MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 31 Joe's Cup

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Some of them drifted back to his yard in a daze. Qiao Yingxuan lay on the couch and didn't want to move, but he couldn't help but think of his brother and sister-in-law kissing in the pavilion, so that he gradually swelled up. Some kind of heat.

"Young master is tired? Is dinner still served at Madam's?"

A slightly plump-eyed maidservant came over and changed the tea on the table. Seeing Qiao Yingxuan lying on the couch, she pursed her lips and smiled and walked over to him, reaching out to beat his legs for him.

"Jingshu, I have an appointment with a friend to eat out at night. You go and tell my mother, if you come back late, please don't go there."

Qiao Yingxuan rolled over and sat up, jumped down, and ran out without even changing his clothes, thinking that he must be too idle to think wildly.

"Master, run slowly!"

Jing Shu hurriedly got up and chased after two steps. Seeing that Qiao Yingxuan had run away, she couldn't help shaking her head in a funny way. She walked back to the house to clean up the things that Qiao Yingxuan had messed up. She thought that the second young master was already seventeen years old. But still so childish.

Thinking of Qiao Yingxuan's handsome appearance and easy-going temperament, Jing Shu couldn't help smiling shyly with a blushing face. She only felt that if she was fortunate enough to follow the second master all the time, she would have no regrets in this life...

Jingshu went to Mrs. Qiao's place to report to Mrs. Qiao according to Qiao Yingxuan's instructions, but when she left, she was stopped by Rouge, who had a flaw with her.

Because when she chose a maid for Qiao Yingxuan, Zhishu was compared by herself, Jingshu was afraid that she would do bad things in front of the old lady, so she did everything possible to let her, but in the past few years she has always seen herself. It's not a good face, and suddenly being so intimate today, there will be nothing good.

"Sister Jingshu, congratulations."

Yan Shu held Jing Shu's hand and pulled her to the corridor. She turned her eyes from side to side and saw that no one was paying attention to them. Then she said congratulations in a hypocritical manner, but there was an irresistible sarcasm in her eyes, and she thought that this fat girl is really Stupid enough.

Jing Shuben is the eldest of the group of maids who are writing and writing. She is seventeen this year. Now she has been with the second young master for three years, but she is still only a big maid. I think it is also because the second young master does not look down on her being so cunning. When I changed my past, it would definitely not be like this.

"This... I don't know what happened to Sister Yanshu?"

Looking at Rouge with a puzzled look on her face, Jingshu is secretly vigilant in her heart. Because of her appearance, she feels very honest, and she knows that she is not as good as most of the other book generations. She has no other friends except Han Shu in the eldest master's courtyard, so she just pretends to be stupid all the time. Do your duty, otherwise Madam wouldn't have chosen her to serve the second master, just because she was afraid that other maids would ruin the second master.

"Oh, by the way, sister Jingshu doesn't know yet. Madam has already chosen a pro for the second master, but a serious official lady, just wait for the old lady to nod... But don't tell the second master about this. , Madam is waiting to surprise him. When the new daughter-in-law enters the door, Sister Jingshu, the maidservant who has served the second master for many years, Madam will definitely find a good family for you.

Watching Jing Shu leave in a state of despair, Yan Shu had seen enough of the jokes, covered the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and turned into the room.

Jingshu returned to Qiao Yingxuan's yard in a chaotic manner. She sat in the room and couldn't help crying. She had a sincere admiration for Qiao Yingxuan. Serve the second master and the second lady, but the second master has never been close to her over the years...

If the second master likes something else, Jingshu may give up his fate, but the second master has never been close to other maids, so Jingshu has been unable to stop this miss, and now he is already in deep depression and cannot extricate himself. Since her heart has been given to the second master, how can she leave him and match someone else?

She shut herself in the room and stopped crying for a long time. When Jingshu came back to her senses, it was already dark, so she hurriedly lit the lamp, washed her face and touched up makeup. The little maids hurried to call her, saying that the second master had eaten too much and was very drunk, so they helped her into the house together.

After hearing this, Jing Shu hurriedly went to Qiao Yingxuan's house next door, ignoring the surprised expressions of the little maids when they saw her eyes, and served together for Qiao Yingxuan to take off her coat, washed her face and feet, and then poured a bowl of sober soup. After that, he sent them away and stayed behind to take care of the drunk Qiao Yingxuan.

Sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at Qiao Yingxuan, who was sleeping very unsteadily, Jing Shu helped him press down the arm he was waving for a drink, then covered the quilt that was kicked away, and unknowingly looked at Qiao Yingxuan's handsome face Losing his mind, Jing Shu's breathing became rapid.

"Second Master, Jingshu doesn't want to leave you, Jingshu..."

A bold thought couldn't be swirled in his mind, Jing Shu's eyes flickered, his teeth clenched, and tremblingly, he stretched out his hand to his own belt. After a long pause, he finally pulled it open.

"Liang Er, you're here, come! Let's drink... eh? Who! Who's holding me down?"

Qiao Yingxuan was sleeping in a daze. In the dream, there was someone around him all the time, but at one time it was a handsome young man in blue clothes, and at another time it became the face of a charming and lovely sister-in-law. Qiao Yingxuan instinctively knew that he could not be called When he came out with his sister-in-law's name, he only called Gong Zhuoliang's name, but when he was in chaos, he felt that someone was pressing on him, so he forced his sleepy eyes to look at him, but he couldn't see what that person looked like at all. It was even more blurry whether he was dreaming or awake, and he only felt that his body was hot.

"Liang'er... Brother Xuan loves you..."

The sudden thrill overwhelmed Qiao Yingxuan's lack of sanity. He closed his eyes and sighed comfortably, and instinctively rolled over and pressed the man under him...

Early the next morning, Qiao Yingxuan, who had slept so well, stretched lazily. When he turned over, he found a soft hand. Qiao Yingxuan was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground. After that, Qiao Yingxuan's brain exploded with a bang.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "What's going on outside? Xuan'er, you're here... what's the matter?"

Mrs. Qiao was sitting in the room reading the bills when she suddenly heard a movement outside the door. As soon as she opened her mouth, she saw Qiao Yingxuan rushed in with a pale face, and when she saw her, she rushed into her arms with red eyes. Terrified Mrs. Joe.

"Mom, my son is fine."

Qiao Yingxuan stayed in his mother's arms for a while, and felt that he was too embarrassed to do so, so he sat up with embarrassed lips, but thinking about what happened last night, he couldn't help feeling aggrieved and annoyed. .

Although Qiao Yingxuan drank too much last night, he didn't completely lose his mind. He knew that he had a spring dream, and the object was someone he couldn't talk about. This was enough to make him ashamed. When he woke up, he found This was not just a dream, and he was the one who was crawled on the bed by others. Qiao Yingxuan was completely sad and angry, and his first reaction was to run to his mother.

"My son, what kind of grievance did you have, tell your mother quickly."

Mrs. Qiao hugged Qiao Yingxuan and sat beside her in distress. Seeing his gloomy appearance, she was anxious, and asked softly while running her hand along his uncombed hair.

"It's okay... Mother, I have received the Jingshu, so let's deal with it according to the rules of the room."

After calming down, Qiao Yingxuan said in a muffled voice, feeling really suffocated in his heart. What he disliked the most was his father's flirtatiousness, so he had long made up his mind not to close the house before getting married. If he could marry a sweet wife , and he was kind to her wholeheartedly. Later, when he saw the happiness of his brother and sister-in-law, he strengthened his beliefs, but unexpectedly, the matter of Jingshu suddenly happened.

But after all, she is the big maid who has served her for many years, and she has always been caring and warm. Qiao Yingxuan knew how her mother dealt with the maids. After all, she couldn't say anything to complain about Jing Shu, but she made up her mind not to touch her again. When I have the opportunity to find a suitable person to go out in the future, I will be considered to be benevolent and righteous.

Qiao Yingxuan was very worried, and the more he felt bored when he stayed in this house. He simply didn't even go back to his own yard. He tidied himself up and changed into clean clothes at Mrs. Qiao's place, and then ran to the house in his mother's name with the little servant. Cha Zhuangzi stayed for a while to relax.

Mrs. Qiao didn't know the complicated process of this matter, but she thought it was Jingshu's poor service, which made her son unhappy. While comforting her son that he was finally an adult, she didn't like Jingshu's simplicity, but once again she thought that she liked it. His daughter-in-law is the first-daughter of the cousin's family. Before we got married, it was not good for the pretty maid to bring up the son, so I decided not to send him to the son's courtyard. So she summoned the maid and ordered the silver reward and contraceptive decoction, and she didn't do anything else, but she didn't know the rouge book who was ordered to go. Transformed into a big 'burden' for Qiao Ying Zefu.

After Qiao Yingxuan left with a cold face, Jing Shu held back her tears and packed herself up. Under the different eyes of all the maids in the courtyard, she returned to her room as if nothing had happened, and then lay limply on the bed to rest. .

The fear and hope in Jingshu's heart were intertwined and tangled, but it was too late for her to regret it now, so she could only pin her hopes on Qiao Yingxuan's kindness and past love, so when Jingshu saw After Rou Shu came in with the medicine and purse, his heart finally fell down.

"I just congratulated Sister Jingshu yesterday, but I didn't know that things had changed so quickly. My sister is here now... I really don't know if I should say congratulations again. The scholarly family."

Yan Shupi put the tray on Jingshu's bedside with a smile, and looked at her shyly and timidly as she took the purse, she was really jealous and hated, I don't know why she was attracted to the second master, He also asked the second master to come to the old lady in person to talk about accepting her.

Yan Shu didn't see the expression on Qiao Yingxuan's face when she came into Mrs. Qiao's room, so she didn't know that he was actually angry, but she knew that Mrs. Qiao didn't care about Jingshu, and Qiao Yingxuan went out again, so she was worried. There is another set of rhetoric.

"There is a sister Lao Yanshu."

Jing Shu knew that his wife had admitted her status as a full house, and she thought happily that Qiao Yingxuan also had some friendship with her, so she didn't want to bother with Yan Shu, she picked up the soup and planned to drink it so that she could leave.

"Since my sister is called Yanshu, I can't bear to hide my sister's words. Does my sister know who the second young lady in the future is?"

Rouge couldn't see Jingshu's smugness, and said with a cold snort.

"Sister know?"

Jingshu held the medicine bowl in his hand for a while, then raised a smile and looked at Yanshu.

"That's the eldest daughter of our wife's cousin's family. Madam doesn't know how much she likes that young lady, and the second young master also said that he will not be wronged by others. If that's the case, sister Jingshu..."

Rouge said while looking at Jingshu's face, seeing that her face had completely lost her smile, with a look of fear that could not be concealed, Rouge stopped talking, urged Jingshu to drink the medicine, and hooked The corner of his mouth picked up the tray and turned away.

"...Second Master."

After Yan Shu came out of the room, Jing Shu clenched her purse tightly. Now, it is even more impossible for her to leave Qiao Yingxuan. She remembered that Qiao Yingxuan had been angry with the master more than once, saying that she would love her children and so on. Then, Jing Shu bit her lip tightly, ran to the flowerpot and spit out all the medicine she had just swallowed.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Gong Zhuoliang didn't know anything about Xiao Qiao's physical and mental abuse at this time.

"Isn't it just about choosing a girl? The most important thing is to be clean. As for what she looks like, let's get to know it first, then bring it to my grandmother and let her choose, then my mother, then us and Yingxuan, and the rest. See if there are any shortages in various places, fill them up, and let the traffickers take away the ones that don’t exist.”

Qiao Yingze lay down obediently on the pillow for his daughter-in-law, trying his best to make Gong Zhuoliang, who was lying on his body humming, comfortably hugged, and then gave him an idea softly.

"Those children are still so young, they will be given to others as slaves and maids..."

Seeing Douding's dizziness, Gong Zhuoliang said that he was under pressure. They were all seven or eight-year-old children, the youngest were even six years old, and some were brought in by human traffickers led by their parents. The sale of children really touches Gong Zhuoliang's bottom line.

"Things have to be considered from two sides. You think it's pitiful for them to be slaves to others, but maybe their family lives on their monthly money, and our house is not harsh to the servants, and when they grow up, they will be more graceful from the master. It's better to have a good place to return than those who are sold to unscrupulous people, or Qin Lou Chu Pavilion."

Happy for his daughter-in-law's kindness, Qiao Yingze smiled and stroked his shoulder. I didn't explain anything in depth. In fact, he once had the same question, but later he was brought by his grandmother to see those who sold their children and came in and was very proud of them. , he has never pitied these people again, and he knows these things in his own mind, and he doesn't need to put them out to smear Gong Zhuoliang's eyes.

"I also understand this, well, I know what to do, then you can sleep, I will continue to pick people."

Gong Zhuoliang knew what Qiao Yingze said in his heart. He had read about these things many times in the book, but now he encountered them himself, so he felt helpless for a while.

With a sip on Qiao Yingze's mouth, Gong Zhuoliang climbed out of bed, tidied up his hair and clothes, and walked out dignified and graceful.

"Han Shu, what's wrong with you?"

Gong Zhuoliang went out of the room and was about to take Wenshu and Ruolan to pick someone else, but when he saw Hanshu who was passing by with his head down and he was about to retreat, he stopped her curiously, only to find her eyes Red seems to have just cried.

"Madam Hui..."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang asking questions, Han Shu hesitated to tell about Jingshu. She didn't know what happened, but she was called by Jingshu today and cried for a long time. Only then did she know that she became the second young master. , Han Shu thought it was the second young master who bullied her, but she kept saying that she had done something wrong, so Han Shu didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only cry with her.

"Second uncle accepted the room?"

Gong Zhuoliang thought that today is not April 1st, and then pretended to sigh deeply as a young man. Finally, after thinking about how good his husband was, he ran back to the house and hugged Qiao Yingze and snorted, and he was in a good mood. Instead, he continued his job of selecting people, and did not take this incident of Qiao Yingxuan to heart at all.

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