MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 79 solution

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In the end, Gong Zhuoliang still didn't drink the wine, because before dinner, Qiao Ming sent someone to report that Qiao Yingze was ill. Gong Zhuoliang thought he was angry, and he panicked. He rode his horse and ran straight to the Qiao family's small house, but the servant who had not finished speaking was startled, and he explained to the smoke and dust along the way.

"Why are you running in such a hurry?"

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang rushing into the room in a hurry, Qiao Yingze, who was leaning on the couch with no appetite, was also stunned, sat up and looked at him strangely.

"Qiao Ming said you were sick, are you alright?"

Gong Zhuoliang looked at Qiao Yingze carefully from top to bottom, except that he didn't look very energetic, there was nothing unusual, Gong Zhuoliang's breath was smooth.

"It's just that I coughed twice, I didn't have to alarm you about this."

Knowing that Qiao Ming and the others saw that they were unhappy, they called Gong Zhuoliang through Yuzi. Qiao Yingze sighed softly, but saw Gong Zhuoliang parked a few steps away from him, hesitating as if not too much. Dare to come.

"What's alarming or's fine."

Gong Zhuoliang just had a deep self-reflection today, and he was worried that Qiao Yingze was still angry. A bowl of pear sliced ​​soup, knowing that Qiao Yingze is really okay, this heart is relieved.

"Wash your face, change into clean clothes, sweat all over, haven't you used dinner yet?"

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's apprehension and being careful, Qiao Yingze said lightly with a calm expression on his face, but he felt a lot lighter in his heart. Looking at the food on the table, he also felt appetizing.

"I haven't eaten yet, I'll wash my face first."

Gong Zhuoliang nodded obediently when he heard the words, because Qiao Yingze loves cleanliness, so there are always ready-made clean water towels in the room, Gong Zhuoliang went into the inner room and wiped it briefly.

"Hanlu, add a pair of bowls and chopsticks to the uncle, cut some braised pork over, and then ask Hanshu what appeared to add vegetables."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang entering the back room, Qiao Yingze instructed Hanlu, who was waiting at the door, to prepare. They didn't open fire here, and they all got their meals from the Han Academy next door. Both Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang also prepared Hanshu herself. Rest assured to others.

Today, although nominally there are two courtyards, in fact, the monthly bills and various expenses on both sides are counted together. The servants on both sides know that Qiao Yingze is their real master, so there is no such thing as this courtyard. The estrangement and scruples in that hospital.

The weather at the end of May was already very hot, so Gong Zhuoliang simply put on a single shirt after wiping, and when he came out, seeing that his meal had been set on the couch table, he sat cross-legged opposite Qiao Yingze, and the two of them didn't speak for a while. Start eating slowly.

Qiao Yingze was full after only one bowl of rice, and spent the rest of the time taking care of Gong Zhuoliang, adding soup, picking fishbones, and picking **** silk. With two full bowls of rice, he was always hungry so fast that Qiao Yingze always wanted to touch his flat belly, wondering where he had eaten everything, thinking back to when he was as big as him , The appetite seems to have never been increased.

Gong Zhuoliang was thinking about how to tell Qiao Yingze about the imperial examination, so he was walking while eating, waiting for a large piece of picked fish to be put into his bowl by Qiao Yingze. Gong Zhuoliang remembered this scene in a trance. It has been repeated countless times, and I can't help but raise my eyes and glance at Qiao Yingze, and then chew the food carefully, feeling as if my heart is being fed along with my stomach.

"Let's go to the courtyard and sit down to digest and digest food. You can go back when it's not dark. Xian'er can't leave you at night."

After the two of them finished their meal, Qiao Yingze took a coat to Gong Zhuoliang, and had no plans to keep him here.

One is that Qiao Yingze is really uncomfortable, and the other is that Gong Zhuoliang hastily agreed to make him happy. If there is any reluctance in the future, it will not be beautiful, so it is better to think about it calmly.

"Yingze, I have something to tell you. Let's go to the back room."

Gong Zhuoliang subconsciously wanted to hug him directly, but considering that Han Lu and Han Xia were still cleaning the table next to him, he took over the clothes handed by Qiao Yingze instead, and said naturally while arranging himself, just looking at him. Qiao Yingze's eyes were pleading.

"All right."

Seeing that Gong Zhuoliang was serious, Qiao Yingze nodded and entered the back room with him. Before he could ask the first half of a sentence, he was hugged from behind.

"Ying Ze, I'm wrong to be anxious with you today. I'm not going to compensate you here."

Gong Zhuoliang hugged Qiao Yingze and swayed left and right, thinking about what to say in his heart. Although he had already figured out how to respect Qiao Yingze's decision and tried his best to support and help him, Gong Zhuoliang was really worried about him. Body, this person said that he would not be brave, but he really rushed to the momentum and would never give in easily.


Qiao Yingze didn't make a sound when he heard the words, just turned his head and looked at him quietly, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"I know you have the talent and ambition to save the world, but in my heart, your health and happiness are the most important things. Can you understand this feeling?"

Holding Qiao Yingze's shoulder and making him face him, Gong Zhuoliang stared into his eyes and said word by word.

"I understand, I..."

Suspended by Gong Zhuoliang's pause, Qiao Yingze wanted to guarantee that he would be careful, but Gong Zhuoliang put his index finger on his lips, so he could only listen to him continue talking.

"So, we can take imperial examinations and officials can do it, but there is only one thing you must promise me."

Gently rubbing Qiao Yingze's lips with his fingertips, Gong Zhuoliang raised the corner of his left mouth, revealing his usual wicked smile.


Hearing that Gong Zhuoliang agreed to take the imperial examination, Qiao Yingze's eyes lit up, and the whole person seemed to be refreshed in an instant.

"No matter what official you are in the future, all government affairs will be shared by me. You are not allowed to suffer by yourself. If you agree to this condition, then I will let you take the imperial examination."

Throwing the multiple-choice questions back to Qiao Yingze made Gong Zhuoliang feel at ease. Although Gong Zhuoliang himself was very resistant to the ancient officialdom, it was because he was worried about Qiao Yingze's body and hated being restrained, not because he was afraid. who. Since Qiao Yingze wants to be a good official so much, then he can simply help his wife to show off his strengths. Anyway, the bookstore has already been on the right track, and he only writes manuscripts and reads accounts on weekdays. I can't help myself, as long as my wife can be happy, my hard work is worth it.

"Ah? Okay, then it's settled."

Qiao Yingze was first surprised by Gong Zhuoliang's condition, but then his eyes moved, and he actually grabbed Gong Zhuoliang's wrist and slapped his palm three times, even if it was a high five.

" promised?"

Looking at Qiao Yingze's relieved look, this time it was Gong Zhuoliang's turn to stay. I didn't expect this man to agree so simply, what about his pride as a gentleman? What about the audacity of readers? What about the confidentiality of officials?

"The law stipulates that women are not allowed to participate in politics. Zhuo Zhuo, you don't have to be bound by this. Naturally, you can help your husband share the worries and be a wise helper."

Qiao Yingze was in a very good mood, so he took the initiative to bully Gong Zhuoliang for a rare time. He is not a pedantic person, and he will not refuse the help of his lover for the sake of face. After all, he wants to be an official except to show his strengths. In addition, it is also to better protect the family. He knows what is really important to him, so he will not mess with his body and cause Gong Zhuoliang to worry.

"The virtuous helper... Xianggong, there is no evidence for what you say, let's 'seal' it!"

In response, Qiao Yingze was teasing himself, Gong Zhuoliang's eyebrows jumped, and his smile became more and more evil.

Regarding Qiao Yingze's belief that his social status is a husband, he will be a husband all his life. Gong Zhuoliang said that he is really "powerless", or should I say, I think this is actually very sentimental, especially when he is galloping in his body, calling him a husband will be more exciting and conquest than calling his wife.

"Seal? Hmm..."

Qiao Yingze didn't understand Gong Zhuoliang's meaning, he had already kissed him heavily on the lips, and was hugged all the way back and fell on the bed. Then Qiao Yingze reacted in a trance, and the seal Gong Zhuoliang said was referring to this kiss.

"I still don't worry about stamping the seal, Xianggong, let's make a 'contract', so that you won't forget what you promised me today."

Pressing on Qiao Yingze's body, kissing and biting his neck, Gong Zhuoliang didn't give him a chance to resist.

"Zhuzhuo, you don't go back... No... Xian'er... um..."

Qiao Yingze pushed Gong Zhuoliang's shoulder and wanted him to stop first, but he wrapped and rubbed his sensitive areas, and Qiao Yingze lost the strength to resist, but his sense of responsibility as a father was still reminding him that his younger son was still there. As for the Gong family, no one can coax him without Gong Zhuoliang.

"It's okay, he's been obedient a lot these past two days, and the nurse can coax him to sleep at night."

Gong Zhuoliang is now on the ropes, how can he manage so much, he has already thrown both of their clothes on the ground in three or two strokes.

"Can you do it? Otherwise... ah... don't bite there..."

Thinking that Gong Zhuoliang's mood had been affected by himself in the past two days, he threw Gong Jinxian to the nanny to coax him, and even called it the bad habit of the little son, Qiao Yingze felt a little sorry for the little guy, but he was here As soon as he was distracted, the sudden stimulation on his chest made him shudder violently, where can he think of anything else.

"Xianggong, we don't have to build our mansion anymore, you have to compensate me well."

The fire in his hand kept on firing, Gong Zhuoliang bit his earlobe and lowered his voice to complain, thinking about this, he was really depressed. In order to ensure integrity, the officials here also have some real estate purchase restrictions, although it is not like Gong Zhuoliang. Like those historical countries that Zhuo Liang knew, it was so strict that officials were not allowed to buy houses and could only live in official dormitories or rented private houses, but they also restricted the size of official mansions, and they were only allowed to buy one residence. As a countermeasure, the official's name cannot have it, but the official's wife and wife can have it. It is called a dowry private house.

It’s just that the problem of quantity is easy to solve, but the specification is not so easy. The external officials are far away from the emperor, and it is not too much to annex a few houses to the left and right, but to be a Beijing official at the feet of the emperor, That is, if you have money, you have to pretend to be poor, or you will have to stigmatize 'corruption and bribery' and 'fornication', so Gong Zhuoliang's four-hectare mansion can be forgotten in a short time. .

"Sorry...sorry...slow...slow down...there..."

In this matter, Qiao Yingze also knew that he owed Gong Zhuoliang a lot. He had some scruples and immediately complied, but he forgot that Gong Zhuoliang was used to making progress. all open...

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hongzheng's 43rd year on June 6th, 21-year-old Qiao Yingze and 16-year-old Gong Zhuoliang once again stood in the wedding hall and worshipped heaven and earth again amid the blessings of relatives and friends. Accidentally received congratulations from many people in the city, so the two had to extend the wedding banquet to the street, and temporarily ordered a banquet from various restaurants to rush to the scene, and finally they did not rude in front of others.

At the end of August of the same year, the husband and wife moved to the capital with their sons, accompanied by Ping Xi, Shi Kang, Ruo Lan, Qiao Ming's family of three, Han Lu, Han Xia, and Gong Yi and their ten followers, and a few others. Hu Zhongxin's useful domestic servant had already been dispatched to Beijing in advance to manage.

In addition, among the people who did not follow into Beijing, although Wu was reluctant to bear his son, in order not to delay their future, he stayed on the grounds of taking care of the orphans and widowed mothers of the Gong family, and Ye Er also stayed by her side to serve. As for The other ordinary servants were all sent back and dismissed.

It is worth mentioning that the director Zhou, who was the head of the bookstore in Bocheng earlier, has moved the 'headquarters' to the capital ahead of schedule, and the reason why he can leave his hometown to follow to Beijing is naturally that it has officially become Zhou. Madam's Ruo Lan is gone.

On the first day of September, Gong Zhuoliang and his party arrived outside the city of Kyoto. Looking at several familiar figures who had gathered in the welcoming pavilion, Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang couldn't help but smile at each other...

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