MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 70 relatives

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Seeing that the Gong family hung up, Gong Zhuoliang took a look at his clothes, because he was taking care of Qiao's family affairs these two days, so he dressed very lightly, so it was not rude to enter the palace's door.

Gong Zhuoliang was about to dismount, but the servants at the door had already seen it. They were busy and respectfully aroused the second master, and he even trotted over to lie beside Gong Zhuoliang's horse, obviously to be a stepping stone for Gong Zhuoliang... Now this Who in Bo City doesn't know the masters of Liang Zeshufang's palace, the eldest miss's husband's family has been convicted, and I heard that those who are related to them will be implicated, and the family has no backbone. Maybe they all have to rely on the second master. Although the family is separated, they are blood relatives.

"What happened?"

With some disgust, he glanced at the servant at his feet, Gong Zhuoliang took another two steps between the horse, and then jumped down neatly, and the reins were caught by Gong Qi, who he brought himself, and he stayed outside. Waiting, the other three teenage entourage followed Gong Zhuoliang into the door.

Since Shi Kang moved into Qiao's mansion with Ping Xi, he changed his old practice of not taking power. In addition to taking up his previous job, he also bought some orphaned teenagers in Gong Zhuoliang's name alone. He trained and selected ten loyal and potential children to teach martial arts himself. Usually Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze took turns with them when they went out, and Gong Zhuoliang planned to save the trouble and called them from Gong Yi to Gong Shi according to their size. , tell them that this is just the number, and the name is still the same as the original, but the ten children were thoroughly brainwashed by Ping Xi and Shi Kang.

Because the first batch of children with 'numbers' later became the confidants of Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze, so even the children who were taught by Shi Kang in the future were proud to be ranked in this number, but this is for a later story. , let's not mention it for now.

"Back to the second master, the uncle is gone..."

The other servant sneered and glanced at the embarrassed companion who got up from the ground. He hunched over and led Gong Zhuoliang into the door while explaining in a low voice. At this time, the housekeeper got the news and responded, and he hurriedly stepped aside. At this time, Gong San, who was behind Gong Zhuoliang, threw a piece of silver to him, and the servant hurriedly bowed and thanked him, and put the silver into his belt with a smile.

"Second Master, please wait a moment, the Master and Madam will come out soon."

The housekeeper greeted Gong Zhuoliang to the hall, and the maids served hot tea, all of whom were very attentive.

"Housekeeper, what happened at home, didn't the uncle be fine two days ago?"

Gong Zhuoliang sat on the chair with a stern face, and asked the housekeeper in a deep voice, his majestic appearance made people dare not underestimate.

Even though Gong Zhuoliang still has the face of a handsome young man, because of his increasingly mature conversation and momentum, few people will really treat him as a child. Take Nangong Xin as an example. When Tian Tong Gong Zhuoliang was talking and doing things together, he couldn't help but treat him as his peers, without any intention of underestimating his youth.

"Back to the second master's words..."

Although the reason is really hard to explain, the butler still explained the matter in detail, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, if the eldest lady's in-law's family hadn't had such a thing, where would anyone dare to touch their uncle?

It turns out that this Gong Zhuoyu is really a dog who can't change it. The fact that the Qiao family was convicted of such a big thing did not suppress his chaotic temperament. Yesterday, he saw a beautiful boy on the street and secretly traced it to the inn where the family was staying. , and then used Qiang while trying to get dizzy at night, but instead he was kicked by someone who almost broke his descendants, and kicked his stomach again and rolled out the door. At that time, Gong Zhuoyu walked home by himself, scolding. So everyone didn't pay much attention to his injury, but in the middle of the night, the doctor came to look at his stomach and said it was due to visceral bleeding and was weak, and then the man died early this morning.

"What about the young man? Did you report to the officer?"

Gong Zhuoliang frowned slightly after hearing this, and wondered if it was really such a coincidence that he kicked out the rupture of his internal organs. It doesn't seem like he deserves to come out with someone like this. Thinking about it, Gong Zhuoyu was too reckless, or should be said that the young man who wounded others in self-defense was too reckless, so he took a life lawsuit.

"We sent someone to the inn last night, but the kid who committed the murder has already disappeared. Madam didn't let the police report..."

The housekeeper said that he heard the footsteps with his ears, and hurriedly bowed and stepped aside, not daring to make another sound.

Over the past year, the lady's temper has become more and more intense, and they dare not be the slightest presumptuous in front of her.

"...Father, Mother."

In front of so many people, Gong Zhuoliang still has to save face to Master Gong, otherwise his reputation will be tarnished. Who makes the mainstream of this era be ignorance, loyalty and filial piety?

Knowing that the boy ran away, Gong Zhuoliang also put out his thoughts about seeing him and seeing if it was worth helping him. Regarding Mrs. Gong's decision not to report to the office, Gong Zhuoliang said she was still reasonable, knowing that Gong Zhuoyu has been in the past two years. Being able to walk sideways in Bocheng is all due to the power of the Qiao family, but the hatred that has been forged is not a star. Wait and see, after Gong Zhuoyu's death, if the Gong family stayed calm, they might be able to avoid some disasters. die.

"Liang...Lianger...Save Dad...Save Dad..."

Originally, Mr. Gong was hunched and trembling behind Mrs. Gong. As soon as he saw Gong Zhuoliang, the original chaotic eyes lit up, and he broke free from the help of the maid and wanted to pounce on Gong Zhuoliang, causing the maids to get lost. Screaming and hurriedly grabbing him and gagging, Gong Yi and Gong San, who were originally standing behind Gong Zhuoliang, saw this and hurriedly stood in front of him, Gong Liu also stared cautiously. The people of the palace.


Gong Zhuoliang stood with his hands behind his back, staring coldly at the scrawny old man in front of him, who looked at him with horror and pleading eyes. Once again, his heart froze because of Madam Gong's viciousness, but thinking about what Master Gong had done to her, Gong Zhuoliang's clenched hand behind his back slowly loosened, pursing his lips and looking away.

Gong Zhuoliang has never seen Master Gong since the Ruozi incident, but from the information obtained from the Gong family, we can know that Madam Gong forced Master Gong to smoke a large cigarette similar to modern opium, which caused him to be poisoned. Addiction, so that you can both torture him and save yourself by controlling him.

Gong Zhuoliang admits that Mrs. Gong is really smart. She knows that if there is no Master Gong, then Gong Zhuoxiang's family will not let her go, and as long as she keeps Master Gong's life, Gong Zhuoxiang has no position. Come and take care of the 'household affairs' of their relatives.

"What kind of madness are you doing! Quickly help the master down, and you all step back. I want to talk to the second young master alone."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's attitude, Mrs. Gong had a terrifying smile on her face and sent all the servants out.

Since the poisoning, Mrs. Gong has also fallen ill. Her originally charming face is now covered with wrinkles, her hair is gray, and she looks like an old woman. In Gong Zhuoliang's eyes, her image is That's a real witch!

"You guys go out first."

Looking at Madam Gong's ugly and terrifying face, Gong Zhuoliang sighed in his heart, and asked the three teenagers who were still protecting him to retreat. He didn't need to worry that Madam Gong would be detrimental to him now.

Now that the Qiao family has been convicted, Gong Zhuoliang himself has the capital to settle down, and there is Gong Zhuoxiang's care behind him, so the matter of marrying on your behalf is no longer a reason. After all, no one can threaten Gong Zhuoliang's safety.

However, for the future and reputation of Qiao Yingze, Gong Zhuoliang still has to ensure that this big drama can end as they originally planned. After all, in this era, a man who marries his brother-in-law to fill the house because he misses his wife will be regarded as a lover by the world. Saint, and a man who is obsessed with him after marrying the same-sex wife, the world will despise him for his immorality.

When there were only the two of them left in the room, before Gong Zhuoliang could ask, Mrs. Gong had already explained what she meant, that is, to ask Qiao Yingze to "divorce his wife", so that the Gong family would not be dragged down by the Qiao family.


Gong Zhuoliang was speechless when he saw Mrs. Gong, who was taking it for granted. She didn't understand how this person could be so shameless. Who did she think she was? What qualifications do you have to make such a request!

"Anyway, your plan is to let Yaner die of illness. If Yaner goes as the daughter-in-law of the Qiao family, then she will be buried with Qiao Juren in the ancestral grave of the Qiao family, and there will be no place for you. If you take this opportunity to divorce your wife, not only will Qiao Juren not bear a bad name, but you will gain a good reputation for caring for your wife and family, you can also take care of yourself, and I can keep the Gong family safe, isn't it a double-edged sword?"

Mrs. Gong is indeed an eloquence that she has developed for many years in business. She is obviously afraid that her family will be dragged down, so she is eager to draw a clear line with the Qiao family, but the words come out of her mouth, but it seems that this is purely good for Gong Zhuoliang and the others. .

The advantages were exhausted, but she didn't mention the disadvantages at all. For example, if the Qiao family was really like the rumored, they were going to be slaughtered all over the house, bringing disaster to the nine clans, etc., then Qiao Yingze's life would be lost, Gong Zhuoliang's The deity is just his wife and brother, how can he enter the ancestral grave of the Qiao family in the future? He just wanted a ghost marriage and no one would agree to it...


Suppressing the nonsensical thoughts in his heart, Gong Zhuoliang stared at Mrs. Gong with an unpredictable expression, and turned away with a cold snort, neither agreeing nor rejecting...

Although she understood what actuarial calculation Mrs. Gong was playing, Gong Zhuoliang had to admit that she was on the point. Is Qiao Yingze buried together? This is so frustrating!

Moreover, Mrs. Gong's words also reminded Gong Zhuoliang that she could think of asking Qiao Yingze to divorce his wife and come to protect the safety of the Gong family, so with Qiao Yingze's intelligence, wouldn't he have any awareness of this? But although Qiao Yingze has been worried about the Qiao family these days, he doesn't seem to be afraid that he will be implicated at all. This is not his character...


Gong Zhuoliang narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky, with a dangerous smile on the corner of his mouth. These days he was busy thinking about the big picture. If it wasn't for the tigress talking about this, he would not have noticed this detail. The place is abnormal, hum, now he really has to go home to see if his little husband has done any 'bad things'.


Since the officials of the Ministry of Justice brought the official document that Ling Qiao Yingxuan was confined to his home and waited for the case to be closed, he became very calm and reserved. He also listened silently to his wife's explanation and his father-in-law's advice to let him stay in Beijing with peace of mind. He didn't refuse, and there was no need to agree. It wasn't until Gong Zhuoxiang and Lu Zijian came to visit him that Qiao Yingxuan told them his plans.

"You want to go back to Park City? This..."

Lu Zijian only knew that such a big thing had happened to the Qiao family when he was 'blocked' at home by Gong Zhuoxiang today. Yang family.

Speaking of which, it is also because of the strict rules in Beijing, you can see what kind of sedan chairs are sitting on the street, and except for the royal family and military generals, they are not allowed to ride horses in Beijing. His other faults are useless, his 'motion sickness' is too torturous.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't run back now to cause trouble for everyone. My father is on his way to Beijing. As a son, I have to take good care of him, so I will wait for the Ministry of Punishment to lift my foot restraint before leaving. Now I am at home. There are only a group of women and children, and the eldest brother is not in good health, so I am really worried."

It seems that he has grown up completely overnight. At this time, on Qiao Yingxuan, the irritable impulses of the past have disappeared at all, and those who are familiar with him will find that what is missing from Qiao Yingxuan is his always sunny smile... This kind of thing Growing up is a pain in the ass.

"Brother Xuan at home doesn't need to worry, Ying Ze and Liang'er will take care of them."

Gong Zhuoxiang glanced at Lu Zijian, who almost rushed to hug Qiao Yingxuan to comfort him. After successfully freezing the man on the chair, he slowly persuaded Qiao Yingxuan.

"Sure enough, Brother Xiang, like his father-in-law, knew about it a long time ago... My brother and sister-in-law also knew if they wanted to come, so I was so careful when I left."

In front of the two close brothers, Lu Zijian and Gong Zhuoxiang, Qiao Yingxuan's mature and steady mask finally had a crack. He lowered his head slightly to prevent them from seeing his red eyes, and pressed down the corner of his mouth with some grievances.

"Brother Xuan, although the prefect of Qiao's crime is serious this time, the sage is merciful and will definitely give a light sentence. There is a shortage in the military department in the six divisions. I have asked someone to leave it for you, as well as the house in Beijing. , we need to wait for the wind to pass before purchasing, the money is all given by Yingze, you don't need to thank me, as long as you can work well in the future, even if we don't waste our hearts as brothers."

Gong Zhuoxiang did not deny Qiao Yingxuan's speculation, and Gong Zhuoxiang also agreed with his change. Although the optimistic and cheerful boy in the past was good, he was too immature as the pillar of a family. If something can really grow, that's good.

"Sure enough... Brother Xiang, Senior Brother, I know what to do, don't worry."

Hearing Gong Zhuoxiang saying that Qiao Yingze had arranged everything for him, a wry smile appeared on Qiao Yingxuan's mouth, but then he took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at the two seriously, he would not disappoint his brother's expectations of.

"Good apprentice."

I can see Qiao Yingxuan's determination and perseverance. Lu Zijian has a sense of pride in our boy's early growth, but his face just put on a smile, and he saw Gong Zhuoxiang staring at him 'gloomily', Lu Zijian was busy He lifted the teacup and looked away, being careful that his liver was beating non-stop, thinking that the one who was at a loss was my little master, okay?

Not to mention that Lu Zijian ran away and disappeared as soon as he left the Yang residence, leaving Gong Zhuoxiang not even holding on to his hair. Just saying that Qiao Yingxuan thought about it for a long time in the study by himself, and finally made up his mind to return to the room and see him. Yang Yingmo was sitting in the room sewing children's clothes, but the pattern Gong Zhuoxiang saw that she had been embroidering for a few days without much embroidery, which showed that her mind was not on this at all.

"Mo'er... When my father's case is over, I'll go back to Bocheng to settle my family. My cousin Gong has already arranged an errand for me. After I go back to Beijing, I'll go to the Sixth Division to do some errands. In the future, I will see whether it is to take the martial arts examination or to make up for the lack of six divisions by taking the qualifications."

Seeing that Yang Yingmo pierced her hands when she heard that she was going back to Bocheng, Qiao Yingxuan hurriedly finished her words, walked over and hugged his wife's shoulders, subconsciously looking at her lower abdomen, but Yang Yingmo had already changed into loose clothes, so Seeing nothing on the outside, Qiao Yingxuan hesitated for a moment, but still put his hand on it gently.

This time, he must protect his children and his family, and he will never let them be wronged again in the future.


Yang Yingmo cuddled in Qiao Yingxuan's arms with red eyes, and she finally let go of her heart that had been hanging on for so many days. Finally, she no longer had to be in a dilemma between her parents' family and her husband. God knows how much she was afraid that Qiao Yingxuan's stubborn temper would come up because of herself. The decision of the parents to abandon their mother and son.

"I understand…"

Soothingly patted Yang Yingmo's shoulder, Qiao Yingxuan sighed slightly in his heart, he knew that his father-in-law and mother-in-law would not help the Qiao family. Yang Yingmo herself, why didn't she complain about the marriage?

Living in Yang's house for the past few days, Qiao Yingxuan has experienced too many feelings that he never had in the past. Difficult.

Thinking about how his parents treated his brother and sister-in-law in the past, Qiao Yingxuan knew that he didn't have the right to complain about the Yang family, but in his heart... it wasn't a family after all.

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