MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 48 Recover your true body?

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Gong Zhuoliang came to visit Pingxi today, but he was deliberately trying to test the relationship between him and Shi Kang. He didn't have any ill intentions, he just felt that Pingxi had a taste of 'the same kind', so I hope to know more about him. Some, to get to the bottom of the reason, it can be said that Gong Zhuoliang is... lonely.

It's been a year and a half since Gong Zhuoliang came to this world, but a big man pretends to be a loli and fights with women all day long, hypnotizing himself to be playing a 'gong's scheming', Gong Zhuoliang feels that he is not real BT is already very good.

For him, Qiao Yingze is like an oasis in the desert. It can also be said to be the only life-saving straw. It can be said that he was moved by Qiao Yingze, or that he has developed a love for a long time. Anyway, Gong Zhuoliang feels that there is no such thing as a There will be men who are more cherished than Qiao Yingze, but because he cherishes them too much, Gong Zhuoliang can't tell Qiao Yingze about a lot of troubles, for example, he hates pretending to be a woman, hates the inner house, hates the sunrise and earns a living Bland to boring life!

Therefore, Gong Zhuoliang needs his own career, and needs to have friends, brothers, confidants, and even opponents. All those factors that can stimulate his enthusiasm and blood, he has really held back for too long!

And Ping Xi was the first friend Gong Zhuoliang wanted to date, but what he didn't expect was that he hadn't found out his secret, but instead he saw through his identity.

"Thank you, how did Pingxi find out?"

Gong Zhuoliang's thoughts flew around, but there was a relieved smile on his face, and he no longer avoided anything at the moment. He leaned into Qiao Yingze's arms and looked at Pingxi with a little ruffian smile, while Qiao Yingze saw his In response, he naturally embraced his shoulders, and his face returned to a peaceful look.

Of course, Gong Zhuoliang didn't dare to put all his weight on Qiao Yingze. Although he looked thin, his bones were actually quite heavy, and his husband's body couldn't help it...

"Voice, although I sing Xiaosheng, my best friend on the same stage is used to acting as an actress, and is best at pretending to be a woman, so when I first saw you, I felt strange, but don't worry, young lady, this flaw is an ordinary person. can't be found."

Seeing the reactions of the two, Ping Xi's heart relaxed a little, and he laughed secretly, did he really have been locked in this 'cage' for too long, and he could only face Shi Kang's rock that was inaccessible to oil and salt. People, so that the superficial skills of cultivation in those days have regressed to this point, and they can't hide even a little bit of their thoughts. How can they win the trust of people with such rash gestures?

"I see…"

Gong Zhuoliang nodded knowingly, realizing that Pingxi was like a mother of his own body, and she was an expert in this field.

Just when the three of them didn't know how to continue the conversation, Qiao Minyan, who was in Pingxi's arms, suddenly flattened his mouth, and sprinkled all the boy's urine on Pingxi's clothes, and then he began to cry like a cat meowing. Twice, and then, as if he didn't feel any discomfort, he blinked his eyes again and stopped, leaving Ping Xi at a loss. Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze couldn't help laughing when they saw this, and the originally stagnant atmosphere suddenly recovered. ease before.

"That little bastard."

Qiao Yingze took the child and wiped the troubled calf for him, and then carefully wrapped it in a quilt. Gong Zhuoliang, seeing Ping Xi's embarrassed appearance, held back his laughter and asked him to change clothes and wash quickly. They came for a while. It's time to go back.

"Although there are fewer opportunities for us to meet after we split up, we will often come over to greet our ancestors during New Years and festivals. You must always prepare good wine for us."

Knowing Pingxi's current status, he couldn't say a lot, and he couldn't do a lot of things, so when he was about to go downstairs, Gong Zhuoliang looked at the handsome man standing silently, and took the initiative to send out a message of closeness, and then went with Qiao Yingze. He left the courtyard with everyone.

Shi Kang walked silently behind the crowd, and couldn't help but look back at the thin figure in front of the window on the second floor, but saw that his eyes had been chasing after the young lady, and he never saw himself, and the young lady and the others. After turning out of the hospital door, he ignored his turn and left the window. Shi Kang clenched his fists tightly, and left with everyone's footsteps with a cold face. His low air pressure made Qiao Ming walking in front of him. Inexplicable.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX once again dealt with the friends and relatives of the Qiao family, and it was not until the sun turned west that Gong Zhuoliang and the others returned to their home, and asked the nurse to carry the little protagonist who had been tired all day back to the house. Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze were free to study pity question.

"If he's just an ordinary concubine, and he's not favored by his father now, it's okay for us to ask our grandmother to let him out, but he was sent by the palace of Huaining County, and we just don't have the ability to help him, Huai. The King of Ningjun has always been surly and absurd, so he's not easy to mess with."

Qiao Yingze guessed the intention of Pingxi's move, and felt that the biggest possibility was that they wanted them to set him free...

In fact, Qiao Yingze himself didn't want to guess at him with the heart of such a villain, but this matter was related to Gong Zhuoliang's safety.

"I don't think Pingxi wants to use this to threaten us, otherwise he can directly say what conditions he has today, and Ruo Lan also said that Shi Kang's attitude towards Pingxi is indeed ambiguous, and Shi Kang's character is obvious to all. Yes, maybe... Pingxi really has no ill intentions."

Gong Zhuoliang himself is not a person who trusts others, but he has a really good impression of Pingxi.

"I'm not prejudiced because of his background, but as far as I know, the palace of the Prince of Huaining County is a place where filth is hidden, and he was once the favorite of the Prince of Huaining County. It's hard to say what his nature is... I I saw that you rarely have a friend who can talk, and he is polite and polite, so he didn't talk to you in detail, but if something like this happened today, you have to be more careful."

Qiao Yingze has always been raised in the inner house, and he is an indifferent and indifferent temperament, but he has also heard a lot of debauchery in the Huaining County Prince's Mansion. The rest of the servants and maids were no different from prostitutes, so even though he had a good impression of Pingxi, he couldn't believe it.

"If he really has a plan, he should take the opportunity to say it today. Since he has nothing to say, let's just wait and see what happens. I hope it's our villain's heart..."

Gong Zhuoliang can more or less imagine Pingxi's previous living environment. In the era of modern Internet convenience, he has never seen any restricted-level movies, so he feels more and more that Pingxi's temperament is rare.

The two were discussing when suddenly Ruo Lan came to report that something was found in the study. Qiao Ming asked them to come over and look at each other. They looked at each other suspiciously. Qiao Yingze arranged the 'equipment' for Gong Zhuoliang and went together. .

It turned out that when they moved into their new home, Qiao Yingze ordered that the back room connected to the study be converted into Gong Zhuoliang's studio. Today, when they were remodeling, they discovered that there was a tunnel under the cabinet in the back room, and they didn't know where it led. , They invited Qiao Yingze and the two to come over to see if they were looking for an exit or simply blocked it.

"Qiao Ming, find someone to look for the exit and see where it leads."

Gong Zhuoliang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart. After privately instructing Qiao Ming to let him go to work, he took Qiao Yingze back to the house, and a thought in his heart became stronger and stronger.

It has long been known that some dignitaries have the habit of digging escape tunnels and secret rooms. Gong Zhuoliang also had this idea, and Qiao's mansion probably has such a tunnel, but the elders never mentioned it, and Gong Zhuoliang and the others Naturally, it is impossible to let people lead to the secret passage outside for no reason, it is just to arouse suspicion.

And Qiao Mansion was staring at so many eyes, stealing something was pure nonsense, so this idea slowly faded into the back of his mind, and when he saw this secret passage today, Gong Zhuoliang remembered this, and his thoughts But suddenly came alive.

After returning to the room and having dinner, Gong Zhuoliang became a little impatient and looked like a woman. He finished bathing with Qiao Yingze early, and then he lay lazily on the couch wearing only a jacket and a cotton robe. Continue to imagine the feasibility of your own plan.

"I just moved out, so many things haven't been arranged yet... Is it earlier?"

He walked to Gong Zhuoliang with the cloth towel and sat down. Qiao Yingze moved his head to rest on his lap, then wrapped his half-wet hair with the cloth and wiped it gently. Go and massage the scalp for Gong Zhuoliang.

Seeing how much Gong Zhuoliang cared about the secret way today, Qiao Yingze guessed his plan, although from the day he was separated, Qiao Yingze had Gong Zhuoliang who would walk out of the house and face him as a man The mental preparation of this world, but this day has really arrived, seeing Gong Zhuoliang so eager to go out, he will still feel a little heavy in his heart, for fear that Gong Zhuoliang will see the bustling and bustling outside world, and he will be patient. I can't stop accompany such a boring and ordinary man like him.

"Originally, I planned to wait for another two months. After all, there are many people in the house, and it is not appropriate for me to play two roles alone, but now with this secret passage, it will be different. I found a suitable house and bought it as my brother-in-law's residence, so that I would walk through the secret passages on weekdays, and I would not have to go in and out of the house, so I would not be suspicious."

Gong Zhuoliang closed his eyes and enjoyed Qiao Yingze's massage. All he thought about was what he would do after he went out. Excited, he did not notice the faint loss in Qiao Yingze's words.

"Then you can't act rashly, you have to think carefully."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's squinting enjoyment, Qiao Yingze couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face, but then he pursed his lips reluctantly, but there was no hint of unhappiness in his tone.

"Don't worry, I will naturally plan for Zhou Xiang and then act, Xianggong, why don't you think about where we are going to play for a while, first of all shopping is a must, I haven't walked on the streets of Bocheng 'down to earth', If I have to eat all kinds of snacks, I should go to the bookstore first, just listening to them report good news but not bad news, and I don’t know what my bookstore has turned into…”

Gong Zhuoliang really felt the excitement that he was about to be released from prison. If it hadn't just finished tossing Qiao Yingze yesterday, he really wanted to throw him down and do it right now!

In fact, Gong Zhuoliang wanted to indulge in horse racing and hunting, but when he thought of his husband's fragile heart, he wisely chose not to mention it...

"Um... ok... OK..."

Not wanting to spoil Gong Zhuoliang's interest, Qiao Yingze continued to massage his scalp with moderate force, and then took his words at the right time. The smile on the corner of his mouth was still gentle and doting, but there was something in his drooping eyes that was not easy to be touched. The astringency that people perceive.

Just when Gong Zhuoliang was about to fall asleep comfortably, Ruo Lan reported that Qiao Ming was back, Gong Zhuoliang opened his eyes, sat up energetic, and let Ruo Lan let Qiao Ming come in to answer.

And Qiao Yingze's eyes turned around his slightly open collar, but he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pull it tightly before he felt relieved.

After Qiao Ming came in, he was stunned for a while at Gong Zhuoliang's undressed appearance, and then immediately calmed down and reported the information he had inquired in detail.

"So, this passage was built by the old man for the rendezvous with the widow?"

After listening to the gossip that Qiao Ming had inquired about, Gong Zhuoliang asked a little funny, thinking that the original owner of this house is really old, a man in his fifties or sixties, and a beautiful widow in his twenties. Being an outer room, and going to a tryst in a secret way... It's really sentimental.

"Yes, it is said that the widow died a few years ago, and the secret passage was abandoned. Now that the house has been changed to another family, and the family is very ordinary, it is estimated that the house can be bought for seven or eighty taels."

Before Qiao Ming left, Gong Zhuoliang had already instructed him to ask about the price of the house passing through the secret road. Because the house was only two streets away from here, there were not many houses in the middle, only five or six small courtyards. The prices are not very high.

"Don't want that, what about the one closest to our house?"

Gong Zhuoliang figured in his heart that if he was far away, he would have to buy servants for the family alone, pretending to be someone living there, otherwise, how could he hide from outsiders, and then his own access would not be a secret at all, so he simply If you want the house closest to your home, you can still have an excuse to go in and out of the two houses at will. Then, on the grounds that you need to write quietly, you only use the housemaid to do the 'hourly work' to clean and tidy up, and you are not allowed to enter privately during the rest of the time, so you are not afraid of leaking.

"The nearest one is facing the alley on the side of our mansion. It is also a small household, but I heard that the family is rich and the house is very delicate. I'm afraid it will take about two hundred taels to buy it."

Qiao Ming is very smart in his work. He really has inquired about the house and the left and right households along the way, so he can deal with it very clearly now.

"That's it."

Gong Zhuoliang was satisfied with the final decision, and asked Qiao Ming to finish the matter as soon as possible, then let him back down, and then turned his head and threw Qiao Yingze on the couch and gnawed on it, but this time he was happy to patronize himself, But he didn't find Qiao Yingze's worry that was hidden under connivance in time.

At the beginning of March, the uncle of Qiao's West Mansion, the real owner of Liang Zeshufang, and the author of the popular book "Legend of Jianghu" Gong Zhuoliang, after traveling abroad for a year and a half, returned to his hometown in Bocheng and lived in Qiao Next door to the West House.

After explaining so much, in fact, the only people who really know about it are the stewards of Liang Zeshufang and the people of Qiao's West Mansion, and this little uncle's new house is also arranged by his brother-in-law, and even the servant girl who serves They are all from the West Mansion. Just because my uncle is happy, all the servants and servants still live in the West Mansion. My uncle's clothing, food, housing, and transportation are also paid according to the share of the master of the West Mansion. Even the kitchen is locked in his own house...

Of course, because of the existence of Liang Zeshufang and his own reputation, no one will regard him as a poor relative of the high gate, but only as a close relationship. For example, after visiting his sister-in-law, the uncle invited his brother-in-law to go out shopping the next day.

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