MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 11 dowry

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"What's wrong?"

Gong Zhuoliang raised his eyebrows, put the bowl on the cabinet beside the bed, laid himself on top of Qiao Yingze, tilted his head to look at his face.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired, I'll just lie down for a while."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang coming to take care of himself, Qiao Yingze was in a better mood, but was pressed down by Gong Zhuoliang and felt a little sleepy.

Since he was busy in the morning, he was really tired, and it was not only his body that was tired, but his heart that was always unable to let go.

"Xianggong, if you are unhappy, just tell me, don't be bored in your heart, I may not be able to help you, but it is always possible to let you say a few words to vent your anger."

Not as sensitive as Qiao Yingze, Gong Zhuoliang didn't know where he was acting, but he had his own way of coaxing people, so he copied Qiao Yingze's previous words as they were, and dangled on Qiao Yingze's body as he spoke. .

When Gong Zhuoliang heard this, he couldn't resist, and he couldn't believe that Qiao Yingze was numb.

"Would that lady let my husband take a bite?"

Amused by Gong Zhuoliang's funny behavior, Qiao Yingze glanced back at him, then rolled over and sat up with him.

"This, can you use the money you owed me just now?"

Called by Qiao Yingze's smiling glance, Gong Zhuoliang leaned into his arms with a smile, and continued to pretend to be tender and teasing him.

"No, each bites its own."

Qiao Yingze hugged Gong Zhuoliang and tried to bite, but Gong Zhuoliang slipped out of bed dexterously, and then brought the soup from the cabinet to him. This time, Qiao Yingze did not refuse anymore. With some appetite, and with Gong Zhuoliang by his side, Qiao Yingze ended up using half a bowl of rice more than usual.

After dinner, Ruolan took a list to Gong Zhuoliang, which was the list of red envelopes to receive today. Qiao Yingze saw that Ruolan looked at Gong Zhuoliang and seemed to have something to say, so he shook his hand and said that he was going to the study. Tidy up and give the room to their master and servant.

After leaving the new house, Qiao Yingze went to his study in the new courtyard, accompanied by his personal book boy, Qiao Ming.

Qiao Yingze grew up in the old lady's yard since he was a child. He moved out after he passed the exam. He also lived in the quietest courtyard closest to the old lady's yard. The new house they live in now was a few days before the wedding. Only officially moved in. It was left to the eldest grandson by the old lady. The third largest yard in the mansion is second only to where she and the old lady lived. Speaking of which, Qiao Yingze didn't know what his new yard was like until his wedding day. During the illness, in order to avoid being unable to enter the yard, all matters were arranged by the old lady, even the best man's little boy slept in the house for the bed installation three days before the wedding.

"Master, what book do you want to read? Ming'er will help you find it."

Qiao Yingze treasures his collection of books very much, so Qiao Ming does everything in the study himself. Even this time he moved, he didn't let others touch Qiao Yingze's treasures, he arranged everything by himself.

"Find some interesting travel notes and essays, and get a few volumes of your favorite books. I'll find a way to relieve the boredom with the young lady."

Qiao Yingze was very satisfied with the layout of the study. He sat on the couch with a smile and instructed Qiao Ming. He then roughly looked through the books he had found, and picked out a few that he thought were interesting or novel, and prepared to show them to Gong Zhuoliang. .

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Miss, the veil this morning is...Are you all right?"

After only the two of them were left in the room, Ruo Lan couldn't hide her worries, grabbed Gong Zhuoliang's hand and asked him anxiously.

"Ruo Lan, don't worry, I'm fine..."

In the face of Ruo Lan's sincere concern, Gong Zhuoliang hesitated for a moment, but told her frankly that Qiao Yingze was aware of the matter, but hid the details and his own thoughts, and only said that Qiao Yingze had not exposed himself, and promised to find a solution in the future. Letting him go, the bloodstain was also faked by his own stab wound on his arm.

"It's great, I'm really thankful that Miss can meet such a good person."

Ruolan's eyes were red with joy, and she decided in her heart to go to the temple as soon as she had the chance, thank the gods for blessing Gong Zhuoliang, so that he could do his best.

"Um... how much is my dowry?"

When Ruolan calmed down, Gong Zhuoliang took a closer look at the list she handed over, and only then did he know how rich he was now.

The Qiao family's dowry was 3,000 taels of silver, and then the Gong family added another 3,000 taels of silver, using a total of 6,000 taels of silver for the dowry. It's almost the same, then just one tael of silver is equal to five hundred RMB, and my dowry is three million...

But if you think about Mr. Qiao's prefect status, it is equivalent to the current mayor, and Bocheng is one of the most prosperous cities, which is equivalent to the current provincial capital city. Marrying money is not too much.

"Miss, the red envelopes given by the old lady, the master, and the lady, Ruo Lan also estimated that the box that the old lady gave was about 1,200 taels, the thing that the master gave was 200, and the lady's was worth 200."

Ruo Lan lowered her eyebrows and thought for a while, took out a small bunch of keys from her arms and put them in Gong Zhuoliang's hand.

"This is?"

Sighing at her re-entry fee worth 800,000 yuan, Gong Zhuoliang was stunned when she saw the keys. She looked at a few of them familiarly, and remembered that they were keys to several precious boxes in the dowry, such as land deeds, house deeds and jewelry. Jewelry, Gongfu specially asked Ruo Lan to keep the key in front of Gong Zhuoliang, wanting to wait for Gong Zhuoliang to be a widow before taking it back into her hands, but did not expect Ruo Lan to give it to him the day after getting married .

Gong Zhuoliang knew that Ruo Lan was kind to him, but he didn't expect her to reach such a level.

"My servant thought that if there is something wrong with my uncle, I will give these things to my wife in the future. Maybe I can ask my wife to let you live. Now that my uncle is such a good person, these things should naturally belong to you."

Ruo Lan said, with a little excitement in her expression, and finally no longer like a little adult like usual. She grew up in front of Mrs. Gong since she was a child, and learned a good ability to distinguish instruments. I am very accurate, and I like this line of work, so I will be excited when I see rare things, but I have absolutely no selfish desires.

"There is a warehouse for your private use in the yard, where the dowry stuff is kept, and the other one is shared by you and your uncle. Sister Hanshu and the others are counting the keys, and the keys will be handed over to you later. The slave followed me to see it before. , there are a lot of rare things that I have only heard of and never seen before.”

"If there is anything that Lan likes, I will find a chance to give it to you."

Gong Zhuoliang quite liked Ruo Lan's appearance, not so old-fashioned, like a fourteen-year-old girl.

"That can't be done. How can the young lady give such a valuable thing to a slave? This is not in line with the rules and will be looked down upon by the husband's family."

If the new daughter-in-law used her husband's treasures to reward her girl, she would definitely be accused of being greedy for money and uneducated. Ruo Lan couldn't let Gong Zhuoliang do that.

"Then... I will earn money to buy gifts for you in the future, so no one can pick it up."

Gong Zhuoliang knew that Ruo Lan was doing it for his own good, and he was more grateful to her. In his heart, he decided to repay her well, and he spoke innocently with a deliberate smile on his face.

"Then Ruolan thanked Miss in advance."

When Gong Zhuoliang was talking angrily, Ruo Lan smiled to reassure him, she was just happy to be close to Gong Zhuoliang, and had no idea about the gift he said. After all, Gong Zhuoliang is still so young and detained in the courtyard of this deep house. , how can I make money by myself?

After chatting with Gong Zhuoliang for a few more times, when Qiao Yingze came back, Ruo Lan resigned knowingly, and saw Ruo Zi standing by the door, her eyes shining obviously thinking of something.

"Sister Ruolan, my sister has long been optimistic about a set of jewelry in the dowry. Before coming, my wife can give it to me."

Ruo Zi took Ruo Lan back to the room of the two of them. She smiled and put her hand in front of her to ask for the key. Today, she searched the house carefully and couldn't find it.

"Bold, the dowry of the young lady is something you can think of as a girl. What is this place, do you want to die if someone finds out?"

Ruo Lan knew that Ruo Zi had nothing to do with her, and without Madam Gong, she no longer had to accommodate her, so she immediately scolded her with a cold expression.

"Why can't I think about it, because he is also worthy of those good things? Besides, it was given to me by my wife."

The first time I saw Ruo Lan tore off that old man's face, Ruo Zi was so embarrassed that he was blocked, thinking the same dowry girl, why can you come and teach yourself a lesson and pretend to be a person in front of others, doesn't this also show your true colors.

"You also said that it was the dowry of the young lady, how could the lady give it away so ignorant of the rules, it is obviously your own greed for money and wanting to steal the master's things, I don't think I have heard this today, how dare you If you make any crooked ideas, be careful to be kicked out."

Ruolan knew that she didn't care about Ruozi today, and that she would get into trouble sooner or later with her open-minded temperament. Now that Gong Zhuoliang had just been able to live a good life for a few days, she would not allow Ruozi to do anything wrong.


Ruo Zi blushed and pointed at Ruo Lan, she was speechless. She was used to being arrogant in the Gong family, and she didn't want to be taught a lesson after entering the Qiao family. Now even Ruo Lan, the soft-hearted person, dared to teach her a lesson. Ruo Zizi really lost her mind when she was angry.

"You can also see where the Qiao family is. Which of the two leaders is simple? Maybe how many eyes are chasing our fault. Do you think the miss is unlucky and the two of us can get better? I'm afraid who will die? It's fast, you've figured it out for yourself."

What Ruo Lan said was really from her own heart. The two of Qiao's two girls were guarding to see that they were not happy, and those who wanted to pick faults would naturally look for them first, so they wanted to live in this house. She has to clamp her tail and be an honest person. If Zi can't figure it out, then she will have no one to help her.

Ruo Lan left the room to work after finishing speaking, leaving Ruo Zi to ponder in the room alone.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Qiao Yingze went back to the room, and didn't say that he went to pick out books for Gong Zhuoliang, but just put those books on the bedside table, and then washed his hands and face by himself, planning to take a nap and take a good rest.

Gong Zhuoliang came over to make clothes for Qiao Yingze, and his eyes lit up when he saw the books beside the bed. He was worried that he had nothing to do in this room. Reading was a good pastime. He used to be a bookworm, but he practiced when he was a child He is good at writing with calligraphy, and the traditional Chinese characters of this era are not difficult for him at all.

"like reading?"

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's reaction in his eyes, Qiao Yingze bent his mouth, pulled him to sit in front of the dressing table, helped him remove all the pendants on his head, combed the loose hair, and then used a hair tie to make it simple. tied behind the neck.

It can be seen that Gong Zhuoliang doesn't like combing women's hair, and since they don't have to see anyone else today, Qiao Yingze just wants to make him feel more comfortable.


Gong Zhuoliang nodded honestly, and then looked at the mirror again and again with satisfaction, it was good that he didn't have to wear the head full of Zhu hairpins.

"Whatever you want to see after that, just go to my study and pick it up. Let's rest now. I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I've been busy all morning today."

He took Gong Zhuoliang back to the bed and sat down. Seeing that he was flipping through the books in high spirits, Qiao Yingze's mood improved again. He took his hand and put the books back, and then let Gong Zhuoliang lie down together. down.

"All right."

I could see the obvious exhaustion on Qiao Yingze's face. Although Gong Zhuoliang wanted to read a book, he endured it. He lay quietly beside him and accompany him. After a while, he also fell asleep, until he was tickled by the heat on his lips. Feeling startled, Gong Zhuoliang squinted at the person who blushed and kissed and avoided him, pretending not to notice and waiting for a while before stretching to 'wake up'.

Lazy not wanting to get up, Gong Zhuoliang pressed Xiao Xianggong, who wanted to hide in the study, under him, and then he found a comfortable position to lie on top of him, and asked Qiao Yingze to tell himself about the situation of Qiao's mansion. To be invincible in a hundred battles.

Qiao Yingze thought about it for a while, then started from Mrs. Qiao's yard, and talked about the likes of the main servant girl and the wife-in-law who was in charge of her, and then the master, the wife and the people around them, these palaces. Zhuoliang understood less, and then he talked about his compatriot Qiao Yingxuan. Qiao Yingze hesitated for a while, seeing that Gong Zhuoliang, who had been bored, had come to the spirit, he couldn't help but pursed his lips again, but continued to speak.

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