MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 303 must...

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The people around gasped, and looked at the giant human whip with admiration. The black giant snake was covered with the sticky love fluid of comrades whores, and there was still a sinister aura as the giant was swinging. !

  The eight prostitutes, comrades, lay in a row, their white bodies trembling, their buttocks pouted in unison, their legs spread apart, and the door was wide open! Fresh soy milk is still flowing from the spring, especially for the female prostitute at the end, the narrow and long slit was rounded, and the ruddy tender meat in the hole was turned over.

   "It's so powerful, the shotgun is still going straight into the pillar!" Zhu Dawang exclaimed, his eyes almost fell off.

  By the side, Zheng Nan and Chen Wenyuan were sweating coldly on their backs. Nima, this is the killer weapon in the world. They have no doubt that even if Teacher Cang met Long Gen, he would only be picked by a gun! Too tough!

  Eight, a full eight prostitutes were all knocked down. The first one to change the dishes, went down with a stick, and directly stabbed them out!

   "Brother Nan, this...I....we're not dreaming." Zhu Dawang still couldn't believe it, this, is this still a human being?

   Zheng Nan sighed and shook his head, a trace of helplessness flashed across his face, ashamed of himself, incomparable. Looking at the thing in the crotch again, it is soft, like an earthworm!

  At first glance, I want to snap it off with a knife!

   "Put it away, **** it, seeing Brother Longgen, I can't stop peeing!" Zheng Nan lifted his crotch with a depressed expression on his face.

   Ma approved, I really don't know if meeting such a roommate is a blessing or looking for abuse, the dignified No. 1 Yamen in Qingyuan County has fallen to the point where he has no face to pee!

A few people lifted their crotch, and the dragon root was cleaned up. I wanted to find a woman to **** it up for myself, but those bastards, one by one, were so tired that they lay there, motionless, and panting became a problem, so they had to wipe it off by themselves. wipe it up.

"Women in the county town are so boring, where are you going?" Long Gen shook his head, and said with disdain in his heart: "Auntie, how many wives can take turns working with me all night, how old are the eight wives?"

  Hey, it seems that I have to find some snacks for my second brother to eat in the evening. Well, Li Taohua is pretty good, but it's a pity that she shouldn't be on duty today.

   "Brother Longgen, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, it's amazing!" Zheng Nan lowered his head and aimed at Longgen's crotch, where a large tent was propped up, all kinds of envy and hatred! "Hey, I really want to take advantage of you not paying attention in the middle of the night, cut it off and feed it to your dog, **** it, it's too shocking!"

  Zhu Dawang said in a low voice: "That's right, Brother Longgen, if you don't tell me how you grow this thing, I will cut off your chicken and feed it to the dogs."

   "See how you will be in the future, mother-in-law! Hmph!"

"Don't mind!" Long Gen quickly grabbed his crotch, "Three big brothers, how can you do this? You are the ones who asked me to take off my pants, and you are the ones who brought me out to test my power. Why are you blaming me?"

   "Then we can't blame us, who made your thing so powerful?" Chen Wenyuan smirked, and the three of them formed a tripod, surrounding Longgen.

  Long Gen put on a bitter face, spread his hands, and said helplessly:

   "Okay, okay, I'll tell you the prescription, anyway, it's extremely effective for me, I don't know what effect you take."

  The three of them were excited when they heard this.

  It is expected that the second brother will grow up again, can you not be excited?

   "Bastard, wild big bastard, nothing to do, take time to eat when you have something to do, eat every day!" Long Gen was extremely serious.

   "That's it?" The three looked at Long Gen suspiciously.

   "That's it!" Long Gen affirmed.

After staring at Long Gen for a long time, Zheng Nan didn't see any abnormality in Long Gen's eyes, Zheng Nan said: "Well, let's try to eat **** first. Well, it's night again, let's find a place to drink and have a good chat Nag, clean up Brother Longgen."

   "I announce that Brother Longgen has officially joined us as the Third Young Master of Qingyuan and has become the Fourth Young Master of Qingyuan."

  Long Gen rolled his eyes, a little speechless, Nima, can a big stick conquer men? It's too messed up! However, this "Four Young Masters of Qingyuan" sounds a bit powerful.

"Four Seas" Hotel means "friends from all corners of the world". The owner's name is Li Sihai. He is a famous person in Qingyuan County. I heard that he was a street gangster at that time. Later, he became the first four-star hotel in Qingyuan County. The owner of the hotel. Over the years, he has managed a lot of relationships, both black and white have a lot of energy.

And the original "Three Young Masters of Qingyuan" are all well-known figures in Qingyuan County. The eldest son Zheng Nan is the only son of the county party secretary Zheng Mingsheng. Zhu Bingquan is the boss of Hongyuan Real Estate, and he built 80% of the houses in Qingyuan County.

  Zhu Bingquan insisted on using money to pay his son a deputy mayor, hoping that his son would be successful in the future.

   "Hey, this young man is very unfamiliar, why did he go with the third young master Qingyuan?" Li Sihai looked at Zheng Nan and the others, sizing up Long Gen, very puzzled. "To be able to walk with the third young master Qingyuan, he must not be an ordinary person! Be sure to treat him well!"

   Li Sihai secretly said, Zheng Nan and his party have already entered the private room!

   "As usual, serve the bullwhip and the pigwhip next to each other. Well, by the way, four more bottles of Wuliangye." Zhu Dawang didn't even bother to look at the menu, so he ordered directly to the waiter.

  Chen Wenyuan was busy smoking, and saw the bottom of a pack of Da Zhonghua.

"Brother, you can call it whatever you want!" Zhu Dawang showed the arrogance of a landowner, and said in awe: "Brothers are really not bragging, flying in the sky, running on the ground, there is nothing we can't eat."

  Long Gen curled his lips, "I want to eat dragon meat...."

  Zhu Dawang blushed and said embarrassingly, "Hehe, Brother Long really knows how to joke."

   "I'm not joking." Long Gen said seriously.

  Zhu Dawang's face turned even redder, and he was blowing his hair out. Where can he catch a dragon and bring him back?

"Haha! Dawang, you're stupid." Zheng Nan laughed loudly, picked up the wine that was just delivered, and poured four glasses full, "Come on, brothers, don't be blind. Nonsense, in order to welcome Long Gen to join the 'Qingyuan Four Young Masters', let's go first!"

  Drinking again, Long Gen curled his lips, feeling bored without saying a word. As soon as the three of them put down their glasses, they grinned and drank like burning knives, Long Gen filled another glass of wine for the three of them.

   "Three elder brothers, the younger brother is not talented, and has been honored by the three elder brothers. I will respect the three elder brothers for this cup. You can do whatever you want. I will do it first." With a lift of his neck, he drank the wine again.

  The three of them looked at each other, Zheng Nan said in his heart: "The kid is a little bit of a drinker, I haven't eaten a bite of food, I've drunk nearly half a catty of wine!"

  Young people are full of vigor, and they don’t accept anyone. The three of them thought, numb, I’m not as big as you, and I’m afraid that you won’t succeed after drinking? Yi Shui'er poured down the wine glass with a gurgling gurgling.

  Zheng Nan is a bit better. He has been with his father all year round for various dinners, and he just feels dizzy after drinking a bottle of Wuliangye! Zhu Dawang and Chen Wenyuan couldn't bear it anymore.

  Drinking a few drinks, blushing, thick neck, and dizzy head, I quickly lit a cigarette to wake up. While the two were puffing and puffing, Long Gen filled up the wine again.

   "Ahem, Brother Nan, well, you are the boss, I will toast you first." Long Gen smiled at Zheng Nan.

   The corner of Zheng Nan's mouth twitched, he was paralyzed, how much can he drink? Well, drink plain water! Zhu Dawang and Chen Wenyuan on the side were secretly relieved, luckily it wasn't wholesale.

   "Brother Longgen, what, let's order as much as we can..." Zheng Nan was a little apprehensive, he didn't even take a bite of the food, and if he drank like this, he would be dead drunk.

  Long Gen said lightly: "It's okay, I did it, you can do whatever you want."

   "Gulong" Erliang wine is gone again.

  Zheng Nan's eyelids twitched, the cup was filled with red crests, and he really didn't want to take a gulp. Damn that bastard, I have never drank like this in my life!

   Don't drink it, where do you put this face? With a grunt, the knife was burned, the internal organs were burning like fire, there was a buzzing in the head, and the legs and feet were a little weak.

   Just now, New Century had a blast. It lasted for nearly an hour. It consumed too much energy. I didn’t eat a bite of food. I drank half a catty of wine. Can I not feel dizzy?

   "Come on, Brother Wen, I'll toast you, the old rules, I do it, you can do whatever you want."

  Zheng Nan shook his head, extremely disappointed. Damn, where are others pretending to be aggressive? Is this the real capacity for drinking? I only drank half a catty, after this round, others drank a whole catty.

  Looking at other people again, their faces are not red, their hearts are not beating, and they seem to be drinking plain water. Useless, useless! It's okay for Chicken Bobby, even drinking is inferior!

   Comparing people to people really makes people mad!

   "Three old brothers, let's go one more time before the food is served?" Long Gen looked at the three of them while holding the wine glass.

  Zhu Dawang's head shook like a rattle, "Don't, don't, don't drink, if you drink dick, your **** won't get hard."

   "If I drink it again, I'm afraid I'll have to confess my life here! No, I won't drink it if I'm killed!" Chen Wenyuan shook his head, his eyes were red, like a male dog in heat.

   Zheng Nan simply closed his eyes and slept, numb, is this **** still a human? Drinking like this will kill you!

   "Okay then, I'll drink it by myself. Hey!" Long Gen sighed and was bored alone, looking extremely sad and lonely.

   Everyone is drunk and I am sober.

   "Not human!"

   "Definitely not human!"

   "Long Gen, are you a beast?"

  The three of them yelled at each other, they were paralyzed, and when the little **** appeared, the third young master Qingyuan was ashamed!

   "Brother Long Gen, I'll have a drink with you, how about you do me a favor?" Chen Wenyuan, the worst drinker among the three, picked up his glass, filled with two liang of wine.

  When Long Gen heard this, his chest slapped!

   "Brother Wen's business is my business. Come on, let's do it first!"

  After drinking the wine, Chen Wenyuan's face was blood red, his expression was sad, and he felt unspeakably uncomfortable, always feeling that his chest was blocked by something.

   "Brother Wen, tell me what you want, as long as you can do it, I won't even frown."

  Chen Wenyuan clenched his fists, clenched his fists, his eyes were red!

   "Brother, promise me, you must kill my mother!"


  Long Gen was startled, the wine glass shattered at the sound, and he said in a daze, "What, what, let me do it. Your mother?" His eyes were as wide as cow bells.

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