MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 44 eldest brother as father

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When Qiao Yingxuan heard the words, he paused, looking at the room where Jing Shu was originally living, but now it was pitch-dark.

The maid who answered his question thought that Qiao Yingxuan was questioning her, and hurriedly bowed her head and explained it respectfully, saying that Jingshu was bleeding after childbirth. Wrapped in a mat and carried them out, they cried a few times at first, but then they left after receiving the money from Rouge Girl.

"Go on down, you don't need to wait on you."

Qiao Yingxuan didn't want to hear anything anymore. He waved his hands tiredly to let everyone go away. After walking back to the room, he lay down on the couch, his eyes staring blankly at the beam.

He clearly never thought of competing with his brother for the family property, but why did things develop to this stage?

Recalling how she looked so happy when she was in her mother's room, Qiao Yingxuan only felt that her whole heart was aching. Why did her mother force her brother away? Just because my brother is not in good health, do you hate him like this? And Jing Shu, is she really difficult to give birth? Having been used to her mother's ruthlessness towards those concubines and maids who offended her, Qiao Yingxuan couldn't help but suspect something.

But even if her mother was wrong, she really loved her, even if everyone could say her fault, but only herself had no position to accuse her... This was what made Qiao Yingxuan the most painful.

Qiao Yingxuan still remembers that when she was very young, her mother would often cry in her arms, saying that she was her only support, her only hope, that she would be strong for herself, so in Qiao Yingxuan's young heart, she was already resentful. After the man he should call his father, it is the man's fault that the family has become like this!

It was also at that time that Qiao Yingxuan made a solemn oath to the moon, saying that he would be filial to his mother for the rest of his life, protect her from being bullied by others, and also said that he would not take concubines in the future, and that his wife would not step into her mother's shoes. Follow in the footsteps of the pro, don't let yourself become an irresponsible father.

But now, he has screwed everything up, and now because of his mistake, his brother and sister-in-law are forced to leave home...

"Second Master, Young Master, please come over now."

The door was knocked gently, and the slightly hesitant voice of the maid came in. Of course, they all knew about the troubles at home, and they could see that the second master was in a bad mood, so no one dared to be bold. I went to congratulate and reward the person, but now that it is so late, the uncle has sent someone to call the second master over, so don't have any more disputes.

"Brother? I'll go right there!"

The words 'eldest young master' brightened Qiao Yingxuan's empty eyes, he hurriedly sat up and tried to tidy himself up, only to realize that the corners of his eyes and temples were already wet, Qiao Yingxuan casually rubbed his face with his sleeve and bit his lip He stood up and pulled the corner of his shirt.

After suppressing the enthusiasm in his eyes, Qiao Yingxuan hurriedly walked out of the house, shouted that anyone who dared to go to the lady's tongue would be scolded, and then snatched the lantern from the maid's hand and hurried away.

"Sisters, don't worry, the uncle asked the second master to hug the young master. If someone disturbs the rest of the wife for this trivial matter, and then makes the second master annoyed, it is really not worth it, right? We will be later. I will send the second master back, the sisters don't have to wait, just rest if you have nothing to do."

Ruo Lan trotted with the lantern and ran after him to lead Qiao Yingxuan, while Wen Shu stepped sideways to block the footsteps of the maid in the hospital, and gave the leading maid a wink. The night-timers all went to rest.

Since Jingshu, the big maid in charge, was 'locked up', and Qiao Yingxuan didn't want anyone sent by Mrs. Qiao, he replaced the first-class maid in front of the old lady in charge, and this maid was originally with Wen. After the book has been handed over, she will naturally lose her face at this time. In addition, with Qiao Yingxuan's instructions, she will not be that talkative and distasteful. It's not a day or two, but as long as the ancestor in the house is still the old lady, and she herself is responsible for the second master, there is nothing to worry about.

Qiao Yingxuan hurried away empty-headed, and only regained consciousness when he arrived at the gate of Qiao Yingze's courtyard. After he stopped, he heard Ruo Lan's breathless gasps, and only then did he react that he had caused others to run all the way, looking at him. Ruo Lan couldn't help but feel apologetic in her eyes, but seeing the other party showing a gentle smile full of understanding, Qiao Yingxuan couldn't help feeling warm and calmer.

"Second master, please, the young master is waiting for you in the study."

Handing over the two lanterns to Yu Hua, who was waiting on the side, Ruo Lan Xu led Qiao Yingxuan towards the study. Before reaching the door, he heard a baby crying inside, Ruo Lan hurriedly walked a few steps to replace him. Qiao Yingxuan opened the door.

"elder brother…"

As soon as Qiao Yingxuan entered the study, he saw that Qiao Yingze was holding the crying baby in his arms quite stiffly, looking a little helpless.

"Ying Xuan, it's great that you are here. Let's see what's wrong with him. He has just been breastfed."

When Qiao Yingze saw Qiao Yingxuan coming, he hurriedly handed the little guy in his arms to him, looking a little embarrassed.

He really didn't know what happened to the child. It was clear that the nurse had just fed and changed the diaper not long ago, but why did he cry as soon as it reached him?

"Brother, you hug him like that, he's uncomfortable."

Qiao Yingxuan took the child and held it in his arms, put the little guy's head in his arms, and patted him and shook it lightly. After a while, the child's cry subsided, and finally closed his eyes and da da da da mouth, honestly. of silent.

Qiao Yingze and Qiao Yingxuan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time, and then looked at each other subconsciously, with smiles on their faces.

"Brother, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

Looking down at the thin but cute little face of the baby in his arms, Qiao Yingxuan opened his mouth a little awkwardly. Tonight he was really blinded by these things. Put it out, everything is a foregone conclusion.

Thinking about it now, if he could have been braver at the time, it would have been better if he stood up earlier to show his intentions, he really never thought about fighting with his brother!

"Ying Xuan, freezing three feet is not a day's cold. It is true that this family has come this far, and none of us can say that we are not responsible, but if we are wrong, it should not be you and me, you understand. "

Seeing his younger brother, who has always been Lotte Sunshine, showed such a dejected look, Qiao Yingze couldn't help but reached out and touched the top of his head. Seeing him raise his eyes and look at his pitiful, tearful appearance, Qiao Yingze couldn't help but tick the corner of his mouth and rub it again. rubbed his hair.

"Brother, don't you really blame me?"

After being appeased by his brother, Qiao Yingxuan finally felt a little better. Instead of breaking away from Qiao Yingze's hand, he leaned forward and placed his forehead lightly on Qiao Yingze's shoulder.

Obviously it's a much thinner shoulder than himself... Qiao Yingxuan thought silently, why does he think he is so reliable?

"What do you blame? Do you blame me for taking on the heavy responsibility of the family? You know my body, and your sister-in-law and I have long wanted to live a simple and peaceful life. I am afraid that you will blame me for being a big brother. responsible."

Feeling a little pressure on his shoulders, Qiao Yingze also smiled and said what was in his heart. Leaving aside the family's grievances and grievances, Qiao Yingze knew that this younger brother had no ambitions for the family property. The sense of belonging is much stronger than that of myself, even if it is only for my mother, I will support this family well.

"Brother... You have really changed a lot. You didn't give me a second look before, but now you actually comfort me like this!"

Never been comforted by Qiao Yingze so gently before, Qiao Yingxuan raised his head and stared at his face a little stupidly, making sure that he was right, his eyes turned red.

"Why, are you blaming me?"

Amused by his stupidity, Qiao Yingze saw that the baby seemed to have fallen asleep, so he took the baby from Qiao Yingxuan's arms with an itchy hand, followed his movements and held it steady. Seeing that the baby didn't respond, he continued to sleep. , I can't help but feel a little sense of achievement in my heart.

"How can you, my brother is sighing that my sister-in-law taught me well, haha..."

Qiao Yingxuan also felt that his young daughter's posture was ugly, so he rubbed his eyes and grinned, but when he thought of his sister-in-law's appearance, Qiao Yingxuan's mind moved, and he hurriedly replaced the figure of that person with that of Zhuo Liang's younger brother. I haven't seen each other for more than a year, and I don't know how Zhuo Liang's younger brother is now, whether he is still so similar to his sister-in-law...

Qiao Yingxuan was thinking wildly, but when he saw Qiao Yingze making a silent gesture to himself, he realized that the little guy in Qiao Yingze's arms moved, and he quickly lowered his voice.

"Now that I have been separated, I will tell you something about it. If you understand it, listen to it more. If you think it is useless, then forget it."

Qiao Yingze put his eyes on Qiao Yingxuan's face, and his heart softened a little. In the past, he always avoided this younger brother for various reasons, and he never persuaded him to make mistakes. Going to do things too much will be disrespectful to others. Now that I think about it, I'm still somewhat jealous of his success and favor. It's really too stingy.

"Brother, say it!"

As soon as he heard what his brother had to say to him, Qiao Yingxuan immediately straightened his sitting posture, looking like an honest and educated obedient.

"First of all, I know that you are filial to your mother, but you should not be filial and obedient to her in everything and indulge her, but to persuade the virtuous and the kindness is the true filial piety of being a son of man."

Qiao Yingze would never have said this to Qiao Yingxuan before, otherwise, if it spread to Mrs. Qiao's ears, he would definitely be charged with sowing discord, but now Qiao Yingze doesn't care what she thinks or says.

"What my elder brother said is that my younger brother will no longer be filial and filial in the future."

Qiao Yingxuan listened carefully, and felt that what his brother said was reasonable. In fact, this truth is not difficult to understand. No one has ever said this to Qiao Yingxuan before, so he was not awakened until this time, and his heart suddenly became more open.

"Furthermore, there is the matter of Jingshu. Since you have accepted her as a housekeeper, you should let her understand the rules of duty. As long as you usually have a little prestige in your own room, how dare she secretly conceive a child to pinch you? How dare those people in your house go past you and tell mother everything first."

Seeing that Qiao Yingxuan was being taught humbly, Qiao Yingze nodded and continued. Regarding the matter of Jingshu, Qiao Yingze especially despised the attitude of this younger brother.

Since you don't like people, you shouldn't touch them, and if you touch them, you won't give them an explanation. It will only make the mother run away from home for a few months after the aftermath. I don't think about it, according to the mother's character, can I make that girl feel better? If it weren't for the grievances, how many girls would dare to take such a big risk to secretly conceive a child... In short, it's a bad debt, if he wouldn't let a girl turn upside down at all, ah, no! It's that he doesn't touch any maids at all, as long as he has his family Zhuo Zhuo is enough.

"My younger brother knows that he is wrong, and he will not be drunk and greedy in the future..."

Qiao Yingxuan nodded a little aggrieved. Seeing that Qiao Yingze was tired from holding the child, he took it and hugged him.

He really knew it, he didn't want to touch Jingshu at all, he was being... This is even more embarrassing to say!

"And there's..."

Qiao Yingze told Qiao Yingxuan the main things he could think of. It was not until the baby woke up from hunger and cried again that they realized that it was so late and felt a little sleepy, Qiao Yingze couldn't help shaking it slightly. sinking head.

"Brother, rest early, brother will come later to listen to brother's lectures... Brother, can I see him again in the future?"

Seeing this, Qiao Yingxuan quickly got up and said goodbye. Before leaving, he was a little reluctant to watch the child being carried away by the nurse.

"Of course, even if we move out, you are welcome at any time."

Qiao Yingze accompanied Qiao Yingxuan to walk out of the study slowly. Hearing that, he patted him on the shoulder, thinking that he would be able to move out in a few days, and Qiao Yingze couldn't help but smile again.

After seeing Qiao Yingxuan off, Qiao Yingze didn't even bother to take a bath, so he simply let the maids serve him and wash up. When he returned to the room, he found that Gong Zhuoliang had not even slept, and was leaning on the bed with a candle Reading light.

"Zhuo Zhuo, why haven't you slept yet?"

Looking at the handsome young man who was sitting and reading a book with a lazy expression under the lamp, Qiao Yingze only felt that the scene was a little beautiful and unreal. He hurriedly walked a few steps and sat beside Gong Zhuoliang and held his hand. With his habitual smirk, Qiao Yingze's heart suddenly calmed down.

"Wait for you, what did you say after talking for so long?"

He casually threw the book on the table, Gong Zhuoliang hooked Qiao Yingze's chin with his fingers in a playful way, and helped him remove all his clothes, and then put the person inside and tucked it into the quilt, while he lay on his side and hugged him. The waist speaks, and it is full of possessiveness.

"No, I just told him some truths about how to behave in the world... Those words were supposed to be taught by the father to the son, but I learned it all by myself. Now I teach it to the younger brother. This is the eldest brother who is a father."

Qiao Yingze narrowed his eyes in a bit of distress, feeling the warm breath coming from Gong Zhuoliang, relaxed his body and leaned over gently.

"Don't think about the unhappy things, go to bed, Xianggong, we have to go to see the house after we get up. I think you will like the three-entry house with garden in the east of the city. Listen to Shi Huwei that this house is special. Elegant."

After Gong Zhuoliang put out the candle, he hugged Qiao Yingze as usual, and even in the dark, he could accurately find the man's lips and kiss him.

Finally able to have his own home, Gong Zhuoliang said that he is in a very good mood now, and he is especially happy that he can do some things he loves without restriction in his new home... Well, he has to suffer some physical the above restrictions.


Not forgetting to return Gong Zhuoliang's good night kiss, Qiao Yingze felt that both his body and his heart were unprecedentedly relaxed, as if he had broken free from some shackles. Soon, Qiao Yingze fell asleep, but he didn't know his little daughter-in-law was here. Shi Zheng was full of thoughts about the world, thinking about how to eat him...

Read The Duke's Passion