MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 57 self-inflicted sin

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Early the next morning, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze went together to see Gong Zhuoxiang off. Neither side said a word about what happened before, but when they parted, Qiao Yingze gave Gong Zhuoxiang a long bow. Gong Zhuoliang also sincerely called him brother, Gong Zhuoxiang smiled brightly, turned the horse's head dashingly and galloped away.

Gong Zhuoliang and the two returned to the West Mansion and remembered that they were going to visit the Gong family, but Gong Zhuoliang really didn't want to dress up as a woman, so he brought Ruo Lan and Ye Er in the name of "My wife is in a bad health, and I asked my uncle to visit on her behalf". out the door together.

"Don't you know how to cool down when people burn like this?"

Gong Zhuoliang looked at Mrs. Gong who was shrunken and trembling under the quilt, whose face was flushed red. She didn't even have an ice kerchief on her forehead, and there was no medicinal smell in the room. , So I glanced coldly at the maids in the room, and seeing that they all looked a little bit afraid, I knew that there must be some problems here.

"What are you still doing! I haven't put a veil on my wife's forehead, put on a quilt, put out the incense, opened the window to ventilate, and the antipyretic soup, go and boil it."

Gong Zhuoliang has recently regained his habit of being a man. Although he still looks like a half-aged boy, he naturally brings out a stern aura when he speaks. When he got up, even Master Gong, who was standing behind him, shrank his neck and didn't dare to interject a word. Aunt Wu was staring at her child Yinglang, and didn't pay attention to the things around her.

"Father, since mother is ill, why don't you ask a good doctor to take a look. What's the use of looking for those witches?"

Gong Zhuoliang looked at the room full of talismans and curses with disgust, and didn't want to stay any longer, so he turned around and left the room, while Master Gong and Concubine Wu hurriedly followed behind him.

"Isn't she... self-inflicted."

Following Gong Zhuoliang to the side hall, Master Gong screened the servants back, took a few steps closer to him and grinned.

"Nonsense! You..."

Knowing what Master Gong said, Gong Zhuoliang slapped the table violently, and before he could say his reprimand, Master Gong almost didn't kneel down in fear, but Aunt Wu responded quickly and supported him, otherwise he would be When I kneeled down to my son, he really lost all face.

Seeing the useless appearance of Mr. Gong, Gong Zhuoliang couldn't say what he rebuked. After all, he was the biological father of his own body. Although Gong Zhuoliang was disdainful, he still had to respect that father and son Gangchang.

"This this…"

Gong Zhuoliang's face turned green and white, but he knew that this son could not be disciplined by himself now, and finally smiled reluctantly. With such a good opportunity now, apart from this woman, how could he be so angry?

"Master Wanwu is angry, isn't the eldest young master calling you to come over, leave the matter here to the concubine."

Concubine Wu accompanied Xiao to help Master Gong, and after coaxing him out of the hall, she turned back to Gong Zhuoliang with a smile, and gave him a wink.


Gong Zhuoliang was very angry when she saw Concubine Wu's apologizing to Master Gong, but seeing her worried face, she took her anger and followed her back to her house, but her face was cold along the way. .

"Liang Er, do you really think your mother is the kind of vicious woman who covets his wife's position and murders his mistress?"

Guiding Gong Zhuoliang to sit at the table in the back room, Aunt Wu looked around to make sure there was no one in the room, and then sat down opposite Gong Zhuoliang with a wry smile, her eyes already glistening with tears.

"Why do you think about your mother like this, baby, you just can't get angry, why should your mother put her heart on such an incompetent and selfish man, I hate Madam Gong, and I want her to be punished, but I also admit that the Gong family can Today's wealth and honor are all managed by her, can that man give half of his attention to this family? But now, he thought that our mother and son could overwhelm Mrs. Gong, and he actually wanted his first wife to die from illness like this. Are you still a person?"

Gong Zhuoliang really believed that Aunt Wu was not that kind of vicious woman, and also believed that she was more towards her son, so in front of her, Gong Zhuoliang did not hide his temper, because he did not hide his voice, so he did not The voice that has completely passed the voice-changing period is slightly hoarse. Gong Zhuoliang really feels quite refreshed when he says these few words, but he is rarely someone who can easily lose his temper and complain.

"How can I dare to have hope for him again, good boy, if you can believe in being a mother, that's more important than anything else."

Aunt Wu was not at all annoyed by Gong Zhuoliang's attitude, but couldn't help but leaned forward and touched his face. This was the first time in more than two years that she had seen her son return to men's clothes. Sure enough, the children belonged to her own family. Well, in Concubine Wu's eyes, his good son is the most handsome man in the world, no one can compare to him.

"Mother... what happened?"

Gong Zhuoliang felt a little embarrassed when he was touched, and his anger was quenched by Aunt Wu's burst of tears. Thinking about it, he felt a little apologetic, so he took out his handkerchief from his arms and wiped her tears.

Since the separation, I have only been busy with my family affairs, so I never thought of letting Aunt Wu see what she looked like when she was wearing men's clothes. She just asked Ye Er to visit her once a month as usual, thinking that she had never mentioned it to herself. What kind of request made Gong Zhuoliang's heart soften a little bit. Thinking that she is only in her early thirties this year, she can't find a good husband with such a temperament in modern times, but now she can only be the scum of Master Gong. It's not a pity to be tied to your body for a lifetime.

"Hey... sin, do you still remember that girl Ruo Zi?"

Aunt Wu took her son's handkerchief and wiped her tears, then she took it into her arms like a baby, and then she didn't turn around to wipe her face with her handkerchief, and then she continued to speak sadly.

"Of course, this has something to do with her?"

How could Gong Zhuoliang not remember that vicious maid? Hearing Ruolan and Ye'er saying that Ruozi married Gong Zhuoyu as a concubine, and she was quite favored at first, but later because she was disrespectful to Gong Zhuoyu's first wife, she was arrested by the palace. Madam gave a hard lesson and almost lost half her life. She was obedient and obedient to the discipline. It was not until she found out she was pregnant at the age of 20 that she lived a little more.

"Speaking of it, it's really retribution... In fact, Madam is not sick, it is the medicine that Ruo Zi and the master gave, the one that was used on the uncle in the first place."

Aunt Wu held Gong Zhuoliang's hand and caressed it gently, sighed with a complicated expression, and said a surprising news.

"Didn't the tigress get scared by her cousin? Why did she get involved with Ruozi again?"

Gong Zhuoliang raised his eyebrows, thinking that this is really ironic, the medicine that the tigress had planned to use to poison Qiao Yingze was actually consumed by herself, and Ruo Zi was considered to be out of blue.

Speaking of the poison, the rare thing about it is that it does not cause any substantial damage to the human body, so we do not use autopsy and other inspection methods. Symptoms, Mrs. Gong relies on her good health to endure it so hard, and with a physique like Qiao Yingze, how many days can she survive this high fever?

"It was only after my wife got sick that I found out that Ruozi had already hooked up with the master. Listening to what they said, the child in Ruozi's belly is also the seed of the master. The father-in-law and daughter-in-law hooked up to become an adulteress, which is a huge scandal. Now I want to poison my wife and mistress again..."

Aunt Wu closed her eyes and made up her mind, and explained everything to her fellow Gong Zhuoliang.

It turned out that Madam Ruo Zi had been rectified a few years ago, but Ruo Zi held a grudge and felt that there was no hope of following Gong Zhuoyu, so she hit the master Gong, who was drinking alcohol all day long, and tempted him to 'force' her, and then half pushed her with him. After committing adultery, the wind blowing in his ears like this again forced out a bit of Master Gong's temperament, but when Master Gong wanted to ask Gong Zhuoxiang for help, he was first frightened by Gong Zhuoxiang.

Later, Mrs. Gong was also taught a lesson by Gong Zhuoxiang herself. After the painting was postponed, she was really scared and started to burn, but she was healed the next day, but it was Ruozi who changed her soup and took advantage of Mrs. Gong. When he was confused, Master Tong Gong cried and begged him to be the master of himself and the child, Master Gong really agreed, and Aunt Wu overheard their words, Ruo Zi asked Master Gong to promote her as a side room, thinking it was She also knew that her identity could not go to the front of the stage, and she was afraid of Gong Zhuoliang, so she wanted to push Aunt Wu up, not only to protect herself from the wind, but also to curry favor with Gong Zhuoliang's mother and son.

And although Master Gong is afraid of the tigress, he is not afraid of the concubine Wu Yiniang, and he feels that he is flattering her, so he follows the master's spectrum, and this matter must be settled. If Wu Yiniang is not pretending to be cowardly, She was sure that her son's orders had to be obeyed. The son had to decide this matter, which made the two of them slow down the matter. Otherwise, she would have been pushed to the cusp by them. If anything happens, I'm afraid that the black cauldron that poisoned the mistress today will have to be her back.

"These two people... are really inferior to beasts!"

Gong Zhuoliang didn't even bother to use the strength to scold the two after listening to Aunt Wu's words. He thought that Master Gong was because of the tigress's perennial oppression, and this was why he became perverted in the depression. , but I didn't expect that the root cause was to favor the concubine and kill the wife, and the concubine of his own son, Gong Zhuoliang felt that the Gong family should be pulled out and shot for a minute first!

"Liang Er... Mother didn't want to drag you down, but if Mother made you implicated by these scumbags, it would be really harmful to you. The only plan now is to find a secluded nunnery. Bringing hair to practice can not only preserve your reputation, but also allow your mother to live the rest of her life cleanly."

Aunt Wu shook her head disheartenedly, she really didn't have any extravagant hopes for such a husband in her heart. Originally, she still thought that her husband was gentle to her, and also pity him for being a man who was oppressed by his wife too much, but things have come to this point. , she realized how wrong she was.

Now, she regards her as her husband's son, and she also knows that Gong Zhuoliang has a bright future. Naturally, she can't bear to ruin his reputation because of her escaping from her husband's family. She originally wanted to become a monk, but that would only make it worse. He lowered Gong Zhuoliang's background, so he took the method of praying for his family with a hair, which not only kept his innocence, but also prevented Gong Zhuoliang from being said that he was born and raised by a nun.

"Mother, why do you feel wronged for me?"

Gong Zhuoliang was shocked when he heard the words, and looked at the loving woman in front of him in a daze. Once again, he felt the selfless maternal love from this woman. In his last life, he only saw that others could enjoy it at will. His own sincere emotions are hard to find.

"For you, what is there to be wronged by my mother? I will be very happy to be able to pray for you, my uncle, and your children in front of the Buddha every day in the future."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's move, Aunt Wu held him in her arms with tears in her eyes. She only felt that to be with her son like this, her life had already been fulfilled, and she had nothing more to ask for.

"Mother, I'll take you with me today, we won't go to any nunnery, my son will buy you a good house, and let's live comfortably, you haven't met Min Yan yet, he is your eldest grandson , It has been more than four months now, laughing all day without crying or making trouble, but it's interesting, I don't worry about those nanny women and so on, you still need your grandmother to help take care of it."

Gong Zhuoliang was moved, and he didn't think it was ugly to act like a spoiled child with a woman who was not a few years older than his previous life. He just felt that it was rare in this life to have such a mother who truly loves him, so he should treat her better!

"Okay, let's not talk about these, now, how to solve this matter?"

Aunt Wu was moved by what Gong Zhuoliang said, but thinking about her own scruples, she still tended to live in the nunnery, so she smiled and changed the topic and returned to today's business.

"Does the tigress already know about their poisoning?"

Gong Zhuoliang sneered when he heard the words, thinking that between a teammate who is like a tiger and a teammate who is not as good as a pig, he would naturally not choose the latter. Now the Gong family is still his nominal family. Hold on to the facade, if it falls into the hands of the Gong family father and son and Ruo Zi, he will only be dragged to death.

"She knows what Ruo Zi means. It seems that Ruo Zi scolded her after she poisoned her. Madam Gong's anger and hatred caused her to become poisoned so quickly. That's why the master made up his mind to get rid of her, but he kept saying It's for you and the child in Ruo Zi's belly."

After thinking about it carefully, Aunt Wu gave Gong Zhuoliang a positive answer with a wry smile. If Mrs. Gong was okay, Ruo Zi would definitely not be able to live.

"Since they say it's self-inflicted, then everything is up to God's will."

Gong Zhuoliang pouted the corners of his mouth coldly, thinking in his heart that this family are all beasts, so let their own dog bite the dog!

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