MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 86 'reunion'

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"Since that's the case, let's quickly set up the house that we honor our grandmother, or we can clean it up ahead of time, so as not to wait for the amnesty to prepare, it would be too hasty."

Now that everything that should be arranged at home has been arranged, Gong Zhuoliang thought of tidying up the house for Dongfu as soon as possible. Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao are here. If they still live next to each other as they are now, it is purely for their own unhappiness. Gong Zhuoliang is too lazy to deal with them, and saves them from putting on airs in front of Qiao Yingze.

Qiao Yingze naturally had no objection to this, and while he was talking, the servant sent a reply from Bocheng.

"What does your mother-in-law mean?"

Qiao Yingze saw that Gong Zhuoliang looked a little emotional after reading the letter, so he opened his mouth and asked a question. When Gong Zhuoxiang told them about the adoption, they sent a letter to Wu who was in Bocheng and told her about it. It is understandable that although Gong Zhuoliang nominally adopted the family, it will not affect the mother-son family relationship between them.

"Mother said she is very good, so we don't have to worry about her, she is proud of us."

Gong Zhuoliang was still moved by Wu's sincere care and consideration. For example, for the sake of her son's reputation, even after she left the Gong family, she was still reclusive and willing to be lonely. In order not to be a drag on her son, she gave up the family relationship. Le, because of taking care of the Gong family's orphans and widowed mothers, did not follow them into Beijing, but now, seeing that her son is about to become someone else's family, she still has no complaints, but is even more pleased with her son's achievements...

"When your mother-in-law's birthday is coming, you can go back to accompany her more, kowtow for me more, and bring the children with you when they are older."

Folding the letter he had read and putting it back in the envelope, Qiao Yingze touched Gong Zhuoliang's face, and then gently kissed his lips...

The next day, Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang found Qiao Yingxuan to set up a house together. Although Qiao Yingxuan was reluctant to live far away from them, he knew that this arrangement was the safest, so he didn't say anything more.

At the beginning of October, the Gong family chose an auspicious day to officially adopt Gong Zhuoliang to the family. Mrs. Gong was very rare for this young son and grandson. Master Gong was also very optimistic about Qiao Yingze and took him to the family just like Gong Zhuoxiang. Being taught by his side and being helped by Gong Zhuoxiang, Qiao Yingze really benefited a lot.

It's just that things can't always go as expected. Since the new year, the health of today's saints has become worse and worse, and government affairs are almost all on the body of His Royal Highness. Among the several princes, except for the lowly status of the mother and concubine, the fourth prince is still the same. Aside from obscurity, the second prince and the third prince were almost obviously competing for the throne with the prince, and the young princes also took the initiative or were forced to stand in line, and the situation in the court changed for a while.

The most direct impact of this battle for succession on Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang is that there is no Master Qiao in the list of amnesty for the world on the birthday of the Holy Supreme Jiazi. The old lady spent a lot of money to bribe the ruffian who served in the guard service and saved the life of Master Qiao. After this incident, the already deeply knotted Madam Qiao became even more God was chattering, and the old lady herself had already grayed her hair.

It was not until September of the forty-fourth year that Gong Zhuoxiang passed the martial arts township test and Yang Yingmo was diagnosed to be pregnant again, and the dark clouds over the Qiao family's head finally dissipated.

In mid-October, the current sage died. The second and third princes launched a mutiny. When His Royal Highness was facing a crisis, it was the fourth prince, who had always been ignored by others, who protected the justice with thunder and helped the prince ascend to the throne. The name of the country was changed to Ganwu, and the 44th year of Hongzheng was the first year of Qianwu.

After the crown prince succeeded to the throne, he once again gave amnesty to the world, and Mr. Qiao was finally able to regain his freedom. However, after a long illness, his body was very weak, and he was mentally demented. It took half a year for Hong Wu to leave for Beijing in April of the second year of the second year. At this time, Qiao Yingxuan's second son, Qiao Minyi, was born safely. If there is a lack of guards, he can accompany him in front of him. If he is fortunate enough to gain the trust of the saint, it will be of great benefit to his future career development.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Since the elders of Qiao's parents came to Beijing, Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang have resumed greetings three times a month, and at the insistence of the old lady, they will still have a reunion dinner in Dongfu on the fifteenth night of every month.

June 30th is the 100-day ceremony of Qiao Minyi, the second son of Qiao Yingxuan. Although he didn't treat guests with wine because of the national mourning, he has especially liked the lively old lady since he entered Beijing, so he sent someone to pick up Qiao Yingze's family and Qiao Yuanyin early. A mother and son came over, and Zhang Lin came later because he was on duty.

Let the grandchildren sit around, and the little guys put them on their big couch, the old lady smiled contentedly.

The handsome prefect at the time was now in his forties, but he was as old as a sixty-year-old man, but I don't know if it was because he was so confused that he was almost demented, so now he only knows how to eat and sleep. On the contrary, her body is getting better and better, but Mrs. Qiao is very thin, Mo Yitian is shrewd and decent, Mo Yitian is noisily noisy and loses her temper, which makes it difficult to rest assured. Fortunately, she seems very normal today, so this family Gathered together, it seems to be very harmonious.

"Zhuoliang, Ze'er will be admitted to the jinshi examination next spring. He has always been weak. You will have to take good care of him in the next few months."

Mrs. Qiao had the intention to call Gong Zhuoliang to her, but because the other party was a man after all, she moved her fingers but still didn't invite him, she just talked to him through Qiao Yingze with a smile. As for Yang Yingmo, who was still standing behind her, her attitude was always cold.

Now that she has seen it, what can the niece of her own family be? It is not as useful as an outsider when things go wrong. Besides, now this eldest daughter-in-law is the direct son of the Gong family, and his own brother is the big red beside the sage today. People, it is because of their family's blessing that my own Xuan'er has the opportunity to serve as a messenger in front of the sage, so it's nothing to be ashamed of myself as a mother to flatter him on behalf of Xuan'er.

Besides, he is a man who can't give birth to children. In the future, their family's wealth will not be inherited by Qiao Minyan's child, but they are Xuan'er's own... It's that Gong Jinxian who is a bit annoying, and he really has to help his grandson. After watching the family property, he can't let him go past Qiao Minyan in the future.

"Yes... mother-in-law."

What Mrs. Qiao said about Gong Zhuoliang's hair stood on end, especially when she was stared at by her obviously 'malicious' gaze, the word Gong Zhuoliang's mother-in-law was almost choked out by gritted teeth.

Since Mrs. Qiao entered Beijing, she has been caring for the two of them. Although Gong Zhuoliang deeply felt that this was the weasel's New Year's greeting to the rooster, it was because she was Qiao Yingze's mother after all. It was much easier because of the 'harmony' of the whole family, so he swallowed the sarcastic words, and played a family ethics drama with her, but what he had in his heart was just contempt for this woman.

Gong Zhuoliang still remembers exactly how Mrs. Qiao treated herself and Qiao Yingze when she was wearing women's clothes, but she thought she was just filling in the house by her younger brother and didn't know the details. Come on, it really is no different from a clown.

"Girl Mo, come and sit next to grandma, and see how cute our little Minyi is."

The old lady frowned slightly and looked at Madam Qiao and Gong Zhuoliang, and then her eyes fell on Yang Yingmo, who was standing behind Madam Qiao with a white face and sweating, and greeted her to come to the couch.

Since Yang Yingmo's confinement, her mother-in-law has always picked on her faults. Although Qiao Yingxuan persuaded her, the methods of rectifying people among women are not something that men can tease and understand, and although the old lady can manage in front of outsiders Mrs. Qiao, but now it is different from the time in Bocheng. Qiao Yingxuan, the head of the family, respects his mother, and he can't be too embarrassed to her, so for Yang Yingmo, the granddaughter-in-law, the old lady can only protect her when she sees it. maintain.

"Thank you grandma."

Yang Yingmo breathed a sigh of relief, blessed Madam Qiao and sat on the edge of the couch behind her, watching Madam Qiao's attitude towards Gong Zhuoliang, and thinking about how she treated herself, she felt really aggrieved.

If you say other Yang Yingmo can endure it, after all, the mother-in-law of any family comes up from the daughter-in-law, but Mrs. Qiao should not go to Beijing and insist on taking a concubine to Qiao Yingxuan before she is born. She also kept scolding herself as a jealous woman. If Qiao Yingxuan hadn't kept her promise and pushed the matter away, Yang Yingmo would have died. Rao would have already hurt her body. Even the doctor said that she would be pregnant again. take a few years...

The old lady patted her hand suddenly, Yang Yingmo came back to her senses in surprise, only to realize that she had unknowingly tightened the handkerchief, released her hand without a trace, and turned towards the person who did not see any abnormality on her face. The old lady smiled gratefully.

The adults have their topics here, and the children have their own ways of playing. At the age of four and a half, Qiao Minyan is still very attractive. Although he is naturally lively and active, he has a good brother attitude. He takes care of Gong Jinxian meticulously. He has to hold his younger brother when he walks. You have to ask your younger brother to choose what you like first, and he will add food to his younger brother when he eats. When his younger brother laughs, he also laughs. When his younger brother is unhappy, he hurriedly coaxes him. Pinch Renmo's cuteness, when his younger brother was picked up, he followed and watched, as if he was afraid that someone would drop his younger brother, which made everyone laugh.

As for Gong Jinxian, he is already very smart at the age of three and a half. Under the guidance of Qiao Yingze, he can write a few more characters than Qiao Minyan, but in terms of personality, he seems to have learned it completely. Gong Zhuoliang, when he's good, let people like him to the core, and when he's unhappy, he will first toss others, but because he can act like a spoiled child, he can always make people reluctant to touch his finger when they hate their teeth, for example, now , Several children of Qiao's family were obediently begging the old lady's favor, hoping to get delicious candy from their grandmother or great-grandmother, but he put his arms around Qiao Minyan's arm and sat there without moving. He was also domineering not to let Qiao Minyan go there, and only allowed to play with him.

Although he is still young, the sensitive Gong Jinxian can feel that the people in the second uncle's family, except the second uncle and the third uncle, are not close to him, not like the aunt and grandma Gong's family. She really loves her, this great-grandmother is better, but the smile when she looks at herself is not the same as when she looks at Qiao Minyan.

"elder brother."

The two-year-old Zhang Lu originally sat opposite Qiao Minyan and the others, and looked at the plush toy in Gong Jinxian's hand for a long time. Climbing up to the two of them and sitting down, he called out to him with a milky voice, but his good upbringing taught him that he couldn't ask for anything from anyone other than his parents, so he just sat there and watched Gong Jinxian play with a smile. The two sweet dimples on her round little face are particularly pleasing.

"...This is for you to play with."

Gong Jinxian narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Lu, and suddenly felt that he was cuter than the plush toy in his hand. After his eyes flickered, he smiled beautifully, holding the toy in both hands and stuffed it into Zhang Lu's arms, then took the opportunity to touch it. Touching his face and poking his small dimples lightly, I thought it would be nice to play with a small doll for a big doll.

"Thank you brother."

Zhang Lu happily played with the plush toy in his arms, and obediently allowed Gong Jinxian to touch his face, and from time to time he took a bite of the sweet milk cake fed by Qiao Minyan—the older brother would also feed the younger brother. Feed him together, so in Zhang Lu's still very simple thinking, he engraved the cognition that following the two older brothers can be fun and delicious!

The same obediently cuddled next to the old lady, but looked enviously at Gong Jinxian and their uncle Qiao Yingran, who was different from his younger brother Qiao Minren. The active Qiao Yiyue blinked when she saw that her younger brother had been staring at the toy. Suddenly stood up. Because they were all placed on the big couch where the old lady was sitting, she took a few steps and ran to the three of them. She reached out and grabbed the stuffed toy in Zhang Lu's arms. When the adults responded, She had grabbed the toy and held it in her arms, then ran back to her brother to play with him.

The three children were obviously startled by her, but before the owner Gong Jinxian lost his temper, Zhang Lu had already started crying, grabbing Gong Jinxian with one hand and pointing at Qiao Yiyue, as if He was crying, but when he was young, he was obviously not good at expressing his meaning in words. In the end, he could only cry and call his closest mother, and stretched out his hand in her direction.

"Be good, Lu'er, stop crying."

Qiao Yuanyin hurriedly hugged her son and coaxed her softly. Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at the old lady who didn't care what Qiao Yiyue did, and she hugged her son back to her seat without saying anything.

As a concubine, Qiao Yuanyin knew that her son's status on her family's side was incomparable with Qiao Yiyue and Qiao Minren, who were the eldest son. I am willing to rush to my mother's house in Dongfu...

"How can you kidnap your brother's things?"

Qiao Yingxuan, who has always loved children, was a little embarrassed. He hugged his daughter and patted her little hand. He wanted to take the toy and return it to Gong Jinxian. Seeing Qiao Yingxuan's face sullen, he angrily threw the plush ball to the ground, and cried and ran into the arms of the old lady to act like a spoiled child... She also knew who was the most powerful in this family.

"Forget it, what she knows so little is worth your slap in the face as a father."

The old lady didn't take the children's minor conflicts to heart at all. She felt that she was just grabbing a toy. It could be a big deal, and it was worth the adults to follow suit.

"Grandmother, as the saying goes, three years old look old. Yiyue is a girl. It's not good to be so domineering. You have to let her know the rules."

Qiao Yingxuan smiled a little embarrassedly, picked up the plush doll, patted the floating dust, and handed it to Gong Jinxian, who had a small face, and patted his head apologetically, thinking that he seemed to be a bit too arrogant. With the children, if he hadn't seen his daughter's good things and shared them with his brother on weekdays, he wouldn't just remember to praise her, but ignore that 80% of her good things were 'robbed'... The family dote on these two children and give them what they want.

"Second brother, it's just a toy, if Xiaoyue likes it... I'll ask the maid to sew some new ones for them tomorrow."

Seeing this, Qiao Yingze also persuaded him a few words. Although the maid behind him had ready-made toys in his hands, since their young master had a strong desire to dominate his own things, he, a father, would not dare to take the children's things casually. Give it away, so as not to go home and see the pitiful appearance of my son, I will feel distressed again.

"Xiao Xian'er, what are you going to do?"

The others were listening to the grandfathers and grandchildren, but Gong Zhuoliang had been paying attention to his son's reaction. Seeing that Qiao Minyan had also stopped smiling, he coaxed his younger brother with a milky voice to keep his brother from getting angry. Although Xian was pouting his lips in anger, he did not avoid Qiao Yingxuan's comfort. He just looked at the toy in his arms and seemed to think about it, so he pulled Qiao Minyan to the ground, Gong Zhuoliang walked over and took the two The child was hugged and brought back to Qiao Yingze's side to ask in a low voice.

As the male 'daughter-in-law' of this family, Gong Zhuoliang has been keeping a low profile in front of the old husband and the others since they entered Beijing, so as not to evoke their memories of his women's clothing, and he also knew that although the old lady did not say anything , But most of them disagreed with Qiao Yingze and him. It was just that when they lived far away in Xingcheng and received too much care from him, they were too embarrassed to interfere with them, so they acquiesced.

"Dad, this is not good, give that to the little brother."

If it was Qiao Minyan who was robbed, this generous baby might have given the toy directly to his sister, but Gong Jinxian was not so good-natured. Although the bad girl was scolded by his second uncle, he didn't want to give himself to him. something for that bad girl. Thinking like this, Gong Jinxian stuffed Gong Zhuoliang with the stuffed toy from before, emphasizing that this was 'not good', and then took the stuffed toy of another small animal in the hand of the maid, pulling Qiao Min Yan ran to Qiao Yuanyin and hugged Qiao Yuanyin's leg to play with his younger brother... No, he was coaxing his younger brother to play.

Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang, who knew their son's temper, looked at each other and smiled, but they didn't take the children's minor conflicts to heart, and let them play on their own.

Over there, Qiao Yuanyin was amused by Gong Jinxian's cute appearance, so she put Zhang Lu on the couch to sit again, and then put the two brothers together, watching them coax their son, she was heartbroken. Also very happy.

The toy turmoil came to an end for the time being, and the adults turned their attention away from the children, but after a while, Qiao Yiyue seemed to be enraged by Gong Jinxian, who had a 'toy she didn't have'. See you again. She always made her elder brother Qiao Minyan ignore her, so she called her brother to come and play with her in aggrieved way. Don't let him move, he hummed and said that this is my brother, not to play with you!

"That's our brother, you are someone else's child, it has nothing to do with our Qiao family!"

Qiao Yiyue also always looked at Gong Jinxian, who was prettier than her. She shed tears when he was angry, pointed at him and cried, and when she said that, all the adults who didn't care about her changed. On the other hand, Gong Zhuoliang's face twitched, as if he didn't care at all.

A three-year-old child can know what this house is, such words can only be imitated from adults.

Read The Duke's Passion