MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 3 Tolerable or unbearable

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I don't know how long I slept again, Gong Zhuoliang was woken up by a low sobbing sound, dazed and frightened, he secretly narrowed his eyes to look at the source of the sound, only to see a man sitting beside the bed in the dim light. Turning to face her slender figure, the suppressed cry was from her, Gong Zhuoliang roared in his heart, Big Sister, are you trying to scare me to death!

"Liang Er, are you awake?"

The sobbing woman noticed Gong Zhuoliang's movement, and hurriedly got up to light the candle, then sat back by the bed, looking at Gong Zhuoliang's pale face, her tears rolled down again.

"Then, that, mother, don't cry..."

Gong Zhuoliang saw the woman's face clearly, and slowly realized that this person was his current mother. He sat up a little overwhelmed, and was hugged tightly in a warm embrace the next moment. .

"My son... my son..."

Concubine Wu hugged her son tightly, and she couldn't help crying again with grief and anger in her heart, thinking that she had endured carefully in the Gong family for more than ten years, no matter how painful her heart was, she had to force a smile and dare not complain at all. My own son can grow up safely, will he marry a daughter-in-law and live a good life in the future, but now he is still forced to death for those ruthless people! If there is something wrong with her good son, she will not live this life!

"Don't, don't cry, mother..."

Gong Zhuoliang was almost out of breath when he was hugged, but he felt the dampness on his shoulders, he couldn't help but stop struggling, slowly put his arm around the woman's waist, and patted her on the back. appease.

His parents divorced since childhood, and Gong Zhuoliang, who lived independently early on, has forgotten the taste of his parents' embrace.

"Mother, why are you here? If Madam knew about it..."

With Concubine Wu hugging her and crying to her heart's content, Gong Zhuoliang imitated the movements in her memory, took the handkerchief in her hand to wipe her tears, and then used the candlelight to take a good look at her mother in her life.

Aunt Wu's appearance is not like the shrewdness of southern women, but a kind of cold beauty with heroic beauty, but when such a cold beauty cry, it is even more distressing.

Gong Zhuoliang vaguely remembered that his mother was from the north, who was abducted and sold to the south since he was a child. Thinking of this, Gong Zhuoliang's mind was a little lively, and he thought to himself that since he has half the blood of the northerners, there is still hope in terms of height. ? Maybe it won't be so girly when it grows up in the future, right?

"Don't worry, she just asked me to come, for fear that you will have good or bad and let them suffer."

Thinking that she and her son were not allowed to even meet each other on weekdays, Aunt Wu couldn't help but her eyes became hot again. She was pitiful that she had not been able to hug him a few times since she gave birth to her son. We stuffed the silver, and now we can meet so openly, but it is because of such a thing.


Gong Zhuoliang looked at the twenty-eight or nine-year-old woman in front of him, and didn't know what to say to comfort her. He was still confused.

"Son, it's useless to be a mother. If you have any grievances, tell your mother, don't think about it anymore. You are the lifeblood of your mother. If you go... Mother will not have to live."

Aunt Wu rubbed Gong Zhuoliang's face and watched with tears in her eyes, hoping to persuade him to look away. As Gong family members, if they dragged down the family at this time, it would definitely be a dead end!

Follow the family step by step and see step by step, their mother and son can still have a way to survive, as for leaving home... Aunt Wu does not have such a sense of rebelliousness at all.

"I understand, mother, don't worry, I won't do stupid things again."

He had to swear again that after Gong Zhuoliang's tearful mother left, he slumped back into the bed and lost his strength.

Well, this mother-in-law's family master has given a cruel medicine, and it is not obvious to tell myself that if something happens to me, my mother will be the first to follow the unlucky.

Gong Zhuoliang imagined running with Aunt Wu, not to mention the feasibility of this, just how they would live after they left, the orphans and widows, they all looked good... Shaking, Gong Zhuoliang was rational He cut off his thoughts of continuing. Compared with the various difficulties he would face after leaving the Gong family, Gong Zhuoliang felt that it would be better to marry into the Qiao family honestly first. At that time, he would have dowry money in his hand, and he would not be able to survive. Considering the issue of escape, the feasibility will be much higher.

As for Concubine Wu... Gong Zhuoliang is not a virgin, and his own sons are all dead, so he can't take the lives of these people on his own, so he can only try his best to find a way to help.

Temporarily accepting the fate of marrying on his behalf, Gong Zhuoliang found the scroll of portraits from the quilt and looked at it again and again, thinking that the happiness of the second half of his life is just... Temporarily pinched your boy!

The day before XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX got married, Gong Zhuoliang was taken out of the bed by the maid early in the morning. He tried on the red dress, and repeated all kinds of etiquette rules over and over again. A table of delicacies, but the stomach is full of hunger and dizziness.

Gong Zhuoliang really wanted to pour the soup in his hand into his stomach... or pour it on the face of the woman on the table to vent his anger!

"Why are you still standing there? How many times have I told you that you have to be careful when you set the rules in front of your mother-in-law. They all come from a wealthy official family, and you are so stupid that you will be annoying when you look at them. !"

The feather duster in her hand twitched on the chair, and the beautiful middle-aged woman sitting on the mistress's seat had a fierce face, looking at Gong Zhuoliang's eyes, she wished she could take a slap to relieve her anger.

Her own daughter did such a scandal. Although Gong Zhuoliang was used to cover up most of the servants in the house and the people outside, but these close maids in the house knew about it, which made Mrs. Gong lost. What a face, the husband's accusations and the fear of Qiao's family were all turned into anger by this woman and vented on Gong Zhuoliang, otherwise the child who was so cowardly wouldn't have been scared to commit suicide, if it weren't for the bride who couldn't Injured, Gong Zhuoliang may have eaten her a few dozen dozen times, and now, although she is jealous of rats, she can't suppress her arrogant temper, so poor Xiaogong is so cruelly abused by her ears and stomach...


Seeing Ruo Lan with worried eyes behind Madam Gong, Gong Zhuoliang ruthlessly suppressed his increasingly violent tendencies, lowered his eyes to hide the anger that was about to burst out, and pretended to be cowardly to continue serving Madam Gong.

"Marry over there, and you will be a man with your tail tucked in, don't really think of yourself as a lady, but a **** of a J girl, pay attention to your skin, little bitch!"

The more Mrs. Gong said, the angrier she became. When she thought that the generous dowry she had prepared for her daughter was going to be cheap, Gong Zhuoliang hated her heart and lungs. The only thing missing is her face, so how could Mrs. Gong not get mad and tore off the feigned noble face in the past, she was just a shrew from a businessman's family.

Civilization and courtesy are the most basic things in Gong Zhuoliang's life circle. When have you ever been scolded by someone pointing your nose like this? If he doesn't find his place, he's still a man!

A bright look flashed in his black eyes, Gong Zhuoliang no longer suppressed his anger, and made a gesture of starvation to stand firm on the table, and fell weakly on Mrs. Gong, and then the little hand in the sleeve was on the new Grabbing and tugging on the red tablecloth spread, most of the delicacies rushed onto Mrs. Gong along with Gong Zhuoliang.

Along with Mrs. Gong's screams and everyone's jumping, Gong Zhuoliang, who was also sprinkled with soup, fell on the ground and pretended to be dazed. Hearing that Ruolan pulled Mrs. Gong to persuade her not to make trouble, Gong Zhuoliang Facing the floor, the corners of his mouth curled up proudly, thinking that the young master is now the prospective daughter-in-law of the Qiao family. I don't believe that you, a female yaksha, dare to touch me. Otherwise, young master, I will faint again tomorrow when I pray to heaven and earth, and see if you can afford it. this person!

"Madam, I can't fight, if something goes wrong at the wedding tomorrow..."

Ruo Lan suppressed her surprise, whispered in the ear of the furious Mrs. Gong, and faintly used the Qiao family to pressure her, telling her that if she couldn't bear it, she would make a big plan. It's okay to send it to the Qiao family.

Madam Gong shivered angrily with the feather duster, pushed away Ruo Zi who was busy cleaning her clothes, and wanted to kick Gong Zhuoliang, but in the end it was the two girls who held her back, even Ruo Zi who hated Gong Zhuoliang. Everyone knows that this person can't be hurt now!

After Mrs. Gong was stopped by two people, she slowly returned to her senses, knowing that she couldn't get out of it. If this kid really made a mistake at the wedding, his life would be nothing, and the Gong family would be in big trouble. !

"You've cleaned up for him. If something went wrong, you've also taken care of the skin of both of you!"

She threw away the feather duster, and Madam Gong angrily went back to her room to take a shower. Facing Gong Zhuoliang, who was 'passed out' on the ground, Ruo Zi also looked disgusted with her small mouth, but Ruo Lan did not avoid getting dirty. Dirty picked up Gong Zhuoliang and helped him back to the eldest lady's boudoir.

Ruo Lan asked the reluctant Ruo Zi to rest first, and then asked the servants to prepare hot water for eating and bathing before walking to Gong Zhuoliang, who was lying on the table and continued to pretend to be dizzy, and poked him funny. back of head.

"Quickly wash and change your clothes, this one is greasy."

If it wasn't for the slyness that flashed across Gong Zhuoliang's face from her angle, Ruo Lan would not believe that this little man would dare to do such a revenge act today. Vegetable soup, with the embarrassed appearance of this roast chicken in her arms, Ruo Lan couldn't help but snickered while covering her mouth with a handkerchief.

Madam is most afraid of losing face in front of others, and she may have been annoyed for many days today.

"Ruo Lan, I'm hungry..."

He hummed and raised his head, Gong Zhuoliang looked at Ruo Lan with shining eyes, and then he couldn't help laughing a little. The corners of his mouth appeared on his present face. No matter how he looked at it, it was painful.

"It should be delivered soon, you are dizzy, I'm afraid no one will dare to starve you again."

Helping Gong Zhuoliang to take off his dirty coat, and then washing his face and hands with a towel, Ruo Lan was really relieved this time, thinking about the child who was always timid and didn't dare to lift his head, Now that they have all taken revenge on the mistress, is it possible that they were enlightened after this catastrophe? Now this clever look is much better than before.


Finally got a meal of two dishes and one soup, and the full and full Gong Zhuoliang soaked in the bathtub. Ruo Lan had already asked him to stay out of the bathroom in the name of shyness, so he completely let himself be carefree. Spread out in the tub.

However, Gong Zhuoliang was relieved for a while, and his good mood was disturbed by the urging voice of the old woman outside. He didn't want to embarrass Ruo Lan for this, so he hurriedly washed the long hair that made him irritable.

Gong Zhuoliang was washing his hair and thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow. He couldn't help but feel a tangle in his heart. This is his first marriage, and it was arranged for him. The one who married?

Read The Duke's Passion