MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 84 Grass roots jump into tall branches

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After Gong Zhuoxiang returned home, he went directly to his parents' yard. The second old man had been waiting for him for a while, and after seeing the person, he couldn't help but ask why he went so long.

"Sitting at the good brother's house for a while, what do father and mother think about adopting good brother?"

Gong Zhuoxiang responded vaguely and stood at the place where the two of them started with a normal expression. He hid his whereabouts not because he was afraid that the second old man would know that he was going to the place of fireworks. He opened his eyes and closed his eyes and didn't care about him. He said this now because he didn't want to affect their impression of Lu Zijian.

"Your father and I, it seems that the two children are the best. We just calculated it. Since Liang'er is a child of our family, it seems far away to be regarded as an adopted child. Well, mother really likes this child, so let him be your own younger brother."

Mrs. Gong looked at her master, then looked at Gong Zhuoxiang with a smile, and said their thoughts.

"Adoption? This kid is in favor of it, but the younger brothers..."

Gong Zhuoxiang was really surprised when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but turn his attention to Master Gong. His original intention was to make Gong Zhuoliang recognize him as an adopted son under his parents' name, which improved his background, even after Qiao Yingze. The higher the official position, the outsiders will not despise them because of Gong Zhuoliang's background. Secondly, he is also a backer for Qiao Yingze, so that his career can be smoother. Gong Zhuoxiang has confidence in Qiao Yingze, and he will help Qiao Yingze today. , and in the future will be able to add a powerful and credible ally.

Adoption naturally makes the relationship between the two families closer than adoption, but the issues involved are not so simple. Although there is only one direct son left in the family because of the death of the younger brother, there are still three concubines. , so the children of their family are not weak, but listening to the mother's meaning, is to recognize the good brother in her own name, then the good brother's identity is the real son of the family, and his status in the family is higher than that in the family. Not to mention his three concubines, if they split up in the future, they will be the same as the other brothers...

Gong Zhuoxiang understood that his mother was thinking for himself and wanted a brother who was close to him to help him, but this move would inevitably lead to resentment and dissatisfaction among many people in the family. What did his father mean?

"Young Master Qiao is indeed a rare talent, and I really hope to have such a relative... son-in-law, but you also understand a lot of things here, Zhuo Xiang, so what your mother and I mean is that Liang Er will be adopted Our family's title is to be the heir, but because he is married, he no longer has the right to inherit the family's property according to the rules. Instead, your mother and I will give him a dowry. What do you think? "

Understanding the meaning of Gong Zhuoxiang's words, Mr. Gong, who was born with a kind and refined appearance, smiled and opened his mouth.

Like Gong Zhuoxiang, Master Gong is also very optimistic about Qiao Yingze's future. That's why he really wants to marry his biological daughter to him, but he has heard about Bocheng from Gong Zhuoxiang earlier, and knows that Qiao Yingze is a loyal and righteous man. People who are serious about love will not do such a bad reputation as divorce and marry another, and Master Gong is somewhat worried about his health, so he thought about the suggestion that his wife could follow his nephew. Gleefully agreed.

"The father has considered it thoroughly, and the child also agrees to this law."

As soon as Gong Zhuoxiang heard his father's words, he already understood his wishful thinking. On the surface, it seemed that Gong Zhuoliang would be adopted into his own family to be the heir apparent, so that he could jump from a humble businessman to a noble son of a famous family. He gave Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze a great favor, but in fact, what their family gave was only the name of a heir and a few thousand taels of dowry money, and the rewards they could receive in the future were immeasurable. of. And even if Qiao Yingze's future development is unsatisfactory, Gong Zhuoliang's own talent and reputation alone are enough to worth his family's efforts.

From an emotional point of view, Gong Zhuoxiang is unwilling to let his good intentions be covered with these many snobbish schemes, but as the future head of the Gong family, he cannot deny that he really agrees with his parents' decision... He believes that good brothers and the others can do it. Understand and understand yourself.

"That's good to dare, by the way, Xiang'er, Wei Niang looked at Xiao Jinxian's golden boy-like appearance, and she really liked it. He was Liang'er's eldest son, and he didn't change his surname, Qiao, right? Recognize that you come back to your home, and let your mother also have several little golden grandsons."

Seeing that this was done, Mrs. Gong had a deeper smile on her face, and brought up the matter of Gong Jinxian.

Speaking of this Mrs. Gong, she also sighed in her heart. Her son has been stable since he was a child. Especially after his younger brother died, he was more filial and close to his mother. Although he had taught him that his younger brother's death was an accident, he felt right in his heart. The concubine and concubines still have bumps. Although they are never treated very clearly, this attitude of alienation and indifference also makes the relationship between the brothers very unfriendly. Otherwise, she would not want her adopted nephew to help him. .

I don't know if it was because of what happened to my mother and son. In addition to his wife, his son only took the maid who served him as a concubine, or who had taken sterilization pills. He has never used it, and he has never touched a woman outside, so that he has only a pair of sons and daughters under his knees after being married for many years, and they all have the same calm personality as their parents, which really makes her a lonely grandmother.

"Mother, Jinxian is actually in the Qiao family tree. His name is Qiao Minxian, but he has not changed his words about his own family. If mother likes Xiaoxian, I will tell my good brother that I will send more children here in the future. Just play."

Gong Zhuoxiang glanced at his mother helplessly after hearing this, thinking that she was thinking about adults and children, and she really wanted to put the whole family in her pocket...

Gong Zhuoxiang knew how much his mother loved to be lively. If his father wanted to recognize Gong Zhuoliang's family because of family considerations, then the mother was half for her son, and half because she really liked it.

Because the novel is very popular among women, especially the ladies of the high gate compound, many people regard his good brother as a dream lover, and although the mother is not so exaggerated, but also I really like this junior. In the past, because of my relationship with my younger brother, my younger brother often asked the steward of the Beijing Central Bookstore to send some 'VIP cards' and 'limited edition' collections of words to my mother as a gift, which made her Among those sisters and friends, she is very proud. Now that she can recognize her good brother as her son, and she has such a beautiful and lovely grandson, it is no wonder that she is so happy.

"Okay, then when you have time, ask Liang'er and their husbands what they mean. Let's choose a good day to salute. It's getting late, so you should go back and settle down."

Mrs. Gong responded with a pity, and then seeing that her husband nodded and had nothing to say, she also closed the conversation and told Gong Zhuoxiang to go back to rest.

"Yeah, that kid quit first."

Gong Zhuoxiang bowed to the two of them, and after leaving his parents, he went straight back to his yard. As soon as he was served by his wife and took off his coat, a pair of children came to greet them one after another. Gong Zhuoxiang each wentssip for a few words and asked After reading his son's homework, seeing that his answers were familiar, he let them all go back to the house to rest.

In terms of being a strict father, Gong Zhuoxiang is really much better than Qiao Yingze and his wife. It's not that they don't care about their children, but as the eldest child of their palace family, Gong Zhuoxiang has high expectations for their children and really dare not let them go. took them to go.

"Xiang Gong, the concubine sees that her mother-in-law likes Xiao Jinxian very much today... Xiang Gong should lift Ping'er up, lest her mother-in-law be lonely."

Gong Zhuoliang's wife Yao Shi held his shoulders for him, with a gentle smile on her delicate and soft face, without the slightest reluctance to give her husband a concubine.

"Hu...Sister Cheng, I said that I wouldn't want a concubine. My mother likes Xiao Xian'er, so I'll take more of them in the future. Besides, I swore at Brother Peng's grave that I would make you go along with your heart. I will live a comfortable life, Sister Cheng will not cause me to lose my integrity, and that Piner will expel me."

Gong Zhuoxiang patted Yao Cheng's hand, and his expression was very relaxed. Because it was a relationship set up since childhood, the two of them had already known each other since childhood. Gong Zhuoxiang and her cousin Yao Peng even more They are close as brothers, so Gong Zhuoxiang is very aware of the deep feelings between their cousins, just because one of them is the eldest daughter of the main family of a high-profile family, and the other is a concubine son who is fostered in the family's family by a small official's side branch. The family is not right, so although he has been trying to find a way to match the two of them, it is difficult for the three of them due to their own responsibilities and the reputation of the family.

In the end, the three of them gave up their relationship for the sake of the family. Gong Zhuoxiang married Yao Cheng, whom he regarded as his sister. Yao Cheng also cared for him and the whole family with all his heart. The two of them trusted each other, but they had nothing to do with each other. Love, and Yao Peng went to the border to join the army, and unfortunately died in battle.

"It doesn't matter if Brother Xiang doesn't like Ping'er, it's just that people should stay in the courtyard. She is the daughter of Brother Xiang's nanny, so there's no reason for people to say that Brother Xiang doesn't remember the old feelings."

Hearing Gong Zhuoxiang mention that person, Yao Cheng's eyes showed a touch of nostalgia, and he kept pounding his shoulders. After thinking about it, she reminded Gong Zhuoxiang euphemistically.

Gong Zhuoxiang's nanny is the old lady of the Gong family, that is, Gong Zhuoxiang's grandmother. Although Gong Zhuoxiang had the intention to rectify her, but there was a word of filial piety, and the old fritters never made any big mistakes, so they were still treated with courtesy.

"That girl is not a safe one... I don't have to worry about leaving it in the house, so let's go out as soon as possible."

Gong Zhuoxiang frowned when he heard the words, there was no place to send that maid for a while, and he didn't want to lift her up to send her to his mother's courtyard, and he didn't have any reason to give his maid to his brothers. The old woman must have trouble again, so she can only go out.

"it is good."

Knowing Gong Zhuoxiang's attitude, Yao Cheng can handle it easily. Although she is not a stern and ruthless person, she will not be bullied by her servants to her master. There must be a way to control them.

"Sister Cheng, it's hard for you to manage this family."

Gong Zhuoxiang is sincerely grateful to Yao Cheng. Over the years, he has been able to be so smooth and unrestrained outside. He does not have to worry about the pressure at home. It is naturally more difficult to be a wife who is responsible for a daughter-in-law, a wife, and a mother.

"Why are you being so polite? By the way, for Mr. Lu's birthday gift, do you think it is purchased according to the public's quota, or do you buy something else?"

Angrily patted Gong Zhuoxiang on the shoulder, Yao Cheng turned to get him a change of clothes, remembering that Lu Zijian's birthday was approaching, he asked Gong Zhuoxiang casually.

"One copy prepared by the public center will be sent normally, and I will send another copy in private."

The corner of Gong Zhuoxiang's mouth raised slightly when he heard the words, this was also their first birthday after they were officially together, and he would definitely make that kid unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Speaking of this, Gong Zhuoxiang is more grateful to Yao Cheng. If Yao Cheng had not personally persuaded Lu Zijian, he would not have been willing to compromise with him because of his stubbornness... I want to marry a virtuous beauty as my wife, but I obviously won't meet his standard.


After listening to Gong Zhuoxiang's words, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze looked at each other and couldn't help being a little surprised.

When he agreed with Qiao Yingze to take the imperial examinations, Gong Zhuoliang began to focus his industry on Beijing, and Gong Zhuoxiang also expressed his support after knowing their thoughts, and suggested that Gong Zhuoliang adopt in his parents' name. In this way, they can quickly integrate into the upper circle in Beijing, which is very beneficial to expanding their contacts and future development.

Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze both agree with Gong Zhuoxiang's point of view and are very grateful for his kindness, so they have done a lot of filial piety to his parents' favor over the past year. It has become an adoptive, this kind of kindness is really great.

"My parents like you very much. Of course, I'm also very happy that Liang'er can be my brother, but adoption is not as good as adoption. Especially, Liang's brother still wants to be a direct son, which will inevitably involve the interests of many people in the family. Causing trouble will create enemies for you, so what I mean is that a good brother's status in the family is equivalent to marrying a son, and the family will make up a dowry for you. In this way, we can truly become a family without causing any difference to the family. I hope you can understand the impact.”

Gong Zhuoxiang looked at the two of them with a magnanimous expression, and said that the meaning of Mr. Gong was his own idea. Of course, he also agreed with this method in his heart. A big family like them often affects the whole body. What's more, it's such a big thing as their own family's adopted son, so although I feel a little wronged by his good brother, this is undoubtedly the best solution for a win-win situation.

"Where did Brother Xiang say, this is already a great affection. We are grateful that you are too late. How can you think about those."

Qiao Yingze hurriedly waved his hand in response. He was also from a big family. He naturally understood what Gong Zhuoxiang meant. He was only grateful for the kindness of Gong Zhuoxiang's family. .

"Yeah, let's forget about the dowry and so on, how can I let the elders spend money..."

Gong Zhuoliang's mouth twitched, and his mood was really complicated. It wasn't that he had any thoughts about the rights and property of his family. He didn't care about those things. To make up the dowry for him... Tangled.

Although Gong Zhuoliang never competed with him for the title of husband in order to adapt to the general environment of this society and to understand Qiao Yingze's relatively fragile nerves, he finally got rid of the shackles of Bocheng, but now he is going to be arrested again. Settling on the identity of the family's 'married son', and it is very likely to be his lifelong career, how can Gong Zhuoliang not be entangled?

"What the elders have given you, you can take it with peace of mind. You can't save it. Well, now that I have your letter, I should go back and answer the second old man. I have to choose a good day to salute. Also, my mother treats you all. The two boys in the family are very rare, and I am afraid that they will often have to stay there for a few days in the future.

After getting the expected answer, Gong Zhuoxiang smiled brightly, and his tone became a lot lighter, especially seeing Gong Zhuoliang's tangled appearance with a bitter face, made him feel better.

"Of course, brother, Min Ren and Yiyue will arrest Zhou Li in a few days, you can bring your nephew and niece too, I saw that they both like Min Yan and Jinxian very much, so let them have more children. It’s good to be close and close.”

Although Gong Zhuoliang was wearing the skin of a seventeen-year-old boy, the inner core was after all a man in his twenties. When it came to children, he was quite a father.

Gong Zhuoliang originally wanted to invite their family, but considering that someone would also come... they'd better not be too busy.

"Okay, and if you have nothing to do in the past few days, let's go out less. I'll see when His Royal Highness the Prince is free. How about the preparation for the gift?"

Gong Zhuoxiang responded, and then he remembered what the prince had summoned, he had already told them yesterday, and the gift was also ordered to be prepared.

The prince just wanted to build a hot spring village on the mountain outside the city. He didn't want to build it according to the old style of the Ministry of Works. Gong Zhuoxiang suggested to him that he could build an exquisite southern garden style, but the drafts of the Ministry of Engineering could not always satisfy the prince. , Gong Zhuoxiang heard him say that he had summoned Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze, so he asked Gong Zhuoliang to send a picture as a gift, he believed that he would be able to please His Highness.

"The original drafts are all ready-made, there are quite a few, but I was afraid that many styles were not used before. Now I don't have to worry about building a villa for His Royal Highness. I have revised the draft again. It will take three days to complete the drawing. Ying Ze wanted to paint it himself."

Gong Zhuoliang asked Qiao Yingze to write this picture himself. After all, Qiao Yingze's painter is much more exquisite and more artistic than Pingxi, who draws architectural drawings in a normal way. Although the drawn pictures are works of art, they cannot be directly used as architecture It's just for pictures, but visually it's an absolute pleasure.

"It's good to be brave. Since Ying Ze is like this, don't worry, just draw it slowly and then talk about it."

Gong Zhuoxiang also knew about Qiao Yingze's ability, and when he heard the words, he agreed very much. He thought that if this move was possible, His Highness would be deeply impressed by them, and Qiao Yingze would develop more in the future.

They are also courtiers, and those who can be remembered and understood by the superiors are naturally more at ease than others who are mediocre.


Qiao Yingze responded with a smile. After Gong Zhuoxiang left, he was still a little excited. He was able to be summoned by the prince and to show his strengths in front of the future ruler of the world...

"Okay, my future patriarch, I'm going to eat people if I keep watching."

Seeing Qiao Yingze staring in the direction of the door, Gong Zhuoliang smiled and helped him turn to him, then put his arms around his waist and kissed it deeply... Che, what's so great about the prince, he had to ask the young master to kneel down and salute, holding his breath .

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