MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 293 stuffy...

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   "Xiaolong, you..." Looking at the back of Liu Zhiwen leaving angrily, and the harsh words he said, Liu Yuxin was a little worried. The little **** is not afraid, and I am not afraid, but what should my parents do?

  Liu Zhiwen is the village head after all, and the black hand is behind the scenes to make things difficult for his parents, so what's the matter?

   "Don't worry, it's okay. He can't make much waves." Long Gen smiled lightly, turned around and said to He Jingwen: "Major, do you think so?"

  He Jingwen gave the little **** a blank look, and scolded with a smile: "I remember my old lady only after getting into trouble? Hmph, for Yuxin's sake, let me wipe your ass."

  "Yu Xin, don't worry, Xiao Xiami can't afford to make big waves, and Liu Zhiwen, the village head, is at the end."

  Liu Yuxin finally took her heart back to her stomach. Although Liujiahe Township is not under the jurisdiction of He Jingwen, it is in the same county and they still know each other. No, does He Jingwen still have a father who is the county magistrate? It's a pity that the county magistrate's father is very drunk at the moment, lying in Li Sanshui's house.

  Old Liu’s house is no longer lively to see, benefits to be enjoyed, everyone went home one after another, thanked Longgen directly, and praised Longgen like Pan An Songyu. Liu Laogen walked last, holding Long Gen's hand, and said with an expression:

   "Boy, I really have a daughter, do you want it? I will let her marry you!"

  Long Gen had a black thread in his hair, and said to himself: "Old man, don't lie to me, I heard it just now, your daughter grows up to be scary, and I don't collect rags!"

"Liu Laogen, do you take people's love, or repay you with revenge?" Yao Lan walked out shaking the big spindle, and said angrily, "Xiaolong is our son-in-law, what do you want to do? Hurry up, let's go!"

  Liu Laogen left with a smile, shook his head, and sighed, "Oh, fate! Why can't I meet such a good son-in-law? It's hundreds of thousands of miles..."

Speaking of money, the 10,000 yuan coins were originally given to children as lucky money, but I didn't bother to distribute them for a while, so I put Liu Zhiwen together. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the cold, and he was stupid. He counted all afternoon, and finally After counting, well, the ten thousand coins are not given to us. After being a cashier for an afternoon, I gave all the money to the people!

  He. Milk. Milk a leg!

   "Auntie, uncle isn't awake yet." Long Gen curled his lips and muttered, "I'm thinking about drinking another jar of wine, hey, drinking alone is really boring!"

   As soon as the words fell, there was a sharp pain in the root of the thigh, and Liu Yuxin's cannibalistic eyes greeted him! He Jingwen was much happier. My father was drunk, and your father must be drunk too, that's only fair!

   After eating, Liu Zhicheng still hadn't woken up, lying on the kang like thunder, anxious Yao Lan stomped his feet, and asked the village doctor to see that it was all right, he drank too much, just woke up. Deliberately waking up would cause a headache and discomfort, and a good night's sleep would be enough.

  Yao Lan and Liu Yuxin were relieved. Although the courtyard house was a bit dilapidated, there were many houses. Liu Yuxin and He Jingwen lived in one room, and Long Gen slept in one room alone. Liu Zhicheng and Yao Lan slept in the main room.

  Long night, the little **** supported the second younger brother, who was in his prime, shaking his head and standing straight up, his round head was obviously hungry.

   "Hey, it's a pity. In the future, the mother-in-law won't drink, or I will be put down, so I can do whatever I want!" Long Gen shook his head and put away his spear. The more I want to sleep, the more I can't fall asleep, and my crotch sticks up a lot.

   Crawled up, stared at the opposite side, and entered the room, the two women were talking and laughing, chattering for some reason, the little **** slapped his thigh, his guts rose, and he gave it up!

   "Giggle, Jingwen, your **** are so big, come on, let me touch them, tsk tsk, they are so plump." Liu Yuxin said with a smirk.

  He Jingwen was proud and coquettish from the room, "Little Hoof, do you want to die? You can't tell, wear glasses, why is Little Hoof so sao? Believe it or not, I will touch your bottom."

   "Come on, just touch it, who is afraid of whom! Hmph!" Liu Yuxin was not to be outdone.

   "Okay, little hooves, let's see how I deal with you, I'm going to stab you tonight, cluck cluck..."

"Ah...He Jingwen, you crazy woman, you, why are you sticking your finger in it? You're going to die...Take it out, hurry up, take it out, **** it, **** it, it's all wet... .Ah..."

  Longgen outside the door suddenly swallowed his saliva, his crotch was pushed up suddenly, and a huge yurt was propped up!

   "You two vixens, Grandpa Long must have his day tonight!"

   "Dong dong dong, hello, Yuxin, open the door, I am Xiaolong, Jingwen, open the door..." There was a light knock on the door, and the room was suddenly startled.

  He Jingwen opened the curtain and took a look, isn't he a little bastard?

   "Ci'ao! Sleeping naked!" Long Gen's eyeballs were stared straight, and He Jingwen was hanging two big tuo, shaking and shaking, the two **** were full and flung, and the person who flung was full of evil fire!

   "Hurry up and open the door, I'll help you touch it, you can do whatever you want." Long Gen urged again.

He Jingwen can bear it, played with the little **** for more than half an hour last night, went four or five times; But the fighting power is very strong! The **** is very strong, and I can't get off for half an hour after riding it!

   "I'm going to open the door." Liu Yuxin's impatient voice came from the room.

  He Jingwen was in a hurry, "Hey, you are not afraid that your parents will hear you! Hey, don't open the door, you can't hold it anymore and you will scream..."

   With a sound of "Karji", the door has already opened.

  As soon as the door was pushed open, Long Gen was immediately dumbfounded.

  Liu Yuxin stood naked in front of her, her slender and fair body was as white as snow, with two small Wangzai steamed buns hanging on her chest, and two pink little red spots on her top, tender and tender, crisp and pretty tight. In the middle of the slender legs, a small triangular area is extruded, and the fluffy hair is quite naughty.

   "Little bastard, what are you doing here? Get out!" He Jingwen covered the quilt, but she couldn't cover her round legs.

  Long Gen hugged Liu Yuxin, glared at He Jingwen, and stretched out both hands, stroking Liu Yuxin's clean and jade-like body, white and silky.

   Covering the two Wangzai steamed buns, rubbing them together, the thief smiled and said:

   "Why do you care if I come in? I don't want to look for you. It's okay to sleep on you. Yuxin, don't be afraid, it doesn't matter if your **** are small, just rub it, and it will get bigger."

As he said that, he glanced at He Jingwen intentionally or unintentionally, and said lightly: "Some people's **** are made by me. Come on, Brother Long rubs and milks for you. Oh, little cherry It's so red...."

   "Little bastard, you, what are you talking about? My mother's **** are already big, when did you become a big one? Tell me clearly."

  Long Gen turned his head and gave He Jingwen a blank look, ignored it, fondled the snow-white delicate body in his arms, and teased the two pink cherries, he was a little crazy for a while.

   Although the turbulence is shocking, it is small and exquisite but also has a unique taste.

   "Yuxin, the cherry is turning red, I'll take two bites."

  The moment she was hugged by Long Gen, Liu Yuxin's face was flushed, and she fell into Long Gen's arms softly, letting him do whatever he wanted, licking her red lips lightly, enjoying the wonderful carefree feeling.

"Uh-huh, Xiaolong, uh-huh...I miss you so much, uh, you, why are you here now? Oh..." Her **** numb, and electricity surged into her brain, Liu Yuxin's delicate body was moved Tremble.

  While half-drunk and half-awake, I seemed to think that my parents were by my side, and suppressed the joy for a long time.

   "Blatter, ziliu...."

  Long Gen showed his mouth skills, his tongue moved the tip of his nipple, he bit his teeth lightly, pulled and let go, the little steamed bun trembled slightly, it was very beautiful.

  Covering the white, tender and small **** with both hands, kneading it like kneading dough, the chrysanthemum is exposed, and the fingertips slide down the buttocks, touching the long and narrow valley.

   Sure enough, drenched.

"A pair of dogs and men! Huh!" He Jingwen cursed in a low voice, staring at the two of them in a daze, her heart trembled, she couldn't help touching her plump Yufeng, and whispered: "I'm so big! Touch, touch such a small thing, do you feel it? Hmph! No pursuit!"

  Liu Yuxin couldn't hear her best friend's complaints, she bit her lip tightly, hooked the little bastard's neck, crossed her legs up, and sat up with her little buttocks.


  His eyebrows tightened, the two little steamed buns trembled violently, and his nasal cavity let out a heavy muffled groan. He really wanted to sing loudly, but he was afraid that his mother would hear him, so his little face flushed red.

  Suddenly, the acceleration shakes the buttocks. "Da da da" bumped into it, up and down like riding a horse, the white flesh all over his body jumped accordingly, cheering.


   Gradually, more white foam slipped out and dripped in the middle of Longgen's crotch, thick as white foam, white and tender like soy milk, as if it still carried Liu Yuxin's charming body fragrance.


  Close her lips tightly, Liu Yuxin rushed to the highest point, a trace of bright red blood leaked from her seductive red lips, the gate of the sewer opened, and a huge heat wave flew out!


   Like a little kid peeing, it sprays far away!

   "Hmm... um..." Liu Yuxin lay tiredly on Long Gen's body, gasping for breath, and the blush on her cheeks gradually dissipated.

  Long Gen put his arms around his buttocks and rubbed it twice. It was obviously not enjoyable. The big stick just got a lot of energy, so it can't work?

   "Ahem, Jingwen, well, why don't you come and play." Gently putting Liu Yuxin aside, covering the quilt, Long Gen leaned towards He Jingwen.

  He Jingwen opened her mouth, looking at the **** guy, feeling itchy in her heart, can you not want to? But when I think of someone next door, I can't help but feel a little worried, and the barking is not at all cheerful, can it feel good?

   "Come on, I'll keep you refreshed." He fell onto the kang with He Jingwen in his arms, and covered the two great masters from behind.

  The **** snake was familiar with the road, and got in along the slippery buttocks.

   "Hmm..." He Jingwen closed her lips tightly and let out a muffled snort.

   "Zi Zi Zi"

  The big snake entered slowly, explaining in a simple way, He Jingwen gritted her teeth tightly, her pretty face flushed, she was indescribably uncomfortable, but a little irritating.

  It's a bit like the excitement of stealing.



   "Hmm!!" Her delicate body trembled, and He Jingwen let out...