MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 14 back door

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"Should be, there's no shortage, right? Let's go to bed early, you'll be tired tomorrow."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang turning back, Qiao Yingze quickly turned his face to avoid his sight, then got out of bed and turned off the candles. After returning, he lay down on the outside and curled up with his back to Gong Zhuoliang.


Gong Zhuoliang responded lightly and lay down slowly behind him, his arms three finger widths away from his back, pretending not to notice his tenseness or abnormality.

Although Gong Zhuoliang is not a serious actor, but because of his status as an idol writer, he is considered a person in half the circle. He is handsome and dares to play. He has a lot of experience in that area. He has also been chased by men. , but no one could interest him. And now, although he has agreed to be a 'daughter-in-law' for Qiao Yingze temporarily, and has also done a lot of psychological construction to be the first person, Gong Zhuoliang is after all the first time to have a serious relationship with the same sex, and everything is still in the trial operation stage. He took the initiative to help Qiao Yingze hit the handkerchief, but he really couldn't reach out.


Hearing Qiao Yingze's breathing a little heavier than usual, Gong Zhuoliang waited for a while and didn't see any movement from him, so he turned his head to look at his still tense body, thinking he was embarrassed to do it himself?

"I forgot, is it okay to hug me like this?"

Qiao Yingze's breath was suffocated, thinking that his posture was inconvenient for Gong Zhuoliang to carry him, so he turned over and hugged him softly, but his lower body was lying on his side, because he had not softened. I don't want Gong Zhuoliang to find out the abnormality.

Due to physical reasons, Qiao Yingze has been instructed by the doctor since he was a child not to have **** early, so he has never been released in the room. In addition, he has been suffering from serious and minor illnesses. Naturally, there are few reactions in this regard. Yes, so he has never even solved it with his own hands. He is a real chick.

It was the first time for Qiao Yingze to experience such a strong sense of need just now, but Gong Zhuoliang was beside him.

"Okay, good night."

Gong Zhuoliang understood after thinking about it for a while. Qiao Yingze thought he didn't find out that he was "inexperienced", so Gong Zhuoliang perfunctory and perfunctory, but when he thought that Qiao Yingze was suffering, the corners of Gong Zhuoliang's mouth couldn't bear it. Live evoked a shallow arc...

"Good night."

Qiao Yingze calmed down his breathing as much as possible, until the urge and heat that he had never had before dissipated, he turned over and took a few breaths, but felt that Gong Zhuoliang, who was already asleep in his arms, grunted in dissatisfaction. With a sound, he clung to him tightly, Qiao Yingze couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and he quickly fell asleep in a daze.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the next morning, another good night's sleep Qiao Yingze showed a slight smile on his face. He felt Gong Zhuoliang's arm was pressing on his chest, thinking he was still asleep, so he raised his hand and stroked it as if to wake him, but Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his eyes, he met Gong Zhuoliang's energetic smiling face, which surprised Qiao Yingze.

"Why did you wake up so early today and miss your parents' home?"

Looking at Gong Zhuoliang's fleshy earlobe, Qiao Yingze couldn't help pinching it, then slowly sat up.

Qiao Yingze remembered that Gong Zhuoliang was very disgusted with the Gong family, and there was no family affection in his words. Why did he seem very happy when he returned home today?

"I'll miss them? I'm... come back and explain to you, lest you reveal your secrets, just do as I say."

Gong Zhuoliang snorted disdainfully, and then smiled and supported Qiao Yingze's shoulder, and patted him as a sign of seriousness.

"Yes, ma'am."

Qiao Yingze responded with a serious expression, and after making fun of Gong Zhuoliang, he also smiled.

"If Xianggong performs well today, there will be a reward in the evening. Xianggong can look forward to it."

Gong Zhuoliang slowly put his face close to Qiao Yingze's ear, and deliberately blew hot air into his ear hole.

I have to say, seeing Qiao Yingze's delicate, white and tender skin covered in pink due to his teasing, Gong Zhuoliang was really cool.


Being blown away by Gong Zhuoliang's breath, Qiao Yingze hurriedly turned around to pull the bell on the bedside, using this action to cover up his blushing, expect, expect?

Gong Zhuoliang specially put on the set of gold ornaments given by Mrs. Qiao, which is absolutely luxurious and refined, and the matching clothes are also high-end products that are forbidden by civilians from the fabric to the style.

His height was not enough to make up for his aura, so Gong Zhuoliang wanted to calm the tigress as soon as he entered the palace gate.

"Zhuzhuo, you are so... good-looking."

It was reasonable to hide the beautiful words that were about to be exported. Qiao Yingze took Gong Zhuoliang's hand and pulled him dressed in costume to his side, with a strong infatuation in his eyes, he couldn't believe the smile. A self-confident, beautiful and dazzling person is your own wife, how lucky you are.

"You are prettier than me."

Regardless of Ruo Lan and the others watching in the room, Gong Zhuoliang raised the index finger of his other hand and hooked Qiao Yingze's chin, coveting his delicate skin that was made of all kinds of rare skins.

"Go and say goodbye to grandma and mother."

Catching Gong Zhuoliang's mischievous hand, Qiao Yingze pressed down the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but go up, and led Gong Zhuoliang to Madam Qiao's yard together.

After paying respects to the elders of the Qiao family, the two of them took a sedan chair and brought a group of servants to the Gong family. They saw that the Gong family had opened the door and eagerly greeted them at the door. Gong Zhuoliang was directly carried into the inner house, and Qiao Yingze stayed in the front hall to meet the elders of his father-in-law's family.

According to the rules, a son-in-law should usually kneel when he sees his father-in-law, but if the son-in-law has a prestigious or official position, he can avoid the ceremony of kneeling, but it will undoubtedly increase the father-in-law's face. , then the father-in-law's family will come back to worship him...

According to Qiao Yingze's original intention, he didn't mind kneeling down to give Gong Zhuoliang a face, but Gong Zhuoliang strongly opposed it and insisted that he be cold, arrogant and cruel... Of course, Qiao Yingze said that there was nothing he could do about it, those temperaments would probably last in this life. They were all insulated from him, so Gong Zhuoliang had to lower his standards, let him be indifferent, and demanded that he must never laugh at them.

"My son-in-law, please rest in peace, my father-in-law."

Without Gong Zhuoliang by his side, Qiao Yingze naturally returned to his usual indifferent demeanor, folded his fists and bowed slightly to bow to Master Gong. In order to prepare the upper position for his returning son-in-law.

"Okay, my son-in-law...haha."

Glancing at the kneeling mat that his wife had ordered, an embarrassed blush appeared on the face of the gentleman Gong, who was then covered up with a smile. He sat next to Qiao Yingze and introduced everyone in the hall to him. relatives and elders.

Qiao Yingze sat on the chair and called out to the elders who were supposed to meet him indifferently. Anyway, there was not a single famous person in this room. No one could say what was not coming, but they were more and more respectful to him. Those who wanted to come to occupy the status of elders were also honest, and politely courted him in front of Qiao Yingze.

This time Qiao Yingze is a little uncomfortable. He seldom goes out since he was a child. He occasionally goes out to meet him once, but no one looks at him, even the servants in the family shop or the farm have no respect for him as a serious master. He didn't take much care of him, so when he saw the whole room being so respectful to him, he really didn't know how to deal with it. He could only do as Gong Zhuoliang said, drink tea with his eyes down, or stop his eyes from the human-shaped objects. Answer, don't answer, don't exchange a look with them.

Gradually, he did not pay attention to those people at all. Qiao Yingze started to wander with a teacup in his hand. He was the same himself, but he changed a little of his habits according to the instructions of his daughter-in-law... According to his words, it was packaging, and he was completely admired .

"My son-in-law, the luncheon is ready, can we move..."

Seeing that Qiao Yingze was 'impatient' with the topic of relatives, Master Gong accompanied him with a smile and recalled his strength. He was really uncomfortable. He was envious of the nobleness of the prefect and Master Juren, and he was suffocated by his father-in-law. He was so useless, and then felt that his family had a face in this family, and also felt that the attitude of this son-in-law made him lose his dignity in front of his relatives...


Qiao Yingze regained his mind and looked at the old man in front of him secretly, thinking that his little daughter-in-law's eyebrows and eyes were six points like him. I wonder if this is the same outline when she grew up. Although this man is handsome, his expression is too weak. Humble, his little daughter-in-law will definitely not have such a temper. He should be much more handsome when he grows up... Gradually, the face of Gong Zhuoliang when he grew up was completely pieced together in Qiao Yingze's mind. He was surprised to find that although he was very I like this cute little daughter-in-law now, but I also look forward to what he will look like when he grows up.


Seeing that Qiao Yingze was using the banquet slowly and did not pay attention to his own group at all, Master Gong became depressed again, thinking that his wife did not get an answer to what he wanted to ask, and that he wanted his son-in-law to find a way to do business. When the opportunity comes up, that woman has to go crazy again at night...

Let's not mention how Qiao Yingze had enough of the eldest man's addiction in the outer hall. After Gong Zhuoliang was carried into the main hall of the inner house by the sedan chair, Gong Zhuoliang got out of the sedan chair with the help of Wen Shu and Ruo Lan. The eyes of the relatives, mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law in the house, his head and body covered with official-made fine products, are the dreams that the business women can only see and cannot touch.

At the moment, the young Yingying Yanyan surrounded Gong Zhuoliang, and the old and reserved people all stared at him. This praise and that praise would make Gong Zhuoliang go to heaven.

Gong Zhuoliang stood in the hall with a straight back and full of style, his eyes crossed the crowd and fell straight on the face of Mrs. Gong, who was in the main seat. A giant wolf, with a cold and evil smile, is confronting the tigress with its teeth and claws...

"Daughter, please mother."

With Wenshu and Ruolan fending off the girls, Gong Zhuoliang put his hands on his left side to make a blessing. In fact, his legs were not bent at all, and his arrogant eyes kept staring at Mrs. Gong's. eyes, and walked step by step to the main seat she was sitting on.

"Well, good daughter."

Mrs. Gong was also dressed up today, almost turning herself into a moving mountain of jewels, but when compared to Gong Zhuoliang's exquisiteness and nobility, she immediately appeared vulgar and inferior. Because of her thick skin, she couldn't sit still, plus she was stared at by Gong Zhuoliang's serious and arrogant eyes, when Gong Zhuoliang came within five steps of her, Mrs. Gong subconsciously stood up and took a step back. , and when she realized what she had done, her face suddenly turned ashen.

"Mother, please sit down."

The moment Gong Zhuoliang got up, the corner of his mouth raised an indiscernible arc, he gracefully sat on the main seat, and raised his hand slightly towards the sub-main seat on the right.

Gong Zhuoliang is waiting for this concession from Mrs. Gong. As long as she takes this first step back in front of him, she, who is psychologically weak, can only make concessions in front of her. For the next plan, Gong Zhuoliang is more confident.

Read The Duke's Passion