MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 51 long term plan

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In the study, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze were discussing a murder scene. In fact, it should be said that Qiao Yingze, a master of the law, pointed out several loopholes in the text and helped Gong Zhuoliang to fill them one by one.

Gong Zhuoliang's thoughts are deeply influenced by later generations, and the body of this era has always been raised in a deep house, and he knows very little about the common sense of the outside world in memory, so although Gong Zhuoliang has tried his best to restrain and avoid it, there are still a lot of him in the text. Things you take for granted. Qiao Yingze just thought it was funny and too ideal when he first read it, but gradually he learned more and found that many of the things have been modified to become applicable to the current way of governing the world, and he couldn't help but pay more attention to it.

Qiao Yingze sorted out his own experience while revising the manuscript for Gong Zhuoliang. He thought deeply every day and consciously benefited a lot. In the end, he was more serious than when he took the imperial examinations, but he was also more energetic. Before Gong Zhuoliang was in the house He can still keep an eye on him to raise a little meat, but since Gong Zhuoliang got busy, he started not paying much attention to it, and now it has basically disappeared again.

Although Qiao Yingze was not short, his skeleton was slender. He was about 1.76 meters tall, but his waist was so thin that it seemed that he could be folded with a pinch, which made Gong Zhuoliang feel itchy and distressed.

"Xianggong, the manuscripts that you have helped me to improve are enough to be sent to the end of the year, why do you have to suffer so much? You see that you have lost weight again, and now is the season of easy illness. Starting today, if you don't raise it, you will be back for 20 years. Jinrou, you are not allowed to touch the manuscript again."

Seeing that Qiao Yingze has finished talking, he has to continue. Gong Zhuoliang is busy collecting the manuscript and does not allow him to touch it again. Spring and summer are the seasons for bacteria to breed and multiply, especially in the south, unlike the north, the cold weather can kill many, although Gong Zhuoliang is not allowed to touch it again. A lot of preventive measures have been taken, and Qiao Yingze does not go out all day to avoid some chances of infection, but after all, the most fundamental reason is that his physique is weak, and he has to strengthen his own immunity.

"Twenty catties... Zhuo Zhuo, even if you raise me like a pig, I can't grow that much in a year."

When Qiao Yingze heard the words, he chuckled, and his gentle eyes fell on Gong Zhuoliang, who had packed the manuscript into a box. He was originally a physique that wouldn't gain weight no matter how much he ate. The previous few kilograms of meat were only raised by Gong Zhuoliang who coaxed him to eat more and sleep more every day... Well, Qiao Yingze has to admit that the reason why he lost weight again was because of studying hard. It is indeed the main reason, but it is also a little bit of careful thought to protest Gong Zhuoliang's neglect.

"One year doesn't make two years. Anyway, everything at home and the bookstore is on the right track. We'll just follow the steps in other things. I don't have much to do. I'll watch you grow flesh every day from now on."

With a 'click', the box was locked, Gong Zhuoliang shook the key in his hand towards Qiao Yingze, then walked over to him, leaning on the armrest of the chair with both hands, and looked down at him.

"Zhuzhuo, thanks for your hard work, I can't help you much."

Hearing Gong Zhuoliang mention other things, Qiao Yingze felt a little remorse in his heart. His Zhuo Zhuo has been making careful arrangements for the future of the two of them. , it's a bit too stingy, and... Forget it, don't mention that to Zhuo Zhuo first, and let him worry about it for nothing.

"What's the hard work, the tigress of the Gong family is a smart one and knows how to choose. That matter has to be postponed until the second uncle gets married to your crown ceremony, otherwise I will pour out the seat of the first wife. If they match you with a lady from another family, then I must not hit the wall."

Gong Zhuoliang said, leaning back and sitting on the table, with a signature smirk on his face.

Now that the family is separated, it is much easier to disguise an accidental death. The easiest way is to pretend that Gong Zhuoliang is sick and find a remote house to avoid it, and then go to the mountains outside the city to find similar corpses, and arrange them to accidentally catch fire. Burning adult charcoal is done, and Gong Zhuoliang can help to prepare for the funeral of 'sister' in an open and aboveboard manner. So it's easy for him to get away now, but it's hard to be with Qiao Yingze aboveboard.

Although it is true that there are people who marry men to fill their houses in this era, after all, they are only a few ordinary people. How could a real rich family let a man run the house, so if Qiao Yingze was still in Qiao’s mansion, they would not have to think about this road at all. , Even if they are separated now, there is no one in the family who is married and has heirs, and it is absolutely impossible for them to let Qiao Yingze marry a male wife.

So now they can only wait patiently. This era attaches great importance to the men's crown ceremony. Unlike women who directly salute when they go out, men have to officially do the crown ceremony even when they become parents, usually every year. It will be held in February, and Qiao Yingze will be 20 years old next year. After the crown ceremony, many things can be decided by themselves, and there is no need to rely on the elders. Therefore, this plan will not be carried out until after the crown ceremony. The marriage of the separated offspring is in charge.

Moreover, according to Gong Zhuoliang's current growth rate, he estimates that he will be able to hide it until April or May of next year. When the weather heats up, his makeup will not be able to look good. If Qiao Yingxuan can have a child before then, it will be the best. Well, the elders of this family don't have the heart to stare at them, otherwise they can only escape the shell when they can't hide it, and then adapt to the situation.

Besides, Gong Zhuoliang also has his own little abacus in his heart, thinking that he will be able to 'become famous' in another year, and maybe he can coax Qiao Yingze to marry... Well, Gong Zhuoliang also has to admit that this is his first priority. It’s enough to dream for a while. Let’s not talk about marrying a man from the current dynasty. I am afraid that this matter will attract widespread attention from all walks of life. His husband alone will be the first to blow hair, so I say this idea. The risk is too high and the feasibility too low...

"I don't want anyone but you."

Qiao Yingze reached out to hold Gong Zhuoliang's arms, raised his head and opened his mouth seriously.

Although he knew that Gong Zhuoliang was only joking, Qiao Yingze wanted him to understand that he was his responsibility.

"I... come in too."

Gong Zhuoliang was about to respond when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Hearing the urgency in Ruo Lan's voice, Gong Zhuoliang smiled and let her in.

"Master, Uncle, Master Gongjiatang is here. I went directly to the door of the small house to look for you, Master. At that time, the slave was talking to Manager Zhou..."

Ruo Lan closed the door and walked quickly into the back room. After bowing to the two of them, she told everything about what happened just now, without leaving out the details.

"Why did my cousin suddenly come to Bocheng? Isn't the capital official not allowed to leave Beijing at will?"

After listening to Ruo Lan's words, Gong Zhuoliang was very surprised. Since the correspondence with Gong Zhuoxiang last year, he has exchanged nearly ten letters, all of which are topics that parents are short on. The meaning of Laibo City, why did you go directly to the door today?

"Don't you remember? Mr. Gong was a member of the Hanlin. After serving in Beijing for a year, he was released to travel for a year, and then he was officially appointed. You told him in your letter that he would live in Bocheng temporarily, and he probably wanted to. Surprise for you."

Qiao Yingze knew a lot about the government. Hearing that, he helped Gong Zhuoliang with a light expression, but he felt a little uncomfortable. Most of the Hanlins traveled at the end of April. Benbo City is here.

"Xianggong, please believe this is a fright."

When Gong Zhuoliang heard the words, he immediately went to hug Qiao Yingze's waist pitifully and did not let go of his hand. Your words are sore and sour.

Gong Zhuoliang didn't pay much attention to Gong Zhuoliang's letter, and he had long forgotten what official he was doing. Gong Zhuoliang just replied plainly to the letter, and the meaning of 'break up' could be understood only by those with a little emotional intelligence. But I don't know why the champion is so persistent. Does it have to make it clear to everyone that it's embarrassing?

"He also cares about you...don't be too unconscionable."

Pleasant by Gong Zhuoliang's tricks, Qiao Yingze smiled, and after thinking about it, he still said a fair word. He believed that the cousin was sincere to Gong Zhuoliang, otherwise he would obviously not look down on his wealth. Why should the relatives of the merchants in Bocheng be so protective of Gong Zhuoliang?

"I wish he didn't treat me differently."

Gong Zhuoliang looked helpless and troubled on the face, but in fact he was slandering his own husband, and said in his heart that you mean it, if I really have a conscience towards him, you should drink the decoction for reducing fire and stasis as water.

Gong Zhuoliang was not narcissistic enough to think how much the cousin 'loves' him. After all, the eldest son of that person can make soy sauce. At the beginning, he also promised that the deity would buy a house for him and marry him, so Gong Zhuoliang was very concerned about the relationship between the two. Positioning, like most men in this era, is that the red flag at home will not fall, and the elder brother and younger brother will hand it over casually.

But now that the palace officials want to foul, Gong Zhuoliang is impatient and he can't clearly offend him. After all, he is a wealthy family in Beijing, and it is not easy to rectify his husband and his wife... Although Gong Zhuoliang does not think Gong Zhuoxiang He's a villain, but he doesn't naively think that he can play tricks on others, so the only way to deal with it now is to deal with it first, see tricks and tricks.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX later, Gong Zhuoxiang, as he said, sent a greeting card, and Qiao Yingze sent someone to the inn where he stayed to invite them to come to his home temporarily, or to live in another courtyard. They were both politely declined by Gong Zhuoxiang, and both Qiao Yingze and his husband had no choice but to give up. The next day, they prepared a family dinner at home and invited Qiao Yingxuan to accompany them.

I don't know how Qiao Yingxuan leaked the news. The next day, he brought his senior brother Lu Zijian as well, making Gong Zhuoliang, who was wearing women's clothes in the inner house, irritable. He took advantage of their uncle.

Although Gong Zhuoxiang said that he was a relative of his family, he was an adult man after all. The hall is occupied.

When he saw Gong Zhuoyan, he was still a little girl who didn't change her voice, so now he can't hear anything wrong with her voice. Besides, he didn't plan to find anything from Gong Zhuoyan's side, so he didn't care about it.

"I haven't seen you for a year, but there have been so many changes in the virtuous brother's house. Brother Yu misses you and your wife very much in Beijing. Seeing the good brother today is actually more energetic than before. Brother Yu has to admire your heart and mind. already."

Looking carefully at Qiao Yingze in front of him, Gong Zhuoxiang's doubts in his heart could not help but lighten up a bit. He had always trusted his own eyes to see people. When he first saw him, he thought Qiao Yingze was really a handsome gentleman. , If it is said that such a person will have an affair with his wife and brother behind his back...

"Brother Gong is wrong, Ze Shi is ashamed to be..."

Qiao Yingze politely said a few words, glanced at his younger brother from the corner of the corner, and Qiao Yingxuan, who understood, took over the conversation and chatted with Gong Zhuoxiang, but Lu Zijian, who was an accompanying guest, was uncharacteristically serious today, expressing neither humble nor arrogant. After realizing his admiration for the champion, he honestly drank his wine and accompany him on a part-time job. He didn't even dare to lean over to Qiao Yingze's side, which made Qiao Yingxuan, who knew his character well, very surprised.

"I said, Senior Brother, this is really not like your style today. With such an extraordinary person as Big Brother Gong, how come you don't mean to be close at all?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to come out to take a break, Qiao Yingxuan was next to Lu Zi, who was leaning against the wall and sighing, and made no secret of his surprise.

"You don't understand, the aura is too strong, I can't hold this... No, is it my dish, I still love your brother the most."

As soon as Lu Zijian saw Gong Zhuoxiang today, he knew that he couldn't afford to offend him, and he regretted that he had followed him just to see Zemei. A handsome man like Zhuang Yuanlang couldn't be molested in front of him, it really made him very melancholy.

"Come on, you have more favorites. I can warn you again, don't hit my brother, or my sister-in-law will definitely kill you."

Qiao Yingxuan glanced at Lu Zijian disdainfully, and pushed him to the living room. He was called to the rescue by his brother today, so he must not neglect his duty.

"Is your sister-in-law really that powerful?"

Lu Zijian was pushed lazily from behind by Qiao Yingxuan, and asked him in a low voice so that no one could hear him. He was a little curious in his heart to make Qiao Yingxuan a sister-in-law who 'can't stop thinking about'. That kid didn't even find out, he didn't know what to do with a woman. Evaluation is always based on his sister-in-law.

"My eldest brother has been married for almost two years. Except for my sister-in-law, I have never seen anyone else, neither male or female. Do you think my sister-in-law is amazing?"

Although Qiao Yingxuan has never really seen his sister-in-law get angry, he can feel that the sister-in-law can't be provoked, and his arrogant eldest brother always follows his sister-in-law everywhere, showing that the sister-in-law is indeed capable!

"Okay, your sister-in-law is amazing!"

Seeing the entrance of the hall, the two stopped whispering, sorted out their expressions, walked in, and continued their great cause of company.

Gong Zhuoxiang stayed at Qiao's house until the afternoon, and after agreeing to Qiao Yingxuan and Lu Zijian's hunting appointment for a few days, he politely declined Qiao Yingze's stay again, and left after asking Gong Zhuoliang's return date.

Afterwards, Gong Zhuoliang took two days to complete the account books of the family, then sneaked out of the Qiao Mansion as a servant, changed his clothes in another 'cave' they had prepared outside the city, and went out alone. The rider entered the city through the city gate, returned home in an open and aboveboard manner, and then pretended to have received the news from the Qiao family and went to the inn to meet his cousin in person.

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