law and mother-in-law An, father-in-law, please use tea."

Not daring to look at the two of them, Gong Zhuoliang maintained a respectful look from the moment he entered the room, his brows lowered and pleasing to his eyes.


Master Qiao took the teacup and sipped, and said a few polite words, and asked the maid beside him to give the red envelope to Wen Shu behind Gong Zhuoliang, and then looked at the two old ladies who came out beside Wen Shu and Han Shu. The girl's face swept across, and she stopped talking.

"Mother-in-law, please use tea."

Gong Zhuoliang took the tea from Qiao Yingze and presented it to Mrs. Qiao, but it was not picked up quickly. Instead, the room was silent and didn't know what was going on. Gong Zhuoliang lowered his head and couldn't see Mrs. Qiao's expression. It was sore, and he had to stand firm and not shake. Finally, after Mr. Qiao coughed lightly, the teacup in his hand was taken away. Gong Zhuoliang put down his hand and endured the numbness and let it slowly disappear. I think this mother-in-law's dismounting is coming so fast.

Read The Duke's Passion