MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 26 false voice

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"Yes, Liang'er is about to become an adult."

Aunt Wu touched Gong Zhuoliang's face, her tone was emotional and relieved, and the expression on her face was no longer worried, but showed a deep sense of pity.

"I can't hide this... Mother, do you have a solution?"

Gong Zhuoliang shivered at the thought of what he might have seen during his voice-changing period, but seeing that Aunt Wu didn't seem to be worried, he shook Aunt Wu's hand instead.

"I'm afraid Liang'er didn't know that when Wei Niang was an oiran, the skill that became famous was ventriloquism."

Aunt Wu smiled bitterly. Obviously, the past was not a memory worth remembering for her, but when she talked about ventriloquism, her eyes lightened slightly, and then she covered her mouth with a handkerchief for a while. The cheerful bird chirping poured out, turned into drum music in a blink of an eye, and then the male version of the opera singing.


Gong Zhuoliang sighed softly, and almost raised his hand to applaud, but fortunately realized that the scene was not right, and immediately stopped, looking at Concubine Wu's eyes immediately turned into admiration.

If this level is put into modern times, it is a national treasure-level performing artist, which is a pity.

"Pfft... After I was kidnapped and sold for my mother, I didn't know much about the family's past. I only remembered that my father was good at ventriloquism, so I learned this extra later, but I didn't expect to become famous for it."

Amazed by her son's amazed appearance, Aunt Wu couldn't help but touch his face again, remembering that she lived in a house but couldn't even take a second glance. As she spoke, Aunt Wu couldn't help but feel another sadness in her heart.

"Do you want to teach me this?"

After lamenting that the harem Zhuoliang is tangled, it is good to be able to learn stunts, but if you want to learn well, you can't do hard work. Gong Zhuoliang has only been interested in books in his two lives, and he is still a miscellaneous book of 'not doing a good job', so even now there is a unique skill. Putting it in front of him, he still has no motivation to learn.

"The boy's family, learn what to do with this acrobatics that can't be on the stage, you can only practice a fake female voice."

Taking Gong Zhuoliang's expression as disliking these acrobatic acrobatics, Aunt Wu can only be happy about it. In this age where only high school education is needed, if Gong Zhuoliang is good at ventriloquism, Aunt Wu will think he is playing with things and lose his mind. It's time for a break.

"Is that difficult to practice?"

Gong Zhuoliang's eyes lit up this time, the pseudo-female voice is so cool.

Can you practice to be like the famous singer who sang the drunken concubine? As a rotten writer, Gong Zhuoliang was adored by fans for a while.

"You have to find the tone of the falsetto first, and then practice it according to this tone. It will be harder at first, but the falsetto is only used for ordinary speech, and it is relatively easy. I am worried that you will get used to the falsetto and forget it later. his original voice."

Aunt Wu couldn't help holding Gong Zhuoliang in her arms. She really wished she would never let go of her. It was useless to be a mother. Is it easy to get along with a big family like the family? She shuddered at the thought of her son's situation.

"Mother, don't worry, I will take care of myself."

Gong Zhuoliang didn't have this concern, he could use the original voice in front of his little Xianggong, but he felt that Aunt Wu was full of love and concern for him, and Gong Zhuoliang felt warm in his heart and felt more cordial to this woman who was originally very strange. sense.

"Well, there is only one Ruolan that you can use over there, it's really inconvenient, Ye'er has learned nine points of my skills, and now I'll give her to you, she will take care of her voice and the things that girls parents should pay attention to. It's clear, I can definitely help you."

Aunt Wu waved to the girl who was standing with her head bowed, and the heroic-looking girl walked over and knelt in front of Gong Zhuoliang.

She is an orphan raised by Aunt Wu since she was a child. She is kind-hearted and determined, and repays her kindness. Aunt Wu also really likes her, so she dares to send her to her son.

"Thank you mother, it's just that it's not convenient for me to bring Ye'er here. After the new year, I will solve Ruozi's matter, and then look for an opportunity to take Ye'er there."

Gong Zhuoliang now always has a purse in his sleeves, so at this time, he took a heavier one and handed it to Ye Er, which was regarded as accepting her as a maid.

"Ye'er grew up by my side, and developed a stubborn temper in order to protect me, but she is indeed a person who will truly love others. Let her stay by your side for two years, and you should be careful to find a good family for her. ."

Aunt Wu originally took Ye Er as a child bride, thinking that she will be assigned to Gong Zhuoliang in the future. She can know that she loves her husband when she is three years older. It is absolutely impossible to say this now. She doesn't want to wrong Ye Er, and entrusts it to Gong Zhuoliang. It is better for Zhuo Liang to find someone else than to have no access to the Gong family.

"My son knows."

Gong Zhuoliang looked at Ye'er, who was red-eyed by Aunt Wu's words, nodded in agreement, and chatted with Aunt Wu for a few more words, then brought Ruo Lan and Ruo Zi back to Wenquan Zhuangzi.

Qiao Yingze had made it clear that Zhuang Nei was not allowed to discuss the matter of the uncle. Over time, everyone would forget about this character, and no one would mention it in front of Ruo Zi, but Gong Zhuoliang kept Ruo Zi in the inner court just in case. Inside, let Ruo Lan watch over her, and after staying there for a few days, Gong Zhuoliang's husband returned to the Qiao Mansion to start the busy preparations for the year before.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Gong Zhuoliang is used to the modern year that is no different from usual. For a while, he really can't adapt to the liveliness and attention of the ancient times. From the Qiao's house alone, I accept the years and others from the Zhuangzi shop below. I ordered things for filial piety at home for several days, and I had to prepare to receive gifts from relatives, friends and colleagues, and to give filial piety to relatives, superiors and dignitaries in Beijing. Gong Zhuoliang was too busy.

And Qiao Yingze, as the eldest son and grandson, naturally can't afford to relax, just dealing with his relatives with Master Qiao is enough to test his small physique, not counting the dinner and wine battle that Qiao Yingxuan blocked for him, so he should deal with distant relatives and colleagues and friends He is exempted if he can, and honestly stays at home to raise his body and wait for the great event of ancestor worship. Qiao Yingxuan will go with Master Qiao for him to entertain outside.

Just two days before the new year, when the Qiao family was surrounded by Mrs. Qiao to welcome the new year, a thin and dark old farmer led the white boy to cry in front of the door, holding a small bag. The broken silver mixed with copper coins begged them to redeem their daughter, and the doorman reported to the steward's daughter-in-law. The steward's daughter-in-law, seeing that it was the young lady's maid she was looking for, hurriedly reported to Mrs. Qiao.

Mrs. Qiao was just bumped by a concubine who climbed up by a maid, and she was hooked on to think of an old feud with a certain big maid. When her heart was on fire, she turned her mind when she heard this, and made the servant live happily. After settling the father and son, he went to Mrs. Qiao to report, and then sent someone to call Gong Zhuoliang to go with him.

"What's the matter? Yan girl, tell your grandmother well."

Someone crying in front of the door during the New Year's Eve made Mrs. Qiao feel a little tired, and when she heard that it was Gong Zhuoliang's dowry girl, she endured the idea of ​​letting go and asked Gong Zhuoliang to explain it to her.

"Yes, back to grandmother, that girl Ruo Zi used to be in front of my mother, and I don't know her life very well. I only vaguely know that her father sold her to treat his son's illness, but I don't know why she came to look for her now. Ruo Zi is always...not very happy when she mentions it."

Gong Zhuoliang really didn't expect Mrs. Qiao to stab this matter first, and she didn't know what she was thinking, so she could only cautiously return to the old lady's words, let Ruo Lan call Ruo Zi, and then stand aside. Pretending to be at a loss, she was only secretly awake in her heart.


When Mrs. Qiao heard the words, she just hummed softly, and then turned her eyes to Mrs. Qiao's face, with a faint expression that made it impossible to see happiness or anger, "I think that old father is a poor man, it took a long time to save enough. With a bag of broken silver, I just want to redeem my daughter to have a reunion year together."

Mrs. Qiao's goal this time was not Gong Zhuoliang, and she didn't have the leisure to use such small means to suppress him. It would only appear that she was not being arrogant, so she quickly brought out the serious things she wanted to say.

"My daughter-in-law thinks that the girls in the house are getting older, and she is inevitably a little dishonest. It is better to use this pretext to give them some grace during the New Year, or let the family redeem it, or find a suitable match, and buy some more after the year. Come in at a young age."


When Gong Zhuoliang heard this, he knew why Mrs. Qiao was so bloody. She just wanted to take the opportunity to clear up her differences in the mansion. The old lady has gradually lost the energy to manage trivial matters in the mansion over the years. It is not Madam Qiao who is in charge, and the old lady cannot refute her face too much.

After he figured out that this matter didn't have much to do with him, Gong Zhuoliang continued to be his background calmly. Now that Mrs. Qiao came forward as a white face for him, Ruo Zi couldn't complain about himself, and then he would take the trouble to the core. Throwing it into Mrs. Gong's hand, Mrs. Gong will not doubt herself.


Mrs. Qiao knew the nature of her daughter-in-law, and knew that she would not do this for no reason, but she was telling the truth. The act of her son taking a maid and concubine after the marriage of the eldest grandson made the old lady very bad. Heart, so I was moved for a while, and turned the rosary in my hand to think about it.

Seeing this, Mrs. Qiao was not in a hurry to urge her to make a decision. She sipped her tea dignifiedly, and only glanced at Zhiqi, who was waiting beside the old lady, out of the corner of her eyes.

After a while, Ruo Zi, who was uneasy and inexplicable, was brought up. Seeing that the old lady and the lady were there, her knees softened, and she stood in the middle of the hall uneasy. Mrs. Qiao asked the old lady and looked at her. After nodding, he cleared his throat to tell Ruo Zi's father's redemption.

"Madam, slaves don't leave! Old lady, slaves, slaves..."

As soon as Ruo Zi heard this, she fell to her knees in panic, and began to plead in desperation. When she saw that the two ladies turned cold, she realized her rudeness and looked at Gong Zhuoliang for help. Only when Gong Zhuoliang squinted her eyes did she forcefully lower her head and straighten her body.

The home in Ruo Zi's memory is a small dilapidated hut. She has worked hard to make money since she was a child, but her younger brother was raised by her father with delicious food. Later, she sold herself for her younger brother. Ruo Zi has relied on Mrs. Gong all these years. She was more spoiled than usual, and she was determined not to go back to such a home.

"What a conscience, girl Yan, let his family take it away today. Our Qiao family doesn't keep such unfilial things."

Mrs. Qiao, who is so greedy for wealth and dislikes her parents and mother, has seen a lot, and she doesn't like Ruozi at all, so she directly decided Ruozi's fate, and even agreed with Mrs. Qiao's advice. down.

Mrs. Qiao also has her own plans. She uses Mrs. Qiao's hand to drive away some dishonest girls in the house. She is also responsible for offending people. Both paved the way...

Ruo Zi wanted to cry again, but Ruo Lan quickly stopped him, and Gong Zhuoliang, who was pretending to be a passerby, finally took the initiative to take a step forward to show that he still existed.

"Ruo Zi, this grandmother is kind to let you reunite with your family. I won't take any money for your redemption. After you leave, if you still remember my mother's kindness, don't forget to go back to the palace and give it to her. Just kowtow."

Gong Zhuoliang walked over to Ruo Zi and helped her up. Seeing that she heard his words, there was a look of surprise in her eyes. Knowing that she understood what she was referring to, she asked Ruo Lan to send her out, and Shi Kang was waiting in the house. .

Speaking of Shi Kang, Qiao Yingze had already told the old lady to take him for her own use after he came back, and the old lady was still happy that he finally took care of his family affairs.

"You child is too kind."

After Ruo Zi retreated, the old lady beckoned Gong Zhuoliang to sit in front of her, then held her hand and patted her. Although her tone seemed displeased, her expression and attitude were different.

"Since the old lady has agreed, the daughter-in-law will start to prepare, and after the New Year, she will be released."

Mrs. Qiao looked impatiently at the intimacy between the old and the young, so she turned her eyes on Zhiqi. Seeing her bowing her brows and pretending to be respectful, Mrs. Qiao sneered at her, turned and walked away proudly.

Relying on the favor of the old lady, that girl always wanted to have the dream of Aunt Qiao Yingze. She didn't even care about her mistress. Now the old lady doesn't protect her. If she doesn't take the opportunity to pull this thorn out, Everyone still thinks her mistress is easy to bully, and those restless scumbags, huh!


Zhi Qi's heart was chilled by Madam Qiao's stare, knowing that she would not end well this time, and there was no hope for the old lady!

Zhiqi clenched her handkerchief secretly, she absolutely did not want to go out, and now, she had to fight with all her face, as long as she was the eldest young master's roommate, the madam and the young madam could not hold her in front of the old madam. How about the big girl, the old lady will not slap her old face, then she will endure it for a few years, and then she will do other things after she becomes a concubine!

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