MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 40 Big Joe's plan

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"My good grandson, why did he come out to see the wind when he was better? If there is something, just send someone over and say it."

Not long after breakfast, Mrs. Qiao heard the servants report that the eldest young master was coming. She hurriedly asked someone to come into the room, and then waved to Qiao Yingze to ask him to sit beside her.


Being held by the old lady's hand and pulled to her side and sitting down, Qiao Yingze looked at the old lady with a gloomy expression.

"Ze'er, what's on your mind, but tell your grandmother. You're sick this time. Could it be that you're still aggrieved by Xuan'er's child? But you're blaming your mother?"

She asked all the maids in the room to withdraw and wait. The old lady looked at Qiao Yingze with a haggard face in distress. Seeing that this good man had just come back and fell ill, she thought he couldn't let go of what he said before...

The old lady thought about it like this, and she hated Madam Qiao more and more in her heart, thinking that she really wanted to kill her own son!

"How dare the grandson complain about the mother, there is something else to come to the grandmother..."

Sighing and shaking his head, Qiao Yingze pursed his lips and looked away under the concerned eyes of the old lady, and hesitantly took out a few medical prescriptions from his arms.

"Ze'er! Where did you get these things? How, how can you..."

The old lady took those prescriptions and looked at them, and her mind couldn't help but cluttered. I saw that there were either congenital insufficiency or physical weakness written on them. Anyway, the conclusions were repeated over and over again. , I am afraid that the offspring will be difficult.


When Qiao Yingze saw that the old lady's face was instantly bloodless, he fell to his knees with a plop in his heart and guilt. He knew that he was very sorry for the relative who loved him the most, but in order to protect his marriage with his little daughter-in-law. , For the peace and future of the Qiao family, Qiao Yingze does not regret his choice, and... he really can no longer live with such parents.

"Ze'er, get up, what the **** is going on?"

The old lady came back to her senses, and hurriedly pulled Qiao Yingze to sit next to her, her eyes full of anxiety and pity.

"When I went back to my grandmother, my grandson had been ill before we got married, and I didn't pay attention to this aspect. After we got married, my wife took good care of me, and my body and bones gradually got better. I kept trying to comfort myself and it would get better, but this time I came back to see that my second brother already had a child, so my grandson became anxious, and secretly went out to see the doctor while hiding his identity..."

When Qiao Yingze said this, he stopped speaking with a face full of shame. Although he had rehearsed several times in his heart, he would still feel embarrassed for Qiao Yingze to say that he was infertile in front of others.

It is said that a long illness has become a doctor. Qiao Yingze himself has indeed read some medical books. Although it is only a skin, it is still very easy to disguise the symptoms of a few weak sperm. In addition, he is inherently weak, so it is naturally easier to mislead those doctors. .

"My miserable child, you are like this. You keep everything in your heart and endure it by yourself. You should tell your grandmother early. Does the doctor have any good prescriptions? Our family can afford it for any amount of money!"

When the old lady heard this, her eyes were already red, and she wished that she would have a few short years of life, and also begged God to keep her grandson healthy and suffer less.

"Grandmother, grandson knows that grandmother loves grandson, and there is no better person in this world than grandmother treats grandson, but grandson really doesn't want to drag grandmother, nor the family, grandmother, grandson knows You want to help our husband and wife inherit the family business, but how can you bear the heavy responsibility of the family with such a body as your grandson? Even if the grandson is fortunate enough to live a few more years, how many eyes will be on the grandson in the days to come As for my son, the grandson will be laughed at to death just because of the fact that he has no descendants."

Qiao Yingze held the old lady's hand tightly, every word from the bottom of his heart. Since he has chosen Gong Zhuoliang in this life, he will no longer put his mind on others, nor will he touch women for the sake of his children. So he is doomed to no future.

"Ze'er, what do you mean?"

The old lady wiped her tears with her veil and looked at Qiao Yingze with heavy and complicated eyes. She was born in a wealthy family since she was a child. She naturally knew how much power and responsibility the head of the family had. She thought about how long she would live. Nian helped Ze'er and his wife to support the family, and when their sons and daughters were successful, he would be able to go with peace of mind, but now such a change has happened...

"Grandmother, my grandson is incompetent, and I have really missed your high expectations. If my grandson continues to stay, it will only increase the troubles of everyone, and I really can't afford the crime of unfilial separation, so I want to ask my grandmother for mercy, can you? Taking advantage of the second brother, let the grandson be separated in the name of not being in the family? The grandson knows that this is unfilial to his mother. As compensation, he will adopt the unborn child to the grandson's name. After solving the problems of mother and brother, grandson can feel better."

Qiao Yingze seemed hesitant and embarrassed to say, and the last few words even knelt in front of the old lady again. Although Qiao Yingze's voice was trembling and choked, his lowered eyes were full of determination.

Qiao Yingze knew that it was against filial piety to attribute the fault of the family separation to her mother, but it was undeniable that she was the first to lose her morals. Moreover, there was no kinship between their mother and son, and he voluntarily gave up the Qiao family property. , let her favorite son inherit it, and also solved the problem of the second disciple for her, so I don't owe her anything!

People's hearts are full of flesh. After being treated so indifferently and even coldly by his biological parents for more than ten years, Qiao Yingze no longer has any extravagant expectations for their relationship. From now on, he only wants to guard his wife and family. Live simply and happily.

"Ze'er... When you grow up, grandmother can rest assured."

After listening to Qiao Yingze's thoughts, the old lady looked at him with surprised and thoughtful eyes, and carefully looked at the young man who was kneeling in front of her for a long time. The old lady leaned on the mat a little tired and shook it gently. Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, he sighed and said in a low voice.

"Grandmother doesn't agree with grandson doing this? Grandson knows that this is against filial piety, but grandson really... can't stand it anymore."

The cold voice of the old lady made Qiao Yingze's heart tremble, but she thought that there was no flaw in her pretending to be sick, except that her own selfishness was indeed for the Qiao family's consideration, so Qiao Yingze calmly raised her head to meet the doubtful old lady. Eyes to show their conscience.

"No, you can think about the overall situation so much when you are in trouble. Grandmother is both gratified and a pity, Ze'er, you are not wrong, it is your grandmother who made you embarrassed, knowing that you are a filial and good boy, but still forcing it. You have a quarrel with your mother, and you will be wronged for this decision."

The old lady was relieved that Qiao Yingze no longer forbears filial piety, but unfortunately he was controlled by such a weak body, she naturally did not think that the root cause of the matter was Gong Zhuoliang, a fake daughter-in-law, or rather, she subconsciously did not want to raise herself personally The eldest grandson has complicated suspicions, so the old lady only thought that Qiao Yingze's behavior today was a method of seeking perfection that was heartbroken by Mrs. Qiao.

As for the recipe that Qiao Yingze brought, the old lady already believed most of it. After all, Qiao Yingze could use it to convince herself to leave the family for many reasons, but no man would throw such dirty water on him.

The old lady naturally didn't know that Qiao Yingze was willing to throw dirty water on herself like this for the sake of far-reaching and long-term considerations. In this way, the old lady would not be in a hurry to send him a concubine to spread branches and leaves. Instead, she would feel that she had no children. I'm sorry Gong Zhuoliang, so he will use this as an excuse to not take a concubine and only guard his own wife, so the old lady won't have much resistance, and as long as the old lady doesn't intervene, the husband and the other don't need to. understand.

"Grandmother is all for her grandson, how could the grandson blame you without knowing it, grandmother, since you know the grandson's wishes, then this..."

Following the old lady's hand and sitting back beside her again, Qiao Yingze was relieved by what she said next, knowing that she didn't doubt herself, but only when she was in a dilemma between her and her mother would she want to split up the family. After all, Qiao Yingze didn't explain anything further.

"Let grandma think about it, Ze'er, don't worry, it's the most important thing to take care of your body. This matter has to be discussed in the long run. Grandma will not wrong you. By the way, you didn't tell girl Yan about this. what?"

Patting Qiao Yingze on the shoulder soothingly, the old lady suddenly remembered something and looked at Qiao Yingze with a serious look.

"No, the grandson really can't say it, and I'm afraid that the lady won't be able to hide his thoughts after he finds out, and will be noticed by others."

Just like when Gong Zhuoliang was afraid that he would reveal his secrets when he came back to the door, Qiao Yingze would hide Gong Zhuoliang's plan, because he was worried that he was too confident, and it would be easy for the old lady to see the flaws, so he simply concealed it all together, and so on. Explain it to him after it's done.

In addition, Qiao Yingze is also deliberately teasing Gong Zhuoliang, wanting to see his cute and curious appearance.

"You did the right thing. You can't let girl Yan know about it. In a few years, when you are older and your relationship is deep, if there is still no movement, let girl Yan know."

When the old lady thought of Gong Zhuoliang, she couldn't help but sigh again, and she felt pity for this eldest granddaughter-in-law even more, knowing that if this matter was kept secret, the pressure of not seeing any children for a few years after marriage was the most stressful.

Thinking about it, the old lady was worried about the important matter of the son. The eldest grandson could not count on it, only Xuan'er and Zier were obviously weak... Thinking that her son was in his prime, the old lady couldn't help but think about him. , the maid concubine and the three cheap concubines who were born in J don't need to consider, and there are two good concubines who have good temperaments, so let's temporarily exempt them from the contraceptive soup.

"The grandson knows, the grandson will go back first without disturbing the grandmother's rest."

Hearing that the old lady meant that she had already answered, Qiao Yingze felt relieved, seeing that the old man was already in deep thought, so he stopped disturbing her, got up and bowed before preparing to go back.

"Go back, take a good rest, stop thinking about it, girl Yan doesn't have to come over these days, just stay with you."

After such a long time, the always strong and decisive Mrs. Qiao has sighed several times. She is so confused now that she doesn't leave Qiao Yingze to talk. After sending him back, the old lady burned the prescriptions with her own hands, and then she was alone. I tossed and turned on the couch for a long time, and slowly came up with a plan in my heart...

As soon as Qiao Yingze returned to the house, he received Gong Zhuoliang's rare and attentive service. The dog-leg appearance made him both amused and flattered, but Qiao Yingze enjoyed it, but was not fooled by Gong Zhuoliang's seduction and enticement, and refused to reveal what he used. What is the method, only to say that the grandmother has already responded to the matter, and waiting for her to arrange the specific aspects, Gong Zhuoliang was so angry that he threw down the big Qiao Xianggong for a toss...

With Qiao Yingze's assurance, Gong Zhuoliang slowly didn't take it to heart, and after spending a few days in the yard chasing the draft, he resumed the habit of reporting to the old lady for three meals a day. It's just that Gong Zhuoliang felt that the old lady was getting better and better towards him recently, and the eyes he looked at him became more and more complicated. Gong Zhuoliang knew that it was related to the separation of the family, and then thought that Qiao Yingze had made him act ignorant. It also showed some dazed and curious appearances appropriately, but the old lady who attracted her hurt her even more.

Time passed half a month in a seemingly calm atmosphere. During this period, Gong Zhuoliang sent Ruo Lan to Pingxi once, and gave him some exquisite snacks made by Hanshu. In mid-September, Gong Zhuoliang finally received a message from Pingxi Pai Xuehua, asking the couple to have a drink in the small building one day later.

"Xiang Gong, do you think we should take Shi Kang with us?"

Gong Zhuoliang was extremely bored in the Qiao family's compound. Thinking of Shi Kang's figure when he saw Pingxi that day, Gong Zhuoliang exerted his infinite ability to YY, and fantasized about the possible JQ between them. He also mentioned it to Qiao Yingze.

After learning from Qiao Yingze about the real relationship between Pingxi and Mr. Qiao, Gong Zhuoliang also deliberately inquired about his situation, knowing that he had not received a monthly payment since he entered Qiao's mansion, but almost paid for his basic necessities of life. Gong Zhuoliang was even more curious about the former famous actress, and Shi Kang, the silent man who didn't look like an ordinary guard and servant, understood that he had written 'I have a story' on his face. what.

"Zhu Zhuo... After all, Young Master Ping Xi is his father's nominal wife, how can you bring men over to disturb you? Besides, so many of you have brought Shi Kang over without them. If they really knew each other, wouldn't they have clearly told them about us? Do you have any doubts? It's not good to be misunderstood to be malicious."

He shook his head at Gong Zhuoliang's sudden proposal. Qiao Yingze, who was painting, lowered his head and talked about his own considerations. After he didn't see any response from Gong Zhuoliang, Qiao Yingze secretly thought that it was not a disappointment. However, he found that Gong Zhuoliang was staring at him with a smile. Qiao Yingze couldn't help laughing, thinking that he didn't know what happened to his little lady recently, and he gradually asked his own opinions on matters in the store and various industries. Come on... I have to say, it feels pretty good.

"I'm joking, Xianggong, you're so cute..."

Seeing Qiao Yingze answering his question so earnestly, Gong Zhuoliang finally couldn't help laughing. Seeing Qiao Yingze pursing his lips and looking a little puffy, he simply jumped over to hug him and nibble.

Well, I almost forgot that Qiao Yingze didn't like his kiss with rouge on it, so he wiped it off first and then fluttered, haha...

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