MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 259 Give...

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Liuhe Township is poor, and naturally there are no big banks, such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank, only the Postal Service, Agricultural Bank of China, and a credit union. It's not as lively as selling roasted sweet potatoes outside.

Shen Lijuan walked in alone with a yellow cloth bag on her shoulders. She was dressed in coarse linen clothes and a thick army green padded jacket. Wanna!

  As soon as he arrived in the city, the little **** took his sister to the hospital for an examination, while Liu Yuxin called He Jingwen and went to the township government. Only one person came to withdraw money!

  Shen Lijuan has never seen the big world. The most money she has seen is 50,000 yuan from Long Gen's parents. It is solidly wrapped in kraft paper. At first glance, it looks like a brick.

   "Miss, I, I want to withdraw money." Shen Lijuan said cautiously, looking very nervous.

  Su Yun played with his mobile phone, frowning, sent several text messages but no one replied, came to work early in the morning, deserted, no one deposits and no one withdraws, how boring it is!

  Suddenly said "Miss", and suddenly became furious!

   "Who is the lady? Who are you talking about? You are just a lady, and your whole family is a lady! Hmph!" Crackling like beans falling from a bamboo tube, she slammed her head and face at Shen Lijuan.


  Shen Lijuan was at a loss, not knowing what other meanings the word "Miss" had? Isn't that an honorific title? It's playing on TV, isn't beautiful women called "Miss"? Why are you still angry?

   "What's the matter?" Su Yun held his breath in his heart, and his face was naturally not very good-looking. With only a little professional ethics, I asked a question.

   "Oh." Shen Lijuan replied blankly, "I...I will withdraw money."

   As he spoke, he opened the bag carefully, and after searching for a long time between the inner three layers and the outer three layers, he pulled out an Agricultural Bank of China card.

   "It's not gold, why hide it so deep? It doesn't have a few dollars!" Su Yun smiled sarcastically. There is an even worse voice in my heart, "Hillbilly, land turtle!"

  Shen Lijuan blushed, and didn't care about anything. It's normal for people to look down on her with her outfit. Nervously, he handed over the card and handed it to the counter lady.

"How much?" After receiving the card, before swiping it, Su Yun has already taken out a stack of money from the drawer. Fifty ones, a large stack of twenty ones, ten yuan, five yuan, etc. How much money can a country woman withdraw? Most of the men who are away from home work, looking at the Chinese New Year, paying some odd tuition fees for their children, the calculation is at most more than 1,000 yuan, and counting twenty 50 denominations on their own initiative, one by one frogs The leather is brand new.

"Well, take 70,000, no, let's take 80,000." Shen Lijuan is not stupid, but she can see that this woman is a bit of a dog's eye, and she is not annoyed. What do you mean? Besides, the money is not his own. Nothing to brag about.

I'm just afraid that 70,000 yuan is not enough, and it seems that the Chinese New Year is coming. There are a group of women in the house, with several mouths, no food or drink, and there is not much stock in the canteen, so I took the little bastard's car and brought something back. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

   "What? Eighty thousand?"

  Su Yun suddenly raised the volume, "Auntie, did I hear it wrong, or is there something wrong with your brain? Eighty thousand? Are you kidding me!"

   "Let me tell you, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, don't come to the bank to make trouble, you know? It's not like that when you're joking!"

  Shen Lijuan was angry, "What happened to me...withdrawing 80,000 yuan? Why did I make trouble when I withdrew the money? Why didn't you say I was making trouble when I saved money?"


  Su Yun is also angry, seeing that I am a bully, right? Are you free to play with me?

   "Get out! If you don't leave, I'll call the police! I won't be polite to you if you keep messing around!" Su Yun gave Shen Lijuan a hard look, and threw the card out. Sarcastically said: "Where did the crazy woman come from, looking for bad luck in broad daylight? Pay 70,000, oh no, 80,000. Hmph, it's really like money is a leaf!"

  Thinking in my heart, my mother has worked hard for a year, and her salary is only 20,000 yuan, including bonuses and subsidies. This woman asked for 80,000 yuan, is it possible?

  Su Yun couldn't believe in his heart that a country woman could have 80,000 yuan on her card! All the pies in the world can't hit her forehead!

   "Hey, why? Why did you let me go? I came to get the money? Why didn't you get it for me?" Shen Lijuan was so anxious that she almost cried.

   Who are these people? Are all the people in the city of this quality? Calling myself a country bumpkin, I put up with it. I was originally a country bumpkin and had never seen the world. But why can't I withdraw money by myself, and have to say that I am making trouble?

"Why? Why do you say?" Su Yun smiled instead of anger, and sarcastically said: "The country bumpkin has a lot of things, 'poor mountains and rivers raise troublesome people', that's right! With your shabby appearance, you can have 80,000 yuan ?”

   "Get out, you stinky country bumpkin, don't get in the way of my mother, it's annoying to watch! Ahh!"

  Shen Lijuan was so angry that she gritted her teeth "crack-crack-crack", tears of grievance almost rolled down, chopped her feet, put on her card and ran out of the bank.

  When the cold wind blows, the nose is sour, the eye circles are red, and the tears flow. Sniffing his nose, wiping away his tears, he took out two yuan of change from his pocket, and was about to call the little bastard, but he was so full of grievances that he had to find someone to complain about, and he was suffocated to death.

   Besides, not to do things with the little bastard?

   "Hey, Auntie, the money has been withdrawn, just wait, Aunt Lihong will finish the inspection soon, and she will be here in another 20 minutes..."

Hearing the little bastard's voice, Shen Lijuan's nose was sore, and she cried out with a "wow", "Xiaolong, no, I didn't take the money. That woman saw that I was a country bumpkin and said I was lying. Throw me out." It'" Saying that, Shen Lijuan sniffed, and the matter went on and on.

   "What the hell? He... grandma, wait, I'll come right away!" Long Gen became angry when he heard it. Gou Ri's dog eyes look down on people, and he doesn't look for someone to bully. Is Grandpa Long's cousin (part-time wife) someone you can bully?

   Explained a few words to Mo Yan, she must take good care of Aunt Lihong, the big belly is the seed that I sowed, how can I not feel distressed and nervous?

"Hey, Director Fang, I'm busy pinching, are you free? Oh, I'm at the gate of the Agricultural Bank, come over for tea?" Long Gen called Fangzheng as soon as he got in the car, "What? I'm not free. Ah, well, I'll go to the police station for tea in a while."

   "Crack", put down the phone, stepped on the accelerator, pressed the "beep beep" horn to the end, and rushed all the way to the Agricultural Bank of Liuhe Township. Passers-by heard the sound and avoided far away. Those who didn't know thought that the bandits had come down the mountain.

  The bandits drive such a good car these days, and they can't survive.

  At the entrance of the Agricultural Bank, Shen Lijuan thought for a while, then called He Jingwen, and said that she was also her subordinate, and the little **** said that the money was all given by He Jingwen.


  In the office, He Jingwen held the phone and slapped the desk angrily, "What? What's the matter? Just wait, I'll be there in three minutes!"

   Liu Yuxin, who just arrived, has not yet warmed up while squatting on her buttocks, and has not had time to take a sip while holding a water glass, so she is leaving?

   "What's the matter? I'm in a hurry."

   "Sister Lijuan was bullied...."

   "What? Let's go, let's help out!" Liu Yuxin was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. In addition, her aunt came to visit and was very angry, and she was planning to find someone to vent her anger.

  Last night, I held back all night, and almost fell to my desire. Burning to death! The two immediately left the door in a hurry.


   "Auntie, which of the two women inside bullied you?" When the car stopped, Fangzheng had already arrived. Chong Fangzheng nodded and looked at Shen Lijuan.

  What a wonderful cousin, with teardrops hanging on her fair and pretty face, her eyes are flushed, seeing the dragon root, her nose is sore again, I don’t know if it’s because of being moved or something, the tears can’t stop flowing.

   "Right, the one on the right when you enter the door...the younger one...."

  Long Gen turned his head to take a glance, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of coldness. "Cousin, wait, let's see how I vent my anger on you!" As she said, she swaggered towards the bank. But Fangzheng pulled him back.

  Fang Zheng had a bitter face, and said in a low voice: "Brother Long, you, you don't intend to rob the bank, do you. Brother, you are my uncle, I dare not do this!"

   "It's okay, I dare not, I will go to the police station to find you for tea later, you boil the water first... Let it go!" Long Gen sneered, and threw Fangzheng's arm violently.

   I really don't blame Fang Zheng for this matter. The two are not in the same system. Even if the service attitude of the person is not good, it is not up to me, right? Generally, if it is a robbery, a thief, or a fight, you can do it yourself, and when the alarm is sounded, it will be very exciting. It's all about saving face and covering up the field. But, where can the police station be the owner of the bank?

   "Hey, brother, brother Long...this... hey!" After stomping his feet, Fangzheng followed in. Things have come to this point, we can only play by ear!

   With half a cigarette in his mouth, Long Gen raised his crotch, took a deep breath, walked to the counter, and blew into the crack of the counter.

   "Cough cough... Hey, what are you doing?" Su Yun was holding the phone and was editing a text message when a puff of smoke came in. "Don't you see it says 'No Smoking'? Get out!"

"Oh, you can't smoke." Long Gen raised his voice and yelled, and said to himself: "I saw it from a distance, the glass windows and doors, I thought it was a smoking room. So it's not... huh... . . . " As he spoke, he took another sip and spat it out.

  Su Yun was angry, "Is your brain sick? This is a bank, what smoking room? Get out, you can't smoke here! Smack!" After finishing speaking, he slapped the table with his hand, so mighty.

   "Oh, the bank. What does the bank do?" Long Gen was determined to deal with this girl, so naturally he had to show her some color and tease her. If you have the opportunity, you can reserve her thoughts.

  The big stick is designed to treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and to clean up all kinds of dissatisfaction!

"What do banks do? People who withdraw money, people who save money, understand?" Su Yun was still a bit pretty, and when he got angry, his chest rose and fell sharply. Two bulging peaks stood side by side, quite majestic and mighty .

   "Save and withdraw money." Long Gen turned his head and shouted towards the door, "Cousin, come in..."

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