MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 238 think...

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   A few rooster crows, announcing the arrival of a new day.

   Stretched, Long Gen climbed up from the bed, Xiao Longgen raised his head, full of fighting spirit, looking forward to lure the enemy deep again!


   With a slap, Xiaolonggen staggered to and fro, and the two atomic bombs also swayed, black as if dug out of a coal kiln, hard to the touch.

"The ball is a useless thing, let me cause trouble! Now it's alright, let me make my stomach bigger, and my girlfriend is gone. Virtue! You know how to stab people, drill holes, and have a little bit of money." ? I really want to cut you off!"

   "Xiaolong, who are you talking to?" At this time, Yang Ting brought back soy milk and fried dough sticks from outside, and heard Xiao Qinglang complaining, so she asked.

  Looking up, the bird pole stood up again. It took more than two hours of grinding last night before it showed signs of bowing. In the early morning, the flag was raised again!

   "I really don't know how this thing is so long? Hey, people are dead compared to people, and goods are thrown away!" Thinking of my man's dried radish that looks like a small dick, I felt a sense of melancholy.

   They are also men, why is there such a big gap? It's the same chicken. Chicken, how come one is big and the other is small?

   "Xiaolong, hurry up, it's time to eat. You must be hungry, come, have a bun." Yang Ting is quite diligent, tired for most of the night, and can still get up early to buy breakfast.

  Long Gen smiled mischievously, "Yeah, I'm hungry, I've been hungry for a long time." Holding the steamed bun in one hand, he patted Yang Ting's buttocks, and dug his fingers down the seam of the buttocks.

"Uh, uh, Xiaolong, don't, don't pick, you're eating. Uh, uh..." Yang Ting twisted her waist and hid, her bottom was swollen, she didn't wear her underwear when she got up in the morning, and it hurt even when she touched it . It's like a fire, it's burning and painful. "Don't, I'm starving to death..." Yang Ting was really hungry, and took two sips of porridge.

   "Little chicken is hungry too, I drank so much soy milk for you last night, are you still full?"

   "Ah? Xiaolong, necrosis, what are you talking about?" Yang Ting blushed pretty, and buried her head to drink porridge.

   "Hahaha" Long Gen laughed, stopped flirting with Yang Ting, ate his stomach after two or three bites, patted his **** and left, left a phone call for Yang Ting before leaving, and asked for an appointment next time.

I went back to Lanzhuyuan to pick up the car, so I had to go see Xu Qing. I heard from Mo Yan that pregnant women are emotionally unstable, and after Xiaofang's departure, Xu Qing must be in a bad mood. Since she is in the city, she should go to accompany her more accompany.

  Although the two of them don't have any emotional basis, they can't expect to blend their feelings through the **** now, so they can only pretend to show their true feelings.

   "Grandpa, the grandson is calling again..." Just as the car started, the phone rang again. When I took it out, it turned out to be Fang Zheng's bastard.

   "What's the matter, Director Fang? Early in the morning, don't go back to the cage and hug your sister-in-law, and have another shot." Long Gen said nastily: "The old saying goes that if you work hard in the morning, calcium supplementation will also benefit your brain."

On the other end of the phone, Fang Zheng's fat face turned red, and he cursed secretly: "You think I don't want another shot? I can't take it anymore! I haven't eaten bullwhip for a few days, and it's all because of Li Hong and Li Liang. Case gone."

"Brother, what are you talking about? Brother, how can you sit on the kang every day? We are the patron saint of Liuhe Township after all." Fangzheng boasted a few words, and this cut to the point, said: "Brother, are you free? Come to the bureau Come on, I have good news for you."

   "Alright, we'll be there soon."

   It is estimated that the matter of Li Hong and the two brothers has a certain meaning, Long Gen suddenly regained his spirits, sister Jingwen has helped us so much, can't we repay us in return? After hanging up the phone, he curled his lips and scolded: "Damn it, even my cousin is not spared, she's almost as beastly as I am!"

   "I'm a beast, I'm a big dick, I have capital, you. His. Mom. The size of a carrot, how can I have the courage to take it out?"

   As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the Jetta police car rushed out with a buzzing sound. In just two or three minutes, Long Gen stepped into the police station and drank a cigarette.

  Everyone in the police station knew him, nodding and bowing to Long Gen, serving tea and water, and Lafayette seemed to be waiting on him.

   "Brother, are you here? So fast?" Fangzheng was a little curious. Although the street is not long, it can't be too long, right? I just went to the toilet to take a pee, and the person arrived?

  Long Gen waved his hand, didn't explain anything, and said straightly: "Director Fang, don't come here if you are swaying around. Hurry up and talk about things, how are things going?"

  Fang Zheng curled his lips, a little upset. Why do I feel like I'm a younger brother, like running errands, without any authority at all, making it seem like he is the director.

"Here, these are all the information obtained from the investigation. Most of them are petty crimes, and they can be released after a few days of detention." Fangzheng paused, then pulled out two more pieces of paper, "This one is different. Now, a family of three, three lives, are all related to Li Hong and Li Liang, but there is not enough evidence to sentence them."

  Long Gen raised his head and gave Fang Zheng a white look, bewitchingly said: "Director Fang, I didn't mean you."

"This is such a good opportunity to show off. Think about it, even if you hand over these materials to the county magistrate, but there is no evidence, what will the county magistrate and the township chief think of you? Conversely, if you hand over all the materials If you prepare it carefully and give it to them, what will their attitude be?"

"Director Fang, companions are like companions to tigers. Don't think that these evidences can only be used to convict the two Li brothers. To put it bluntly, it is no different from casting a certificate of loyalty. You can go to Which step depends on how you do things this time. I can only help here..." Long Gen took a puff of cigarettes and didn't look at Fangzheng, pretending to be inscrutable.

   Seeing Fangzheng frowning, sometimes gritting his teeth, sometimes stomping his feet, he thought it was funny!

  Big silly hat, stupid idiot! He is also the director of the police station, what a stupid pig. I believe everything I say, but after all, He Wenfeng and He Jingwen never promised any benefits, and it will all depend on their mood when the time comes. Maybe, maybe nothing.

   "Success! Brother, I'll listen to you! I'll send someone to Tianmiao Township again immediately to collect evidence. If we don't collect evidence, we'll pass the year!" Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and went all out. Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, why not take risks?

  Long Gen smiled, "That's right, a child can be taught." But he cursed in his heart, "Stupid!"

   "By the way, Director Fang, your cousin is very beautiful. I met her before. Hehe, she said that she misses you very much." Long Gen said lightly, while paying attention to the changes in Fangzheng's expression.

  Fangzheng hurriedly said: "Ah? Is that so? Xiaoying is okay now, oops, yes, I haven't seen Xiaoying for a long time. I miss her..."

   "Director Fang, you don't miss her..." Long Gen suddenly whispered.

   At this moment, the phone rang again. The caller ID is "Xu Qing".

   "Hey, Xiaoqing, what's the matter? I'll come to see you in a while..." Long Gen suddenly became gentle, as a pregnant woman, she has to take care of her emotions, and there is a baby in her stomach.

"Oh, Mr. Long, it's not good, it's not good, Ms. Xu took medicine, took medicine... hurry up..." The nanny's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone .

  Long Gen roared, "Ci'ao! Take it to the hospital, hurry up!"

  Long Gen ran wildly, kicked the gas in the car, and rushed to the waterfront Yaju like flying, took the medicine, took the medicine, **** it, that's three lives, why is this girl so overwhelmed?

   "Mo Yan, get ready to pick up the patient right away. My daughter-in-law has taken the medicine. Hurry up, I'll be right there!" While driving, she called Mo Yan, and she felt more at ease.

   "Dengdengdeng" went upstairs, opened the door, and entered the bedroom.

  Xu Qing was lying peacefully on the bed, the quilt was neatly covered, her face was pale, but she was extremely peaceful.

   "Hey, Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, what's the matter with you, what's the matter with you? Wake up..." Long Gen was startled, and shook Xu Qing's hand violently, it was hot, no.

  Why is it hot? Why is your face so white? Shouldn't people who die after drinking medicine have bruises, or redness and swelling? How could it be so peaceful, yet still warm?

   "Mr. Long, that, that Ms. Xu is drinking sleeping pills..." The nanny said something aside, and handed over a medicine bottle, right? It said "sleeping pills" on it.

  Long Gen was so angry that the roots of his teeth were itchy. If it weren't for the fact that the nanny was too old, he would have pulled out a big stick and stabbed him violently. Damn, she thought she was going to die after drinking poison? It's sleeping pills for a long time!

   Scared Daddy to death!

   "Hey, Sister Mo, I'm sorry to ask you something. I fell asleep after drinking sleeping pills. Does it have any effect on the fetus?" Long Gen called Mo Yan.

  The troublesome man who is always in the middle of the day, this time he lied about the military situation again, the troublesome man struggled for a while, and his face was inevitably a little bit uncomfortable.

"You won't tell me that your daughter-in-law just took sleeping pills, right? I'm ready to wash her stomach." Mo Yan's cold voice came from the other end of the phone, and she said after a while: "Theoretically speaking, It doesn’t have much impact. But from a medical point of view, sleeping pills are not recommended, just keep a happy mood and supplement nutrition.”

   ".Hoo....Scared me to death!" Hanging up the phone, Long Gen finally heaved a sigh of relief, the nanny lied about the military situation, went out embarrassingly, and went shopping for vegetables.

  Looking at Xu Qing who was sleeping extremely peacefully, she lightly touched her lower abdomen, feeling distressed and self-blaming. I really have the urge to cut the big. Chicken. Bar and cut the ball.

  Clicking her eyes, Xu Qing's phone was put under the pillow, she picked it up and played with it for a while, she couldn't help being curious, opened it to have a look, and flipped through the call records.

  At two o'clock in the morning, talk to Xiaofang for two minutes.

   "Xiaofang, Xiaofang..." muttered a few words, and dialed out on Xu Qing's cell phone.

   Xiaofang's cold voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Xu, I bless you. I hope you don't disturb me, okay?"

"Xiaofang, it's me. I've got bad news for you, Xiaoqing, I've taken the medicine... I've taken the medicine...hey..." Long Gen sighed heavily, feeling unspeakably lonely, Sad, hoarse?

  Xiaofang was also taken aback, "What? Xiaoqing took the medicine, how is she doing? I'll come right over..."


   Hanging up the phone, Long Gen couldn't help but burst into ecstasy, hahaha, women, women, overflowing with sympathy, this overflow, it will be cheaper for Grandpa Long...

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