MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 28 Chastity crisis?

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Zhiqi greeted the maids he met on the road calmly, and led Qiao Yingze to a secluded room where no laughter could be heard. latched...

After Qiao Yingze entered the room, he found the bed and lay down, not paying attention to Zhiqi's small movements behind him.

Qiao Yingze was lazily unwilling to move after drinking too much, but he didn't talk much and didn't make trouble, but he didn't like to sleep either, so he was willing to think about things alone, so he said that he would trouble Gong Zhuoliang at night.

Lying on the bed for a while, Qiao Yingze felt a few candles being lit, but he didn't hear the sound of Zhiqi leaving the door. What's going on, but I saw a snow-white body wearing only red pockets coming over...

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Gong Zhuoliang smiled and hugged Mrs. Qiao's arm, but his eyes were still glued to Qiao Yingze's back. Seeing him go out of the door and turned to the left, Gong Zhuoliang turned to Ruo Lan who was standing behind his chair. He Wenshu winked, and Wenshu, who was familiar with the old lady's yard, quietly followed.

"Where did my sister-in-law know so many interesting things? It compares me to someone who spends all day in teahouses and restaurants."

Qiao Yingxuan couldn't help but take a few more glances at his beautiful little sister-in-law, only to think that his brother was really lucky to have such a talented daughter-in-law.

Thinking about the pink and delicate Zhuo Liang's younger brother, Qiao Yingxuan didn't know whether he was happy or a pity for a while. He was happy to know such a lovely young man, but also regretted why he was not his sister-in-law's sister, so that he could be asked to be his daughter-in-law. , but thinking again that his mother would never agree, so the hot-blooded teenager who has never been aware of the taste is troubled...

"Some of them were told nonsense by the maid-servant of my mother's family, and some were written down from miscellaneous books, which made my uncle laugh."

Gong Zhuoliang pretended to be shy to deal with Qiao Yingxuan in the past, and then turned to tell another joke, which attracted everyone's attention, and no one went into the depths of how he knew so many things at such a young age.

Wen Shu went out of the old lady's courtyard, so she was familiar with every building here, and she also knew Zhi Qi's thoughts towards the eldest young master, so after following them out, she paid more attention and watched from afar. Zhiqi led Qiao Yingze to a remote wing, Wen Shu felt something was wrong, went to the door and pushed gently, and found that the latch had fallen, and his expression changed immediately.

This place is not without servants passing by. Wen Shu knows that she must not make a fuss to attract others' attention, otherwise, once the trouble starts, she will completely lose the face of the old lady and the eldest young master.

Whether it's grandma's maid seduces the young master or the young master hits grandma's maid's idea, this is a big scandal. Wen Shu believes that the young master is not such a person, but if Zhiqi bites hard, he will be forced...

Wen Shu stabilized her mind and tried her best to walk back with a calm expression on her face, but the quicker pace betrayed her inner anxiety. Once back in the big room, Wen Shu tried her best to squeeze out a relaxed smile, and got close to her. The old lady and Gong Zhuoliang were blessed in front of them.

"Old lady, young lady, the eldest young master seems to be a little drunk and uncomfortable. Although he endured and didn't tell us, but the slave heard him whispering the young lady's name, why don't you ask the young lady to take a look first?"

Wen Shu smiled with a playful look, and gave Gong Zhuoliang a secret wink.

"Good grandmother, my daughter-in-law can't rest assured. I can't tell this joke. You can let my daughter-in-law go to see her husband."

Gong Zhuoliang understood it, turned around and acted like a spoiled child in Madam Qiao's arms, but his lowered eyes showed surprise, and he didn't know what Wen Shu was worried about.

"Look at this shameless girl, hurry up and go, but my old wife is hindering your love, haha..."

Madam Qiao tapped Gong Zhuoliang's nose and pushed him out with a big laugh, and finally told him to come back soon.

"Thank you grandma."

Gong Zhuoliang responded by pretending to be embarrassed, and then accused Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao of his guilt. Then he took Wenshu and Ruolan out of the big house and left everyone's attention. Gong Zhuoliang smiled on his face. Unabated, softly asked Wenshu what happened.

"Back to the young lady, the slave saw that Zhiqi led the eldest young master to a distant wing...the door was locked."

Wen Shu took a step behind Gong Zhuoliang and raised her hand to lead the direction, looked at the maidservants scattered around, and told Gong Zhuoliang the matter in a very low voice.


As soon as Gong Zhuoliang heard this, his aura burst into full force, his eyes stared coldly ahead, but the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

Very good, dare to attack Gong Zhuoliang's wife's idea, it is really impatient to live!

"Young madam... people!"

Wen Shu led Gong Zhuoliang to the door of the room, and was about to ask Gong Zhuoliang how to open the door, but saw that Gong Zhuoliang had already opened the window next to him and let Ruo Lan carry it, and then jumped with his hands on the window lattice and his legs raised. went in.

Wen Shu stared dumbfounded at the window that Ruo Lan had put down calmly. After the other party responded with a gentle smile, Wen Shu also calmed down, and then stood silently with her head bowed to the side to digest what she had just said. Everything they saw, as for everything that has happened and will happen in the house, is not something they can see and think about.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Qiao Yingze was taken aback by the thing that came over suddenly, he subconsciously bent his knees and kicked his feet. He heard a suppressed scream, and Qiao Yingze, who had sobered up for the most part, saw the situation in front of him clearly, and only saw Zhiqi. He was sitting on the ground clutching his stomach.

"Zhiqi! What are you doing!"

Startled by the white dangling body, Qiao Yingze hurriedly turned his head and looked away, feeling disgusted and disgusted in his heart, and when his alcoholism was aroused by anger, Qiao Yingze suddenly had a headache and dizziness, and only stabilized his body with one hand on the bed.

"Eldest young master... Eldest young master, Zhiqi is sincere to you."

Although Qiao Yingze was weaker, he was a big man after all. The kick in his anger was not light. Zhi Qi clutched his stomach and barely stood up, clenching his teeth and leaning towards Qiao Yingze again.

Zhiqi also knew that what she did today was very risky, but she really couldn't wait. I heard that my wife recently asked about a lascivious and gambling slave. Zhiqi was afraid that she wanted to match her, so she would rather marry such a man. To die, plus it was originally planned, so Zhiqi took this opportunity to make a move as soon as he gritted his teeth. If this happened today, it would be her luck. If it didn't happen, then she would threaten Qiao Yingze to keep herself on the charge of seducing her grandmother's maid. Zhiqi knew that Qiao Yingze was very aloof and cherished his reputation. I won't allow myself to make such a scandal.

"Don't come here! You... shameless!"

When Qiao Yingze saw Zhiqi leaning over, he quickly got up and ducked, but he couldn't say unpleasant words because he only read the book of sages and sages, so he could only avoid her in disrespect.

"Young master, if today's incidents break out, it will not be a pity for the slaves to die. How will you face the old lady? Please take pity on the slaves, the slaves will definitely serve you well..."

Zhi Qi had already given up completely. He stood up from the bed and rushed towards Qiao Yingze. Seeing that he accidentally fell on the bed when he was hiding over the bed, Zhi Qi shivered while untying the belt of his bellyband and pressed against him, but Unexpectedly, she was kicked down again by Qiao Yingze, but this time she didn't have much strength. Zhiqi just fell to the ground without standing up. She was about to get up and continue to pounce on Qiao Yingze, but she was subconscious because of the movement from the window. She turned her head to look, but froze in horror at the next moment, because she saw the young lady jumped in from there!

Zhiqi was completely stupid, the most important etiquette in the old lady's courtyard, where have you seen girls jumping out of windows? Who would have thought of locking the windows?

"Master, are you alright?"

As soon as Gong Zhuoliang jumped into the room, he saw Zhiqi sitting on the ground, mostly naked, while his husband was standing beside the bed angrily. Although his clothes were a little messy, he was completely intact. Gong Zhuoliang's heart was half at ease. The skirt trotted to Qiao Yingze, and asked worriedly with both hands on his shoulders.

"I'm fine, Zhuo Zhuo..."

As soon as Qiao Yingze saw Gong Zhuoliang, his flustered heart suddenly calmed down as if he was relying on him. He didn't even look at Zhiqi's side, for fear that Gong Zhuoliang would stare at him with misunderstanding. .

"That's good."

Gong Zhuoliang gave Qiao Yingze a hug in distress, and then turned to look at Zhi Qi, who was froze on the side. Gong Zhuoliang's face suddenly turned cold, and he pulled the quilt off the bed and threw it on her face.

"Young, young lady..."

Zhiqi blushed and covered her body with the quilt. At this time, her heart was already in a mess. The appearance of the young lady was beyond her expectations, and the other party's reaction to the matter also made her confused. , Which woman sees her husband hanging out with a maid, the first reaction will be to ask if her husband is okay?

"Shut up! Put your clothes on right now!"

He scolded Zhiqi coldly, Gong Zhuoliang helped the pale Qiao Yingze to lie down on the bed, then sat sideways behind him, wrapped one arm around his chest and held his hand, glaring at Zhiqi with murderous intent. .


Zhiqi used the quilt to cover her panic and put on her clothes. Looking at Gong Zhuoliang's expressionless expression, she couldn't say a word of what she used to threaten Qiao Yingze.

Zhiqi is familiar with Qiao Yingze's kindness and weaknesses, so she thinks she can handle him, but facing the young lady who seems to be young and bullying in front of her, she is afraid from the bottom of her heart at this moment. After all, the old lady and Madam's cruelty and methods towards concubines and maids have been seen a lot, and it is hard to guarantee that the young lady's nature will not be more cruel than them.

"Put away your nasty words, I don't care why you did such a scandalous thing, from the moment you walked out of this door, if I heard any words in the house that were detrimental to the reputation of the eldest young master, a piece of A straw mat is your home for the rest of your life, go out!"

Gong Zhuoliang didn't give Zhi Qi a chance to open his mouth, he threatened her with a calm voice, and with a low voice pointing towards the door, he scared Zhi Qi away, who was completely stunned by him.

What happened to Qiao Yingze would damage Qiao Yingze's reputation. If Zhiqi was to blame, then as the old lady's most reliant and favored maid, even in the past, it would be the old lady's face that would be lost. Of course, Gong Zhuoliang would not take care of the aftermath of the madam's maid, but the old lady is for their husband and wife. Gong Zhuoliang can only bear this breath now to preserve the majesty of the old lady.

Of course, Gong Zhuoliang wouldn't let the person who surprised his little husband so easily, but he couldn't use this matter as an example, and he had to find another reason.

Zhi Qi hurriedly sorted her clothes and ran out. As soon as she opened the door, she was startled by Wen Shu and Ruo Lan who were guarding the door. Before she could step over the threshold, the two girls gave her a cold face. Pushed in, one stretched clothes and one hair trimmer fiddled with them before being led by Wen Shu towards the big house.

At this time, Zhiqi has calmed down, knowing that she has no possibility of threatening the young master and his wife when she leaves the house. According to the old young master's usual indifference and desire, who would believe her empty words that she was molested?

Zhi Qi's heart was swaying, thinking that she would be released in two days, the young lady should have no time to do anything, right? Now it's serious to pack up your personal belongings and hide them first!

"Ruo Lan, go and apologize to the old lady, and say that the eldest young master is very drunk. We will go back first, and come back tomorrow to ask her for an apology."

Gong Zhuoliang instructed Ruo Lan, turned around and lay on Qiao Yingze's body to look at him, thinking that his little husband is so pitiful that he has run into a female hooligan, he must be frightened...

I really don't know if it's out of trust or what, anyway, in Gong Zhuoliang's heart, there is no thought that Qiao Yingze is the maid of a rogue family.

"No, no need, go and play with them..."

Qiao Yingze could not wait to bury his face in the pillow. He had made such a big ugliness in front of his little daughter-in-law, and he had to rely on the little daughter-in-law to save the siege. Qiao Yingze was ashamed and annoyed and began to feel dizzy.

"You're not feeling well, how can I coax them to go? That's it, Ruolan go!"

Gong Zhuoliang is still simmering himself on fire, how can he have the leisure to tell jokes and amuse the gang, he is eager to drag Qiao Yingze back to his yard and lock it up, so he will have a good "deep discussion" about what just happened!

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